y 11, Pupils U Operetta ' , he third and fourth 91 Operetta, "The Entertains" the F18 in the school ,he Play are Mrs i Miss Eunice Stacey, MriJaanetteChMe Crabtreo FFA Boys To Compete In Murphy Event Members of the F.F.A. Club at Crabtree-Iron Duff School who will participate in the Field Day events at Murphy Saturday, May 13. are: - J. C. Haney, Andrew Haney, Bob by Stevenson, Jim Davis, Don Crawford, Bobby Leming, Edgar McElroy, Farrell Sanford, Joe Ferguson, Frank Chambers, J. C. ' mmii "A'SMOST EXCITINOS ) EQUATION GIFT! . , ' & tUKiiiflniib minis hiv.i mm tswfe mil IBENRUS ' v "CHAUENOER" j J'OiWAjy 15 Jwl i IWOT ) I it Models Shown At Fashion Show To Be Varied Clothing of all types will be hown in the Fashion Show to he held next Tuesday when the Hay wood County Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs meets at the First Methodist Church. Models will be representatives of the twenty-three clubs in the county and will show garments of tneir own making. Awards and ribbons will be pre sented winners in five classes, rang ing from cotton house dresses to evening dresses. Judging will be based on the general appearance of the garments choice of material, color, pattern, and suitability for the occasion and constructive de tails as related to general appear ance. ' Judges will be Mrs. Florence Sherrill, home agent from Macon County and her assistant. Miss Bar bara Brown, and Miss Vinson Priest, home agent of Transylvania County. The public is invited to attend the event at 2 P. M, PERSONALS NOTE to all 1950 high school graduates of Haywood: register now for one of the 20 GRAND GIFTS we are going to give to graduates on May 24. No obliga tion, just come to our 'store and rcsjcTv 4 IELIABLE JEWELERS "It's Easy To Pay The Reliable Way" Mrs. W. L. Hardin is leaving this week for a visit to her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Noyes Long, at their home in Old Hick ory, Tenn. :'. Grady Boyd and Jack Noland have returned to Newport News Va., after attending the funeral of their grandfather, Wade H. Noland, Bobbie Joe Noland of Hlghtown N. J., has returned to his home af ter being called to Waynesville on account of the death of his grand father, W. H. Noland. Miss Peggy Camp of Raleigh was here for the funeral of her grandfather, W. 11. Noland. Fletcher Schell of Alabama is the guest of his brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Schell Mrs. Clarence Hyatt and child ren , Bobo and Betty, who have spent the winter in Florida, re turned to their home in Hazelwood this week." Mrs. Harry Bourne left today for Oxford, Ohio to visit her son, Arth ur Bourne, who is a memDer ot trie freshman class at Miami Univer sity. She will be a guest at special events for Mother's Day Week End at the University. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gwyn, who have spent the winter at their home in Ft. Myers,- Fla., have re turned to their fcomeTiere of the summer. raining School At Clyde Church s Successful 1 Carl King, executive secretary of the Board of Education of the Western North Carolina Confer ence of the Methodist Church, termed the Training School for Christian Workers held in the Clyde church this week, "the best training school ever held in my six teen years experience." More than two hundred and twenty-five persons were enrolled in the school and one hundred and seventy-eight of this number re ceived credit for the training hav ing attended each session and com pleted additional requirements. The training school, sponsored Jointly by all Methodist Churches of Haywood County, was held four consecutive evenings, beginning Sunday. Three courses were con ducted as follows. Friendship and Marriage, taught by the Rev. J. Claud Evans of the South Carolina Conference; The Teachings of Jesus, taught by Prof C. E. Ray of Brevard College; and Teaching Children, taught by Mrs. W. R. Reed of Salisbury. ' Refreshments were served b y the women of the hostess church between classes on the last even lng. .".' - Crabtreo School Elections Set For Next Week Mother-Daughter Banquet Held By Fines Creek Group D.A.R. To Havo May Meeting The May meeting of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter. Daughters of The Mother-Daughter Banquet hhe American Revolution will be The candidates are campaigning vigorously for offices for the Crab tree-Iron Duff School Student Council.'' . The students will hold their elec tion next week. Bobbie Smith and Helen FcrRU son are in the race for the presi dency, while Paul Smart, Sue Car olyn Noland, and Roxie Ann Craw ford are running for vice-president Campaigning for secret a ry-trcas urer are Floyd Plemmons, Doris James, and Sybil Bradshaw, One boy and one girl will be elected also as room represcnta lives. was held at the Fines Creek High School May 4 at 7:30 Seventy daughters and mothers attended. The men- teachers along with C?rl Greene, Tom Brummitt, Furinan Noland, Steve Veracko, Cauley Rogers and "Scottie" Oliphant ,-ere the waiters and dish washers. Everyone was pleased with the new kitchen built by the county with the assistance of the Home Economics girls, their teacher, Mrs. 1. D. Brummitt and T. D. Brummitt, who generously gave his help to the carpenter work and laying of the asphalt tile. A program entitled, "In The Garden,' w'as given, with the fol lowing taking part: Miss Frances Orr, Betty Jo Russel, Cenle Fer guson, Mrs. Mark Ferguson, Mrs, Jeanctte Chase, Mrs. T. D. Brum mitt, Major Cecil Brown, Muriel Ferguson, and Mrs. June Fergu son. The glee club also gave a spec ial number during the program period. . Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cobb had as guests this week the tatter's mother and sister, Mrs. D. H. Bess of Lincoln county and Mrs. J. R Peeler of Arlington, Va. Mrs. Charles Ray is spending some time in Snow Hill, N. C to be with her father, who is 111. Mrs. Doyle Alley left today for Miami where she will Join her sister for a trip to Oklahoma and a visit to her mother. Mrs. C. H. Purccll. Use Mountaineer Want Ads held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs W. F. Swift as hostess. -.': Mrs. William K. Nash and daughter. Ann. left this morning for their home In Cleveland, Ohio, after a visit to relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn have as their guest their small grandson, Elliott Woltx, of Mount Airy. Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn spent few days this week in Mount Airy and were accompanied home by their grandson, ei3th AN'.cixcr::r:.T Mb. and Mrs. John Elliott Wolti of Mount Airy announce the birth of a son, James Lenoir, on Mon day, May 8. Mrs. WolU is the former Miss Patsy Gwyn. daukhfer of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, of Waynesville. - ' - Mrs. Claude Haynes, who ha spent the winter in Rale'.jh with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Is expected to return home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their young son will drive her to Waynesville and spend the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Liner, Jr., have had as their guest this week the latter s mo'ner, Mrs. Elizabeth Roper of Flore.. ce, S. C, To Observe 4-11 Day Sunday, May 14, has been pet aside throughout the Unitid Sites', 4-H Day. A program by members of the 4-H Club will be given in bo'h the Iron Duff Churches on fiat day. Every 4-H member is urged to attend the Sunday service.' ;, Methods of preserving cattle" hides and making them into leath- er soles were first described v by ' Homer in the Iliad almost 2,900 years ago Television tubes now range in size from 3 Inches to 30 Inches in' diameter. Engineers say they can evn be made larger. ' Delhvood Baptist Church The Rev. George Mehaffey. Pastor May 7-14 Family Week Sunday, Mother's Day 9:43 am.. Sunday School. It a. m.. Worship Service, spec ial music, with the pastor In charce. ' ' A special tribute will be paid to the oldest mother, the youngest mother... and all mothers present. On Sunday night there will be a pageant on "Mothers by the Young Mothers' Class, Caldwell Rov Sutton: M. L. Beas lev. Dan' Davis. Frank Lowe, Paul Smart. Edward Wood, McLean Pope, Floyd Plemmons, and Wil fred Klnsland. .., B F. Nesbitt. agriculture teach pr. and Mr. Frank Klrkpatrick will accompany the boys to the event TAKING IT WITH YOU Down below or up above, money doesn't mean much. Only here on earth is it worth anything. The nicest thing money can buy is a, dinner for your family. You'll find , excellent food," happy atmosphere, reasonable rates and a new French Chef at .... .' The Waynesville Country Club Now Open ! ' '-: BELK- HUDSON HEADQUARTERS FOR GIFT FOR i 4 V " '" f 1 I ... V'.'A ? 1 7 - . ,i She Deserves The Best. She Will Appreciate A Gift From This Big Store Of QUALITY 3 BIG FLOORS - 22 DEPARTMENTS here's no one like Mother and no time like Mother's Day for filing her so! Make her gift a special one something pretty an personal,' for herself alone-that she'll wear with a glow maternal pride! Come in, soon, and let us help you find "just hat she wants!" Bit! udson , : I . U.MftJ May from CUff ftB(?fSVK AF r g;s printed bemberg rayon sheers $S-95:-$10-95 Tremendous values in an exciting col lection of bemberg rayon sheers! . . . with all the high styling, the good looks. Each style highlights clever details . . . tucked bodices, pleated skirts, pert sleeves. All distinctive prints on pas tel or white grounds . . . all wash like a dream. trust SHEPPE'S to bring you a lremenclous array or the prettiest hats $.99 $2-99 Choose from glamor ous head - hugging styles, cloche brims, profile types and open , or closed crown bon nets ' exquisitely , .trimmed iNwlth . flower and veiling. Summer colors galore! brunch coats '' 7 w l ; (r 'r c ' Mir y - ' " ' Jr j m ' mm i L i cool, comfortable seersucker house coats In plaids and prints with white or pastel background Jt99 eyelet lace trimmed, tie or button style i same material style value right packed handbags $.99 - $2-99 highlighting white per ennial "right touch" for summer costumes many smart styles to choose from other colors blue, black and natural. multi - filament crepe bed jackets $2-99 .; .... wide alencon lace insert front S-M-L . , Strand Theatre Building 2) 123 Main Street ,1 I