i cffillTS FAGl. vi 11:2 i a itc j ii!e ruountaluctr ' iiiutsja) Atterudou, May 11, isc 77 71 7 ft mom Nit r7" I Meets te Mere b Seeking Share Le3gue Lead .. t single Loss 1 Jril try to get Wk track Saturday af- :fm:v moDed their ta Saturday in three f Beacon Mills from r1? ; Western North 0,i5,rial League head- . took a 9-5 Hck- Mills, after rack. " B:M L, vPr Enka and iive weekends. I- or Gene Grogan PT ound for Hazel f u-.it Soeiue or James I lit? Plrt- is scheduled to start North-South 'f 1 1 a Jj iricia (Pat) O'Sullivan, rvotd Connecticut cham- tou Orange, smiles broad- Pinchurst, during North utta Women's Golf Tourn Playing the finest com- re round of golf of her ca iiss O'Sullivan defeated 4tlie Lawson Page in the to win the 48th annual klAP Wirephoto). --..-v.- Palmer Wins Intercollegiate Golf Sutton Clouts 2 Homers As V - V ' vW : I ) ' ' i I Mr I I - r i :- "a t." '""i ' "T "" KouHlaiiiesrs End Loslny last Oendersohville; 19 - 0 T) U Arnold Palmer (right), of Wake Forest College, is congratulated by Harvie Ward of North Carolina after winning the Southern In tercollegiate Golf Tourney at Athens, Ga. The 20-year-old Palmer shot a 280 total for the tournament. Ward was two strokes behind with a 282. They pose with the trophy in locter room. (AP Phuto) Ward's Esso Wins Bowling League The Ward's Esso 'bowlers are the 1949-50 champions of the Haywood County League. They turned the trick by edg ing A. C. Lawrence Leather Com pany, 2-1, last week in the final match of the season which pitted the winners of the first half against the winners of the second half. Ward's had taken the first half crown last fall and early winter. Lawrence had come through with the second-half title the week be- 1949-59 onors fore. : John Caldwell of Ward's turned in the highest Individual series of the evening a 535 to show for his three games. Earl Gribble was close second with a 524. Ward's winning team series was 2,727, while its game of 958 was the highest turned in In the team competition. The annual banquet tonight at the Mount Valley Inn will bring the bowlers of the Haywood For 10 Days At Ray's SPECIALS El PIECE GOODS , Lovely Fabrics At Most A 1 1 r a c t i v e Prices .QIUDBIGA .PBIEIT-S A Specially Selected Group The Interesting WaynesvlUe Mountaineers, apparently tired of being kind to the opposition, cut off their losing streak in a manner that was awesome to behold. And the victim of their righteous indignation was one of the tough est teams west of the Outer Banks. Ilendersohville's Bearcats, which had beaten Canton which had beat en WaynesvlUe wire, were blasted out of the loiv.l ball park by a bar rage that produced 19 runs in the six innings the Mountaineers came to bat. " ..... The Waynesvilie boys, who had given up 44 runs In their last sev en games, locked the gates around home plate before the contest started. Southpaw Jimmy Kuykendall limited the usually heavy - hitting Bearcats to five scattered hits In scoring his third victory and first shut-out of the season. His teammates supported him with a near-perfect fielding per formance and 13 hits. Bill Sutton slammed out two homers, one with two men on in the. fifth, and another With bases empty In the sixth. Second Baseman Carroll Swang er and Outfielder . Bobby Owen shared batting honors with him each collecting" two safeties in three times at bah One other Mountaineer blasted a homer. But he failed to touch second, on his flight around, the sacks, and got credit for only single on the scorcbooks. The Bearcats used four pitch ers in their fruitless effort to stem the Waynesvilie tide. - The Mountaineers will close their 1950 season against this same club on May 22 at Henderson ville. Hender'ville 000 000 0 0 5 Waynesvilie .115 057 X 19 13 11. small, Jones (5),' Hotist6n (6) Whitmire 6), and Osborne, Wright Kuykendall and Fugate. Home runs Sutton 2, Doubles Womuck C. Swanrer, Fuftate, Umpires Constance and Bishop. Supervise County Legion Ball Players f 44c REGULARLY BUT FOR 10 DAYS Take Note They Are 80 Square 3c Beautiful DRESS Fabrics 78c These uooas renom 89c 97c 89c Figured Batiste Figured Piques 1 'V Mt F i i.iiiiiiitr,insK).. CHICK RULES ROOST HARRISBURG, Pa. (UP) Waldo Chick of .Wells, Me., was elected first vice president at the 12th an nual convention of the Northeast ern Poultry Produ.firs Council here. . TICKET-TEARE& PATS UP CHATTANOOGA, Tean. (UP) Richard M, Wright III tore up 4J. traffi tickets over a gix-moii.' period. He paid $1 fine (or each of them. ' VOTE FOR Board of Education b. El. VOTE FOR 'Coleman" Francis Board of Education These three men have been working with the candidates for Hay wood County's first American Legion Junior baseball team. Left to fight, Coach Jack Justice, Manager Bill Milner, and Assistant Coach Floyd DeWeese, study the prospects at a workout on the Waynesvilie High School field. .(Staff Photo). ' V V CDESoflball Plans Drawn Usheville mps.ras For 7ili Win The Asheville Hich Maroon won their seventh straight base ball game lastvMonduy afternoon. And the Waynesvilie High Moun taineers lost their fifth straight. That's what happened when the two learns got together. A combination of Asheville hit ting power and spotty Waynes vilie fielding were the feature items that produced the 10-0 shellacking for, the Mountaineers or the bril liant 10-0 victory for the Maroons, depending, on how you look at it. At that, it took the older, more experienced Class AA league Ashe ville boys five innings to really sew up the ball game. - -, The Mountaineers still were in striking distance when Left Fold er Frank PIcmmons connected for homer that cleared the loaded sacks lit the bottom of the fifth, . Righthander Tommy Huff gave up only five hits to the Mountain eers, and Leftfielder Bill Sutton Rayon Crepes Figured Shantung iwm fin J Walker" U C "named Muslins Are of i finest (Quality ' 97c French Ginghams - ,4e Advantage O! These BARGAINS ,1D FOR MOTHER'S DAY J Yu Could Please Mother With a Selection liY'S Dent. Store M (Men's) League and the Waynes vilie Women's League together to celebrate the end of another ex citing season. That's when the best Individual bowlers and the best team will get their prizes. For Summer Forty coaches and managers of Haywood County community soft ball learns last night mapped plans for, the. Community Development Program season this summer. : Under nctloiv taken In the Court House session, 50 boys', and girls' teams will Compete In practice games, then In playoffs for the county championship. . Organizing the program similar to that set up for the winter bas ketball, season, the officials adopt ed eligibility rules and decided on the sectional system for use in de termining the champions. The practice games will be stag ed by arrangement of the individu al community team managers. After, the summer inter-community field daV3 and farm tours end, the .county will be divided Into sections'. The teams will compete to de ride who will represent the respec tive sections in the playoffs for the championship. The managers and coaches adopt ed these principal eligibility rules: 1) Players must be bonafide residents of the community which they represent that is, they must live within- the boundaries of the community; . 2) There shall be no ago limit for the players; 3) To be eligible to compete in the sectional and final playoffs. player must have participated In at least fifty Per cent of his or her community's preliminary games, , 4) Couches must turn in to. the county agent's olflce before the playoffs a complete roster of their players and the score cards for all their coininuulty games. , ' Assistant' County Agent Turner Cat hey explained that the rule re garding participation In the pre liminary games does not mean that a man ,or a woman must actually play in half of these games. By participation is meant that the player appears in uniform en the field fur his - or her community games. . A player will be .considered as having participated In a com munity game if he or she is listed as a sub who actually attended the game and was ready to play. The coaches and managers also heard C, C. Poindexter of Canton, chairman of the county Community Development Softball committee, explain and interpret the major rules governing sol'lball. Mr. Poindexter, who is athletic director of Canton High School, concentrated lus llscussion on the situations which arise most fre quently during an average same. No dates for the sectional or finals playofTs were set during the nieelin.y. You Can Fix Those Boys Up In Fine Fashion -At Ray's Sizes 1 to 6 Children's Room "T" SHIRTS 49 c up SPORT SHIRTS i!ib49 up collected two of them. Sutton knocked out a two-bagger and Catcher James Fugate con nected for a triple for the Moun taineers' Only extra-base knocks of the nine-inning contest. The Maroons collected a total of nine safeties and four passes off-Southpaw Jimmy Kuykendall, wjWfSnned nine batsmen. -Huff also walked four men, and struck out 13. , W'villo ...... 000 000 000 0 5 4 A'ville HO 142 Olx 10 .92 J'. Kuykendall and Fugate; Hull and Diet. SHORTS. 59 c up And all the other things you may need. J7 J - Mi y ': vf , ' :"" , ,.jTf SCARES I LIES AWAY HALLS, Tenn. (UP) Milton Hargrove found tho best kind of flychaser. He laslens small blobs of cotton all over his front door and not a fly ever lands inside. SALEM, Va." (.HP 5si "Wan brought before Justic. R. Cib bard on charges of posse&infc non tax paid corn liquor complained bitterly: "Your honor,. tl;at ",l;flgal stun" is full of chcmlcalfcfnjiprio good for flu." ' - 'WfcVS Pat O'Sullivan Wins North and South Tournament .,5 - ' 'i ' 1 1 a ' " j ' 1 1 -Jp. V U M,: m$M: 1 i i 11 ' mil. i--m m 1: miniumiiiiiiii n- n i 'rAtn' - fninr"i J. . iim-Z! S t .;.t Miss Pat O'Sullivan (left) of Orange, Conn., is presented the trophy for winning the 48th annual North and South Women's Golf tournament at Pinehurst. Richard S. Tufts makes the- presentation. At right is Mrs. Estelle Lawsom Pae, of Chapel Hill, runner-up, who was defeated 3 and 2. (AP Photo) IN -2nd FLOOR BOYS' DEPT. "T" SHIRTS , I.t '""" ,'..ai.-Kf V 49 c up Sizes 6 up SPORT SHIRTS $a.49 up Denim Dungarees $.59 up Sizes 6 to 16 That good 8 oz. 1 We really feature OVERALL PANTS DUNGAREES .- -.-...'.. ! Laced Back Western Rodeo Cuffed Type Copper Riveted YELLOW FLAP POCKETS You Will Find What You Want At Prices You Will Be Pleased To Pay baits m.m DP H' - i i tJ 1 ; - i . (