- " T 5t Junior :pSToMeet t fho RaDtist f5 regular meetings 'T's will meet in Cu oftbe church "Ved- rf 3 30 P- G. m. A.'s will meet m - t 3 30 o'clock .i ,'ul Ha" f ...mms will meet Friday lDT the social hall. 3 Christmas trees are the J , w'-of the Mississippi CAR. To Meet With Mrs. Lutz , The June meeting of thp rinr,OI Bell LoVe Chapter, DauchtPrs m the American Revolution will be held at the home of Mrs. Harry Lutz, Friday afternoon at a !tn o'clock. Mrs. James L. Elwood will serve as co-hostess. Guest speaker for the afternoon will be Miss Mary Ulmer, librarian r iL. y-ii . oi uic nerokee inman School who will discuss the Cherokee drama. unio inese Hills. ' Shrimp bran, ground shells and neaas, is a r.r0h-protcin livestock feed. At Park Theatre Thursday and Friday PERSONALS WAYNESVILLE lovies Are BETTER Than Ever! PROGRAM , MON.,'. TUES., JUNE 5 & C JSS GRANT TAKES RICHMOND' . ' Starring . ,.' . LUCILLE BALL and WILLIAM I10LDEN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 DOUBLE FEATURE "STRIKE IT RICH , Starring . ROD CAMERON ALSO CARSON GITY RAIDERS" Starring ALL,AN "ROCKY" LANE THURS. & ERL, JUNE 8 & 9 "NOT WANTED' v -Starrirfg.. ' , SALLY FORREST and KEEFE BRASSELLE ALSO SELECTED SIItjEflT SUBJECTS' 2i. Alan Udd and Wanda Hendmt portray intriguing drama "Captain Carey, U. S. A." the lovers in tha ill Joint Hostesses Give Party For Mrs. Yarborough Mrs. Gilbert Gregory and Mrs. Lewis Burress were hostesses of i miscellaneous shower given at he home of Mrs. Fred Phillips, Saturday evening, in honor of Mrs Kene Yarborough, the former Miss Nancy Floyd, whose marriage on December 29, has recently been announced. Pink roses were used through- out the house and a pink and white motif was observed In the party ippointments. Gifts were presented to the bride following games and refreshments. The guests included Mrs. Yar borough and her mother, Mrs. Roy Floyd, Mrs. Fred Phillips, mother nf the groom. Miss Polly Dyer, Miss Geraldlne Phillips, Mrs Reuben Flemmlng, Mrs. Amelia White. Mrs. T. J. Ball, Mrs. Taylor Sutton. Mrs. Flora Balllnger, Mrs Jerry Liner, Mrs. Claude Brown Mrs. Frank Albright, Mrs. Carroll Morrow, Mrs. Gudger Hlpps, Mrs, Glenn Hipps, Mrs. Rufus Downs Mrs. R. C. Long. Mrs. Oral Yates Mrs. John Reeves.1 Mrs. Marvin Rhinehart, Mrs. James Brown, Mrs Manson Morrow, Mrs. Howard Covington, Mrs. James McCluro Mrs. Lawrence Downs, Mrs. Fuller Crawford, Mrs, Boyd Tipton. Mrs Billy Medford, Mrs. Troy Rhine. hart and Mrs. Rufus Rhinehart. W.M.U. Meets In Ratcliffe Cove 1 ho Shows Daily Monday through Friday 7 & 9 P.M. Saturday: Continuous Showings from 11 A.M. Sunday: 3 Shows, 2, 4 and 9:00 P. M, TODAY and TUESDAY, JUNE 5-6 Jtlfg WILL CEER CHARLES DRAKE rBBS ALSO MUSICAL O CARTOON O NEWS WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY, JUNE 7-8 Si. Torek mm rj ncTTm - ?m by wmm mm t . k,m h. unr.n frfronese 'NEWS' AND COLOR CARTOON "EXT WEEK: "MA & PA KETTLE GO TO TOWN" Large Crowd Expected For Benefit Party , Indications point to a large at 'endancc at the benefit card party o be sponsored by the .'Waynes ille Chapter of the National Sec retaries Association on Wednesday night in the Davis-Liner Show loom, D( nations of nrUes to be award ed' aiver the .ais have beep made jy E. J. Lilius, The Book Store., Sellable Jeweh'-s Massle's Depart-1 I.IV.III Mo.i,n I if. uu. shop. Claudette Beauty Shop, Nor- rl8 Gift Shop, Belk-Hudson, The Firestone Store, Boyd Furniture Store, The .Toggery, Smith's Drug Store, Curtis Drug SUv?', Tuts, The First National Bank, The Mrst State Bank, The Fashion Fhop, and C, N. Allen Company. Miss Clara Dotson, Miss Ruflna Bright, and Miss Joy Woody are in charge of refreshments for the event and reservations may be made with Miss Louise Gaddy. Mrs- Henry Troutman of Atlanta Is spending a few days here as the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Woody. ' Mrs. Thomas Wood left Saturday for her home In Edenton after a visit to her brother-in-law and sister. Mr, and Mrs. James A. r " Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrlck, and Miss I Robina Miller have as their guest, their sister-in-law, Mrs. Clarence Miller of Lexington, Kentucky. MJor Fannie J. Reynolds of the Woman's Army Corps, who is now stationed in Washington, D. C'is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny John son. . She expects to return to Washington tomorrow. .'. Mrs. George Craig and Mrs- J Baptist Circles To Meet Tuesday Circles of the Woman's Mission ary Society of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. as follows: Lottie Moon Circle with Mrs. H. C. Wilbur n. Eliza Yates Circle with Mrs. Leo Buckner, Jr., and Mrs. H. A. Hall. Ann Hasseltine Judson , Circle with Mrs. Herbert Singletary. Henrietta Hall Shuck Circle p ith Mrs. II. B. Foy. Fannie E. S. Heck Circle with Mrs. R. L. York. - C. D. Meeting Is Held At Iron Duff A meeting of the Iron Duff Com munity Development program was held at Davis Cliapel Methodist Church Thursday night. Shelby Jean Tate, wlrmer of the recent essay contest for sixth grad ers, read her winning essay and the At Tho Slrcnd Seen T. Russell returned on Sunday i following graduates of the Crab from Bristol. Tenness where tliey tree-Iron Duff School were tecog represented the First Presbyterian nired: Joan Medford, Betty Jo C 17 ;;,::: James Mason and Marta Toren starring. In the suspense filled drama "One Way Street" coming to the Strand Theatre Wednes day and Thursday. - v v ' " ''' Tie Woman's Missionary Union of . the Ratcliffe Cove Baptist church held Us June meeting on Thursday night, at the home, of Mrs. Bob Caldwell ,,.with Mrs. 1 Algle Ratcliffe, president, presiding. Mrs. John Morrow conducted the devotional and Mrs. George Liner was In charge Pf the program on The Responsibility of Adults to the Youth of Today." ' . Members attending in addition to those mentioned were Mrs. Fred Sanford, Mrs. Hugh Francis. Mrs Grace Camp, Miss Franzie Noland, Mrs. John Webb, Mrs. James Hen- drix, Mrs. Jewel Justice and Mrs, Z. Messer. Mrs. Sam Liner was a special guest. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Bennie James Morrow announce the birth ot daughter, Reta Kay, on Saturday, June 3, at the Haywood County Hospital. aafflS R t . l.- UNIVERSAL INTERNAT10NM. WCTUHE I World Friendship Group To Meet The World Friendship group of the First Methodist Church will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Miss Jo Ann Rowe as hostess. C. A.R. To Meet Thursday At 3:30 The Joseph Howell Society, Children of the American Revolu Hon, will meet at the home of Miss Marguerite way. inursaay auer- noon, at 3:30 ociocK. , , Mrs. J. H. Howell, senior presi dent, will be in charger and Linda Sloan, junior president, will pre side. ' C D. Meeting Set For Ratcliffe Cove The regular Community Devel opment meeting for Ratcliffe Cove will be held In the Community Building, Thursday,, June 8, at 7:30 p. m. Bob Francis, chairman will pre side. . church at the Appalachian Train ing School at King s College. En route to .Bristol they spent the week-end in Meadow View, Vir ginia as guest of Mrs. Hamilton Akers and Mrs. Nellie Akers and on their return to Wayncsvllle, visited Mrs. Craig's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Annls, in Erwln, Tenn. ' "" . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sleeley ot wuiiamsoiirg, Kentucky, were week-end guests of Misses Frances and Helen Ray. ".. Miss Patricia McElroy has gone to Oak Ridge, Tennessee where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Frye for two weeks. ; Dr. and Mrs. Joe Way and young son, Joseph Howell Way, IV, of Richmond, Virginia, are here for a visit to ur. way s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Way, Jr Mrs. Carl E. Rochrock and young sons left Sunday for their home in Reldsville after a visit to Mrs Rolhrock's parents, Mr. and Mrs Rufus Siler." Miss Allen Hart has arrived from Meredith College to spend the summer at her home here Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Prevost have as their guests Mrs. Sam Kirk Patrick, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Hayte and children, Lane and Edward Jr., of Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stamey of Ptnsacolu, Florida, are guests of the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and' Mrs. Everett Ferguson, Don Crawford, Billy Welch, and Bobby Stevenson. A him on the Blue Cross insur ance plan was shown by a Blue Cross representative. Poultrymen To Moot On Friday Haywood poultrymen will meet here Friday night at the court house at eight o'clock to hear rep resentatives of hatcheries of the area discuss the production of hatching eggs. Van Wells, chairman of the poul try commission, will be in charge of the meeting. A movie "Building The Nation" will be shown, Miss Mary Jean West, who is a student at Florida Southern Col lege, arrived yesterday to spend the summer with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Homer West. .... ..:...,....:., 0 ....... About a tenth of the U. S. shrimp catch is dried. PARK THEATRE - WHERE YOU CAN. ENJOY THE BEST PICTURES IN COMFORT SEATED IN LUXURIOUS BODIFORM UPHOLSTERED SEATS. Matinees Sunday 2 and 4 P. M. Saturdays 11 A. M. Continuous Night Shows 7 and 9 P. M. Sunday Night 8:30 PROGRAM TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 & 7 ' . - i VJIIK1 THE ) FADSLVii asesa CRABTREE HONOR GRADUATE ENLISTS IN MARINES Bob Lemlng enlisted In the U. S Marine Corps shortly after his graduation last month from Crab tree-Iron Duff High School. , He Is now stationed at the Parrls Island, S. C. Marine Base. The son of Mr. and Mrs, Rufus. C. Leming of Waynesvllle, Route 2, Bob was an honor student In school, a member of the Student Council, and editor-in-chief of the school publication, "Crabtree Hl-Llfc". Miss Ruth Inman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Inman of Waynesvllle, route 1, left last week to enter Children's Hospital, Wash ington, D. C. Miss Inman was transferred from Mission Hospital, Mc- Ashevllle, where ,she ha been lu " training. """ ' " S. '.. .. ! ;f you are the type of man 1 yrho looks ahead, vou realize there will be a period t) of readjustment when you are gone. Your family will . be in need of immediate cash to pay accumulated bills and get a debt-free start plus a definite income until , they can arrange to carry on without the income you have been providing. , H. Thd Jefferson Standard Readjustment Plan will 1 give your family the necessary time to adjust itself to changed circumstances. The adjustment can be a gradual one the severe shock of sudden change can '" be avoided. Ask f or complete, details, today, atno !; cost to you, S. E. CONNATSER i fhoue 705 District Manager Main Street Waynesvllle i "" THURSDAY & FRIDAY, JUNE 8 & 9 laUds to, Action In the wor-torn MdHrronBn..!V, "--WANDA HENDRIX- Francis Lederer Joseph Calleia SALE $7.95 Aluminum Roaster $1.98- $12.95 Metal See Saw $5.95 $3.49 Tennis Shoes 98c $93.50 Oil Heater .... .................... .. $59.95 $5.65 Trico Windshield Washer $3.50 $7.95 White Wall Tire Rings $4.50 $1.29 Qts. Flat Wall Paint 'iZ $1.69 Paint Brushes 59c Pts. Gloss Enamel Radio Tubes ..... $9.00 Indoor Shuffle Board $10.00 Indian Teepee Tent r- .da'.. ...:..:49 :29. i Price $3.98 $4.95 Alemite Volume Pump With hand pump. Reg. $40.15 $29.95 Straw Hats Were 98c to $1.Q9 Choice . 49c Truck Tubes Most Sizes i PRICE INTER , ; Communication SYSTEM j" ..: $5.95 5c Shoe Laces lc pr. $2.69 Adjustable Wrench 98c $1.98 Adjustable Wrench 79c 49c Open End Wrench ... ... ............. 17c 69c Wood Chisel - 32c 54c Spinner Wrench 29c $11.55 Fire Extinguisher $8.55 $15.95 Dormyer Juice Extractor $6.95 10c towel Racks - 3c 98c Sun Glasses 49c $7.95 Session Electric Clock ..... $2.98 $24.00 Machinist Chest $15.20 Trade In Us An Offer Truck Tire 10.00 x 20 12 ply WITH TUBE' New $59.95 TOYS Many Kinds i Less Than i Price Motor Scooter Used . $49.00 -A $15.00 Telephone Set $5.95 $1.82 Bike Sprockets 98c $17.95 Portable Ice Chest ..... .. . $6.95 Tennis Rackets price $16.95 Leather Jacket $7.95 MANY OTHER ITEMS AT LESS THAN -... Wesfi'eirini Ayfi1 AssocisiU'e $27.45 Nydar Gun Sights $9.95 $1.29 Dust Mop 59c Window Channels ....... . .. ...... i Price Wheel Bearings Price Muffler and Tail Pipes ..... .. . J Price COST C. R. ECKIIOFF, Owner 221 Main St. V. v 'i t i. RE WISE GET STRAND WISE rhone 106