THE WAYNES VILLE ? 10 UNT AINTE3 Thursday Aftftnoon, June 1339 i OF INTEREST TO WOMEN activities1 CLUBS page romi i i' f: IT' 1; v i i Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN, Editor flome Phone 462-J Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J ! :::-V'y v:;v - ' ' ' '? ' ; ' 1 lv .. ... ......... .MR. and MKS. WILRON HARRISON UANHX were married at 5 J.Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, Virginia oil Tuesday. May 30. Mrs. Daniel is the former Miss Margaret Ann Ferguson, daughter ; ' ' of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Ferguson of Clydte, and is aa instructor at the college. Mr. Dantel, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Daniel of : rtJynchburg, Virginia, Is head of the history department of Virginia , -Intermont. . . . , Miss Edna McKay Is Engaged To Brooks Price Mr. and Mrs. S. Luther McKay of Hazelwood announces the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Edna McKay, to Brooks Price of Charlotte and Raleigh, son of the late, Senator and Mrs. James ' N. Trice of Union County. The wedding will take place In earb .summer. ... .r G. S. Troop Has Party At Hut Members of Girl Scout Troop No. 6 enjoyed an over-night party at The Hut Monday night. They were accompanied by their leaders, Mrs. Dwight Williams and Mrs. Rufus Fannell. Troop members attending were Billie F. Kitchen, Aleen Wiiyams, Clara Sue Shuler, Betty Felmet, Catherine Bell, Sara Jane Garri son, Mary Michal, Ann Green, Har riet Gibson, Ann Coman Crawford, Laura Woody, Linda Sloan, Caro lyn Sayer, Sally Stovall, Nancy Francis., and Julia Ann Calhoun. Guests were Helen Garrett .of Hazelwood, Sandra Stewart of Waynesville and Mary Jo Bell of "Aiiheville. , : ' i . . 1 Mrs. Richard .Barber, Jr. and daughters, Betty and Mary Bar ber, left today for Griffin, Georgia for a visit to Mrs. Barber's parents, M$. and Mrs. W. W. Norman. Mrs. B.ffber will . return home next Tuesday, leaving the children for a longer visit with their grandpar Mrs. R; C. Gossett Is Hostess For Morning Star HDG Mrs. R. C. Gossett was hostesR for the June meeting of the Morn ing biar Home Demonstration Club last Monday. Mrs. Lane Medford. president, presided, and Mrs. V. E. Wilson gave the devotional. During the business . session of mFST: LTWe, 'MrsTi A.TTtan- nah, and Miss Elizabeth Hannah were welcomed to the club as new members ' The next club meeting is to be with Mrs. Lewis Medford. The demonstration on "Storage for the Home" was given by Miss Mary Cornwell. During the meeting Book Re ports were given by Mrs. Lane Medford, Mrs. D. E. Wilson, and Mrs. R. H. Worley. Clothing re port was made by Mrs. Quay Smathers and foods and nutrition report by Mrs. Lane Medford.- Refreshments were served dur ing the social hour following the meeting. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Davis Undeawood and -Mr. and Mrs. Sam H.. Kelley have as guests a number of out-of-town relatives. The visitors include Melvin Akers of Bremerton, Wash ington; Mr, and Mrs. M. E Boyer and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyer of Fries, Virginia; Mrs. Wayne F. Brackett and daughter, Ann Brack- ett, of Horence, S. C; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Brackett of Chattanoogo, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Wyatt and son, Stephen Clay, of Greens boro; and Dr. and Mrs. Jack Mc Gee and daughter, Melissa Anne, of Atlanta. Engaged Mr! and Mrs. Robert Ruff of llaz- t el wood have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Doris T. 1 Ruff, to Charlie J. Clement,' son of Mrs. Fannie L. Clement and the late Mr. Willie Clement of Maggie. The wed 'dihg will take place some time in June. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brown "moCdWMm .wmvrMs )wrwwww i Lt. and Mrs. Ben E. Colkitt, Jr.,, . " -ihui Mr and UclUglllfl, DCUCUt, Ui I Ul UU1UUU1, Va., are visiting with Mrs. Hatch ell's parents, Dr. and Mrs, Tom Stringfieid. who have been spending their honeymoon at. High Hampton Inn at Cashiers, are here for a short visit with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs! Ben Colkitt, before! tor. and Mrs. E. W. Tomlinson. I of St. Petersburg. Ha., are visit- returning to duty. vi sing, with Mrs. Arthur Meade. Mrs. T. ton. Virginia ..n,.. . 1 week end with t,,, Mrs. W. L. McCracd Mr. and Mrs. J. r C(.n small daughter, Sally are somejime in Gati;nburo MM wmmmmt W it L J ... Uk j Tho Lqst Grain COUNTS! Anyone can mix the beginnings of a prescription, but it ,takcs a trained registered pharmacist to accurately measure those final grains that fill your doctor's orders.' irUOTECT YOUR HEALTH - WITH PROVEN PRODUCTS! , I Your Walgreen Agency CURTI DRUG STORE Rome Owned and Operated "Depend on Us Your Doctor Does." Mrs. Clyde Ray Gives Tea For Mrs. Harvey Ray Mrs. ' Clyde Hosea Ray entertain ed at a tea at her home on South Main Street Wednesday afternoon, in honor of her daughter-in-law Mrs. Harvey Rowan Ray, the form er Miss Shirley Bevelheimer of Mahpnoy Cjty Pennsylvanai, whost marriage took place on May 27. Sharing honors with Mrs. Raj were Mrs. Ben Colkitt, Jr., also a recent bride; Mrs. Elizabeth Bow ban, bride-elect of Jack Richeson; Miss Betty Jane Bradley, bride plect of Joe Cline; and Miss Bebe Medford, bride-elect of Albert Pur cell Cline, Jr, During the first hour' guests were greeted on the lawn by Mrs. Ernest Withers and Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan. Mrs. - J, H. Howell, Sr. received at the front door and 'ntrqduced the callers to the re viving line which was 'composed of the hostess, and. """"fcgPAVtJ ana Mrs.uen Colkitt, Sr. ; Miss Barbara Boyd and Miss Rita Grant received in' the living room and Mrs, T. L. Gwyn was at the entrance to the dining room. Mrs. Robert Breese and Mrs, R. H. Mitchell presided at the tea table which' was covered with an Imported Italian lace cloth and centered with an epergne filled ith gardenias and white roses, flanked by white tapers. . Assisting in the dining room were Mrs. William Hannah, Mrs. J. R. McCracken Miss Frances Ray, Miss Mary Ray, Mrs. Hllliard At kirts; Mrs.' R. L. Coin, Mrs. F. H. Marley, flnd Mrs. W. W Davis 'During ' the second hour. Mrs Bonner Ray: and Mrs. Wilford Ray received ojt the lawn and Mrs. J. W. Killian and Mrs; J. W." Seaver were at the front entrance. Miss Mary Ann Massie and Miss Mar guerite Way were in the living room and Mrs. T. L.. Gwyn again received in the dining room. Miss Nancy Killian and Miss Helen Ray presided at the tea table and in charge of the guest register were Caroline Ray, daughter of the hostess, and Marty Watkins. White flowers -were u s ed throughout the residence and ap pointments were In the bridal mot if. - Around two hundred guests called during the hours from four until six o'clock. HDC Meeting Held At Aliens Creek MR. and MRS, BROWN were married in the Clyde Baptist church . on Sunday, May 28. The bride is the former Miss Gladys Lorraine Chadwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Chadwell of Sturgeon, Kentucky. Mr, Brown is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown of ' ' Clyde. The couple is residing in Clyde. : Mrs. W. D. Duncan was hostess for the Aliens Creek Home Demon stration Club last Wednesday. V Mrs. Hiram McCracken, presi dent of the club, presided. The de votional was given by Mrs. Luther Gilliland. ::,;;';.;.-:, A report was given on the Spring Federation meeting and plans were made for a fund for flowers when needed. A demonstration on "Food Con servation" was given by the Assist ant . Home Demonstration agent, Miss Jean Childers. The club planed to meet with Mrs. Denton Browning for the July meeting. ' ; ' " ,, i , Leaders reports were given by Mrs; W. D. Duncan, Mrs. Grady Farmer, Mrs. Denton Browning, Mrs. Garland -Mills, and Mrs. Hir am McCracken. ,' . V:.V . '!:. -.i "'' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Byers have returned home after spending a few days in Bronson, Michigan with Mrs., Byers' sons,' Dr. "and Mrs. Jerry Farnham and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Farnham and little daughter Nancy;: v j :;.-'r','l;" Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ritchie and young son, Douglas,. Jr., of Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada are visit Mrs. Hipps , 7 Hostess Of ; ; . :' Beaverdam HDC ' Mrs. Tort Hipps was hostess for the June meeting of the Beaverdam Home Demonstration Club Tuesday afternoon. ' " . ':. . Mrs. C. C. Willis;; vice "president of the club, bresiriodl mi 'mc jji caiueia, ,ivirs. jiirnesi Jones, who is ill. The. devotion was. given .by Mrs. T. G. Murray. The secretary and treasurer, Mrs, Wiley Donaldson, gaye a report. Mrs. Tom- Hipps gave a summary on the County Dress Revue in which Beaverdam club had the Blue Ribbon Dress in the work dreSs ; division and the Best Dress Division. Mrs..- Paul Robinson was asked to model her work dress. The best dress was modeled by Mrs. George Wright; Plans were formulated' fpr par-; ticipation in the Home Demonstra tion Comp and the '.'Out-of-State Farm Tour, and for sending a dele gate to the Farm and Home - Week in Raleigh.. ' t,. . ; V. Book reports were given by Mrs. George CUlbreth UrsX; Elnier Keener, Mrs. C-'CVWiUiiflnd Mrs H. E. Wright. vr;'V-.'. - Leaders reports were given by Mrs. H. K, Wright. Jr.. Mrs. T. G. Murray, Mrs. George Wright, Mrs. Paul Robinson, Mrs. C. C. Willis, Mrs. Herbert Cody, Mrs. . Sherill Jimison, Mrs. Tom Hipps, Mrs. Jarrett Wiliamson, and Mrs. A. J. Trantham. "Storage for the Home" was the subject of the demonstration giv' an by Miss Mary Cornwell. ' The group planned to meet at the County Kitchen for their next meeting with Mrs. Paul Robinson serving as hostess. Refreshments were served dur ing the social hour following the meeting. D.A.R. To Meet With Mrs. Lutz Mrs. Harry Lutz will be hostess lor the June meeting of the Dor jas Bell Love chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution at her home on the Eagle's Nest Road, Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. James Elwood will be co hostess. Mrs. T. L. Gwyn' will be in charge ' of the program and will present Miss Mary Ulmer, librari an of the Cherokee Indian School, who will speak on the Cherokee drama, -"Unto These Hills". ' Miss Elsie Glavich. who has been visiting her sister, Miss Elizabeth Glavich in St. Petersburg, Florida since the close of the spring term at Woman's College, Greensboro, lias arrived to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glavich. , Miss Glavich completed prelim inary nurse's training at Woman's College this year. Mr. and Mrs.-James L. Elwood, Miss Mary Lu Elwood. and Misses Louise and Amelia MacFady en re turned Tuesday from Chapel Hill where they attended graduation ex. ercices of Jimmy Elwood, Jimmy Large Crowd Attend Benefit Card Party A large crowd attended the bene fit card party sponsored by the Waynesville C hap t e r, National becretaries Association, which was held on Wednesday night . in the Davis-Liner , show roym. Tallies we arrangea in tne club colors, crimson and gold, using the club flower, red roses. . First door prize of $5.00 went to Mrs. Henry Clayton, with the oth er door prizes being won by Ted Stackpole and Mrs. Hugh Palmer. High score bridge prizes went to Mrs. George Bischoff, W. C. Boutwell, Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mrs. Porter Frady, and Rufus Siler. Winners at Canasta tables were Ted Stackpole, Mrs. J. T. Russell, Jr., and Miss Betty Jo Noland. : Among the guests attending were: Miss Dot Blaylock, Miss Hel en Jewel Robinson. Mrs. Henrv Clayton, Miss Betty Jo Noland, 'Mrs. ueorge Craig, Mrs. J. T. Rus sell,: Jr., Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thomp son,; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Russell, Mrs Pearl Hyatt; Mrs. R0y Camp bell, .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stackpole, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Siler, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sloan, Mr.' and Mrs. Gray den Ferguson Mrs. Felix Stovall; Mrs. George Bischoff, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boutwell, Mr. and Mrs. J J. Farguson, Mrs. Harry Lee Liner; Jr., Mrs. Porter Frady, Mrs. Ned Howell, and Mrs. William Nor ris. After the announcement of win ners, refreshments were served. Serving on the refreshment! com mittee were Miss Joy Woody, Miss Clara Dotson, and Miss Rufina Bright. - Miss Mary Medford is president of the organization. RECEIVES DEGREE Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Tuttle and son Michael have returned home after attending the graduation of their daughter, Mrs. Robert R. Riley, the former Miss Betty Tut. tie. , ' Mrs, Riley , received, her AB degree at W.C.U.N.C. and has ac cepted a position to teach in the Greensboro City schools this fall ' Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle also visited Mrs. Turtle's brother and family, Dr. and Mrs. Fred N. Pegg in Kernersville. for a few days. Because! we're a cash store, a:id guarantee our mcrehanc YOU'LL SPEND WISELY BY TAKING ADVANi a Gr f ATHER'S DAY SPECIALS li 1 fC. jh Is 5 wA r; 1 f i ' v ill pir I ', Straw Hat BY ADAM $1-95 ta $2-' . Just in . ,: the new Tana Bri by ADAM Finest n ONLY Sec the Adii KoyalFcltlli ONLY Other Felt HatJ S1-9S; . THE "Man, s field" by BERKRAY Here's a gift to delight knd dazzle Dad. Its deft, unusual styling features a shirred elastic waistband that insures: trim-fit comfort for sports or leisure wear. Made of a i lustrous rayon gabardine that can take j?- CY fQ man-handling -- it's crease-resistant v ,uO You'll Find Jackets by the Hundreds . . . Work Clothes of M Type . . . Just About Anything You Wish . . . at Prices to Suit Special Prices on MEN'S SHIRTS Shirts by Wings ARE BIG , VALUES! FOR SPORT AND DRESS! WINGS One group Sport Shirts Reg. $2.98; Reduced to S1.98 WHITE SHIRTS BY WINGS Of mercerized broadcloth . . . CO in everv sleeve length GABARDINE SPORT SHIRTS BY WINGS Some to $3.98 regular ... CO ( SPECIAL AT Special Prices on MEN'S PANTS '" ,?,1.iM";.,E(lari! .P.1?!1 received an A. B. degree in journ- P )i H Hi v Sh fl 'fiX 'ZT 'II af awvuis GABARDINE BY BURMIL Heavy quality, new colors . . . Holly wood styles with saddle or fo stitching . . ; ONLY DJVQ PART WOOL GABARDINE PANTS All new colors . . . fine Q A iQ make. . . ONLY 'VO MEN'S TROPICAL PANTS A wide variety of aq paterns . ... ONLY 0t0 ONE GROUP TROPICAL PANT Solids and Fancies CI ( REDTTPFf) TO VA ONE GROUP MEN'S SPORT SHI Bv LION Gabardine and Luanas ... CO 11 Reg. to $4.98. Reduced to MEN'S PLAID SPORT SHIRTS Long and Short Sleeves , . . 1 II niMT.v WLJi A. 1 44 Men's Shoes at Very Low Prices Every Pair Built for Long Wear IN ; NOVELTY TIP OXFORDS ... iJouble Soles . . . very "nifty" fl J nn SPECIAL AT y p4;98 MEN'S BRAIDED OXFORDS ... Regular $7.98 values .. . . flr rwn SPECIAL AT $5.98 MEN'S; DRESS OXFORDS 'Z JT.r Heavy' soles tT. elk uppers... A AO Moccasin and plain styles P4.HfS MEN'S KID sfioES nd OXFORDS . . Soft and hard toes . . . - $ Regular to $9.98 REDUCED TO $6.98 SPECIAL ON WORK SHOES MEN'SCORK SOLE SHOES . . . Elk uppers . . . $6.50 values . . . Gi A AO SPECIAL AT $4.98 MEN'S WORK SHOES" BY ENDicOTT . . . SeSvymbber $3 69 WORK SHOES BY STAR BRAND , Xifdiner soles . . . regular tn "SR m i n REDUCED TO Men's Novelty Ties Hand Painted, fin.e.q ity . . . Reg. values . . Only - Men's Tied Tic, Bows and Feu r-in-Hand .. SPECIAL I'KlCrt ON SOCKS Low cuts . . . tics. n fn 1 o yaii " WHITE COTTON S0CR Packaged , 5 pair for MEN'S STOUT SOCKS a wide ,vanei wearing . .i,tB- d 3 pair for " 1 You Can't Beat Ml v n IfTT alism. V- T . ":.t 'r: