, PACE II Cherokee Drama Seen By 12.000 In Five Nights 1 'tout nights of flaying since opening Saturday, Juyl I, Moun ts Iflshje Theatre here, the Cher okee Drama, "Unto The Hils." has entertained close to 1000 fe'u1ig dreui rehearsal jer-fo4-f Xrilay, June 39, at tjtj oC JJM Indians among; otters te .'the .jectjtcaiar dxima kai 5rrn crver 12.WXJ. Per romances are scheduled nightly throcgh Sunday, July 9, then five bights weekly, Wednesday through Sundays through Labor Day. First of special nights honoring distinguished guests at Mountain side mill be observed Wednesday Jnly 12 hen Cardiual Spellman, Catholic prelate attending the CaXboUc Women's convention in Asheville, will sttend. Manager Carol T"hite, announced today that 500 seats would be held in a tpctial sectlan for Catholic reservation. Plenty of seals in all categories will be available to the general public. A 36-page Souvenir Program of the Indian drama ill be on sale Saturday, July 8, at the Theatre ajvd at the general office at Chero- j kee Information Hut here. 1 Transportation and parking fa cilities in the Theatre area were given, and passed, competently, a severe test Sunday, Monday and Tuesday when, as reported by Na tional Parka Service, "the grertMt traffic count in history as made on the trars-Park highway." Ex press bus service is maintained from Knoxviile, Asheville and in termediate points by Smoky Moun. tain Stages and others. Free shuttle-bus service from parking loU on Cherokee Indian fairgrounds at the bottom of Theatre moun tain has proven efficient and satis factory. Crabtree WMU Holds Day-Long Meeting Fourteen members and four vis itors attended the day-long meet ing of the Crabtree Baptist Church's Missionary Union last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Vod er Davis. At noon, luncheon was served to the members and guesty by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Carly'le Davis. . Mrs, Frank Brown, the president, was In charge of the meeting, which was featured by a program on China Missions. Taking part were Mrs. Jessie aimey, Mrs. L. B, Brown. Mrs. W, V. Davis, Mrs. Furman Noland, Mrs. Joe Davis. Mm. Hubert Well. Mra. Orville Allen, Mrs. S. L. Smart, Miss Geraldine Hoglcn, and Miss Manila Brown. The WMU plans to hold another all-day meeting on August 2, start ing at 10:30 a.m. This August ses sion la scheduled for the home of Mrs. S. L. Smart. Visitors are especially welcome. MAIIY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES Aa fet titer, etreea aaJ (train, over nertiea, eaeeatir unoklof at eipowre to oild metlM itowi doa kidney fune turn. Tbie may lead aunjr follu to eom plsra of nainf. backmebc, iom ot ftp sod mercy, headache, awl dtzxiaeea. Getting p niata or frequent aaeace. air rerolt Ini minor bladder irniatlona do to cold, dampsea or dietary t&dteercUooa. U your diammforta are due to tbm caoeu, doo't wait, try Doan'a PiUe, mild diuretic Vied eueccaefuljy by million (or ever 60 years. While tbeee lympwrnt may sftea etberwla. occur, it'i amazing bow any time Doan'a five happy relit help the 16 milca of kidney tube aad filter flush out waste. Get Doan'a Fills today! DoAirs Pills The Last Grain COUNTS! Anyone can mix the beginnings of a prescription, but it - - tr takes a trained registered pharmacist to accurately measure those final grains that fill your doctor's orders. . PEOTECT YOUR HEALTH - WITH PROVEN PRODUCTS! Your Walgreen Agency CURTI DRUGSTORE Home Owned and Operated . "Depend on Us Your Doctor Does." To Visit W.N.C. Cardinal SpeUman. of New Tort, will be a visitor to this section next week, and on W ednesday will visit the Smokies. On bis return from the trip in the Park in the afternoon. h and party will be spe cial guests at the .1 special section W- VVJ hw' been reserv- ; ed in Mountain- I 1 aide Theatre for Cardinal Spell tun ana a trouo of Catholic lead ers of Western North Carolina. He will be a special guest of Mr. and Mr. J. Francis Heazel, of Ashe ville, while in this area.' BIRTHS New arrivals have been announc ed at the Haywood County Hos pital at follows: Mr. ar.d Mrs. James Blaylock of Canton. Route 1, a daughter. June 23. Mr and Mrs. Ray Wood of Way nesville, Route 1, a daughter, June 29 Mr and Mrs, J. R. Justice of Canton, Rout 3, a son, June 30. Mr and Mrs. D. W. Cornwell of Canton, Route 2, a daughter, June 30. Mr. and Mrs. Francis James of Canton, Route 2. twin sons, July 1. Mr and Mrs. Coy H. Wood of Candler, Route 3, a son, July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of Way nesville, Route 1, a son, July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe Franklin of Cove Creek, a son, July 1. Mr and Mrs. John Ewart of Can ton, a son, July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Corpening of Waynesville, a son, July 2. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mull of Lake Junatuska, a daughter, July 2. Mr. and Mrs Harrison Cowan, Jr. of Wayne svllle. a son, July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Smathers of Canton, a son, July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holcomb of Canton, a daughter, July 4. Mr, and Mrs. Max Rogers of Waynesville, a daughter, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sutton of Clyde, twin daughters, July 4. Mr and Mrs. Frank Coffey of Waynesville, a daughtarv July t4. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Warlick of Waynesville, a son, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Teague Carver of Waynesville, Route 2. a son, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers of Clyde, afdaughter, July 5. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Cogdill of Canton, a daughter, July 6. LOST Some of Waynesville's best singing, dancing, and acting tal ent. If it is you, Phone Mrs. Har ry Lee Liner, Jr., 833-W. Re ward offered in fun and enter tainment. J 6-10 Musical Concert To Be Held At Lake lunaluska Tonight Highlighted by excellent muic Unship. warmth of feeling and deep spiritual signincance, tee Thurs day Night Sacred Concert, present ed by the Junaluska Ensemble under the direction of Cyrus Dan iel, of NaUiville, Tennessee, will mark a new high In musical execu tion and direct. on and pleased a large auditorium audience. The concert is an evening unit of the Institute of Church Music in ses sion here, July 4-. Friday night the auditorium attraction will be Oratoria Night when the Ensemble will present -Gallia" by Gounod and Rosvr.i's "Stabat Mater", The not part of Thursday's pro gram will introduce the residence quartet in solos and duet. Kay Fryer, who has a clear. Lyric so prano, will sing "How Beautiful." Sonia Young, who has depth in her rich contralto register, will sing "Hiller Prayer." Roland Felts and Katherine Fryer will sing a duet, -Love Di vine," while Frank Love, baritone, will sing the dramatic sola, -Fear Not." . These four young artists are all from Nashville, Tennessee, where they hold church soloist positions. Mr. Daniel, heads the muk depart ment at Vanderbilt University and is choirmaster at First Presbyter ian church in Nashville. The second part of the program will feature a setting of the "Seven Last Words." by Mercadante, a con temporary of Verdi, and will dis play an almq&t operatic style in this dramatic, vivid setting. Mr. Daniel at the organ, will play a colorful accompaniment while directing members of the ensemble. Betty Reiney, assistant organist, will play Prelude and Postlude with skill and understanding. Of the concerted numbers in Part II, "Verily I Say Unto The." and "Father, Into Tby Hands" will also be outstanding. Homecoming To Be Observed At Lower Fines Cr. Homecoming will be observed at the Lower Fines Creek Methodist Church next Sunday. All Interested persons are ex pected to attend the all-day pro gram and bring a picnic lunch. A special invitation has been extend ed to all former pastors and mem bers of the church and Sunday school. The program will begin at 10 a. m. and will include a number of guest speakers. MORE ABOUT Fourth of July (Continued trom Page 1) most of the weekend. Waynesville police reported al most that many vehicles passed through town during that period. Out of it all however, the Worst accident involved approximately $200 damage. Four other accidents resulted in nothing worse than some dented fenders. No accidents were reported on the Fourth of July itself. Even the common garden variety of misbehavior hit a new low over the weekend. On the Fourth of July, only five folks wound up In the county jail four for being Intoxicated and one for driving recklessly. Between Saturday morning un til Wednesday morning, only 15 folks had to be arrested, all for minor offenses. That was "about usual" for any weekend, the police department said. . Hundreds of people, favored by the sunny skies and warm weath er, turned out to line Main Street the morning of the Fourth for the traditional Independence Day pa rade. Approximately 200 marchers, made up the colorful procession. Taking part in the parade were the Boy and Girl Scouts, the Waynesville High School bands, members of the American Legion and other veterans' organizations, and Gold Star parents. It marked the first time a parade ever was held in Aliens Creek. The line of march included that com munity with Aliens Creek School as the turning point. The recreation featured a full sports program. In the morning, boys from teams of the Hazelwood Knee Pants League met on the diamond. There were other athletic events on the high school football field. In the afternoon, nearly 1,000 fans saw the Gastonia and Hay wood County American Legion baseball teams clash in a thriller that launched the playoffs for the western area championship. V Right after thatthe girls' soft ball teams of Saunook and Center Pigeon and the Stamey Cove and the Iron Duff boys got together in a pair of inter-community contests. That night the celebration came to a climax with a varied musical and singing program. Throughout the 4th of July week, the Williams Rides and the other amusements at the field behind the high school stadium kept busy from morning until after dark, W. H. Prevost served as general chairman for the Boosters Club in i TC2 TTATXTSVILLr IIOUXTAIXTO On Lake Junaluska Program BR. E.ALPH STOODv of New York, head cf the Methodist In formation news bureau, will be the guest speaker at the Juna lu'ka auditorium on Mondav evening. Junaliiska Had Big 4lh; Quistanding Programs In taking For The Week-End Safe. Sane, and Satisfying! That was the verdict of Junaluskans and visitors concerning the all-day j Fourth of July celebraiton by this! church center. Hundreds of per-! sons thronged the lakeside and j athletic fields durin? tho mnmini I and afternoon to witness the water carnival and other sports which were carried on under the direc tion of Richard Crowder, recrea tion director. By night fall, approx imately 2.000 had gathered to watch the fireworks display from Missionary' Point and the upper deck of the big launch, Cherokee, which cruised the waters of Lake Junaluska all day and until a late hour in the evening. Prior to the fireworks uisplay. the organ recital by Cyrus Daniel, director of music, and the Com munity Sins, led hy Frank Love attracted a banner auditorium crowd. No casualties or minor ac cidents marred the day and the rain obligingly passed over in time not to interfere with the sports program. Winners of prizes offered by Lake Junaluska, Waynesville and Asheville concerns were won as folows: Boat Races for boys un der fifteen, James Melton; Diving, i-aimer Hiooks; Canoe Tilting. Vim Howie and Jim Sanders. Motor Boat. 22 II P,. Guy Massie; 10 H P.. Ed Potts. 5 H P.. John Ber ry; Canoe Races, Whistle Change, John McDaniel and Jim Knight; 100 Yard Swimming Race, back stroke. Vim Howie; Free Swim ming, back stroke, Dewey Gaddis; Dog Paddle Race, John Holt. The Thursday evening program will be presented by the Junaluska Ensemble under the auspices of the Institute on Church Music in session here, July 4-9. The program will feature Mecadante's "Seven Last Words". On Fridav evenintr the Institute Choir will nresent a Choral Festival and Sunday even- ing. Dean Robert McCutchan who i with Cyrus Daniel heads the Insti-, tute faculty, will conduct a Hymn ! Festival. The Sunday morning preacher will be the Rev. Dr. John K. Benton, dean of the school of religion, Vanderbilt University A i south-wide meeting of the South eastern Jurisdiction Methodist Hos pital Board will begin a three-day meeting Monday, under the presi dency of Judge Marcus C. Red wine, of Winchester, Ky. On Monday evening guest speak er will be Dr, Ralph Stoody of New York City, head of Methodist In formation, a national hews bureau and public relations bureau. His announced subject is "Developing a Public Relations Program in a Methodist Hospital or Home." Bishop Charles W. Brashares, of Des Moines, will conduct Vespers services in the Memorial Chapel at 5 p.m. Monday. Haywood Legion Area Playoff Schedule Friday, 3 p.m. Rutherford at Canton High. Saturday, 3 p.m. Llncolnton at Waynesville. Monday, 8 p.m. Llncolnton at Lineolnton. ; Wednesday, 8 p.m. Gastonia at Gastonia, July 15, 8 p.m. Rutherford at torest CHy. the making of the arrangements for the program. . C. E. Weatherby supervised the morning athletic events at the foot ball field, and the inter-community Softball games were under the di rection of Stan Henry and Assist ant County Agent Turw Cathey. WANT ADS FOR SALE 5 room panelled house-In new Underwood De velopment. Large rooms, hard wood floors, beautiful 100 x 200 lot. Call 1006-M. J 6-10-13-17 . , . n ; - ! ; I I ?- - V . i i j i BISHOP C. If. BBAS11AE.ES, of Des Moines, will conduct special vesper services at the Memorial Chipel at Lake Junalu:ka at five o'clock Monday. fcT'VVT I? ' 'VSL " IW 'HiHai1" ween n ;y,"j Lf ' rru-i nrrcr? r V:: 1.K Ik. I LLI-M 1 A-l jv, w, -ve a. m m m It's thirst come thirst served at RAVS where you'll find your favorite summer coolers sparkling sodas. . . t a n g y fruit juices displayed for quick easy selection priced low for sure savings. It's going to get hotter before it gets cooler so you'd better buy beverages for home enjoyment and picnic pleasure. And while you're here, pick up a variety of those smacking good snacks that go so deliciously with tall, cool drinks. RITZ CRACKERS PORK & BEANS CORN FLAKES FRUIT COCKTAIL .. PEANUT SUGAR CRISCO JELLO LOG CABIN .... WHEATIES .... 5 3 2 Pr SPICED M " M LUNCH MEAT ............ lb. 49c 1 ALL MEAT Jf i FRANKS lb. 55c I g m POTATO 111 II SALAD lb. 29c I g $S PIMIENTO & ''' i PICKLE LOAF Ib. 55c g M f? t-bone m "v' steak I f XS 99c lb. I ?; PAH.K SHOP ' SAVE News From Aliens Creek By MSS. BILL HEME REE 1 ICauntaiaeer Cumtpaadtatt Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cash and daughter, Kay. and Frank Hem bree have returned to their home in Charlotte after spending: a week's vacation visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hembree and Mr. and Mrs Herry liembree. The Royal Ambassadors of the Rocky Branch Baptist Church werej vrninurg mm sunaiy aiierooon with the following officers elected: President Dot Meee- vice- president Mary Jo Kembree; sec retary uiiian Keese; treasurer Clyde Gunter: stewardshio chair man Johnnie Weaver; community mission chairman Newton Breece: Councilor Mrs. Sam Fradv: lead erMiss Elizabeth Mitchell. The next meetine of th orean- tzation will be held at 8 P. M. Sun day. .... : . .';:'! MORE ABOUT Masons (Continued from Page 1) vited and can secure tickets from this committee of the following members: C. B. Hosaflook, F. G. Rippetoe, W. A. Abel, F. E. Worth ington, and E. P. Martin. NBC 1 lb. VanCamp No 2V4 Kellogg's 8-oz. 32c 21c 13c Libby's 4 OC Buffet V Pfoifl:..:..;. lbs. 45c pi' lbs. 85c LETTUCE pkg. 15c BEETS Bot. 27c BANANAS ... pkg. 14c SPINACH Tinrsday Heads Press Jt, E. PRICE, president of the North Carolina Press Associa tion, will head the 100 members here Saturday afternoon for a picnic supper at the 4-H Club Camp, and on to the Cherokee Drama that night. Most of the members will return here for the night. The Press group is holding a 3-day meeting at Grove Park Inn, starting tonight- ' , 1 - . ' '" " . . V 111- : I 741 .'KYI r fcOCA-COlAS GINGER ALE iL INK .'T V. tt. -WflBfjM ft. V- hr1- fLIPTON TEA TEA BAGS .. .... .SANTO COFFEE ORANGE JUICE GRAPE JUICE .... I LEMON JUICE . PEPSI COLAS TOMATO IUICE NUCOA YEL. WV Oleomargarine . .......... lb. 31c PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE .. Pkg. 15c OVENREADY BISCUITS ... ...Can 225c AMERICAN KRAFT CHEESE .... lib. 28c PET MILK 23 Ql- I PICKLES Hd. 10c FROSTEE - Bun. 225c TIDE -- lb. 227c CAMAY lb. 225c CLOROX SUPERMARKET WAV Afternoon, July j8jj VOEZ ABOUT Shooting Match Ctiae4 frwa Pif Judging from the irm,' have been coming in field may equal or even si--record 100 nurksmea whoi Fiv hunrtrsH rnu... ' uwwng uui year. t-s wooer s event, bfU feature of a meetin nf .i ' orary Tar Heels, drew a relj about 100 i ' -r-.-i 3. I10fV(, small crowd of 50 k fact that the match was hel- J - - 3iuirr season. u-. Aiexanaer said th w would start between 9 30 m 18 .m. E. Pigeon To Meet Monday By Mrs. Dennis Sintleta, The East Pigeon community, hold its monthlv mMi. .. . P. M. Monday at the Bethel ScU unuiium, wim van Welh , community chairman Every member of the commir PUns wiU be discussed (o, Refreshments will be serve! Cotton Machine More than 9CD differM .J picking machines have been r-J terra at m o.a. paient office .tx' Juicy LEMONS 35c Doz. 6 Bottle Carton 23c 12-oz 17IC- C. Dry Va lb Pkg. 16 Ct. Lipton 1 lb. Bag 6-oz. -Birdseye Quart Church's Pint Realemon 6 Bottle " Carton 46-oz. .... Lihr worn qt. 33c .1 . pkg. 225c .... . . lge. 27c Reg. 2l5c qt. 17c . I fa. 0'