InJay Afternoon, AusQfl 14, la 5g raend The Simmer jhis Gommraiity Is The Heal U 4-H Club I ontinued from PI Luuty." lld Oinduff-"L think Hay- Ind the PoP'e ali" linger. ; .- Guy "We enjoyed the . . .. .!...,.. and 1 1 lf most Ll mountains . . . ad the ,m that gl snoea me 1 was here. so friendly." Jim Barnes "The hospitality of the Haywood people is just grand. The people are friendly, and a happy group.- The leaders had a very good program and I do not know of anyone who was homesick, because of the many sights to see. With I could stay longer." Curtis Mlneart '. "I think that our trip to Haywood county has been educational and I learned many things that will long be re- nu'iitb-red. L Givincr "I think Hay- i a nice place, u is uiner ... i.,wath mountains In ,d are beautiful. I enjoyed ip through tne nampiun mill, and nave ipuna nay people so friendly. I wish I have stayea lunger, mc .f t,h ma were extremely ui - lina to me. because we do Lve tobacco in Iowa. Melva Sohnecker "I like Hay wood, and the people. They are so friendly, and get along with each other. , The mountains are beautiful." ,,r,t Ross "I think the peo- ... friendly, and the com- 1. . I . I . l. I. . a thun k SUII'll IS llljlin "tic uimi -Illusion county. .1 ii..iiM TVia trmcf tm .it Mf.MUMt'll " ... ive thing that I have noticed suuthern hospitality in the Thev have showed us a Uod time, and the people are NOW MOTOR TO TOP hiteside T Midway Cashiers ana i lliirhlands U. S. C4 Eastern America's, Highest Cliffs! SI A Person Children I'nder 10 Free r . r , Vv Terry Greiner "I think Hay wood county is a very good county. A lot of friendliness and coopera tion exists. The agriculture Dart impressed me." Jean Davison "I especially lik ed the scenery. We had loads of fun, and very little sleep. We were on the go day and night." Bernito Martin "I guess I liked everything about Haywood county. The mountains, the people, with their true southern hospitality. It is different from Iowa. I hope the exchange program continues." Margaret Vincent "I enjoyed the wonderful southern hospitality. Everyone made us feel right at home. I love the beautiful scenery, and views from the mountain trips. It was a wondorful experience." THE YOUNGER SET By ANNE BISCHOFF High School Senior Farmcapade At Smithfield Labor Short I" Greensboro Greensboro industries are beat ing the bushes looking for work ers. An unexpected increase in em- ployment virtually exhausted the town of available help. Some firms described the shortage as "serious.' his shirts. Hongy y Hl Lool for thii seal . , . -Vjl n you buy waslubUt yV V gx 'vN JJi? L.fhe way HE likes them! ome Laundry & Gleaners One of our guest columnist today Is MARY JAN K ROGERS, who spent six weeks at Foster Music Camp in Richmond, Ky. While at the camp Mary Jaiu sat forth chair flute In the band and was among the select players who played in the orchestra. She ws voted the prettiest girl and best figure in the superlatives, and ac quired the nan? of 'Daisy Mae. (Wonder why?) She now sits solo chair in the Waynosville High School Concert Band. . Sunday, June 18, the campers at Fosttr Music Camp met for the first time at suppvr. Then we went to the gym t play. games, and stay ed a lot longer than they planned for- us too, because of the rain That night we learned to leave our windows down or sleep in wet beds, because crying skies were typical of the five weeks at Foster. Monday the camp routine began. and were we ever busy! Most of our time was spent in band or orchestra rehearsal and marching', Each night some kind of recreation was planned for us It we weren't eivine a concert or re cital. We had hikes, movies, dances, (square and otherwise) and water melon fearts. If any one at camp got the least bit homesick,' If was never known. We were kept too busy and had too much fun for thatl : Our concerts were given in the amphitheater. At our first one while the band was playing 'Rocket Rythem, an airplane advertising 'Wcldemann's Rinc Beer' gave us quite a bit of competition. The next night the orchestra played Beethoven's Fifth Sym phony in its entirity, directed by Van I'cursem and a four year old lad until his mother captured him! Each nieht after supper we marched for an hour, practicing for the big exhibition we gave the last week of camp. Quite often U rained hut we marched Just the same. We were so experienced In marching in the rain that the rain which came dur ing the exhibition didn't bother, us at all. When camp came to a close one hardly saw a person 'that wasn't dewey-yed over leaving. But we brought back with us fond memor ies of our concerts, both good and bad. of sinning our favorite songs after meals, of playing pranks and having theni played on us, of learn ing to bo a better musician, and most of all, of meeting the wonder ful people that we'll never forget. Smithfield had a festive air Thursday as thousands of Eastern North Carolina farmers filled the town to cilcurate its Bright Leaf Farmcapa'te. Riding on one float was Snuthtield's Iai l ong Ogburu, chosen this summer s Jli-s Bright Leaf of North Caiolma. for th permiore of ihe motion piiiure, - Hit- in l.e;.f." Wins A.A.U. Titles . .. s--., i oi' r r it 'I t! Comments From Some.. Of Our Visitors oi North Spell- Choo's brother Kill Quits For -Marines Former University of Carolina football star Max man will coach the Clearwater. Fla., HU'h School gridilers next fall while Uill Justin is in the Marines. Bill, one of Chuo Choo's gild-play- ng blathers, had to leave the job he was named to only last year to go on active duty as a Leatherneck. Spcllmutt was his assistant coach. The last half of the column ts written by Virginia Dare, one of the 4-HVrs from Iowa. Virginia is staying with IVggy Nolaiul in the RatclilT Cove Community and Would have written more, but she just had to be off to one of the many things planned for the low- ans during thvirisit here in Hay wood. When we left Washington Coun ty, Iowa, for a week's visit to Hay wood County, I never thought for once that we would have such a wonderful tune and do and see so many things in one week. On our' ti'io down from low we visited many interesting places New Salem where Abo Lincoln onoc lived, and then his tomb at Springfield. HI.; Churchill Downs and Man O' War's grave and sta tue.. We had also seen the movie the night before "Blue Grass of Kentucky" and in the movie they had talked about "Man (V. War' and 'it made It much more inter eating afU'i: having seen the show As we wero entering Haywood County and saw all the cars lined up 'by the roadside we thought there had been tin accident. Wo were very surprised and pleased at the nice reception that was given us. Two of the girls on the bus wore "cutting up" and having a good time when one said, "Maybe (hey will have the hand playing for us And suit- enough the band was there playing.1 One of the things I was most impressed with was Ihe 4-H Club Camp "Schaub" which affords many advantages to the Haywood 4-H'ers which we do hoi have in Iowa as we do not have 'anything of that sort. '. 1 like very much to squaw dance the way you do down here. We do It quite dilTercntly in Iowa . , . there we are In sets, or squares of four couples and we haven t yet learned to do all the things you do the foot movements and the formations. 1 believe that the square dancing the Haywood 4-11- ers did last year at Washington helped a lot to get square dancing started more. It is still quite new to most of us in Iowa. The food we are getting down here is really wonderful and it too is different from our Iowa food. 1 had never tasted a banana sand wich before until I came down here; and our hamburgers Just have the meat in them with a lit tle onion and pickle 1 really like the way they are fixed down here. The difference In our talk is not so noticeable now after a few days, but It seems that haitlly anyone says loa corcctly. The accent is placed on the I. , We have all had the most won derful time ever, Just ak any of the Iowa "kids" and they will all answer "WONDERFUL!" We will always remember our week to the Western North Carolina Moun tains. This has really been a vacation n j m W ill Dr. and Mrs. ruiihhorn Kv.. now stopping al Lambuth Inn "Your mountains at beautiful and w-lful, especially lo those uf us khu live in the Oliio j river valley, we nave enjoyeu ui stay at Lambuth Inn because of the Christian fellowship and genu ine southern hospitality. - 1 T ' (ton. of Nornna, u n PKtr nf Mrs L. C. Djltc "I think the mountains ar, the mo t beautiful scenery I have ever seen." . ' , i WINNER of three top evenU In the A. A. U. swimming and diving eventi at High Point. N.C., Pat Keller McCormlck wean a broad victory imile. She copped triple diving honors. (International) N. C. Leading In Road Spending An American Road Builders As socintlon survey shows North Caro lina is leading the nation in spend ing on road Improvements. The sur vev lists this state with $132,000.- 000 In road deficiencies with the state highway spending at $75,000 000 a year. Reward Out For rooch-Nappets The Wake County SPCA is of fering a $75 reward for people stealing dogs for sale to scientific laboratories. A Raleigh city offic ial' said reports he has received' de clare a. gang of poiKh-thieve is operating out of the sLite capital. UK SLUE TO VISIT BRADLEY'S MOTEL- BILVND NEW MODERN ALSO INDIAN TRADING POST soco c..r ROAD i I, See Us For O Accessories P Washing O Grousing 0 0 rolisliine; Gns & Oil JAMES SHELL SERVICE North Main Street DEAR TOURIST: WE ARE FRESH OUT OF "KEYS TO THE CITY," BUT . . . . . . we have plenty ol 1 : EXPERT SERVICE TO KEEP YOUR FORD IN TOP-NOTCH CONDITION so you will enjoy carefree ''driving while exploring our beauti ful country. And he sure to tome in for a check-up before yoil start hack home, too. 't Drive in NOW and lot's get acquainted DAVIS - LINER riioito 52 MOTOR SALES INC. Haywood St Miller Street yJfiiicX A BETTER BfSEJIffl LAUNDRT 14T REAL ESTATE We Have All Kinds of Property For Sale: Many Good Buys. We Have Rental Property. SEE T. HENRY GADDY at . ' . E. L. WITHERS & CO. BEFORE YOU BUY Phone No. 100 THE BEST IN REAL ESTATE INSURANCE O SUMMEE RENTALS L. N. DAVIS & COMPANY Phone 77 Main Street EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING V - Guaranteed for one year Reasonable prices RELIABLE JEWELERS Hone 35 Main Street TIRES That's Our Business NEW RECAPPING -fc REPAIRS Western Carolina's Finest Plant Dealers " : For ' Goodyear Opposite Post Office SIMS Phone 48C THIS IS THE PLACE , i . .- . e Cottages Completely Furnished Day or Longer Twin Brook Resort Phone 68-M-2 Vii V'"; . tij' T ' ' ' ' ' ' ''...:.: ''';;'''li:SKiiS r,sffd-rn ! 1 PStl ,- .... ." -G3 " " 'ZZ-. CHARLIE'S TEXACO SERVICE OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY One of the most complete tervice centers in W. N. C. B. F. GOODRICH TIRES & TUBES JiOAD SERVICE CALL 817 WAYN ES VI LLE ART G ALLE RY P r 1! jj 1 iHIMWWfrtlll IIIWIfK i I linn ,( i I ; : i! I, i'i 1 1 1 nun,,,!, , niinmr imiOTi ihmmm i ; k ' ' ----,M- 1 l ' 'I I : 1 J ' f j IHI p ... H lEE5t SMS! If t I I ? jag''''"-''" ' " ' I . j ,lt;f-i-!w '! fcmnw iiimwJ 2 Auction Sales Daily 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P.M. Largest, Finest Collection Ever Offered IN WAYNESVILLE 1 VALUilQLE GIFTS FREE AT EACH AUCTION O Diamond Jewelry 4 Clocks Sterling Silver O Watches O Antique English Silver O Persian Rugs :'J '' ":'.'". '..''.' ....''' .'.- '' ' .'':,'-..''" ;-" THIS IS OUR 18TII CONSECUTIVE YEAR IN WAYNESVILLE 153 MAIN STREET James Mann, Owner WAYNESVILLE li t i s V