Thursday Afternoon, Augus, f PAGE TWO THE WAYXESVILLE M0UNTAINEE3 OF INTEREST TO WOMEN activities CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN, Editor Home Phone 462-J South Clyde ' Home Club Has ' Meeting The South Clyde Homo Demon stration Club met Tuesday at the liome of Mrs. Robert Lindsay with Mis. P. C. Mann, president, pre SldinR. A lamp workshop was directed ly Miss Jean Childers, assistant home agent. . 'During the business hour pro ject leaders reported as follows: loods and nutrition, Mrs. Walter FliudmOier; home gardens, Mrs. P. C. Mann; and home beautification, Mrs. Curtis Hogers. Book reports were made by Mrs. Curtis Rogers and Mrs. K. C. Evans. A picnic lunch was served at noon. Mrs. Elsie Smut hers Edwards, who has been a counselor at Nak anawa Camp ot Mayland, Tennes see for the summer, is here for a visit to her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Massle, betore returning to her position at Virginia lntermont College. Methodist Circles To Meet Tuesday Circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet Tues day. September 5. as follows: Circle No. I will meet at the home of Mrs. J. II. Way, Jr. at 3:30 p. m. Circle No. 2 will meet at 3.30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. L. II. Brnmlett with Mrs. T. L, Bramlett ;:nl Mrs. Roy Reeee as co-hostesses. Circle No. 3 w 111 meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Davis on the I'airview Road, at 8 p. m. Circle No. 4 will meet at 7:30 p. m. nt the home of Mrs. Irving Leatherwood with Miss Elizabeth Leatherwood and Mrs. H. B. Angel as co-hostesses. Circle No. 5 will meet at the home of Mrs, A. D. Harrison, Jr, with Mrs. Bruce Jayiics as co-host-ess, at 7:30 p. m. Circle No. 6 will meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Jack Atkins at t c.tu p. m. Miss Una Plott left Tuesday for Randlcniun. N. C. where she hus Percy Dozier of Thompson, i resumed her position on the faculty virjrKia is arriving today to attend j of the city schools. the weding of Miss Rena Chambers and Bill Swift which will take place tomorrow afternoon in the Cullo jwhee Baptist church. He will be the 'tiuent of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Swift. r- Mrs. Cliame H. Jones left today for her home in Daytona Beach, Florida after spending the sum mer here. THE TOGGERY i lOM flrP convertible W idea in ! I cotimoy I Wfi'ff I and leather ; j . v 1 Jersey M ' n ill fillii m lifl2- 'his FaU- it's smart fashion to have clothes that mix well. Here, a wonderful looking two-piece jersey dress and corduroy suit that interchange :Corduroy of lovely supple quality with dyed-to-match heather-mixture worsted wool jersey: In silver blue, rose, oxford gray. Or mix: Buk, currant red, moss green. r Dress, gold. Sizes 10 to 16. Each 19.93 ' Other f J S Y s?7 -S I ,$Q,95 up Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Medford T7T ,l v 1 U ." Mrs. Yarborough Is Hostess Of Supper Party Mrs. Cene Yarborough entertain ed with supper party in her home it Lake Junaluska, .Wednesday evening. - The residence was decorated with mixed garden flowers and the hostess was assisted by her moth er, Mrs. Roy Floyd, and Miss Polly Dyer. The guests included Miss Joan Morris, Miss Dot Noris, Miss Dot Harris, Miss Kathryn Hyatt, Miss Edna Callahan, Miss Louise Leach, Miss Betty Brown, Miss Anne Blschoff. Miss 'Joyee Carter, Miss Elaine Francis, TMlss Kathleen Cal houn, and Miss Mildred Medford. JoelJtethermel Entertains On lOthfcirfhaay Joel 'Rothermel was host of a party last night In celebration of his tenth birthday. Guests were entertained with dinner at The Lodge after which they attended a movie. Those invited were Neddy Tuck er, 'Bruce 'Clark, Skipper Sloan, Mike Leotherwood, and Johnny Al len. The host was assisted by his par ents, "Mr. and Wrs. E. M. Rothor Mrs. Kilpdrrick Wins Women's Golf 'Tournament Chosen VFW Beauty Queens As I 1 : HaywoodPel Attend NurserJ Convention I J. L. Weaver our.. .... er Gardens near civde1 Seathorn Nurserv Charleston, S. C lal Mrs. bteve McCrackf Finn p ri .,r UltJ "i H(ie jit, the weekend atter.(lin ik. tion. 5 ' While there they als,,,.,,., nearby beaches. 3 Miss Gwynne Shelor (center), 19-ycar-oId blue-eyed blonde of Sumter, S. C, holds trophy she won after being chosen "1!iss "VFW" in Veterans of Foreign Wars' "beauty contest at annual en campment in Chicago. Runner-up 'is Gay Herring, 18 trifiht).' of Pink Hill, N. C, and third place went to Shirley Stoplor, 20 i't), of Chicago. (AP Wlrephoto). West Canton Club Has Picnic Mrs rnniK-n vilnnirli- ., th,, iviemoeis oi uie westvaion Women's August Golf Tournament 1 Unw Dcnionsiration Club met at in the final round plaved at ilir lhl' imw "f Mls- Em'' I,ue. today Waynesville Country Club last Fri- lur a ,)ic,,iL' lulK'h day. Mrs. Bess Gwyn was runner-1 Mlfis Jcan '"""ers. assistant up. ! home agent, was in charge of the MARRIAGE LICENSES Floyd Henry Thompson of Bun combe to Glenna Marie Holland. PERSONAL Mrs. W. Curtis p5 ... tor. Mi! M:ir(tiwi.ii n...'. ' 1 'If lilTS l-J milieu iu men- Hume ot Avenue nfter SDendiiw Hendersonville. Mrs j ii i .. "fi eu iu nenuersonvil,. 0 ,mj me ueuiu ui ner mother Mr er Bennett. Joe Jack Wells, who h the summer at Lake Juui, a life euard. return..,! ti. in Bethel today ami win first of the week to wStt: study at Brevard College . Miss Nancy Medford, dam Mr. and Mrs. James Me leaving this week end tn.r freshman class at Brevard C Miss Peggy McCracken. i spent the summer with her J Mr. and Mrf. Albert McCrtj will return to Brevard CoK first of the week. (Continued on Page Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence Medford were married Saturday, August 12, iu Ltuifi's Chapel Methodist Church at Lake Junaluska. The bride is the 'former Miss Mary Lou Mjsser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mcsser of Lake Junaluska. Mr. Medford is the son of Mr. 'and Mrs. C. G. Medford, also of Lake Junaluska. Baptist Circles Meet Tuesday Circles ot the Woman's Mission ary Society of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday evening, September -5, at 3 o'clock as fol lows: The Lottie Moon Circle will meet with Mrs. G. C. Plott; Mrs. II. C. Wilburn will have the pro gram. The Eliza Yates Circle will meet with Mrs. Guy Messer; Mrs. Rob ert Underwood will present the program. Mrs. W. T. Crawford will be hostess to the Ann Hasseltine Jud son Circle; Mrs. Herbert Singletary will present the program. The Henrietta Hall Shuck Circle will meet with Mrs. R. H. West; Mrs. J. L. Edwards will be associ ate hostess. The Business Woman's Circle has been postponed until Monday evening. Sept. 11, where it will meet with Miss Edna Bright. Mr and Mrs. Robert Abee of Boone have taken an apartment for the winter at the home of Miss Sue Willard Lindsley. Mr. Abee is a member of the high school faculty. Miss Martin Is Married To A. B. Moss, Jr. Miss Mary Emily Martin, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Mar tin of Rochester, N. y., was mar ried to A. B. Moss, Jr., of Buenos Aires, Porto Rico, and Waynes ville, son of A. B. Moss of Creed nieer. N. C. and the late Mrs. Moss, in Central Methodist Church of Canton, at eleven o'clock In the morning on Saturday, August 26. The Rev.'C. W. Kirby, pastor of the church, officiated. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of cocoa lace over taffeta with gold accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Miss Mary Frances Blakeslee of Richmond and the She wore it gown of aqua crepe and her flowers were red roses. William E. Moss, son of the bridegroom,- was best man. Following the ceremony a break fast was held at Grove Park Inn for members of the wedding par ty.. .. The special event for this Fri-! day's matches for the women w ill I be a blind bogey contest for classes' A and B. A business meeting of the board in charge of the women's' activities wil be held at the home of Mrs. Erie Clauson on Wednesday after noon, September 6, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Reed Has Luncheon Mrs. Mint Reed entertained with a luncheon at The Towne House on Wednesday. The table was centered with an arrangement of mixed flowers and the following guests were present: Mrs. Calvin Houghland of Nash ville, Tennessee, Mrs. Aaron Pre vost. Mrs. Jonathan Woody and guest, Mrs. Pollard Tinman of Atlanta, and Mrs. Ben Sloan. Mrs. Rogers Is Hostess For Home Club recreational program. Mrs. j, yv. Patrick and children of Winter Park, Florida and Mrs, J, M. Seldon of Larchmont, N. J. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude I). Walker at Rock House Farms, Charles Womack left Wednes day for Western Carolina Teachers College where he will enter the freshman class. Sealer. Satin LAFF-A-DAY . . - f j 7 jpJ , . . . .. .;y.''' 1'';' ,.r.prR, i;kist. rrTCB sywicatk. inc. jtnLP Bi'.itT-i..vrRyt:o.J I Mrs. Cassius Rogers was hostess for the August meeting of the Up per Crabtree Home Demonstration Club which was held today. The meeting opened this morn- Va., was maid of honor j ing and aluminum tray and lamp bride's only attendant. ; Workshops were conducted bv Miss Mary 'Cornwell, Home agent. Mrs. Willie $, president, presided during 'the business hour. A picnic lunch was served at noon. Home Club Has Family Picnic The Francis Cove "Home Demon stration Club held a family picnic Wednesday tiight at the home of Mrs. RI.'G. Head. Mrs. 'Hertry -Francis, president, WBs'tn charge and Miss Mary Corn wall. 'home agent, directed the rec reation 'program. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 'R. McDonald and two young sons, who have been Rucats'of Mrs. McDonald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.'F. Swlft, left Mon day 'for 'their home in Lamed, Kansas. Mrs. ipoliard Turnman end chil Bren df VitlaritBOa., are guests of Mr. una Mrs. tfdmithan Woouy. o , Handsome afternoon dreSSr, V By VERA WINSTON HERE and there, as the old season wanes, one sees suits and dresses of satin that have an early fall look to them, and yet are right for the present. Tucked satin with a soft crepe Back makes a handsomo dress with an important air. The dress has a plain satin band at the neck that ties into a neat little bow. The band continues down to the hem. The half sleeves, cut 'n one .with the bodice, have cuffs that 'end in points -at tin outer edge; fend there are cuff 'pointed Dockets tia,i. uie nips.. ... m Exciting New Fash- Jrl ions - At " Exciting k iff dV low Prices. I r IM j $10.95 V I Infortnation, iplease V -t he society 'editor ttf The Mountaineer Is anxiou to get a complete 'list of all (Haywood students who are going away to school 'this -year. The 'following information is desired Please send 'It 'in 'today: "You want me to collect my unemployment compenaa Class I I I I tlXX. IN AND MATT. TfirVAV ntiwt.-o . I - - a i jo tuditifs Hume .... ISchool or 'Cdllege 'Enrolled in 'the ... . Parent's Kame ...... Parent's Address I To please your Miong fashion (o please J' I limited new crop el frcsh-fw- J....c si t ran uici" comfortable pr'cps: feature the ne; sheath-silhn'",t,, . . . the most pop fabrics and Au -50 colors Jn:C' misses' and 0 Come choose toda?. ' L 1 I 123 Main Street v Strand Theatre

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