Thursday Afternoon, Au PAGE TWO (Second 5eciiuu THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER !"1 ' 5 - 5:. ', ' Lazy -Susan Meals By 'CECILY BROWXSTONE . Associated Press Food Editor , j. Use ready-to-eat foods that come in jars or tans or packages art . lolly, if you want to save time and energy in getting summer meals fcncf yet he good eating. Here are some suggestions: JDon't serve the entire meal out of jars and cars and package if : jqh can help it. Let a few of thce foods help out and add something home-prepared. Present your ready-to-cat food with a different touch. For in stance ready-prepared Borscht (beet foun to youi can be chilled !"""and poured out' in a minute;' but with it serve a lazy-susan or son.i? other attractive platter of accompaniments sliced cucumber (with thtt peel left on and scored before slicing thin", boiled . new pcla ' toss .sprinkled with parsley, sliced and whole scallioiis, sliced hard ' cooked eggs, aiid a bowl of sour cream. l 'Or instead of always serving the Borscht straight, from the jar add two cups of tomato juice to it "and a tablespoon of cooking sherry. . then chill 'overnight to mingle flavor's. Serve next day with a dollop ' of sour cream and a sprinkling of diced crisp cucumber on top. '. ' Canned baked beans are a widely-used food that taste better whii you've added a home touch. .Quo man I know likes to season the . molasses variety with Worcestershire sauce, curry powder, onion salt and then adds diced fresh tomatoes as 'they heat. For a tdsty baked htan casserole, empty canned Boston baked beans into individual casseroles, and add two tablespoons of molasses to each dish, stir ring it in. String cubes of cooked ham or luncheon meat, tiny cooked ..line onions (they come ready-prepared in jarsi, ami small wedges ( appple on skewers or steel kniltin? needles; heat inn moderate oven until the beans are hubblv and hot. Serve with a vegetable salad, milk, and muffins. HOW. TO TELL WAR TIME - , New York Chicago Sj.i Francisco Honolulu , z Tokyo Pusan A . .M '' Ji' am M J Following M FoWowipg 'M STANDARD llMi AP Newsfeatures 1 " - f-t :': 1 1 am lit i' i nit v A m m 9 Ji J. . I 4 BE N CXSSIIiOLL With a -kowi ol la t moist Is V. ( i 1 !A .i4 iV1 NEWS FROM TOKYO and the flghtin- fronts of'.vn brings eon fusion as tq times and dates for the reader who h no; accustomed to working with time zortes. The Chart, based on standard limes, show the difference in date produced by the international dcle line in. mid-Pacific and compares the times with U. S tituvs. Hidden Wealth New? of important discvcrles of rich currcr-tearing ores in the Province of Ontario. Canada, be pan. to be circulated in 1C"3. Little did those prospectors realise that tho:c copper bcarin? cres also con tained huge quantities of nickel as well as platinum metals, gold, sil ver, selppium. te'Hiriom arid cobalt C'a.f..Tv.rrc4.i Cankerworrrs, or iv.chv.orrr.s as thev are cftirv cal'.v.l f.-trh iheir inciilg-cleriit rre jvd tf.ljcsruotion, are gicat dcfe'.;attri. of all decidu ous trees. In many sccllors cf the ?untry. they will b? in forra tlis year. In others they mm be just rcacjing the peak cf leper ing o.'f. Helps Concentration In a schoolroom, a tcoin'.rijuLng eclor scheme will invite the atten Uon to wander. To help Icons at tention, the wall against which the instructor, usually iands rna' be painted in a warm, eye-!ii awing color, such as bujf: and the other three walla, in, a cool, receding color With less visual Interest. NOTICE OF TlSXi;E S. SALE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. i On Monday, the 25th day of Sep tember, 1930, at 11 o'clock A.M. at the Court House Door of Hay wood County, North Carolina, in W'aynesville, the undersigned Trus tee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises, lying and being in Wajnesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, and more particularly bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake at the inter section of Boyd Avenue and West Street, (formerly Oak Street), and runs North 8 East 79 feet to a stake; theue North 82 West 173 feet to a take in the branch; thence a Southwesterly direction with said branch 105.2 feet to a notch cut in the edge of sidewalk over culvert, in Boyti Avenue; thence South 8f East 144 feet witn Boyd Avenue to a stake, the be ginning corner. And being a potion of Lots Nos. 4 and 5 of the Clyde H. Ray Addition to the Town of Wajnesville, as shown on Map made by J. N. Shoolbred, C. R, and which is duly recorded in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds , of Haywood County in Deed Book 32, at page 386 and 337, And be ing a potion o( the Lots conveyed to J. , Hayes Alley by deTl K. Alley and hu f i ley, as recorded in BooV ;524, RecordofDeedTgj; ; County. And also beinf i which-the said J. Hav.1 erected a rock huu'JTh i ment house. - 4 Sale made pursuant ) and by virtue of the 1 contained in that trust executed bv J u and wife, Elizabeth C Grover C. DaVis, lt. November 9th. 134 i corded in IWt ord of Deeds of Trte,? County, North Carols.,, TUs sale fa made bL I fault in thn nnl r4 of trust according t0 convenants of the same 1 having been rcquesltd k jJ( er of the' indebtedness else the power of ie"' in said deed of trut This the 23rd d.y m J loin ' " ! Grover C. Davis Ti CHILLED SOUP Try Borscht with sour cream. i, British Lite Insurance rr Record, purchases of new life in Jsurance in British companies las' .year brought ownership totals ir. those companies to a new hinh level jjat the start of this year. This was accomplished in spite of a de ft crease in the other, major savings r channels, national savings, The '49 Slife insurance purchases of 550, ftOOO.OCfl pounds were about 4 per recent over the record set in the pre vious year and double those of 10 iyears ago. Life insurance owner ship had reached 5,350,1100,000 r pounds at the end cf 1910, up 400, 5,000.000 pounds in the year and 50 k per cent over the ownership of ten fvpnrs heforr The Gailatiu Plan In 1808 Albert Gallatin, secretary of the treasury, formulated' a com prehensive plan in which he rec utneudt'd the construction of a continuous turnpike to provide tor travel from Massachusetts to North Carolina aq.d.' another" from Maine to Georgia which would unite the major seaports along the Atlantic ccast. He also recommended roads across the Allcghenies between the Atlantic ocean and the great west ern rivers. The plan was never rdopted because of sectional differ ences and on account of its alleged unconstitutionality. LAFF-A-DAY " 1 t.xV;vi v ' ' fe.c j hr t Copf. 1950, Kmj Faturei SyadicaM; Jk, fihu reserved. t t 1 3E nis 1 "Qh, say, yoqr brother stopped me on the street toajf and tried to borrow a dollar. Had mm pmcnea xor pan , . .. ' handling." 1 US. . - "' mi&m LABOR DAY 1950 GRE ETINGS As we observe this 1950 Labor Day, it is fating, that, we make it a period of Thanksgiving for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon this community we have been spared of floods, storms, crop failures, and serious disease epidemics. To. live in such a splendid place affords us a lot of satisfaction, and enjoyment in going about our daily tasks. For this Labor Day, let's make it a day of Thanksgiving and, rejoicing. HAYWOOD COUNTY DT APT? Tr TTtm":' mm m DAYTON UUE MFC ea rin '8 1 ! ' -.. is I. IT. Krn iuJIil; ii" - III;

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