Thursday Afternoon. Sent t, PAGE TWO THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAXNTCS Waynesville Man In Navy School William D. Blalock of Wayne? ville, is studying to be a Navy com munications technician. He is attending classes in the Navy's schoor of communications on Treasure Island, California. The son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blalock, he enlisted last April. He graduated from Waynesville Township High School in 1948. At The Park Thursday and Friday 7 t ', -y"; Xf CAREER GIRLS DI BIOl'S ABOUT MARRIAGE CHICAGO More than 99 per cent of Chicago girls between 14 and 1C years old plan marriage. -a survey disclosed, but thtir older sisters are not so hopeful. Only 82.7 per cent of Chicago white-collar girls surveyed expect ed to find husbflnds. The surveys were conducted by ths Slate Street Council to help merchants know more about the lives of their customers. The merchants found out that most of the girls and women de-j sire to branch out from the home fires and get a job. Nearly half of the career girls, i despite their concern about Hit ting married, said they planned 1o continue their jobs even after ac- j quiring husbands. More than (ifi per cent of the teen-agers "aid I they'd like dual roles of typing and I cooking. ! -,-,: '' "Tkrow The Bub Out," kout$ WflliM from the com!y "Kit! The Umpirt." Itndii u thii seen FLOATS SHAPING IP MIAMI i UP) Although their theme is a closely guarded secret, floats for the Orange Howl parade here New Year's eve have been under construction since Jan. 4. Fifteen technicians work on them the year around, in addition to scores of seasonal workers. Use Want Ads for quick results. A good way to introduce a ehild to a new food is to give him a very small portion at first. Increase the size of the portion as he gets ac customed to the new flavor. PARK THEATRE Matinee Sunday 2 & 4 1. M. Saturday Continuous Shows from 11 A. !VI. Nights Sunday P. M. Weekdays 7 & 9 P. M. Jonathan Creek News By MRS W. T. RAINER (Mountaineer Correspondent) Mrs. G. V. Howell was hostess Thursday afternoon to the Wo man's Society of Christian Service of the Shady Grove church, with the Clyde Society as guests. The program commemorated the tenth anniversary of the W.S.C.S. Mrs. Robert Howell gave the de votional and Mrs. Frank Kennedy gave the regular monthly pro gram. During the social hour a birth day cake furnished by the Clyde members was served with ice cream and strawberries. Thirty four were present. Rev. J. L. Vess of Huntington, Calif., is visiting his brother-in-law liev. A. E. lielk. Coming To The Strand mes m dci mm mm PROGRAM TI1UKS. & Fill.. SEPT. 21 & 22 KILL THE UMPIRE Starring WILLIAM BKNDIX II M.iih'i-Wyffliicaai SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 DOtJHCETEATURE" Miss Sue Ann Owen has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Owen after attending a nine weeks' session of summer school at Mars Hill College. She returned to Mars Hill Sept. 11 as a sophomore. Miss Dot Owen who was a junior at Waynesville high school last year, has attended a nine weeks' session of summer school at Mars Hill this summer to fulfill the re quirements for her senior year. She is the daugtlier of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Owen and has entered the freshman class at Mars Hill. Miss Marion Ellis Howell has re turned to Mercy Hospital in Char lotte to resume her studies as a nurse. She spent two weeks with tfcyAiWU W.PtS JEc JllWLMrs. G. V. nowcii, otter a tryee .month study in Baltimore, Md.J (his '"summer. ' c' - '- -w' THl mm" Mrs. U. G. Ferguson has been on a visit for several weeks with rela tives in Washington and Oregon. Charles Moody of Blacksburg, Va., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. C. M. Mood v. AP Newsfe3tures Sometimes youn? moderns are 'earful that their personal prob- ems sound silly to other people. o they brood over them. Kids who unravel their difficulties by confiding In mother, teacher or auntie or perhaps even a girl frumd will find their problems aren't very huge after all. Here are some questions asked by Battle Creek teenagers. Com pare them with your own prob lems. Maybe you'll find the answer here: Question: How tan the girls make the buys wake up at par ties ami be a little fun once in while? Answer: The age-old etiquette rule is that the girl gives the first nod. Scimp hovs nr hiwhfnl j V- . ... they have been brought up to respect the theory that the girl shuuld speak first. Without being rude or forward a girl can start a conversation with a boy and per haps put him at ease in a few minutes. He might turn out to be a very funny fellow and entertain the group after the ice is brok en. If a boy is a general cut-up the first time you meet him, you prob ably will dislike him. The type of boy who is the life of a party is, after all, an egoist or an amateur comedian of sorts. If you want to be entertained by this tyoe of bov. then party companions should be chosen with that in mind. Most girls would like a boy to be fun and .singularly devoted to them at the same time. Ususally, it doesn't work out that way. You ve got to decide on one or the other unless you've elected a real personality boyfriend and they're few and far between. Question: How old should a Rlil be before she has a steady boyfriend? Answer: This question is difficult because of the many factors in volved environment, parental discipline, -l.Q. of the girl and the boy. Afc is not so much a factor as those other considerations. A girl or boy should not go "steady" when that first romance kpcers around Hie annle tree. While thire would probably be -no harm in it if each was intelligent enough Mr. and Mrs. Leland Garrett have had as their guests their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Garrett of Miami. ALSO 'THE YANKS ARE COMING' An Army Comedy LATE SHOW SATURDAY NITE 'FEDERAL AGENT AT LARGE' with KENT TAYLOR and DOT PATRICK Mrs. Edward Pfirrott, Mr. and Mrs. Harroid Owen, and Mr. and Mrs. William Harrell. of Winns boro, S. C. spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rainer. Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Kennedy have ,1 . ." 5 ' 4 ,v 1 !; 1 s. i- ' J. I Y Ann Sheridan and Victor Mature starrtnj in "Stella", a new ro mantic comedy opening at the Strand Theatre late show Satur day night. Also Sunday. Monday uhd Tucs'iay. had Mrs John Kennedy and daugh ter, Nancy, of Houston, Tex.t for a visit; also their son, Frank, Jr.. of Raleigh. Mrs. C. II. MeUn of Coral Gables. Kla., snent a week visiting her brut hers and sisters, Grady Howell. Hoy Howell, Mrs. F. II. Kennedy and Mrs. W. T. Rainer. to call a halt when they discovered it was just .puppy love, often younti people who are insecure and un certain about their appeal to the opposite sex, cling to each other in desperation. Sometimes a com panionship of this sort results in a marriage in which each is dedi cated to a lifetime of toleration, and true marital happiness is nev er experienced. " Question: How late should teen-agers stay out on weekends and week nights? Answer: Most schoolgirls who must buckle down to homework in the evening should skip dunni;-Ihc-week dates. HoweVer. or, spe cial occasions most parents make an exception and Sis is entitled to a 10 or 11 o'clock curfew, depend ing on the imnortance of her date. Week ends a girl over 1!1 usually is permitted out until 1 o'clock, providing she is escorted by ;t hoy whom the family knows and of whom they approve. A girl younger than 18 most often is ex pected home at 11 o'clock and with special permission at 12 o'clock. Question: What Is best to say to a boy when he puis his arm around you especially if you've just met him. Answer: If the boy is a shy bashful type and thinks that the gesture is expected of him, you can put him at ease by gently re minding him that you've just met him and don't know him well enough for that kind of friend liness. If the boy is a smart aleck, any thing" you say to him is o k, be cause he deserves it. Never toler ate i.ny discourtesy from this sort of character, who will respect you more for slapping him down. Above all. never put yourself in that kind of situation with him again. Firs! flower to bloom in the soring en much of the Great Plains is the pasque (lower. mo RICHLAND SUPPLY CO. Phone 13 At The Depot STRAND , Among those attending the Field Day in Iron Duff from Jonathan Creek on Saturday, included: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Leatherwood, and children: Mr. and Mrs. Jule Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rainer, Mrs. Troy Leatherwood, Dave Boyd, Enos Boyd and Billy Boyd. SUN., MONT., TUES, SEPT. 24, 23 & 2i ABBOTT & COSTELLO in "THE FOREIGN LEGION" fc." t - 1 1 N't . . I- J1 The boy are enjoying their stay in the harem with Pattkia Medio b "Abbott And Costello In The Foreign Legion." Their first new picture in over a year. WAYNESVILLE Movies Are BETTER Than Ever! THURS. & ntL, SEPT. 21 & 22 "I WAS A MALE WAR BRipE" Starring CARY GRANT and ANN SHERIDAN fLL HURRY! LAST TIMES TODAY BIG - GALA 0 STAGE SHOW o SATURDAY, SEPT. 23rd "RETURN OF THE FRONTIERSMAN" Starring CORDON MucKAE, JULIE LONDON and RORY CALHOUN o SUNDAY, SEPT. 24 "THE SUN GOES DOWN Starring JANETTE McDONALD an CLAUDE JARMEN, Jr. MON., - TUES , SEPT. 25 & 26 "CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN" . : t . Starring CLIFTON WEBB, MYRNA LOY and JEAN CRAIN Alse Selected Shett Subjects &Y in m 45 minutes of IDelodq, Dances and novelties with America's most tfeautif-ul Coiugirl. O ON O-U-R SCREEN Q ACTION THE WAY YOU LIKE IT! "HI -JACKED" With JIM DAVIS . MARSHA JONES r TURTLES DON'T ROAM FAR, CARVINGS INDICATE COLUMBUS. O. "Two stories heard here Indicate that turtles do not travel far from home. F.rtwin Barker, livir.a near Lo- ( -.On nf gan, reported that he saw a land ; acros t!u, Froi fh ' ' Scott ApPr0VR Gove, nor Scon ..I lor rniic?,,, .: .: turtle on his farm which bears its underside the inscription "E.B. replace the"oM- 1883. earvea mere by Edwin Barker, Barker had marked the turtle in the field adjoining the one in which it was found. Mrs. Garrett "Melr.tyre of Gnlli polls reported that siie found a tur tle near her home on which shj' had curved her initials in 1911. here 67 years ai?o lias been r, Sr. The senior - V"15 Teachers MavT- Raise In Dcc ,.,f "' ''"--fuml ctV deci,,,,:, U-K Portugal's overseas holdings to day are Portuguese India, Timor mission T1. , ill ine tasi iiiuui unu Kiaieuu ill; the- po China. closed y " 1 - iyrnr'mwnv,tz 1 - NOTICE 1 muimee iiveiy vvea. ana rri.allj Two Shows Daily Monday throuch Triday 7 t $ . J Sunday; 3 Shows, 2, 4 and 9:00 P. M PROGRAM FRIDAY SATURDAY, SEI'T. 22 . 23 DOUBLE FEATURE MM M Af M m Mm W.7 A mr a MC w , ::sar B: mi ""lit, TOM TYLER arf RAY WHITLEY and his 6-Bar Cowboys 0 i4 matt&J .- ' i PLUS HIT NO. 2 STAN l' Olive (siKiinri inn lAUKITIfAH 5J mm SwSssMisi wh DELLA LIND WALTER WOOLF KING ERIC BLORE ' IMvoiW Thru RIM CLASSICS Ik. WIT"" mm z J ALSO Cartoon & Last Chapter of Serial - Q Late Show Saturday ALSO SUN, - MON , - TUES.. SEPT. 24-S V Xi. ' - 1 if you wont to catch your JW" take a tip from I if" ..'.J "' Me and times i ) Mi ALSO Cartoon & World News I BE WISE GET STRAND WISE 7 7

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