Thursday Afternoon, December 7, 1 jrskT PAGE TWO TIIE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER OF ACTIVITIES CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor Home Phone 462-J U retui fConffr: INTEREST TO WOMEN v I: ,.f i i I 1 ' fiS Dinner Is Given For Presbyterian S. S. Group A dinner was held in the dinins , rbom of the First PresbyterU n Church Wednesday night in honor of the teachers and officers of the I Sunday School Department. j The table was decorated with holly and red and white candles in silver holders. ; Whitener Prevost. superintendent of the Sunday School, presided ; and plans were completed for the Christmas program to be held at the church on Friday; December 22. i Arrangements for the dinner were in charge of Mrs. George Craig, chairman of religious educa tion, assisted by Mrs. Charles Fowl er, Mrs. Linwood Grant, and Mrs. M. G. Stamey. 'Serving were Harriet Gibson, filltabeth Watkins, Lane Prevost, lioulse McBrlde, and Dorothy Me Brlde. The guests were the Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Whitener Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson, Miss Nancy Klllian, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Russell. Mrs. L. M Richeson, Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens, Mr. and Mrs, James KUpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ken, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ledbetter, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Prevost, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abel. Clyde Juniors Will Present 3-Act Comedy The Junior class of Clyde High School will present a three-act comedy, "Let Me "Grow Up." by Anne Coulter Martems, in the school auditorium Friday evening, December 8, at 7:30 o'clock. Members of the cast include Joyce Gall Matthews, Sam San ford, Bobbie Jo Shuler, Bob Med ford, Tilda Hardin, Vivian Dotson, Mary Jo Cole, Mary Frances Al len, and Sue Thompson. Mss Hazel Morgan is directing the production. Miss Goodin . ' ' . s ' .- , - " ? ' r - v ' i , ; I i - . " V . !(: ' - ' ; - y v. :;: ;;; V; j ' V 1 1 - w ' if $ Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Judith Mar guerite Goodin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Posey Hoy Gentry, to Ralph Phillips, son of Mrs. Arthur Vivian Phillips and the late Mr. Phillips. Date for the wedding has not been set. (Photo by Sherill's Studio) Engagement Of Judith Goodin Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Posey Hoy Gentry are today announcing the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Judith Marguerite Goodin, to Ralph Phillips, son of Mrs. Arthur Vivian Phillips and the la(e Mr. Phillips. The wedding plans are not complete. Miss Goodin is a graduate of the Hillsboro High School of Tampa, Admission will be thirty cents j Fla., and holds an R.N. degree from for students and sixty cents for j the Tampa 'Municipal Hospital adults School of Nursing. Upon comple- IN WAYNESVILLE Reliable Jewelers is your TRUSTED Keepsake JEWELER Beaverdam Club Holds All-Day Meeting An all-day meeting of the Beav erdam Home Demonstration Club was held Tuesday in the home-of Mrs. C. C. Willis. The morning hours were devot ed to, business ' with Mrs. Ernest Jones presiding. Reports "were giv en on the club's United Natons Flag program, showing flags had been presented to the Beaverdam School and to the Oak Grove Meth odist Church. Leaders' reports were given by Mrs. T. G. Murray on home gar dens. Mrs. Mark Swain, poultry; Mrs. George Wright, food preserva tion; Mrs. Paul Robinson, home furnishings; Mrs. .Elmer Keener, family life; Mrs. Sherrill-Jimison, home beaut ifieation; and Mrs. Eu gene Warren, arts and crafts. ' . A Christmas program was pre sented after luncheon with Mrs. Jacrett Williamson -.leading the group in singing Christmas carols and Mi's. R. C. Muinch presenting special musical numbers. v A demonstration, "Planning For Christmas," was given by Miss Mary Cornwell after which the members exchanged gifts. Jonathan Club Re - Elects All Officers All officers of the Jonathan Creek Home Demonstration Club were re-elected for the coming year at a meeting held Friday, af ternoon in the home of Mrs. Troy Leatherwood. They are Mrs. Way Fisher, president; Mrs. Fred Alli son, vice-president; Mrs. F. R. Kennedy, secretary; Mrs. John Williams, treasurer; and Mrs. W. T. Rainer, historian. Luncheon was served following the business hour and a demonstra tion on "Planning For Christmas" was given by Miss Mary Cornwell, home agent. New members welcomed at the meeting were Mrs. Creed Messer, Mrs, James Coleman, and Mrs. A. L. Garnett. Mrs. Charles Isley, Sr. of Coolee mee and Mrs. A. A. Kyles of New- The Auxiliary of ,,Vet,erns ..of! ton, have returned to their homes aner spending a tew days wnt tne former's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isley, Jr. Tax Office Assistants . - V Among the appointees this week, included Mrs. J. P. DJcus, as deputy tax .collector, and Homer Henry, field worker. Mrs. Dlcus has held the. position for some time. Sebe T. Bryson, Is tax collector. This picture was made in the tax office as they looked over tax books. (Staff Photo). tion of her training, she served as junior supervisor in the Tampa hospital and has done private duty since coming to Waynesville a few years ago. She is currently em ployed as plant nurse at Dayton Rubber Company. Mr. Phillips Is a graduate of the Waynesville Township High School and Blanton's Business College. 'He holds a position in the Waynesville Post Office. Mrs. Fred Lincoln' of Toronto, Canada is expected today for a visit to her son-lnaw and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Liner. ' - Miss Peggy Moody member of the Junior class of the Waynesville High School, is said to be doing nicely at . the Haywood County Hospital following an appendec tomy on Wednesday. Col. and Mrs. R. C. Lane will spend this week end in Biltmore Forest as guests of Col. and Mrs, Orville Hewitt. Miss Margaret Johnston, Hay' wood County Librarian, is suffer ing from a severe cold and is a patient at the Haywood County Hospital. Mrs. Lane Is Hostess At Bridge Luncheon Mrs.. Raymond Lane was hostess j at a bridge luncheon in her home at Lake .Junaluska on Tuesday af-; ternoon. " Three tables were In play and after the games prizes were award ed to Mrs. Felix Stovall arid Mrs. D. S. Brown, who held high and second high scores. Blooming plants were used as a decorative note. The, guest list included Mrs.-Harry Bourne, Mrs. Hilliard Atkins. Mrs. George Bischoff, Mrs; Jack Messer, Mrs. Dan Watkins, Mrs. Felix Stovall, Mrs. William Freel, Mrs. C. C. Thompson, Mrs, Ben Colkitt, Mrs, Whitener Prevost, Mrs. D. S. Brown, Mrs. Hooper Alexander, Mrs, T. Lenoir Gwyn, Mrs. Hallett Ward, Mrs. N. F. Lan caster, Mrs. William Hannah, and Mrs. Charles Ray. Mary Joyce Frady Is Engaged To Boyce Brock Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frady" of Hazelwood announce the engage ment of their daughter,." Mary Joyce, to Boyce Brock, son of Mrs. Jasper Brock and the late Mr. Brock, also of Hazelwood. Plans for the wedding are in complete. The bride-elect is a member of the senior class of the Waynesville Township High School. Mr. Brock was graduated froai the Waynesville High School and is presently employe at Dayton Rubber Company. Mrs. Hufh i,.n ! patient at the Haood C i Hospital. 1 Sco Mrs The Book Stor FOR ALL SPECIAL NAmi ON YOUR LIST . Urn ,t ' frnk Li u' jvnote i using . .in uliet L' was KFerP ajacc hich ith ot Meln V.F.W. Auxiliary To Have Party Foreign Wars" wllf 'haS?e Chftst-' mas party in the Court House, Mondav at 8 o'clock. RELIABLE JEWELERS If you had a friend in the diamond business, you'd quite naturally consult him before purchasing a diamond ring. We want you to feel the same way about us. Through the years, many people have asked our advice and assistance. It has been our privilege to help them select a Keepsake Diamond Ring i i . the ring of GUARANTEED VALUE. Every Keepsake engagement center diamond is a "guaranteed registered perfect gem" as described on the famous Keepsake Tag and confirmed by the Keepsake Certificate, signed by us and Keepsake. . Come in soon and let us show you how you choose wisely when you choose a Keepsake. RELIABLE JEWELERS "It Easy To Pay The Reliable Way" - V'V - "Embraceable" CHIC Acclaimed by America s most fashionable women o lovely 15-jewel natch and a glamorous bracelet combined! Buy Now . . Pay Later on Easy Credit Terms All Our Watches Are Guaranteed 1 Year .QEU&EM JEWELEHS "It's Easy To Pay The Reliable Way" ; .. ,',. . . . .' .' , " ; . . k i - P 1 &) ;l -A ' I it I I'', A . . i 1 1 "4yj B MATUro . r,T,,r- I i . . . rn,Mll 1 1 H HUiBAND - WfE I 1 . SISTER . fcROIhES 1 9 .' 'SOUS - DAUGHTERS I J Al INTc; l,-.-,r.- I 1 I ;' nephews . nieces CRANDMOtHtki ,U ; CRAtiDfAlHtkS GRANDOAUG-HtkRS t P CkANOSONi LITTLE BOYS GlftLS T' T; SWEtTHEAkT Darling NEIGHBORS - SPECIAL FRiEn Jrs. I FRIENDS ACROSS THE HlU. f0'1 MINISTER. . PkilSTS THE BOSS . EMPLOYE L. . . AND MANY OTHERSI If Your name imprinted s small additional charge The Book Store i (Gifts For All Aces) I airistaas Ladies' Winter COATS Every Goat Reduced From to $2g IS THE TIME TO BUY HER THAT NEW COAT FOR CHRISTMAS