Thursday Afternoon, Decent OF INTEREST TO CLUBS ACTIVITIE Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN, Editor Home Phone 462-J ms WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINS U !.. WOMEN If 1 M Garden Club To Make Decorations Tomorrow The Richland Garden Club will meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the home of Mrs. John Smathers, Jr., for the purpose? of making Christmas decorations for the rooms at the Haywood County Hospital. Orders are being taken for Wreaths to be made at the same time. RELIABLE . JEWELERS l ;For a Better Buy I in DIAMONDS ; Better Buy a ? " Keeps alee w A? 7 REASONS WHY EEPSAKE IS YOUR BEST BUY I 1. The words "guaranteed . . registered perfect gem" ap pear on every Keepsake Tag. 2. Nationally Advertised. 3. Good Housekeeping Seal 9 of Approval. 4 4. Nationally Established prices. " 5. The Keepsake Certificate, bearing our signature, GUAR- ANTEES a perfect diamond. 6. Exchange privilege is as- t j sured if turned in later on a Keepsake of greater value. fa . ine only ring i chosen to receive the FW;ftfaVmy Award. .v Choose Your Keep- ' sake Diamond R'i with Confidence at ng f RELIABLE . JEWELERS "It's easy to pay tl, The Reliable Way" Stanford Massie Is Host For C.A.R. Meeting Stanford Massie was host of a meeting of the Joseph Howell Soci ety of the Children of the Ameri can Revolution in his home at East Waynesville last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Howell, senior presi- dent, was in charge and Linda Sloan, junior president, presided. Following the advance of the flags by Carey Howell, Betty Owen, and Mary Barber, the opening rit ual was led by Stanford Ma'ssie and Nancy Francis. The former aso read the Christmas Story from Luke. The program was presented by Harriet Gibson, who read a poem, "Christmas Wishes," arid an article from the C. A. R. Magazine, "What Liberties Mean to Me." A piano solo, "Polonaise Mili taire," by Chopin was played by Nancy Francis. , During the business hour an nouncement was made that a box had been sent to Crossnore and books and magazines sent to the Indian School at Cherokee. Refreshments were served dur ing the social hour and the host was assisted by his mother, Mrs. Francis Massie. Program To Be Given By Long's Chapel M.Y.F. The Youth Fellowship of Long's Chapel Methodist Church will pre sent a Christmas program in the church Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. The program, which is being di rected by Mrs. F. O. Dryman, Mrs. R. W. Noland, and Mrs. Roger Bis son, will include a pageant, read ings, and group singing. Those participating will be Joe Morrow, Neil Ensley, David Parker, James Morrow, Eddie Ballenger, Patsy Gillette, Elizabeth Ann Reeves. Elizabeth Morrow, Vivian Leathervvood, Kathryn McCracken, Mary Ann Boyd, Sylvia Canilin, Reeves Carver, Ted Noland, Al bert McCracken, Richard Hipps, Davis Ensley, Joe Liner, Margaret Morrow, Barbara Howell. Gale Camlin, Gloria Bowman, JtofcisAnjj nsieyaJa Jarke, Mary Frances McCracken, Sue Car ver, Virginia Fincher, Dorothy Lin er, Braxton Crocker, Joan Mc Cracken, Margaret Jean Connatser, Betty Ballenger," Sue Hipps, Joe Noland, and Dwayne Crawford, Shirley Mae Connatser will serve as organist. Mrs. W. P. Leatherwood is in charge of costumes and the Rev. Paul Duckwall will arrange the lighting. Programs are being made by members of the 7th grade of fhe Waynesville Junior High School, taught by Mrs. Bisson. Featured In College Calendar , ' . . - ,) 7'" Co M , I MISS JEAN BRADLEY of Waynesville is fea tured in the Brenau College calendar for 1951, depicting the month of May as graduation. Miss Bradley, the (laughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Bradley, is a senior at Brenau, at Gainesville, Ga., and a member of Phi Mu social sorority. The calendar is a creation of the Brenau photo journalism department. Sorority Dance Will Highlight Social Events One of the most outstanding so cial events of ,the Christmas Sea son will be the annual dance spon sored by the Beta Sigma Phi Soror ity to be held Saturday night, De cember 23, in the , Waynesville Armory. ' This is the third Christmas dance held by the sorority and each year the event has drawn a large crowd from Haywood and nearby coun ties. Music for this year's dance will be by Chic Burroughs and his orchestra, Dancing will be from 9 until 1 o'clock. Miss Edna Summerrow, -president of the sorority is general chairman of arrangements and all members are serving on commit tees.'' ' '' ' Miss Anna Mae Crum of Florida is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Laymen in their home at Cecil. VFW Auxiliary Has Christmas Entertainment Members of the Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars held a Christmas party in the office of the Selective Service Board Monday night. Bingo and other games were featured and recordings of Christ mas carols were played. Mrs. James R. Thomas, president of the Auxiliary, received and the entertainment was in charge of Miss Alma Jackson, Mrs. Charles Whitman, and Mrs. Jess Crouser, Jr. Around thirty members and guests attended the affair. Miss Ramona Pressley, who has been ill at her home In Cecil, is de scribed as much Improved. v . . Kurt L. Weill, who has a position with the Standard Oil Company in Aruba, West Indies, is here to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weill. Atiss Joan Morris, member of the fre yiman class at Brenau College, arrived yesterday for a three-week Christmas holiday with her parents, Mr! and Mrs. R. H. Morris. I ... Howard Liner, student at State College, Raleigh, arrived yesterday for the holidays. Ir.' and Mrs. .Hubert .iu jung son of r;i week for Kennibunk. Ma Of Mr- and Mrs. Pleasai m i T ; "'""s relatives Cecil. and ir RELIABLE JEWELERS has a complete line of RONSON LIGHTERS There is No Federal Tax On Ronson's With the Exception of the i Silver Table Lighters RELIABLE JEWELERS "It's Easy To fay The Reliable Wav" it mm PERSONALS Mrs. Heinz Rollman and children, Lanny, Mia, and Kitty Rollman, returned to their home last week after a two months' visit to the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Andre Bogrow, in Paris, France. This was Mrs. Roll man's first visit to Paris since leav ing there in 1939 to come to the States. H. C. Turner and Henry L. Green are expected this jveek-end from Chapel Hill to spend the holi days at their homes. Bob Colkitt, who is attending the University of Ninth Carolina at Chapel Hill, issexpected tomorrow to spend the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt. Cyril Minette, member of the senior class of the University of North Carolina, is expected tomor row to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Min ette. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Churchill left Tuesday for Coral Gables, Florida where they will spend the winter. RELIABLE JEWELERS And see the new f Miss Harrold Is Hostess Of Two Parties Miss Lois Harrold was hostess at two affairs this week, entertaining at teas Monday and Tuesday after noons in her home on Haywood Street. On both occasions the house was decorated with woodland snow scenes, lighted candles, and Christ mas figurines. The tea table was covered with a lace cloth and was centered with a snow scene flanked by white tapers. On Monday afternoon Miss Alice Quintan greeted the guests upon arrival ;uk1 Mrs Hugh Massie and Mrs. John Taylor received in the liv ing room. Miss Amelia MacFadyen presid ed at the tea table and was assist ed by Mrs. Charles Ray and Mrs, Henry Foy. Mrs. William I. Lee received at the front door on Tuesday after noon, while Mrs. L. M. Richeson received in the living room. Miss Nannette Jones presided at the tea table and assisting in serving were Mrs. Troy Wyche and Mrs C. E. Rainey. Around thirty guests called each afternoon. & MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE ' HERE'S A BIG CHRIST MAS PRESENT FOR YOU January Clearance Prices RELIABLE JEWELERS "CSS with the guaranteed uraPower Mainspring L Only Elgin offers these extra val ues! Brilliant styling! Famed accuracy! And the DuraPower Mainspring that's guaranteed never to break! Choose now from . the latest Elgin models . . . styled for every taste, priced for every pune, from as little as $29.75. Elgin DeLuxt. 17 y'euWi. Ultra-modern ease u ith txpamim bracelet. $59.50 17 -Jen-el Elgin De Luxe. Popular square ease. Special spherical crystal. $55.00 Mi at "Eliiloy" mitt. Pfttcnl pcndiac Frtew betudc Fed- Til ELGIN'S guarantee If d DuraPower Mainspring should ver break in service it will be reblaced without charge to the owner of th watch, by any Elgin jeweler or by the Elgin National Wotch Company. I RELIABLE ? JEWELERS "It's Easy To Pi? The Reliable Way" tare t. s - - F-rsmir;WAJ I .rX' BkVIt 1 Th gift ihtlt odor . . . A Xxiil I viLy-' 1 i 1 gift h.'U prlz . . . that'. feV V-&AI JTEM lutovaHandiomcmoddiwHIt v it" fiy.&iifc matching txpamlon barAu ' J From $6.75 Reliable Jewelers "It's Eas To Pay The Reliable Way" ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER 1 CTMTS mi &l l WE HAVE ALREADY jj I Down To Wholesale J 1 Th'S Stock Consists of V"4, . j" ' ' """" Nationally Known Brands I Vm This Big Stock Must Be Sold Immediately HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE - BUY NOW AT January Clearance Prices assie M s Dept. btore "Better Brands Mean Better Buys" 1 1 i