I Monday Afternoon. December 18. lsbii V5ii!lli!ili!!:!il: !l i -. f ! 1 1 1 . i w i ! : ) i i ' ""iTTr T " ; 1 HI M , i . , i f.ti'iMiliHMliillili' I i i I ' . Hi: i iVA W T . 1 1 . 1 i ! A .is .4 y . j .. .. - ' . -Si man immsmmr l ' ! -. A sA WANT AD V 15 7V1 . .1.. HHP. 2 cents per word, Jartte cents. . ft 'size' type, 3 cents per 1 .1 n 4-- nananam cuarge uu jits-"'. ftis size type, 50c (per column inch. IWmenls will be published .cCoruliiK o ucsirru m-ucuu.c .ithrnit extra charee. Ltrs In idvertlsements should be r(psrled immeaiaeiy. me Mountaineer will not be re- Bwnsihle for more than one hcorrert insertion. CASH IN ADVANCE. t:asn must icrompany orders sent by mall. knt iris must be In office be. lore 10:30 a. m. on day berore publication to guarantee to be la want ad section.. then ynu wish to Insert a want ad tall Teh-phone 700. mR SALE Steam cured blocks to retard wa'er, heat, and sound. Sold at prices between eleven and twenty-five cents determined by size, quantity, material and distance hauled. Use these steam cured blocks for your protection. We deliver, Hays Block Co. Franklin, N. C. phones 30 and 499. O 31-tf FOR SALE 5-voom house with full basement; 6 acres of land, 210 acre tobacco allotment. Lights, good graveled road. 2 miles from Clyde on Chambers Mountain Road. Price, $3,000.00 See Lyman Holcomb, Cugle Fur niture Store, Clyde. N 2-tf FOR SALE Good dry sawmill wood. $5.00 per load. Call Pat rick's Cafeteria. Phone 9163. 'July 24 tf GLASS CUT and Installed while you wait In any make of car Upholstering cars a specialty. In land tires with 15 months un conditional guarantee. Lee's One Stop Service. J 2-tt NOW ONE week service watch repairing, guaranteed. One tc. on precision Satisfaction year guaran- RELIABLE JEWELERS Main Street Waynesville CEMENT FOR SALE 200 hags per week, ITavs Block Co., Frank lin, N. C. Phones 30 and 4!)!). O 19-11 SHOP THE EASY WAY SEND YOUR FRIENDS HAY WOOD CO. A" I LL5 CHRISTMAS. PHONE ME VOI R ORDERS FOR EARLY SHIPMENT. Z. L. MASSE Y, PHONE 534M. Dec. 4-21 DAIRYMEN & COW OWNERS Your hitter herd starts when yon br-'ed your cows artifieally 1" sires proven great, fall 938 by U a- ni. for same day-service. If you wMi to call before .8 rf: m. call John U. Carver, 4 j."-J. RfKlslered Guernsey, Ilolstcin, and Jrsy semen available. FftEGIMERE ELECTRIC Water Heater Table-Top High-Convenient-Compaet ffigidaire Table -Top S129.75 Electric Water Healeri ore compact 1 provide s IMo flre ''8nl etra working surface tmoV, ond plenty of hot water Wh.n v. n..J it. No OOt MARTIN ELECTRIC CO Phone 31 WANTED FRESH A New FREE SERVICE E. I. SCHULHOFER - 704-1 i a trnrk will remove We pay collect call and onr special equippea Totir cowB-hurses and hogs without any cos w at nee.' ,' ;. . " -. !iiliiill!!:!,ll.illiUti!ll:illli!l; FOR SALE Grocery Store and Service Station. 1 luee apart-n-. '.v. ne-lliird mi nts. Good income. down. Also one four-room . and one six-room bouse with ba!i:J Everett McKlroy. Plume 42U-.I. .'.:' ' Doc. lS-21.i FOR SALE 1939 ''Plymouth Car.' Good conciit ion. Extra Soouj tires. $lt.O cash. Everett - Me-j Kiioy. Phone 420-.). Dee. , IS' "PANIC IN THE STREETS '. showing ,.t the Strand Theatre1 . Wednesday and ..Thursday, .'may! seen by Ruth Crffcv, of ;:t-,e--ville with two free pas.-cs she may pick up a: iW :.i-ouiitattiew We now have plentv of cook i n. t; ami canning apples -Also fancy cat- : ins; apples. All price-;. JuhiiMin's Orchard l'im oh Koad. () 2(i li FOR SLE OR I,ESE Store building located near bank. Five room -and -bath apaitnni.t tip St airs' newly decorated. THE L. N. DW1S COMPANY Phone 77 or 7!! N 21. 30. I) 4. 7. 11. 11. 13 1M For salk - domi sik: S1AV1NT. maciiim:s at hkttir rmfKs. ai.su USED SIN ; Kit MA CHINES. CAMl'l'.IEES SHOP, lMlONE 523-J. Sept. 3 1 tf FOR SALE -New. eul - Schwinn bievile; laif.e sie. Call Tile phone 1120. Dec. 7-tf WANTED Young girl or middle aged lady to live in home and help care for children and lion c work. Phone 4'il. tf FOR SALE New and used Furni ture. Admiral Applianc es. Wash ins ton Fruual oil Stoves Cast iron lined. A trailer-load of used pianos just arrived today. Terms to apply with Rovcrnment regu lations. JUSTICE FURNITURE STORE. PHONE 5(17 DEPOT STREET D4-tf KOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange, on Asheville Road. II. B Angel, i'.anager. Phone 1029. Use Want Ads for.cpuck results Buy Your Next Insurance Automobile Burglary Liability Accident & Health and other coverages on the MONTHLY PAYMENT PEAN THE INSVKANCE which vouNe always carried . . . al the protection llirh '"" ve always wauled ... Combine Hum all i'" complete program of lu.an -d protection and pay for it con venient amounts over a perlon if your prem.ums otn I S I 10 f or example, your ,s " cash payment of SM.. M.n.tldv payments range from 4 to J months. The L. N. Davis Co. Phone Waynesville 77 V. Als8: round tank modeU-30 to 80 gals. Main Street DEAD STOCK For Tour Comtnunny Call ?! ; p fa i. . -, fej 'V I: - - 4 1J V- TO rn? o,,,. Beasle Rabbi ti Jimmy Swift. Hvatt Hounds .liinim- Qift Tl.nt.' 'Creek Road. Phone 2tj7-R. i Nov 9-tf HIGHEST C ASH PRICES 'ords in ;!u'ir iveent game asainstj PAH) FOR SCR P IRON h?-Detroit Lions. The Yanks at-1 -.'COPPER. P.RASS. ALCMI- timlud 48 Passes.--., completed -26i Nl'!I. BATTERIES AND a,,d rai,ied up 356 yards. Former! RADIATORS;-BRING OR "'ds were 4t throws, 25 comple-! I ALL. .lAKrSCHl LHOr i ' ER.. PHONE GSt-J Dec. 11-14-13 . . . . . ! FOR SALE-7-rooni modern house . -' electric water heater, central - heatir.g' v-tcni. . spacious im- proud lawn and garden plot, j 1 oc.u ,1 on V. S 1!) A. 23 near; sciioid and church' ui Clde. N. C. ' l-'oi: turl'ier liiloimation call' :.;;u camon. N. c;. D 14-2:1 1 Full SALE A good small farm. A new -lory and a liall hou--e, part- h -plastered, and wired for Elec tric rangi : water and wood; 2' 2 pale-- 1 1 0111 Y.ii:estle 011 t'amp P.ramh Koad See Newton Oadoy at place Dee. 14-lti I 'UK S I.F. Due 4 room house, v.ilh li-lil- and water: Small ham. ciiiikin lion e and smoke e. Hi-ii., i'leek near I li.iihe Hiichauan's ;lo)e. See E. M Shuler after 5 P. M. Salnr das fr Suiidavs. Dee It 13 VI. I. I I ItMTt T.F 1 OK SA1.F. si 1.. MP.S. MXKI.l-Y IN OAK 1'AltK 1 ROM 1 to 4 P.M. D 13 WANTED Homes for two six week old three colored kittens. Call litiOR. Dec. 18-21 MIIS II MIRY MeCRACKF.N. of llaelwood, has two free passes at Hie .MouinaMieei 10 -Paine in the Streets" at the Strand Tlioanv Wednesday or Thursday. Bulldocr and Shovel Work. All Types of Excavating. Washed Stone and Sand For Concrete Work. Crushed Stone for Driveways. Field and Creek Rock. Free Estimates on Any Type Concrete Work. Dirt For Filling. Ciqy... , Construction Co. Phone 759 Waynesville COAL by the TON OR BAG Farmers Exchange See All These Used BARGAINS At ROGERS ELECTRIC CO. Wat m Nc vv - M' : $1.1 oO. iai beater Ooo 1 . INed Refrigerators rconditioned. Ilea- Comiih t'. coiiabl'y 1 1 ' combination Oas aril Coal 5; VVOOO 111",.- - , .,) only 3 months-A real i II ( (lltil'lll IWMOi- bargain ,,vn nAk- Ttockwood Majes- toc-iM' - .- , . .,.;- n.. r nei p neu iww tain. House Comfort coal and wood ranges. Hot water pact, aoo 11 included-$20 00 to $90.00 vou need a better range see them today. ROGERS ELECTRIC CO. pi,,. 4R1 Main Street AUTO LOANS $30.00 and Up Ju NO WAITING , NO RED TAPE RICHLAND FINANCE CO. 442 MAIN ST. PHONE 1199 LOSING i.tTORlS DETROIT i API - Although New York ahey lost by 4M4, tli Yanks set three team passing rec 1 - - The National Geographic Society siis mo aimosplicre is so thin in -Tibet's uolands lli:it rmki n.,1 scorehini; hot in the 'un while near-j uy sluuted areas are treemi; cold ! TWO FREE PASSES await M B Reeves, ,li of Clyde, Route 1, to see "Panic in the Streets" at the Strand Theatre Wednesday and Thursday. WANTED TO RENT Young cou ple desires 5 room unfurnished house in ilaelwood. Phono 117. Waynesville or see James M Hall. 1) 11-li) OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE - The American Fruit Stand will re open Sunday until (i P. M for the convenience of the folks who e.et caught short Saturday night on fruits, nuts, and candv. Dee 18-21 FOB SALE-l'SED COOK STOVE AND TWO - PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE. Good condition. Inquire weekdays, 710 Balsam Highway, Bradley Apartments or after 3 p. in, anytime weekends. Dec. 18 C1IRISTMAS TKFF.S FOR SALE. ALL SIZES. Ill'RGIN'S DE PARTMENT STOKE. DEPOT STREET. PHONE 331. D 13-21 FOB RENT -- 4-room GARAGE APARTMENT. Wired for range Equipped for oil heating stove. Boundary Street. Hot and cold water furnished. Price $32.50 per month. Phone 2HII-M after 5 p.m. 1) 18-21 FIFTY FIVE ACRE FARM FOR SALE Four-room house. Grav ity water Creek and two branches. Will trade for small farm or town properly in Hay wood County. Phone Canton 200 or sec Paul Banks. D lit 21 THE FEOP FAMILY MVKTJ.E A SWELL Ur'C GOING TO ft'y RAwAfdA". WiTi-1 I 1 nN0 CrvAT GtX IT J 6trfe0 fv6ftVH , y Dc5l4vT'"hq noTbR v.1 Axv 2-27 - ' '-' ' ' 1 " '.J L.. I - " A SWELL IDEA.' I am qlD ZlPPEP FINDOlE. LMf oxt5 BANANA lew RAMAMAS WiW ZIPPERS,. b-SO YOU CAN FLAT HALF .SArA tvl 7 - - "IllC. ANOKR ' 1 DONALD DUCK , j f pJ o-P - - ) imT would vou xCyi x a s,, . y ! A-r-i por dessect, r i Pv - yy i i y ' P-- Six Passes to see "Panic In The Streets" showing at the Strand, Wednesday and 1 hursday, await some readers of .-The. Mountaineer Want Ads. Look them over See if your name appears in a Strand ad. If so. call at The Mountaineer olTiee and get THE OLD HQM1: TOWN Tli SulTerer Reverses Verdict of Doctors TOLEDO. O. Forty years aRO, doctors told J. M Gasser he had one year to live, Tuberculosis was going to kill him, they insisted. Today, in semi-retirement at 7t, he is celebrating with his wife their 54th year of matrimony and hap-; oily looking forward to many more i Gasser put In nine years on the city's police force until doctors forced his retirement in 1911 be cause of tuberculosis. Since that time he has been cutting hair in his hmne shop while his wile paints china. When you use recipes that call for baby foods remember that a 4i. ounce Jar of both the strained and chopped foods holds a gener- ions cup UFV. AAOAA, i iAr vntl r,or IDE A .' AN OLD ZIPPEP GPOW VAF C AM HAVE ' WaslOEPFUL. u .... . . ,, . 1 . . . AT I ; . i Ik I ELc VISION 5. HOW A - ' i- j 1 . nn , 11 1 mm 1 r m - ' - " 1 ...... 1 f II.HUIilMlltUfcuJi .1 By STANLEY j Says Cupid Can Wait i j BABBOURVll.l.K, Ky --There's ' at least one Knox County resident i who believes that If ou can't mar ly iu haste, there isn't much p"inl In getting married at all The man called the county court ; clerk, Clyde Williams, and said he j wanted to get a marriage license I He asked when he could pick it up Williams told him he could apply for the license and then had to wait lh.ee days to get married "Well," the man answered, "if it is all Hint trouble just to get married, 1 am not interested an more." If ini ve steamed, boiled or piet-Mire-cooked a duck without brown ing the bird fust. J oil can Use tin duck lal in iiiullins. lusciuK pastry si'itees and spicv cookies. MO I uk;ht around home f T TUIKIW I X' I CAN FIND ONE 1 ain r v . . ,Vs -tTictki "t'i i t r.a a i 1 r . V n,oT ) V SEED." S . 4 AT. '. M l1! ! iiu.it vour passes. Kager Dry Raiders rorget Small Item P. KTLFS ll.I.E. Okb - Marie Souter. ,Uart!ei!le night club op. eiator. has complained to the state rime bureau that two of its agents neglected to pay for steaks and Rinks they ordered in her place hetote they raided it igilits Golden Kennedy and less Lea. who sieved 21 fifths and j 3.0 pints of Hiuoi in the cluh, cx- olaiued tlle simplv loigot to pay their ihecks in file excitement "We poured out the liipmr, ny- wa. kcimcdv said Ukianoina is a drs state, In niakiui! stuffing lor . vour holi day pouhi. ri .-member thai a slice of Ire li euri'hed bread, about tivo-oie.lilhs inch thick, makes a cup ol bi ad cHimbv Ke.nl the Want Ads for bargain SI MMONS ANI NOTICE l THE SI I'EKIOK ( til RT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF in Y WOOD GEDD1E IV HMIHIN. Plaintiff. VS DOROTHY HARBIN. Defendant. To the Defendant. Dorothy Harbin: ; You will take notice that an ac- j lion has het n commenced in Hay-1 wood County Superior Court, as1 I above entitled, and that the pur- . ! pose of Ihe said action is to obtain a divorce on the grounds ol two i years separation. ' ' Vou will lake notice further that you are rctpiired to be and appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Court, in Ihe Court House In t Wanesille, North Carolina, not later than !i0 days from the lltth (lav of December, !!'( and answer or (lemur to the complaint within the time presci tiled b statute. You will lake notice further that , Mm tail to answer or demur to Wfl CjOOV- PUT Ti4E ZIPPER ' iM FtPT.AAVPTLE. V AND THEN I Li nil. lifiili 1 i i i kJt5"iti lit ,lttM ,;..i-ii"iiiititiIittiiiiHtltil , AT STRAND WED. & THVRS. ! - mtIieSW V ' . (.A.Kti 1 RICHARD WPMRX PUl COUCIAS . i, ..iu. . so, c itGf the complaint willitii the lime re quired b law. the PlailitirT will ; apply to Ihe I'ooit lor the reliet (lemanded III the imiphyilt.' to wit an alisolute divone Given t nder My Hand And The Seal Ol The ion I This The 24th D.iv I M November. I'l .0 : DIME l AMI'ttl 1.1. Ass 1 Clerk ol the nor ("ourt ol ll.ivwi.od CoulilV. Noith CalO i liiia 2033 N 27 I) 4 11-13 How She Shops "Cash and Carry" Without Painful B'kch A. w frt i.Wt. lf anil Tin, ant MMtliMI, nivortvi' mi. ,k mt if fiur to , colJ imrtiimHi l k ,niy lunr i lion, Thu my i. '.-.ny t-4U to '" , plain ol n.n-nc k'"lf-". lwP raatnjy, hind.' h, HI i in.. .inn i up nijliti or fr.u.'a mi!i-i my ruU I from minor liUil.l.-r itrMi:o dtt to 44; i dampfiiiM or divury inUwn-t'wu.. , It your lit KXiml ..ri r div to Om j rum, don'' 'r t'"J"' fill nM j dmrclir. i:i in.''.-l-iHv l.y ooUM 1 ovrr Ml y,'m. Wh.l li .yrnptom. Bi.y 1 ..r...H ..iv,..ru lumr. -.' aniAAlnt how mnv nm I c,i. hiippy rvtit Mp'th. I:, ne.tr. ' "..Wv i'(l ""1 W' tlu.h m,l t. t I " I"'". iodyt Doab's Pills Uy SWAN ry DUDLEY FISUEB HEV.POP HAVE you rrr A BANANA t-ircrn 9 I v- A. . .. -2 ) CONSOLIDATED nTDK AND METAL