Thursday Afternoon, JanUyT TIIE WAYNES VILLE SIOUNTAIXELH r PAGE TWO OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Pirns' CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor Home Phone 4G2-J i U 11 JMcKimmon Club Names Officers And Leaders Officer, project leaders, and sMnimittees were named at a meet ing of the McKimmon Home Deln itiatiun Club held Monday with Mis Muody Hvatt and Mrs. Henry Holeo as hostesses in the home of I lie former. i, Mis. II. L. Morgan was elected pi trident, Mrs. W. J. Muse, vice incident; Mrs. L. J. C it nnon. sec ond Vire-preideht; and Mrs. Logan yhite, secretary-treasurer. Pi oject leaders are foods and nutrition, Mrs. Malcolm Crisp. Mrs. TTT J. Cannon: gardens. Mis. Al-j (jert Sprinkle. Mrs. W. L. Amnions: ; poultry. Mrs. W. M. Coman. Mrs V. J. Muse; dairying, Mrs. Willie Snidthers. Mrs. L. L. Smathers: ! food preservation, Mrs. -W. M i Kilkpatrick. Mrs. D. S. Pleminons. j I ou -r furnishings. Mrs. Mark Au txnv, Mrs. Ralph Crawford; Home Management. Mrs. Paul Hyatt. Mrs. j I.. A. Coman; family life. Mr. J I II Kil kpatrick, Mrs. J C. Lime: j 1 1. nine beautincation.. Mrs. W. C'! j Moody, Miss Carrie Holtu-taw Mattie Goodson Is Married To Sgt Kuykendall Mr. and Mrs. Jake Goodson of Can'.on have announced the mar riage of their daughter. Miss Mattie Goodson. to Sgt, Clifford Kuyken dall. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kuykendall. also of Canton. The wedding took place in 'ML Zion Baptist Church on December 31 with the Rev. Thomas Erwin of ficiating. The double ring ceremony was used. The altar was decorated ith vases of white gladioli against a background of evergreens. Miss Grace Erwin, pianist, pre sented the wedding music which included "Always" by Berlin and he traditional marches. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a rust wool suit ith navy accessories and an or chid corsage. Miss Velma Singleton was maid of honor and ware a navy suit with navy and white accessories ami a ((Usage of pink carnations. Bridesmaids were Miss Joan Bumgarntr and Miss Majettia 1 'rtti ' A A Leaders Named For Clyde Club Officers arid project leaders for Miss Bryson Is I Bride Of j Sammy Wiggins Mrs. Burnette Is President Of Cecil Club ' of' Mrs. J. Edgar Burnette was elec- Glenn Brown Is Speaker At B and PW Club Glenn Brown. Jr., attorney, was Thompson I Donald liurress served as best man. j folding, Mrs. Harold Hansen, Mrs !hd ll.ii kins; arts and crafts. Mrs I I'H llirklm inH Mr. IV IT M... ! The bride is a graduate of Bethel "' , . ' High School. Sgt Kuykendall at- commiuees are: communis u.m,.(i Bethel High School and is -nue. Mrs. W L. Amnions. Mrs I nnw Motioned at Hampstead. New W S Edwards. Mrs Albert Spriti- i Y..i k where the couple will reside hi. h alt h. Mrs Henry Bolt n. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Brysoi the Clde Home Demonstration Hazelwcx.d have announced the ' ted president of the Cecil Home Club were named at a meeting neia i marriage i incir. udusinn, mm , "' .. this week in the home of Mrs. Levi , Mary Nell Bryson. to Sammy Lee meeting of the group Wednesday Morgan i Wiggins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave ; eftemoon in the home of Mrs '' '. ..... Wiijgirs cf Wavnesville. j Thomas Erwin. Mrs. Coy Pressley The oflicers include ThP teremonv was performed by was elected vice-president and Mrs. Cole,; - Mrs Roland wn-, g Brock in the Hazel- Howard Medford was named sec crwood. vice president; and Mn.- rhlir,h - januarv-. rtrv.trsir.r Ralph M,!k-r, secretary-treasurer. ; .. a f , . leader, WCre n,nH.d as Project leaders are: foods nd,s present, i follows; foods and nutrition, Mrs. Women's Clubs. iiuiiiiHMi, v. -. "- ; , ne Drioe wore a navy atiernoon j. t. uurneue; garoens. .Mrs: Mrs. T. E. Reed, and Mrs. Joe I dreM w jtn nj,Vy and white acces-, James Reeves: poultry. Mrs. George Hardin arts and crafts.': Mr,. Otis MrjM ,nd a corsage of white car- Allen: dairying. Mrs. J. H. Hew: Cole, Mrs. Levi Morgan, Mrs. T. nati( j food preservation. Mrs. J. H. Recce. Hugh Rogers. Mrs. John Stamey. Both Mr and Mrs. Wiggins are arts and srafts. Mrs. Coy PressVy. Mrs. John Rhinehart. Mrs. B. B. . graduates of the Waynesville Town-! Mrs. Rhonie Allison. Mrs. Ken Lattimer. and Mrs. J. B. Martin; jnip nigh School and Blanton's Browning: home beautificatinn. poultry. Mrs. Grady Rogers. Mrs, , Business . College.. -Asheville. Mr. ; Mrs James Reeves. Mrs. Aloroto B. B, Laltimcr. Mrs. Carlton Cor- vwg:ns is employed at Dayton Warren, family life. Mrs. A M line,; dairying. Mrs. John Rhine-; Rubber Company and Mrs. Wiggins Frazier: house furnishings. Mrs hart: food preservation. Mrs. C. L.- $ employed at the Vnagusta Manu- Thomas Erwin, Mrs. Howard Mod Darnell. -Mrs. J. B. Martin. Mrs. . facuiring Company. ;! ford; home management. Mrs. Stanley Livingston. Mrs. Carlton They are residing on Haywood Thomas Erwin. Mrs. Howard Med- Stn et in Way nesville following a ford; and clothing, Mrs. Carl Green Honor Roll For Cecil School Is Announced ; "A" and "B" Honor "Rolls for laiuld Hansen, Mrs. B. M. Stamey; education, Mrs. L. J. Cannon. Mis 1.1 (' Lime. Mis. C. F Owen; cili win'iii. Mrs I) F. Morgan, Mrs. ;.A B. Owenby, Mrs. W. M, Kirk I Patrick: recreation. Mrs. Paul Hy- ait. Mrs. Malcolm Crisp. Mrs ttalpli Crawford; loan fund. Mrs. 1. M White. Mrs W. J Muse Mrs Mrs. Grimsley Will Speak At Junaluska P.T. A. Mrs Corrinne Grimsley will speak at the regular meeting of the organ; markets Mrs Moody ! Lake Junaluska .Parent-Teacher Corzine. Mrs. Bill Hannah. Mrs. Louis Smith. Mrs. T. Hugh Rogers. Mrs. John Stamey, and Mrs. R. C. Allen: house furnishings, Mrs. Bill Morgan. Mrs. T. Hugh Rogers, Mrs. T. 11. Rogers, Mrs. Claude Jolly, Mrs. Grady Rogers. Mrs. C. Hush Rogers. Mrs Charles 1'cnland, and Mrs. Robert L. Williams Home manautmnt. Mrs. J Martin. Mis. Robert L. Willi Mrs. Charles Penland; family life. Mrs Roland Leatherwood, Mrs. Jim Wjnfrey," Mrs. Claude Jolly, and Mrs ''. Hugh Rogers.; short wedding trip. Garden Club Will Sell ams ! Dogwood Trees ill L M Hvatt, Mrs. J. H, Kit kpalrick. Mrs W. M ( oman; music. Mrs. W S ldw.inU, Mrs. W. C. Moody, Mrs I. J Cannon; and 4-H Leader. Mrs L. L. Smathers. Joint Hostesses IGive Party At IW'hiteOak (Mrs. Robert Davis. Mrs George Carpenter, and Mrs. Melvin Messer .were joint hostesses of a party giv tn in the home of Mrs Davis at .White OalcSatodayAevening at a Jioiiirch.v orHfrs.Mack Bryson. ! She guests in addition lo Mrs. I Bryson were Mrs. Henry F. league, I Mrs George Ledford, Miss Hoslyn Messer. Mrs. George Boring. Mis. Pauline Carrico, Mrs. Carlylo Dav- Association tomorrow night at B o'cloc k A business session of the P.T. A will be held at 7 o'clock. The public is invited to attend the program. Mrs. Grimsley To Speak At White Oak Mrs. Corrinne Grimsley, family iclatious specialist, will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the White Oak Community Developr ment program Saturday flight afi 7:30 p. m. The meeting will be held in the Community House and Joe Davis, chairman, will preside. Another feature of the program Mrs. James Messer. Mrs. James will be the showim of a film Gaylon, Mrs. Carl Bryson, and Mrs. The women are asked to b ing liowe Ledford. sandwiches. Arrangements have been made for the Richland Garden Club of honie1Wavn,'svill, t0 Join Rarden clubs Ix aulilication, Mrs. Robert L. Wil- "'"ug""i 'ne state m tne sale of Hams. Mrs. James Newman. Mrs ee ourin? uogwoou Standing committees for the year include: community service. Mrs. Coy Pressley: health. Mrs James Reeves. Mrs. Ken Browning: education, Mrs. Alonzo Warren, citizenship, Mrs. Howard Medford: recreation, Mrs. Thomas Krwin: loan fund, Mrs, Rhonie Allison: music, Mrs. James Reeves; and 4-11 Club, Mrs Carl Green. Rummage And Food Sale To Be Jim Winfrey. Mrs. T. Hugh Rogers. n!,K- ,n.u- o to K-bruary 3. TT ij C,-..-.- Mrs. Stanley Livingston, Mrs. project w as adopted by gard- liGIQ OOtUraay Italoh Miliar Mrs .1 It Martin Mrs. C. L. Darnell: house furnish- !he (l,'sv,.0,.,d..has 1,,p, ail as en clubs in view of the fact that A Food and Rummage Sale will ings. Mrs. Rov Medford; clothing, 'm' ,flow'r of the State of be held Saturday by the Business Mrs. Tom Rogers Mrs. Ralph Mil- No"h Carolina. The public Is and IWess.ona Women S C 1..1, for Medfllrd. MrrChaHes ' an(l ,,ant. em for additional vmt will be staged at Garrett oeauiy. ri ices range irom iu cents ruriuiure v-oiiipany, Mrs. J. R. McCracken and :frs. ler. Mrs Mrs. Roy IVnl.'inrt tro tl I 1 1 n .... . ... Mrs. C.' Hugh Rogers. Mrs. Stan- ,0 5100 ait'0l't"n8 to size, ley Livingston. Mrs. Bill Morgan.1 Onkrs may be 9'ven to Mrs. W. Mrs. Hugh Rogers. Mrs. Pat Cole; 1 K Sui" I'l'a'rman of the conserve, arts and crafts, Mrs. Carlton Cor- artinent of the garden club, zine, Mrs. J. B. Martin, Mrs. Otis Mls 1lfus Siler, president of the Cole. Mrs. W. V. llavnes. Mrs. J. (lub- or anv oUl(''' niember. In S. Hardin. Mrs. Louis Smith Mrs t striiftions on planting the trees Ralph Miller, Mrs. R. L. Hennes-' milv "1m) b' "''taiiH'd from the see. Mrs. Stanley Livingston, Mrs. R;,1(ltn C. L Darnell, Mrs. T. E. Reed, and i Mrs. Grady Rogers. Mrs. II. G. Allen has returned Committees for the year Include from piiieller Collece in Mk,.. service. Mrs. C. K-' In imer where she attended a eon Mrs. Stanley Livings- i,.,-,. ,.,. ,,aiP.,ri, .,t u-..,.. c. ton ffre. Charles Penland; health, ; cieties of the Methodist Church Tnr Orady Roers Mrs. John Stamey; education. Mrs. Joyce Haynes. Mrs, Pat Cole; citizenship, i Mrs. I. j. Ballard and her Mrs. T. II. Rogers, Mrs, Roland , daughters.. Misses Ray and Louise Leatherwood; recreation, Mrs. Boy Ballard, are visiting relatives in Medford. Mrs. Levi Morgan; loan I Augusta. Georgia this week. fund, Mrs. R. L. Williams, Mrs ! Stanley Livingston, .Mrs. Pat Cole; John Rhinehart; 4-H Club Mrs J music, Mrs. James Newman, Mrs. i B. Martin and Mrs. Claude Jolly Lawrence Leatherwood charge of arrangements. are in the guest speaker at a regular Cecil School were announced this meeting of the Waynesville Busi- eek Students in the A" group ,h-s and Professional Women's! have a perfect attendance record Club, at The Lodge Tuesday night. s well as a high scholastic stand Mr. Brown subject was "Legis-1 , The "B group does not me latlon Pertaining To Wamen" aid perfect attendance but maintains he di-cusstd the national and sU.e , the scholastic rating, i.egistioji. adopted by the Fecer.i.j The list follows. . tiro of Business and Professional! First Grade Miss Alma Cham-' ! bers, teacher "A pupils: Curtis The speaker was introduced by Green, Linda Mann, Ramona Press- Mrs. Lawrence Clark, chairman of j ley, Ethel Jean Salters, Helen War the legislative committee of the ren. Susan Warren. 'B" pupils, club, who '.was in charge of the pro. Carroll Morgan, Boffie Pace, Er ?ra:n. nest Sizemore, Eugene Steppe, Mrs J. R McCracken. vice-presi.; Sarah Ashe, Marie Ashe, Vera Mae dent, presided hi the absence of Inman, Betty Lindsey, Elizabeth Mrs. Doyle Alley, president, and Reece, Gail Rogers, Catherine arrangements were completed for, Searcy, Mu rial Sawyer. he f cod and rummage sale to be held by the dub for the benefit of the polio fund. ' Spcial guests included Mrs. Lee Teague. member of the Asheville B. and P. W. Club, who has recent ly moved to Waynesville. and Mrs. Allen Nelson, also of Asheville. . community Blown. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green of Cecil spent last week in Knoxville, Ten nessee where they visited the hit ters brother, who is a patient in o .Mrs. liyrd's parents a Knoxville hospital. Mrs. Robert II. Boone Betty A. Howell, Johnny Green Are Honored Miss Betty Ann Howell and John ny Green were honored at a sur prise birthday party given Satur day evening by their mothers, Mrs. Joe C Howell and Mrs, L. E. Green, in the American Legion Hall at Haelwood. Hetty Ann cele hratffi her sixteenth birthday and Johnny observed his eighteenth an niversary. , Assisting with the party were Miss Merrill Green. Miss Mary Joe Green and Miss Patsy Green. The entertainment was featured by a scavenger hunt and prizes were won by Linda Sue Messer. Around one hundred guests at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Byrd and daughter. Maciiula Anne, are guests Mr. and Second Grade Mrs. Hargrove, teacher "A" pupil, Lillian Steven son. "B" pupils, Vincent Inman, Rhenae Parker. Charles Reece, Bill Trull, Sandra Medford, Jean Trull. Third Grade Mrs. Hargrove "A" pupil, Dotiglas Green. "B" pupils. Rowena Medford, Rosemary Pace, Peggy Sue Warren, Margaret Jane Warren, and Jerry Lcdbetter, Fifth Grade Jesse James, teach er "B" pupils, Jo Ann Green, Elizabeth Messer, Dale Sawyer, Velma Inman, Grover Calhoun, and Ray Grooms. Sixth Grade Mr. James "B" pupils. Ray Warren, Gail Inman, Alma Grooms, and Betty Trull. Mrs. Sam L. Queen, Sr. left this week for El Paso, Texas where she will join her husband for a trip to Southern Caloi'irnia. Mr. and Mrs. Queen are being accompanied to i California by their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Brown, and Glenn Brown, Sr., all of Clyde. Mrs. Queen will return to her office in the Welfare Department on February 4. Mrs. Fred C. Lincoln, who has been here for an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs, Joe Liner, and Mr. Liner, is leaving tomorrow to return to her. home -in Toronta, Canada. Mrs. McClur Assume ry In HomeCl) the duties of preside, nook Home Demoms.. a meeting Monday horn of-Mrs. R0y Officers, seiving uure are Mrs. Chart president, and Mrs, 'J mens, secretary. treasjj During the !. Y.neJ lent lpariut... ,. S as follows: foods J Mrs r:..,. n . :W qruuru; OyJ Ilorchol Cln. wv...v. oil-veils; pouta Pettigrew; food pres Herbert Singletarv iJ , ". mm. jaints ! i-u mcciure; home Mrs. Phillip ChasA. 7 Mrs. Bud Chase, Mri ij in(:.. u. .'... "l !"'", oouse turnip Charles Beck. Mrs.' Ar ciotning. Mrs. stn Mrs. Leon Cross, yn J and arts and crafts, i ti nrrett. Committee chairmen) inctuue; community Ed McClure; health, J uarrett; education, Queen; citizenship Plemmons; recrealiun J lleck; and music, Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Frank! of Fort Monmouth, f, visiting their parents tion. Mrs, Bumgarnerii ter of Mr. and Mrs- Ciaj er and Mr. Bunigarner of Mr. and Mrs. Henn a of Dix Creek, Canton, J WILEY'S FLOWER SH Flowers Fur a Occasions PHONE 1C 91S Balsam Rd. Ai HazelwooJ ONLY 5 MORE DMS To List Your TAXES Failure To List Ilcfore February 1, 1931. You Are 'Subject to $1 00 Penally. Or W'r Of Your Tax Properly LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR TAXATION REAL, PERSONAL and POLL FORD STEP-AHEAD ENGINEERING ACHIEVES NEW TRUCK ECONOMY VMtft'Yim.1 101. C3!? Ahoy arc V 'S' ' i!' k Ww driving comfon for '51! Ford Truck models, like this I -H.oflera choice of tw o new 5-STAR Cabs! New massive-modern front-end appearance makes Ford, more than ever, the truck style favorite! IF AT ALL POSSIBLE LIST IN PERSON TO AVOID ERRORS List All Your Property And It Will Help Keep The Tax Rate Down BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HAYWOOD COUNTY C C. FRANCIS Chairman i - Yes . . . over 180 new models NIW Steering column gearshift in series F-l for tar-like shilling ease! NIW Grain-tiglit d ..ft. Pickup body has hartlwooj floor with steel skid strip,! NEW i.lct rear cab winjow 5US more rear safety vision! NEW Two ne cabs: The 5-STAR; an J the 5-STAR EXTRA. Engineered tor maximum driver comfort! 5-STAR EXTRA tab has addi tional features at slight extra Cost. NEW Chrome-plated top piston rings now standard in all four Fotd engines, tor longer cylinder life! NEW Autothermic pistons, high. lift camshalts tot top performance! NEW Usicr. " quiet Shifting with mw 4-spced Synchro-Silent transmission available at extra cost on Ford Series F-4, F-5 and F-6 models! New Ford Truck for '51 e-fftr you graat ntw economy feature! ; 1 1 lo do MORE per dollar. There are more than 180 models, with new features throughout t from 95-h.p. Pickups to 145-h.o. Big Jobs! With i Ford Truck, aril ONLY with a Ford Truck, yon Can choose a V-JJ or Six, to match y out pow er needs exactly. Behind the new Ford front tod are engine performance advance, ments like new autothermic pit. tons, new chrome-plated top rings, new high-lift camshafts . , . new transmissions, and axle for even longer truck life. Ford Trmking Costs less bttauso F0RDTRUCH! In the low-price field .. . Only Ford Trucks feature P017GII PHOT ESOUOLIt WOIKS AND lAVIl AUTOMATICALLY All THI TIMI , 1. The ford Truck Fewer Ulet is a simpler, fully, proven way of getting the KHpowerfromthecijgas! 2. It automatically meter) and 6res the light niontl9 gas, at precisely the "I instant, to match constaow -changing speed, load power requirement;. 3. Unlike convtntlonol iy term, the Power Pilot only one control instead o two, yet is designed to T" cluonize tiring n'rs accu rately, 4. Yo7can Vle regular . .:.yet you get no-knock p formance! Only fori io tl" low-price field gie oa Power Pilot Economy !. J. Ualnj latest ralsfraHen data en ,SJ,000 trucks, life Insurance experts prove Ford Trucks last lengerl Phone 52 mm 150T0II SALES Inc WaynesviK

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