-delights Of The News , Too Old . lavman reports LTpeople 'a' a.vs knew Mou"'iners P"orial I , last week made f-rfthe old-timers sit up rice Seems that folks j lived there alt their lives Cihines they hadn't known the Pll-uuva mm iv unced them even more "...m in th.v first nut- M -rUs0 jne For Easter STANDARD TTG CO Comp-220-230 S First sh LOUISVILLE KT - WAYN esyille Mountaineer published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE Saint Peter. How did you get up here? Latest Arrival: flu. rt Walter and the Rabbits m it's Stamey and the s Xot satisfied with practic . u r barney has taken to I kbit's. The other morning I' - ftAnn Hrfiu'n COUn House, un-im mv-r... that Mr. Stamey kept hum- ijd kept humming till final- Ubodv had to nouce xne I -Here Comes Peter Cotton- Seems that one or Mr. k's does nao ju ilh six baby Dunmes, ana ne a set up uot n ne was an jisiag out cigars. Inks A Lot" . first serviceman from the immunity to decide to send ataer subscriptions to men I irmed forces has just sent links. David Luther Henry of Oak sent the folks a card that he had received his top? of the Mountaineer and Ls great. Thanks a lot. 66th YEAR NO. 24 16 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 22, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countia W ellco To Aid. 200 n mm Merger Ml Passes ring A Competitor try rraneis lists nis ousiness kit-grower, and farmer. He ll add another, by saying manager" Francis found sometime ago In Atlanta apple market had iference for a small Gcorgia- ipple, about a third the size average stayman, The apple u abundance in North Geor- looks certainly could not be tiling point of the fruit. It Mr. Francis, so he bought to eat, and distribute k friends to find the secret last-selling apple. iid ippk' tastes like old wine. ile tcerc is not much to the apple -sometimes hav- mint of 200 per bushel the is there for those who like a flavor. Francis plans to continue h the large, delicious apples m his orchard is noted. ling Out Young if Ferguson of Fines Creek N only four years old, but his asm for church would do io many of his seniors Plav- imnl Of US hump ha emu IP pass which he thought be- p in Major Cecil Brown of Mvation Army. Not knowinir had just traded it he !d down the road after it. three miles from home, Mr. " spotted the small fieure "8 bravely alone. bere do you think you're lillie?" "To Aunt Cecil's F School down on Shelton Mr. Rathbone nersnarlpri ' elimb into the truck for a e. fle d have to wait four whN beloved Sunday School, Parted out on Wednes- SHis family is hnnino hp make the week short again; h excited over the Easter JH Planned for this Sunday). MLLED TO FLORIDA and M fsbori Special Messenger Takes Bill To House (Special To The Mountaineer! RALEIGH, March 22 The bill calling for the merger of Waynes ville and Hazelwood passed the third reading in the Senate this morning. The bill was introduced last Friday by Senator William Medford, and an identical bill in the House by Rep. Oral L. Yates. The Senate bill went to the House by special messenger short ly afternoon today. The bill set the salary of mayor at $500 per year, and aldermen at $300. Only one of the two bills intro duced will have to be passed and ratified. The date of Anal passage, and ratification is dependent upon so many things, including the amount of work already in the committees, that no one would even hint a likely date. The bill would permit citizens of either town to request an elec tion on the question upon present ation of petitions signed by IS per cent of the qualified voters of either town. The petitions would be received within 13 days after rati fication of the bill. An amendment to the bill was made on the third reading, to sections 44. 45 and 47. As original. ly introduced, the, election if held; would have been against registra tion. The slight phraseology was changed to stipulate the "majority of votes cast in the election, and not against the registration books". Members of the Senate felt this point should be clarified, as that was the original intent and pur pose, they explained. Sara Awaits Another Happy Easter With Peter Cottontail 11 c .7 ' x IN 1 " The creating of office of two deputies in Haywood became a law about noon today. The measure provided the creation of a deputy here, and in Canton. IS. Carter Oshnrno F i Osborne, and Miss Kather- ne. eft WnHnocH,,, f- len they on account nf tho rfoatv, P W. Boney, a brother-in-IMr. and Mrs. Osborne. " Honda Mr onri m e plan fn tu.: ' Sarasota. 1 The father FAIR 'n i,rdl 22Ptly fair wr in ltIal wavneSviii 5 reem-Hoj . icmpera-CS'fthe Farm)- 55 46 55 Min. Rainfall 37 .25 21 31 26 No local school legislation lias been introduced for Haywood, Rep. Yates has included the names of two additional members to the school board in the state omnibus bill. Business Quiet With Board As Complaints Heard The board of commissioners, sil ting as a board of equalization and review, reported "business quiet" which is just the way they want it when complaints are involved. The board will be in session for the remainder of the week. The records show that what few cases have been brought up have been settled Immediately. Most of them have been the result of cleri cal errors, it was said. - s I '"1 - , V', v V. v I ' , V..-.-.,l,.i, : W, Ik":' 50 Already iddedlo Make Additional Line t , 1 Little Sara Thomas thinks the world of her year-old bunny, which is almost as large as she is, but she loves every thread of him, even his,. floppy left ear. Sara is AVi years old, attends Waynesvillc. Kindergarten, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. "CIihI" Thomas. ' '' (Photo by Ingram's Studioi. Mrs; Medford Succeeds Boyd On Welf are Board Mrs. Carl Medford was named as a member of the Haywood County Welfare Board, by the State Board. Mrs. Medford will succeed J. R. Boyd, whose term expires on March 31st. Mrs, Med ford will take the oath of office on April first. Dr. Ellen Winston, state super intendent of Welfare, made the formal announcement of the ap pointment of Mrs, Medford. The appointment is for a three-year term, Mrs. Medford operates n l'arni, tourist home, and her hobby is raising AnRus cattle. She .served as a trustee of the Summer School of Duke University when sessions were held at Lake Junaluska. Mf. Boyd became a member of the Welfare board back in 1937, and has served for 14 consecutive years. Other members are N, C. West, of Clyde, whose term ex pires in April of next year, and Nathan Carver, of Jonathan Creek, whose term runs to April 1953. The three members will meet the first of April and name a chair man, a place which has been filled by Mr, Boyd. CpL Zeb Alley Wounded; Now In Hospital In Japan BULLETIN Report from the Adjutant Gen eral of the Army at noon today wan that Cpl, Alley was serious ly wounded in Korea on March 5. Many Easter Services Planned Along with all the weather watching to see if Easier will be fair enough to permit wearing a frivolous new chapeau or patent leather pumps, there is deep feel ing throughout the entire county of the spiritual significance of the Easter season. Perhaps the Lenton season of preparation, perhaps the immi nence of the Baptist revivals, per haps the tension of the times, and the eternal hope without which men could not live, all contribute to the depth of meaning of this present Eastertide. Men need the faith of a little child, who closes his eyes to sleep through tfle dark ness of night in the absolute trust (See Easter Page 8) Community Chairman In Discussion County-Wide Improvement Programs A number of topics of mutual concern to municipal and rural areas were covered at a special meeting of the community chair men of the Community Develop ment Program on Tuesday night i Attending the meeting were 26 persons representing 14 communi ties, as well as two members of the county agent's staff, and the presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce. Need for closer affiliation be tween the Chamber of Commerce and the various communities was stressed by Dave Felmet. Chamber president. He suggested that every community chairman should be come a director in the Chamber of Commerce, since the three, phas es of the county's economic and social life are industry, tourists, and agriculture. County Agent Wayne Corpening I discussed the national defense pro gram as it applied to the com niunties. and described the plans developed at the Agricultural Mo bilization Committee meeting in which he took part. Mr, Corpening and Assistant County Agent Turner Cathey an nounced the progress of plans for community-wide Blood Donor Re cruitment day on Saturday, April 7. Two receiving stations will be in operation, one at the Courthouse in Waynesville and the other at the Bethel school. Each commun ity n ill try to recruit twenty don- txt-V The honor of being the first stale countv in North Carolina, and pos sibly in the United States, to have rural coverage in group hospital insurance, may come to Haywood, if present plans are carried through. The group discussed the (See Community rage p County - Wide Baptist Revivals Start Sunday Thirty - two Haywood Baptist churches will begin a series of re vival services Sunday. This Is part of a south-wide program. Many of the churches will hold a two weeks' meeting, while others will have a meeting for one week. Many of the churches for the past week have been holding spe cial meetings, and prayer services preparatory to the revival. A reli gious census began the campaign, and since that time an elaborate preparation has been undertaken. According to an announcement released today, the following churches are participating, togeth er with the preacher: Aliens Creek, Rev. G. E. Scruggs, pastor. Barbersville, M. If. Kendal. Mars Hill, preaching; Rev. Jarvis Brock, pastor. Bethel, Rev. C. L. Bissett, pas tor, will do the preaching. Burnettc Siding, Rev. Joe Wil liams pastor announced Ilev. C. V. (See Baptists Page 8) State News Staff Coming Saturday To Visit Section The staff of the State News Bu reau, with Charles Parker, direc tor, are scheduled to make a brief stop here on Saturday, as they make a tour of this part of the Mr. Parker said the purpose of the trip was to give the staff first hand information of this section, and for them to see the main at tractions of this area. From here they plan to go to Cherokee, and Fontana Becker Named As National Park Ranger For Area Michael Becker is replacing Clif ford Senne as National Park rang er. Ile will be in charge of the Waynesville district' of the Blue Ridge Parkway Mr. Becker was transferred here from Lake Mead Recrcal ion Area, Boulder City, Nevada. He expects Cpl. Zeb Alley tulked lo his mother, Mrs. Doyle Alloy, by tele phone from a hospital bed in Yoko hama, Japan early Monday morn ing. Cpl. Alley, who Is attached lo Hie 2nd Infantry Division, was wounded March (i while fighting in the Wonju area. Mrs. Alley had had no official notice from the War Department prior to the telephone cull, bill her son assured her that he was "get ting along fine" and receiving good treatment. He expected lo be mov (See Cpl. Alley Page 8) A new department of Wellco Shoe Corporation is being pushed to completion, and will give employment to an addi-v tional 150 to 200 local people, it was learned here this morn ing from II. W. Rollman, president. Fifty people were added this week, bringing the total payroll to 430, it was learned. About fifty more will be added next week, and another similar froup week after next, Mr. Rollman said. About 90 per cent of those added will bo women. The new department will pro duce a "new conception" in shoes, which will be announced on a na tional basis May 6th, and go on sale the seventh. The type, and de tails of the new shoes were not announced, pending the format showing throughout the nation on May 6th. The new type shoes will almost double the present daily produc tion of 5,000 pairs. The response to the new type shoe by merchants who have been sworn to secrecy, has been over whelming. The entire second floor of Plant two is being converted into quar ters exclusively fr the new de partment. Anoi't fifty special ma chines are being added -many be ing built by engineers of Wellco. Those now working n the new type shoes are doing so behind closed doors, and the public is not admitted to the area. This new department will not in any way interfere with the pro duction of the regular lines of Foamtread shoes, for which the firm has built a national reputa tion. The company will observe their 10th. anniversary in June. The firm docs business on an international basis, shipping many products abroad. The new shoe line was develop ed in the research department of the company. Other developments are being worked on. it was learn ed. One major item in shoes, on which the company began research lust May. has just been completed. Mr. Rollman would not elabo rate on the possibility of bow far the "new conception" shoes might go, except to say, "we know that between 150 and 2011 people will be added lo I he department im mediately. Bey nod that, we must face it when we gel there." There's A Lot Of Competition So you've been having trouble finding a parking place when you rome to town on Saturday? Or dodging everybody else who's still hunting when you've trying t walk across the street? Could be that Dome of Haywood's 8,832 motor vrhielrs (aeeordlng to Slate Registration figure) are causing your trouble, Haywood has an averase of one ear for every 4.26 persons, standing fifty-sixth In the slate, thus top ping Mix counties whirh lie farth er wesl. As far as the actual number of curs goes, without counting how many people ride In them, Haywood ranks firty third. The slate average lor over a million vehicles Is 3.68 persons each. Wake county leads with 2.51 persons per car, and Wa tauga ranks last with a pretty crowded-sounding M?2 pcrtoiw for each automobile1 - Schools To Have 2-Day Holiday Jlaywood county schools will be closed Friday through Monday for an Easter holiday, according to an nouncement by the office of the Board of Education. The office of the Board itself will WNC Tourist Group To Open Offices April 1 The Western North Carolina Tourist Association will ocn head quarters in the Masonic Temple here April 1 for the purpose of carrying on I he work in the eleven county area. The decision to open the new ollice was reached at a meeting of the hoard of directors of the Asso ciation held here Wednesday. The hoard also completed plans to publish large vacation map of the WNC counlies which will have all accommodations for tourists listed on the back. The maps will be distributed 'through' the State Advertising Division and Key Travel Clubs. .lames- Myers of Bryson City is president of the Tourist Associa tion and Paul Hyatt of Waynesville Is vice-president. to leave in a few days lo bring Ills ' jt-maln open on Friday, but will be lamuy nere. closed Saturday through Monday. Weary Traveler Tries In Vain To Find Drink A Florida ' motorist trying to make a fas trip from the red hills of Georgia into' the Smokies decided lo travel at. night. Short ly before dawn, in an isolated place, a tire went flat. He managed to make repairs and started again on bis journey just as the sun peeped over the moun tains. He stopped at the first drive-in for much needed nourishment. As he ordered his breakfast, he be gan telling' his troubles to others sitting about the lunch counter. His story fell upon sympathetic ears. Then the motorist turned to the young man next lo him and said: "What I need is a good drink of liquor. I'm worn out, and that would brace me up." The young man who had been addressed, sipped more coffee and said: "Many fellows follow that theory." With a gentle pat on the arm. the Florida man whispered: "Can you tell me where 1 can get a lit tle liquor around here?" The customer put down his cof fee, and half-whispering replied: "Sure I can fix you up I handle quite a bit of liquor even white liquor from down in Georgia. When you finish your breakfast come on down to Waynesville and look me up jusf ask anyone for Campbell that's my name." The obliging young fellow left, and the Florida motorist perked up at the thoughts of gelling some liquor. Then it occurred to him that his new-found friend had not told him his first name. Calling to a waiter, he inquired: "What is that fellow's first name (See Traveler Page 8) Connard Released Under $1000 Bond In Shooting Case Wilburn Connard was released under .$1,000 bond Wednesday, charged with the shooting of Hu bert l-laiice. Jackson county farm er llance Millered a bullet through his lace, and has been dismissed from the Hospital. Sheriff Fred Y Campbell said that a hearing would he held in about three weeks, when llance is able to attend. The shooting occurred near the I la wood -Jackson line, in Con-nard's- house. Connard is 60 years of age. Lions Putting On Broom Sale; For Work With Blind There should be plenty of new brooms sweeping clean when spring housecleaning starts. The Way nesville Lions Club is obligingly holding a broom sale on March 28, 20. and 30. Proceeds from the sale will go to the Lions general fund.- of which the main project is assistance to the blind. Door mats will also be offered The brooms are made by Guil ford Industries for the Blind, at Greensboro. Joe Clinc, chairman of the broom sale, says that the towns of Wav nesville and Hazelwood are to he divided into districts, so that Lions Club members can canvass every home and every business establish ment with brooms. They will haw brooms for both domestic and in dustrial use. GARY TILLEY IN .HOSPITAL Garv Tilley, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alley Tilley. ot Brown Avenue, is a patient in the Haywood County Hospital. County Man Due Back From Detroit With Deputy Fri. Deputy Carl Setzer. and a guard, are due back Friday from Detroit, uilh James Cochran, alias James Wilhatns. Cochran was arrested by De troit officers on a charge of non support of his wife and six chil dren. The papers had been out for some time, but since the man was going under an alias, the officers were at a disadvantage in trying to locate the man. Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed . . . . 0 Injured.... 9 (This information com piled from Records 0 State Highway Patrol) r--'10 - I discussed the n41onaI detense pro- - r - , : '''--. -' ' - " ' 1 - P TO THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE SOMEWHERE EASTER SUNDAY ATTEND CHURCH

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