PAGE FtR TOE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER OF INTEREST TO WOMEN activity CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor Home Phone 462-J Mrs. Newell Is Speaker For FH A Banquet 'Mrs'.'- C. O. Newell was the speaker at the annual Mother Daughter Banquet held by mem bers of the Future Homemakers of America Club of the Waynesville High School at the East Waynes ville Elementary School, Thurs day rtight. She was introduced by Margaret Noland. chairman of the program committee. Mouriene Carver, president of the club, served as toast mistress and Bettv Farmer was in charge of the devotional. The program included vocal solos by Mary Evelyn Plemmons and Man Jane Rogers and a toast to the Mothers was given by Bar bara, Chase. Mrs, Phillip Chase re sponded to the toast. Special guests, wru were intro duced by Mrs. John Nesbitt. facul ty advisor for the group, included Miss Louise Swann, assistant state supervisor of Vocational Home Kconomics; Mrs. Woodson Jones, superintendent of the Haywood County Schools; Mrs. Joe Cline. Miss Marguerite Way. Mrs. Edna Noland. and Mrs. Pearl Brummitt, all home economics teachers in Haywood County; and Miss Jean Childers. assistant home demons tration agent for Haywood County. Mrs. Nesbitt was presented a corsage of red roses the club flower by the chapter mothers uho arc Mrs. J C Seay. Mrs. Fred Farmer, and Mrs. W. E. Carter. Banquet committee chairmen, in addition to Mary Evelyn Plem mons .were Neil Scruggs, invita tion, and Joyce Carter, decoration. HERE'S TO HEALTH! ...and when your doctor writes your prescription, call us immediately, then you'll lose no time putting his medicine to work. Your Walgreen Agency Depend On Us Your Doctor Does! CURTIS DRUG STORE Borne Owned & Operated Phone 32 This year is the telephone"s seventy-fifth and busiest birthday. What began as a line between two rooms in a Boston attic in 1876 has developed, in one lifetime, into a Long Distance network that covers the Nation and extends to most of the world's telephones. This great system has grown in answer to the needs of a people. And it's a good thing it has. In these threatening times, the Long Distance lines that bind this country together are more vital than ever. For today they are helping to speed produc tion and guard the Nation's security jobs that call for nothing less than the best telephone service in the world. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. Woman's Society Meets Tuesday The Woman's Society of Chri: tian Service of the First Metho dist Church w ill meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Election of officers will be held 1 during the business hour and ,he aT-THen11 ,H p,m'nu'f by Mri j The Prayer Group will meet at 3 o'clock preceding the meeting. U.D.C. Chapter Meets At Home Of Mrs. Green The April meeting of the Hay i wood Chapter Ihited Daughter ; of the Confederacy as held Fri- i .-. fii.Vnn.,,. in th h, ,,r ir i Mr f!n...n uiih Mr r f Kh-k. ! Patrick and Miss Rubin. i Miller as associate hostesses. Queen. Sr. presided. .Mrs. Glenn Tweed was in charge of the presented a paper Baird Vance. Puling the were completed for muting of the L I) I Mu. rtwtrivi i to be held! at the First Presbyterian Church here. Friday, April 13. Mrs. W. F. Swift announced that the annual 'declamation contest for boys in file Waynesville High School will be held May 10 and Mrs X..W. Garrett. Sr. announced plans for the. annual sale of Con federate Flak's on May 5. Mrs. K. A. Anderson of John ston City, Tenn . former member of the chapter, was a guest at the meeting and a special welcome was given Mis. Hoy Martin, member, who is here from Warren-Robins. Ga., for a visit. The residence was decorated with arrangements of japonica, jonquils, and hyacinths and an ice course was served, during the social hour. Free Methodist Class Meets With Miss Bishop The Sunshine Class of the Free Methodist Church composed of oung people between the ages of lti and 2(1. met Fridav night in the h,ome of the, teacher. Miss Charlotte Bishop. During the business hour officers for the next six months were elect ed as follows: Thelma Carver, pres ident; Roy Lee I'ressley, vice president; and Hillip llurgess. sec-, retary-treasii ror. A wiener roast and games feat ured the social hour. Those present were Thelma Car ver. Nellie Ruth Pressley, Willie Jean Trammell. Ann Cogdill, Mary Etta Ray, Billie Burgess Roy Lee Pressley, Clarence Moore. Miss Bishop and Miss Ruth Gruber. Special guests were Lee l'.ay. Harry and Jerry Ray, and Mrs. Jess Moore. Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb and daughters. Miss Polly and Jane Lamb, of Wynewood, Pa., spent the week-end here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Kilpat rick. Mr. and Mrs. Curt E. Kaufman and small daughter have returned from a visit in Florida. Helping the tfM8& -mm 75 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE NATION UDC To Hold Meeting Here i Brownie Troop i Will Attend 1X7J11 fi rtin4 , I f T 111 -l V 1 11114 Circus Matinee Members of the Hazelwood Brownie Troop No. 2 with their j Mrs- Sal L. Queen, Sr., is pres. leaders. Mrs. Harry Bourne and dtnt-wl11 be the hostess chapter. Mrs, Sam Lane, are making plans ! to attend the King Brothers Circus in Asheville next Saturday after noon. The circus is being shown under the auspicies of the Ashe ville Shrine Club. Bourne is making arrange- mcnis tor wie trip ana xickcis lor "e circus are being given to the t-'i''s by Mr. Hourno, The girls have been asked to meet at .the iiazciwood M'liool Mrs Sam ' Promptly ai vi. o chick nooo uivnai ' urriay. of Asheville Members of the troop are Nancy proaraln and I l'hillipsii Nancy Rector, Judy Ket- on Zebulon i nt'r, Judy Whitener, Delphi Wil ' liams Carolyn Davis, Nancy Pre s hour plans ivost. Susan Prevost, Glenda Lee I . . . , n .... i.. i. :.. o... Hoooer. Amelia Gibson. Tobv Craw frd. Betty Swanger, Polly Jordon." Wilma Jo McCall and Milly Frank- lin. Center Pigeon Club Meet With Mrs. Way Mease The Good Neighbors Club of Center Pigeon met Thursday r.ight tin the home of Mrs. Way Mease with Mrs, Jim Queen as co-hostess. I Mrs B. N. Pierce gave the devo tional. ; During the business session, wiili j Mrs W, C. Murray presiding, re i poiis were given on the meeting I of the County Council and the Spring Dress Revue. I "Project leaders reported as fol- lows: poultry. Mrs. R. G. Chason; food preservation. Mrs. Gay Cham bers; house furnishings, Mrs. Hatnes Henson; clothing, Mrs. Jim Queen; home management, Mrs. John Shipman: and arts and crafts, Mrs Cecil Murray. The demonstration on Salads was given by Miss Mary Cornwell, home agent. During the social hour Mrs. Mur ray conducted an auction of hand- made articles proceeds from ( Inn for the visiting officers. Over which went into the club treasury.! night visitors will be guests of Mrs. ; Queen at Queen's farm on the Presbyterian Women To Hold Monthly Meeting The Women of the Wavnesullo Presbyterian Church will h ;;;,dthf,i church Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. L. M- Richeson. president, will preside and all women of the church congregation are inv!,ed to attend. ATTENDING OFFICER COURSE First Lt. James R. Carpenter of Waynesville is attending the Squadron Officer course at Max- well Air Force Base, Alabama, Lieutenant Carpenter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Carpenter. Nation for 75 years To htlp speed your Long Distance call, please give the operator the out-of-town telephone number. Telephone lines are busy with national defense, ' District Friday A meeting of the First District of the North Carolina Division, United Daughters of the Confed eracy will be held at the First Presbyterian Church here, Friday, April 13, beginning at 10:30 o'clock. , r .n.ipier, oi which -rs. "mry y. Ve, aisinci ai rector ,of Asheville, Is in charge of the program which will open with the processional and call to order. The invocation will be given by the Rev. J E. Yountz of Waynes ville. The pledge of allegiance to the American flag and the salute to confederate flag will be led by Mrs. Walter Jones, of Sylva. The Salute to North Carolina flag and singing of "Old North State' will be led by Margaret Davis Haves Chapter. Hcndersonville. Mrs. W, A. Hyatt of Haywood Chapter, Waynesville, will make the address of welcome and response will be given by Mrs J. V. Erskine of Asheville. Mrs. Preston Thomas of Ashe- ville will present the division pres- :'' s- Henry u, Mevens who will then address the meeting. Miss Pauline Slaughter of Can ton, vice district director, will in troduce the state officers. Mrs. W. F. Swift of Waynesville will introduce the pages, Bettv Barber and Mary White. The minutes of the last district meeting will be read by Mrs Glenn Tweed, secretary, of Asheville. Committees will be appointed. Reports will be made by chap ters in the District, which will in clude Asheville and Fanny Patton Chapters. Asheville, and chapters from Cantton, Hendersonville, Syl va and Waynesville. There will be a fifteen-minute panel discussion, led by State Pres ident, Mrs. Henry L. Stevens. Mi s. J. o. Hendrix, Canton, will conduct a Memorial Service. Luncheon will follow. During the luncheon reports of committees will be given. UDC mambers planning to at tend the luncheon have been asked to make reservations through their chapter president or with Mrs. Queen. Friday evening members of the hostess chapter will entertain with a buffet supper at Mount Vallev Dellwood Road. V.F.W. Auxiliary Officers Attend District Meeting Mrs. Roy Campbell, district president of the Auxiliary of Vet erans of Foreign Wars, and Miss Frances Rose, district secretary, attended a district meeting of the organization held at the Y,F.W. Home in Brevard Sunday. Mrs. Campbell presided and the guest speakers included Mrs. Mary Alice Moody, state president, and Mrs. Albert Varner. a national of- ficer. A district meetting of the V.F.W Post was held at the same time. Bride -,'s J ' i'-s I j . ! " . C ! -1 k ' 1 : x ' . .., 4 ' s s ,1 ' ; rssi- , s ' j W ' sf 5. ' f J s '"r. ' s, s I ' vs s J J. A , ;rv ts . v Vs ' " si , . " 's - ' w;s' J MISS DORIS H.IZABETII BROWN, daughter of Mr and Mrs Glenn D, Brown of Clyde, is engaged to Alvin McKinnlsh of Can ton, son of Mr. and Mrs, M. B. McKinnish, also of Canton, A July wedding is planned. Doris Elizabeth Brown Will Wed Alvin McKinnish Mrs. Roy Plott Is Hostess For Jonathan Club Mrs. Roy Plott was hostess for the April meeting of the Jonathan Creek Home Demonstration Club Friday afternoon. Mrs. Way Fisher presided and the devotional was given by Mrs. J. L. Palmer. Leaders reports were given bv Mrs. Glenn A. Boyd on foods and nutrition; Mrs. J. L. Palmer on gardens, Mis. G. V. Howell on clothing, and Miss Bell McCrackon on arts and crafts. Book reports were 'given by Mrs. Way Fisher and Mrs. Irene Hudson. The demonstration for the after noon on "Salads" was given mv Miss Mary Cornwell. The Burnettes Are Hosts At Dinner Mr- and Mrs. Clayton Burnctte, were hosts of a dinner Sunday at their home in the Morning Star Community in honor of Mrs. Wayne Burnette, who was celebrating ; birthday, and Ray Burnette, sta ttoned at Leesville, La., who is spending a two-day leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Burn ette. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Burnette, Tiehe Smath ers, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burnette and Jeanette Burnette, and Rose Ann Duckett. WSCS Elects Mrs. Rhinehart Mrs. Gaston Rhinehart was elec ted president of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the Rockwood Methodist church at the society's April meeting. Tho group met at the home of Mrs- James Harris. Other newly-elected officers are: Mrs. David Burch, vice president; Mrs. Sam Robinson, recording sec retary; Mrs. Jarrett Willhmson, corresponding secretarv; Mrs. Frank Cabe, treasurer. Secretaries of the various de partments Include Mrs. Mary Rus- "11. Christian .Social - Relations; Mrs. James Harris, Mission Edu cation and Service; Mrs. W- M. Williamson, Student Work; Mrs. Sherrill Jimison, Youth Work; Mrs George Wright, Children's Work Mrs. Ray Robinson, Spiritual Life Group; Mrs. John Whitted. Litera ture and Publication; Mrs. T. G. Murray, Status of Women; Mrs! Nathan Wilson, local treasurer. Mrs. Jarrett Williamson was in charge of the program, and Mrs. George Wright gave the devotional. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Cul breth. - " Joe Morrow, student at Carolina, spent the week end at home. Mrs. James Thomas, Jr., and lit tle daughter, Sara, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. J. L. White, in .Hillsboro, Ga. . - Elect sv v - J Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Brown of Clyde announce the engagement of their daughter; Doris Elizabeth, to Alvin McKinnish of Canton, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McKinnish. also of Canton. The wedding is planned for July, The bride-elect was graduated from the Clyde High School and attended Mars Hill College and Limestone College, Gaffney, S. C. She is presently employed at the Haywood County Bank in Canton. Mr. McKinnish wag educated in the Canton schools and Western Carolina Teachers College, Cul lowhee. He served with the U S Army in the Pacific Theatre dur ing World War II and is now oper ating a market at the Clyde Food Center. . A PRETTY FACE Vq STARTS AT YOUR FEET andrtand play Air McP Spectators. With the meUow comfort of the Magic Sole, the infallible fashion of the Air' Step design ... you have the relaxed assurance that makes "a p etty face THE SHOE Harden Howell Celebrates 3rd Birthday Mrs. James Harden Howell, Jr., was hostess of a party Saturday afternoon in observance of the third birthday of her son, James Harden Howell, III. She was assisted with the en tertainment by Mrs. J. H. Howell, Sr., Miss Nancy Killian, and little Misses Carey Howell and Betty Owen. -. A color scheme of pink and blue was carried out in the decorations and refreshments and the guests were presented balloons and party hats as favors. The guest list included Billy, Jim, and Mary Owen, Jan and Dickie Kimball, Jody Kilpatrick, Lee Buchanan, Jo Prevost, Ernest Boyd, Rosalie Prevost, Karen Smathers, Carol Edwards, and Mary Love and Sam Stringfield. Revival To Start Tonight At E. Wville The first of a series of revival services will be held at the East Waynesville church tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The services will be held each evening this week, through Saturday. Pender Robertson will deliver the messages. . ' , ' ... Mrs. F. A, Anderson of John son City, Tenn., is here for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ernest Hyatt. Other' ; BaB,v for summer . , . classic start at your feet." See our smart selection today. WITH THE MAGIC SOLE n f Dellwood M meets With Mrs.T.V.Wel Thursday afteinoo," Mrs. T. V. -wcri , . rollowinu ih. .. ..PI Mr,weK,;; Siven nn f,,.i. nli Mr,Trank;n- tion bv Mr ie A "a I Hon k- , : , . :v Mr, bv Mr. I.,..,. , ' crafts by M,s Fannj;" Book report, were,! Mrs. Wells M,s u " Fn. ' Ht,lry.i A committi.. ". frank km, pointed to prepared district meet i, n Miss Mary Cornwell h( " , uie aemontrati0ll ads.' DAR Will Mee With Mrs. Lutz The April meetin? o cas Bell Lov rh,,,,.. Of the American Kcvolmi, neid Friday afternoon O'clock in the home of Lutz. Mrs. W. A HvaitV sociate hostess. Mr. and Airs. H. L B Sr., of Nashevillc were guests of their sun in-law, Mr. and Mrs h' anan, Jr. saw. r w ... . Ml "ra' n .I $11.95 and S12.95

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