idelights Wayne LE 1 TOP U S sMII.E "..'' .iid ihr j!pw1jv NTAINEER 'in ' thr .-hit hop. "Hi-rf's a i number Hut will never S( ( out f style. It will just lojik ! tidiiuluiis jMf jfltr year.". ! News - iv problem YKAH NO 1- I'Adl.S Ass.)ciated Press W AYM SVH 1.11 V i . AIOMU Y AI I I K(HN, :T'K!U 23, m , Ti mhx A iv;it",e hi iljvw.i md Jackson Countta the tail of a Foundation Of Now Baptist Auditorium Being Poured cur ..e3: " 1 ., i,a inp ru i t-ui To Deeide On ,( the W ;,,l!!0d I don't know." ica , i V,r- arouse a criiaui v Hazelwood ,i'-ir,sjt7. much in the 1 ,,r as the incident aftcn p late K A Sentelle. ttfifr we a '"ins. "d D ...a on' day a grand . , k i 1 ' j..' it... I...I I ii or .uium "it uiu n-l!e related that for two , unable to 'sleep, for o!K out the answer, k to the curly pig tail L. that the curl straightens tiWipe weather like the the hair nl mtiaoy. rtistic Twist member of the Rotary i c R Stunner, Ashevillc iilt, paint a picture in an Miration. i the cam , is looked like a lots, ami when me arusi M on ll.e last stroke, ne utiva- a taist, and turned If! up-iilt down, aim nine fcjiiful ltn.ujitain scene. ijt.r artM as at wurk w ith ir; brushes Joe Rose was Dy pur.o When the artist i iialor scene, Mr. Hose Tich..r Aueigh." ! ts of Money i.i n ot nainesvuie may ne name -all municipalities fcinev and notnmg. 10 uo ittiiro tliis starts a rush of ViiJfstions. officials hast- hat the treasure in jciinsists solely of one-cent h.i the treasure chest is an hoard liux the coins collected from parking meters arc a fcf much-battered pennies. mashed, others are badly w looks very much as if in a fuse box. They are Err all right; hut the mis ( cos my apt to jam the inaI for counting the li take them to the bank, i ! them lock sooner or cans Grayderi Ferguson, t us' keeping them out of Jtr 'til we decide how to i pi niianently out of our Jl -r k : ij A III fn VVVR i w .w s m i Tea a m a m , i - - ' erger In i 1 1 Bills Were Introduced In Assembly i -.If J 17 J If ttt .1 (i hi v i ! s : n i. , ,1 In .,i Ml! Mil 10 H--v II . ;n, ;i. ..i. M I.. ' 1 Wf'A'w id Nt - IS ".,! i.i! ill i I - 1. 1 l:,hu , , ill I ll.M ill 111 I'u..: . I cer Fund Drive continue Thru ith Of April '! Imiil raising campaign ' VwMir.oi Cancer Society l" iV'i-ionsored in the 4" an,, by the Waynes at 'I the Secretaries' I"1 lontinued through A nl .,n '"es will start solicita- ' Hi' hlMccss riistriclc fif ati'l Hazelwood this "ivnuon oi an ,(im(li ..,, ,,.,,,! 11 K nt the Aniei ri ii, ir hmds and work- I1'!' a -prcial (innorlnnitv a , j Workmen are shown here pournm Hie toumlation lor the new auditorium "I iln- l u i 1 1 . , t , 1 1 . t church here. This excawitmn is nl Hi, luntc bniln r n ,.l n Iniililnu: I h ..imIh.h iu.i i.,i more than l!IMI peopiv. is Ileum nh i!;,- Man; Street lot m-i in the pa. m i,: suiiil.c, .-, h,,; builclintt, and the Dunliam Hiui-m- 1 h w ii In ic on loll1 'Stall l'lmtn SEES: 6 Hm1 ,n T W(m Highway Bridge County Highway Accidents The body ol Saieucl TIihiims Cooper. 7U. of the I'ltillipsv illc -ee tion of Canton "as loiinil i-,.nl this morning in I'liteon Unci m il the railroad liriilce at the Cli.iin pion Paper and l ibit- ( un:iaiii Dr. ,1 Frank Pate. r.Miniv em oner, pronotineeil the ilealh a .in cide. C'oiipei', w ho wis born in .l.n k soli County, had hecu an emphie of the ltepair and All' i alii" I o liai'tment o the Chaminmi l' in r and Kibre Ciiiup.inv sinec lu2. He was a menibei nl tin OM 'I in. ers Club and was eligible lm i tirenicnl May I nl tin - ' ' ai Survlvitig an- lie wnlmt M Nina Cogilill ( 'iiiipei . tun ii,ni. i. (its. Mrs f I. 'i,-l,r .mil l' IGano Morgan, two oi. i I and Glenn I) Cnnp.-i a I m ' ton; three grandchildren ;ool op brother Grady Cooper ol bono Ga. .Funeral arrangoini'iii . ih.h- the flircetion ol Well , I'm ' t d V i ill Hi. i- r. Man Seriously Injured Sunday When Stabbed I'm iii.ii : mi ,i ion . i ..I,.! linn ,i mi i In ,i re villi in i ,i i ! 1 1 nihil.; I I OI '1 V. Il.ll ' ill n i I . I tt . . 1 1 i tin ..ii tijn ,,1'inP lion Sill';,.', ill Sli 1 1 ig ie CnM I I'ln1; ' looil- in: :!t: i in .. ' '.'Vlllf- ll.'spll.ll, miHi .. del mini about l.i . 1 1. . !. ,n. Registration Books Will Be Opened April 28 1' in ' iiti.t'ns o ll.t.-elt mid. will ' ii s.iiui d ii . M.n L'titli. deeide in .m i-tt-i -! in-i. ! be 'ti.ies ion of t on -l iKl.ll 111;; v n h , nes Mlc. I hr elecl inn as called In t be . '".lid ot .lidi'iinen in response to i petition (.,, s.-nled on the litlb a, i "V nli , ii, I lit bill h bn h as i at i !! : il ;lli In the I' Ci n I I ,ll -,'ll.l Uegisti .il ion hooks o- u. dec I i"-i it ill oi', ;! s itui d.i pi il ;"'t b .ilni br ,,.,i; , i-cnit Solid. i s .I 'I Imb.l.n . 1 1-, mile o'clo. k on t it -on- el t iv p.'t h in each Sal ' ' 1 i . , 1 I lie h""k t(i I,, opi-n ,, hr I. .i n hail -liir.l.n M il DHIi bet -li set ' I 1 1 1 ' I ) .1,1 ,e l o llll'tl III! i.i I lii ;:. m i .ii . I. . I ion ,,v s I ho I I -I n, lined ( ai i ol lilt l I .. 'i igl I i ,i, l 1 1 h I- 111 ll ei i no I n I Ins I 1 1 1 1 1 - .It .is luitni s I i" oi iii(; "ill he at I he low n hall It!.' nl III in I hot Ice ol I he sle( I,. I - a1, ' nm ionl s I lie names ol ' ! . .i 'ion ol t h el s ,n siibieet to . !....! ;e I !-. o I n i.,l 1 i.i II it will i mil on in-' . ll. i. . t , nl ing 1 1 it 1 1 i I i .nl I oi l on- . Inn" and I he I 'I . I Wll Ii a, I 't. I C. Hi-.. ill I i e o lilt -mill o 111,' e, i t t, ill I ! .! I. i mini d lii lb, manual! o 1 ol' ' I a- I ami I. nt ,o aim till. 1.1 I a "..' l.'l, li.H'ks Tin .ioh.s,i I,, incite the two I '' n i .one 1 1 ill i a I epnl I o ,( 7 In o h".. i it naini d n the hoi bo. nil "I ahli'lini'li I.I slntlv the n'n ' I '.' ohi. ills nl the lollll . I he - i I . i . ' 1 1 1 1 n I v si . . 1 1 in an i ' ' " ' i . p. a I a; 'n ino'ol; in .- . ..: ,1 : ',.,, Ii, I tl(. ,. liv re ' " i . PI 'I "l etl 111 I lie IH.a i Ol-s ' I" . '' ..'.I. I men ol I. ..Ill Ion in. !'. " ' lm m,d olli. lal ..ppioia! ' !i. Ion n oil Ii lal-.. a hilt u .is ' ' ; ' i iid 1 1 1 1 ' ' i h I . e . I in I he t o li 26 Election To Get Phone Service Awards May rvVik ,.i ''s'.v; .... t , v - s .-.-.-.' : St Ln in r- :- '-"- - ' "-'-' i ' . ..uninwiii. j,i'j.iii iij MHS. I y I O y X' ,,t"' I , ' - 1 ; 1 . WWMtitti.'l MISS IIKSlllt II WIS l.iini; I line si i v ice an n ; - il! ' r .matded In In e i n, ' t a Snitt hei n lie! I I i-lepii. ." t an. i.n;i at a din) m h. ; , 1 ; .' II u;hl Shnii n In i . , i i ' . i - t .ail.' pin. 1 ; in I"'.,,'..!- ' " . i.d I '.a a i ..ii '. .. iii !. i- i; a oil i.i ,,' -.1 ' . o . , I- ,.. ,, I'lioto . in Mi.lli, , M,,. Service Awards To Be Made Tucs. To Phone Peoolc s s " I 1 . 'i J , J S . .in f lii ; t.v.. - a Mi in, Ai'r.. -a ...- W1 .J.i Mils. s I.I I S. II XI 1 . ,1'.' ill 1 1 rn. in. I- j lie Mate I ) 1 t I - 1., hr . i ti ! 0 ia . n in etl I . .1 .iiii-l Me. linn I'.na- I, I p. New Store Build- i . ing Going Up On Main Street Here Lake-To-Canton 1 ; Highway Ready For Tuesday Bids New Bids Called jFor Healing Unit For The Hospital ' . i - ' . i ' ! : t..l, Iln, 1, 1 1 1 1 1 . I ', n ha ai 1 , . , i an. i, ,t ','"'' '' '": i; considered im ''ii Ti itinnally for the '' 1 '"' I'lllteri Slaloi. Ir. .ana iu S'i'il' IH,. Mw.nlk r A . M ii ut npi 11 tO-mrn!' Wnm: This, to T' tin k o "1 oi tne Amen- t;iintoll ,,ict nntitcd C. ei .... ' ' " 'ne needs in u,,. 1,0,1,,,.,, i.;,i.. ..I. on' iln.-. o'etock this morning, ami eariiei him to his home a mile and a hal away. ' i'izen aware of T'.s I :r... I-; '.; "ouie toward I 1)r .,, ,i ( hu t ..i I'. . 'a'"' .!!!!! to continue j w. . Strniipe. inv.-si igat ing 'i - "inch miS been so "'en in the last till) Us ,,! ,, . iiuerieaii -tabllshed and SLATED J'8"'1 " partment has V l'M clinic at the tn.! Slh001 f"r 9 - ' morning, April in ad, m,, . i wi t ie I're- Hready set for Tues- a m. at the n"f' School, Can- case, said that Co.iiiei apparel-! I ' (lied belivceii Loir ,.ml -n !.. 1. The clcee.isi.-fl euilrniiy h i' 1 "' " stioll after being ran irl I hei ' I the olTict's. anil r.iiiim-fl to H- I bride, the nlTte. r. -,aid S The coroner's iiir.i n a - reng" ed of J. C. .lones. U I. Hum:. it n er. M. C. Ilai kins. .1. M Ib nn. ai . Thomas Kuress. il 24 1r'H Ave I .,' '-.' . i. 1 11 ,,!!.' I o I I .: a i ! .',11 l i; 11 rl e I hal i'i f v. i ' ' 1 a.,: ,h nnk and fiulllillg I I'I r, hi;.' ' i g l! 1 1, g 'In . t'r .il l loaning the ai re-P. u . 1 1 ( ' Pi itch. ii d Sinll 11. She! ill , ... ,a.i f p.i! c.-nKi-! .!'' ' !!' 1 1. j 1 1 ' 1 . .lime ;-,- - I- ri, I'r ib l-grm, w s ( ii it(;i t) tvnn si I I lG I MM'OH 'I 1 mg Sin , ,, ., llOllffl Id '- II t'K 'I' I' ' I'll , i - n ,! : .!h . Iln,-; hfU"i t ..!-.!. it V. an- a- ha', l' - i : I,--; - ni'i illor t'l !hr I'll!' " i ' ' ' ' ' . I ii,'hi'. ' h:.'l' S I i ('nl. "! i making "ir a .a . ' " ' ... .lion and a ball .H Hi-, m hi. an. home ui-re P' ,'. ; mi! Sllill 11, -h; in! and l)i-pul Jiiiic S- ' " Iron Duff CDP To Discus.; Insurance Plan , '.nl, lb n l !' . I III! 1.1 I i p. in.,'- I',..!''; I Chas. Alley Plays With Symphony IViO III III IN 1,1 ( K I I Si !H I . I.I,. IS. I: I '" '' a'. 1 1 H lm ai I .iinn.l l. i. '" i. .! I" L I a i out, ,,, I m ' o, , ;,, '.,. Indin ai 1 1 nm I .,il,r ani'i i,.i !., lin nli i ., ,, i ,n, 'i h. iiu i ','. 'II i mi i., 1 p. S' ;,!, r i I,,. Smith, , ,, ; ,iu I (lit.., t ! -1 . 1 1 , ; i f ' , 1 1 1 I S Snoiln k , I h, ' ,,n ' S , -I, '. I,, , ope. I' Ihe line "I'- ,.i Ml I'IimI.. i, h'r. I, S' li I I. ogg I'll ,1 'I I, nole in, I I, in,,,, .. ,,le lui IIS. 1 ( I ( ,,,ll.i ' I I 'aide Mm..,' Ml lo . 1 , , ''.! .1 I .I..,..' I ,r,i ! r " ' 'ii I Vl.'.. . .(tire Mam. ' ''i-.l.hei I.. ( ,i r, ,,. I... ,1, ,. a;,!, A'- o 1 llnvn." ' tin,. Mann S. i . a. ki i I I n i in i- Hill SI'. I' III i I'M i. S-aSi h. ir. Mo, C all-. Ponr, -"' S I 1,1'. i.l ('la ' ti l Hipp; '-,..,!,, " I : i ' i M. M II Hipp . i I i- ' -'te Ha'-mmnl Wi I! li !' Ili'lin T II ll.nkii. 'I I I p. .P. i S ' l al li" Sllinin. . P I ' (Il.ill. Clisp I). .11.. ' ' I ' S I il ;a Mt (ice. il (I I; p J,-' , I ,,'i i f.invi Millll-e. I-, V. .S .n, mil Ml - (. . T Well-. .mil I'll ' ' ll Iln I" I I.. 1 , l , n ," ' in 1 '" '. 1 It,,. -., i Mr- II 1 1 ' . I I I. M Orchards Will Be In Full Bloom This Week End MPs il iii.;i; Mil ;(,nl s H'I I! I IH Foreign Coins Getting Into Parking Meters Few ei. i. -a a i lher r d'f :'!' "Clearin? and. t T ' ,ilr anJ col Mon T ruev. 'air and mild. ')M.!ar, '"Vil19 tempera-F-;itb "taffofthe 3 1 Mu. Min. RaiifaU 40 .04 37 .01 f fin 1 73 s 69 Penplc in S n-i'. si no mm " remarkabli hones' AIu "-: K,.,. rsOli- -ml I hitiC tlllt f. ni t ';) llllll.V HI i .s .in.) ted States rent and ""'Kl : the town'.s lad parking " :" ' " ' ' 1 ' ' Other cities may turn uf Canadian Cents, bus tiftls. and pia' mm .-. 'I' re but Grayrien Fergu-on. 1 -,; ' ""';1'' ocroi. hanHlps so few ua-in ls .mo .' li I'n slugs and foregm nuns that n serves. "Maybe a whole !! will go by withfiiit get'ms tl-iintt hut brlnngs 1 n ! e '."'S ' has noticed, however. Unit m, ,.w...!i.. .-oii-in in Whc! uei.rtiiinii , . , .1 1.1 Ol'l I" .0" '"-''I ,1 .-. Mr f-'ergn fij! says, attriliir- p ;,j ti-.. r -i' to Hie innu.s oi sum- Substantial Gains Made By Baptists 01 County 28 Arrested By Police Week f '.nd ii. r, m .liro !'7 fin Iln- miiii i'i a. i" i .on . .m u i ...'' . ! . i upli the iniinnl a. 'Si' fo'-i;'. A" a '.- I i'i nt i a ytaragii. bail' tin- S'br.i-'i d Mini In pav tnr the ma llo-pi -n i.., I,.. i I-. il.'.i l.m.. Hon hnrf Hr.'niii i :i mmp!. .';. paid, for fhemseiv ,,.(i in,' .. i , ! ire revenue is retail hi Ho 'oh i T1 ' o rrhani-ui Is .iiiiple, a mi. - ;.i . n pan s can lie mi mam h' Hie i'lC.i! poll I - I'li'ili l 'ii. w, Tie -tiki' in siiniiiier mo mi their depositors were visum' towns where a ten-rent parkins 11.,,. ii lm.1 her stilllt Ml rate ippn. , . .... ;. ...... i I,at !' vs hurrv to tmiu a m'i --'-.. ....,-..., ........ . rl vtie vcar. wun a nign one was in too big a cent, he doesn't venture to guess- '"i'Pe The machines are emptied once ' u w Fridav inoinll'.g A ivcciv, c..j ........ ii,- ,. I,,,. . .'. u ilicii run . able lo law COlllS are SOlltU 111 nan..- through the coin counting. The yearly revenu. ei a ciiioii on siee C'oinv Paee 6) pa .. rm ,., .1, , ,, ..'.. i l " '. Da-, ton! P.i ,f. . .." n o n ' !"" ' ' P"r ai mini m- ai S la a -I i inn ' h i on , ie Town Of Clyde 1 ' i ( ! : ' Sets Election . .,'ii. ri ik'i-. ill 1 -n. ..." ni ,,! ' i . 1 1 n g ami iram-iioiMi g Sfginr -pi,, j,,,: np,.,,,) ;-,iim- (llfl.ias .aid ll n f r'en' ,-, ,-. f);. ,,,, rr ; I , ;, t ; . . , i , a -nt..- fin red on I's lfj-2:t m ( h'U- m-i be- Mlp i,r, ,. ,r,.i m ci-.l.. i he voih! the high el'f'ii! 'I 'f ' -i,fl ,,. Jniie a mi! mil -I ns (Jwl. dl lving the .Ii ep fi. Irani- jtPr pejore j,( g Salnrdai April irg west and cuilldeti wi'li a pick- 28. a' ft n. m Otilems ti. he e'lertt'd up truck opei';.!i:.i hi Charles aie tin. inai or three aim i nidi, arid a I Hi Ihe I , I ill In I .hip ,St m... IS , hill ' In . makltig up t in ' ,. nidi a! I'.ap'is! ,-..ieial mm and ami . mi is and improve incut 0 h Sup' i ' S mi m her ol building- " ' t -1 : 'o t In- ChuF f h are amon;' ! ' til migli! mil in t l.e i rpoi t :: l.'l lied ol the Sisdi -l-'il'h -m -h Si.-.niil nt Mf A-.OCI.i- i7' I I I'I 'I ' (I about $7,000 goes into the genera a- mi tar snori oi si.uou ie,side the extra income avail- .lames s.u-inmev, 2!t.of Cat Son. dam- a pig;. . '.mige eniorcerneiit wtirk. aged the left rear fi nd. . nt the. Mrs c I- Brow n .it maehine for Mr .ergu-oti crenus tne mcieiss ' ..u- maCllint 1 . ., , . . . .... tr.r I I "I... Hi llllrt i.l ..ll 1... ,, , I, llOl ', ..t ..nth imnrrivini' i ne narKinc s in- na. aim no ..n...,.i an - . . .; i lion n the main streets. The de- police -sail .was riisvei. n inign . ur,(!iiiaies nl , -! loo liehl lad 1 1 l .id iiu- i epoi't - .mi r. .a i d cm. tin Mar ending .lime .'pi ' 'mi - ' hi- nullliii l ol ii l son ad into the chili eh dini!;s 't l.t Sl'llUlhiii' i.i; - Mm IV ai sa nifU-d in lilt- iif,aahershi - si-ell. i'i - aiCia'.i'in Kir '' i-aiii d by lit, Lt-e .Hay d. Mudtratoi ''' He- Al el P'-ek n;e Mod- hm; I l.l'itr tlftleei's were 'Miss iiiflm-v 1.-' . i V 1 . 1 1 ("trk N'eal in - isi' tile lot Hoc- Webb 'It.-a-plfr fi K S. idi.'!! 'in. j Ti Ilt- US p.ri- (See 6 Hurt Paae Hi lion by May 2fl. Mistoi jar Jack Medl'it'd. Sundav S3-.' ip mi ugnway Record For 1951 lii Huywood (In Hue) Injured .... 19 i Killed . . . . 0 (This inloi tnatiiin com piled fitim Krcord state llcbway f'Htre.1.1 5Z .42 i funri for law enforcement and Pn

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