STANDARD PTGo Comp-220-230 s p.- lights ;fThe Way isivcr ' .nt In view f? ith highly rrhen Publisher f-ribe to somebody f .hit's news' K..rn. of Waynes- W Mountain- ' .. - editor of the I River teporter u ----- ...hi i hat one partlc- u interest him. bue .imltPll HIS ', request for a whole fntion to me m" 66th YEAH NESVILLE MOUNTAINEER .I'i'wttc-A-Wcckln The County; Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Kut ranee Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park N. IS 20 I'.U.l.s t rr TODAY'S SMILE Have injr W yow child hood dreams ceme irorV "Yes. whe my mother uurd to amll my hair I wba rd I didn't have any." Associated Tress'.; N. I'., Till KSDAV .fTtRNtX)X JTNF. II, 1931 .$3.M In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Piedmont Group Enjoy View From Devil's Court House Guess. ( ore than one way to U.Veocky vac.- k His picture nau im r.mim.ntlv during a re- i'1 . J 4 wmpaiK", - 4 lost, he wasapreny ( jjure - he thought. m the street one day, I. iit nrobably prac- ilWlww r - - a,aext election he was long-suffering civuen. n vnil somewhere be. Li with a twinkle. "I L prised." the Dig it "my picture has been meaner and maga- 'shat I thought," ex- . m,stloner. . . Now Ur, just what were you The Family nf Hueh Francis as siioerintendent of RaDtist Church K third generation of the inilvto serve in mis ca fe Francis' father. C C. ud his grandfather, inch, were both super- k before him. ...L. Ajf: I' . V iWaynesville-Hazelwoo 1 Water-Sewer Controversy V ss ' v ; ' - . " Now Question For Courts V Vaynesville Shows 80 Growth In Last 10 Years A Flying Start Lrt out-raced all other 1 V to become the chief Vii the Haywood Com I roup insurance program ninta effect .In the early Jav mornine. The plan Iftctive at 12:01 a. m. and lie first patient, a mater ia admitted to the Hay- sty Hospital. Of the next Emitted, all but three Mere of the maternity This morning a party of some SO folk from Eastern Carolina visited IVvil s Court House and tlu Henh tiap area. Villi l-rfeet weaili- . . . 1 i . ..'.)... 1 ... u 1 t I, . Ci . 1 . . V .,11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti 1 1 1 er,.and beautiful flowers, the group were enthused over me trip, this pieiure. mane m ..u ,. .. ., shows Sam Robinson, and Major W. J. Stone, of Canton, Carl Goerch. i ailer and oru.mier o( the urt, Altn.l Williams, Kd llardiMin, and Major General K. O. Shoe. Haywood To Uphold Rights On Koad Down r igeon iiiver 1 1 . . w.i. 1 v niTiil! I A I , Lot ;il headers Scl W.iMiesville was in the top ten etltes anl towns o the state in urouth lor the III ear period from HMO to Hl.'x). aeeordtiiK to a ieeont compHriMm made by the University I Nes Letter Wawiesville showed an inerease in iiolnilalioii in the 10-vear period of "!!! per lenllt and ranked tenth In the slate .lai ksonville led with IlliO per rent, but Is near Camp Le Jeune. whii li aiTiiunls for this fact. I he nct Western Carolina town was Itulhei loi dtnn. which held 2'lnl plate with a .l.r) per cent ill- ereas-e Krevani had 21, Heiulerson- i v 1 1 It- 10 Asheville 111, Canton ! showed a decrease ol 2 2. and Mar j ion also showed a decline ot 5 (i delegation left Asheville , pel ' C ut ti:t( with Patrolman Joej ''he ollinal census tinure for I li adliiK them. Alderman i vv nrsMll, Kelix Sloall hroimht up the rear Piedmont Folk Enjoy Trip To Beech Gap Area ",lus mole than we expeiti'd' was the Ki'heial comment of soon; SO l'.asleiii Carolina visitors here todav alter a pie-noon visit to Devil's Court House, Heech (iap. and the Sherwood Korest Area The ilelenallon, ananned Itv Carl Goercli. of Italeigh, had "a delight ful I line, and eVei l.vlunH w as love iv." Ihev said as thes arrived lu re lor lunch at the Townc House Tin about Mun Bounls Fail To Settle Differences; Tempor ary Injunction Is Served n iv i, I, k T I N A temporary injunction, re straining the rutting oil of th water in llazrlwood, was serv ed on Dr. Tom StrinRfield. Waynesville alderman and chairman of the water com mittee, about three o'clock to day. The injunction papers were sinned by Judge J. C. Rudisill, and stipulates that a hearing would he held in Sylva, before, .Judge Dun K. Moore on July 4th. of Hie 30-rur motorcade, as they went into the Sherwood area Meet inn the group at Hecch ( lap was a local group headed ny nave I'elniet. president of the Chamber of Coinmerce. and (I. C. KeiKuson, A. P. Ledhetler, ami . others.. Soil drinks and lee cream were served on lop of the mountain On Wed nesday niuht Charles Iv Hay and W Curtis Huss, of Waynesville, and Sain Robinson, of Canton, mel with the Kioup. and told them of the plans (or the day . k Outside W of a meeting did you masked the other ilayof : who attended a rather Mng. ; ' f perfect," came the an- 4 orip rami)- eater in the hp, and she sat next to Jnen Answer Alarms Rncsville fire department ' the second call since s a small blaze caused rn. circuit in an electric S. John's school called fitment about 9:30 today. f morning firemen went to intHree to save the home R buildings of Rex Mes- "e destroyed his store. Pen flprnrrtind f Clem Fitzaerald The we coming out of the ,'w when discovered, raiesville firemen extin- rie bur mniy so, mimne l"e home nearby, Urcvard Joins Willi Haywood In Pushing Pigeon Road Havwood officials and civic lead , Crs took occasion yesterday I" em j phatically give citizens in (mimics opposing the building of the Pi geon River Road the true lads in the case. . A letter signed by Charles C. i Francis, chairman of the board of j commissioners; David Pelmet, pres- I ident of the Chamber of Com rnercc. and Paul Davis, president ol fhc' Merchants Association, cited the facts, and background of th" proposed water-level route to New. poi't- - Letters were mailed lo Mi' News-Record, Marshall; The Asia villc Citizen, and The Times-News. Hcndersonville for publication. .. norinp I hp course of invest iga- ! tion, the local officials leanied that ; 22 from Buncombe attended the j initial mass meeting in Madison county last Friday night. , Another meeting is scheduled for Friday night at the court house in , Asheville. One representative from i (See Brevard Pace f li DITO K 1 A I- Pi-eon River Ro;ul Musi lie Duill Haywood Answers lluiuomlie andMiidison If Haywood County, ;ml our ih i;;IiI"'i s lo the wi :.(, ate ever lo have a toad lo TciiiH'ssee. will liavt- lo overcome the strom; ami selfish altitude ol Madison, Hun combe, and some folk in Henderson. It Heciine clear veslerday that the civic leaders ol lliese 1lnrr munli.", are in no ways interesled m the full development ol I he area as a whole. For several days eivie le.-Wlers o ll,,v I h,,.- 1(cn tryiiiK to uel 'T"SS lo Die ,u,f e.v.l ol !!. I'M li' h I'.road. the true farts llui facts thai .or a main i .. record. For an answer we reeeiv.'d ddoi led di ,d .. ;,nd aelion by the Asheville Chamlx r ol ('..., nunc-. -nm they would back the French I?mad nvrr p".eel and attempt to block the Pigeon Hiver toad. The action uf the leaders in Tumconibc, and Madi ,.,a ,.mn iii Henrlcrson' Dtoves hevond all nu ;::iti son, ikiu it. ..v...... , i (hit Pacts About Koad Down River 'I he I ; i . 1 1 1 1 Clianiliri ol Coin mm r 1 1 1 1 1 -t I 1 1 ,i wood and nihil' today mi ; .li oii.: suppm I ol I lie cull -.1 1 ui I ion "I Hit' wain li'M'l hli;h ua down I'mt'on I!im-i lo New poi I Thr I . i v , I v I resolution w a pass ed hv llic Cliainliei o ( om.ineice. ,,,,1 nes mailed lieie lod.n. as wt In olln'i s in W'i I I n Noilh I ('aiolln. I In Hn Is now S,2HH The town limits of Waynesville were extended lo include Aliens Clock. Kast Waynesville, and some lerntoiy on the Dellwood road, Many Matters Claim Attention Oi C. of C. Board Mailers ruiinmn limn increased tillice liallie In Inuhwavs elaimed ithe attention ol the directors of The court house parking lot was the Ch'ambei ot Coinmerce here ictived lor Ihc dclt'Katlon during Ihe liinehfon period. U'HVing the 'low ne House Ihe group motored IhroiiLih Lake .lunaluska, with -miie remaining here, and others uoinu into oilier pai ls ol I his im mediate area. Mi , (loercli nigam.eil the lunlor eade alter gelling such a lator able impression oil Ihe (rip several weeks ago. H. C. Wiiburn Authors Booklet On lunaluska Tuesdav evening All commillees reMiiteri uniistiat increase in aclivdios Inclutllntt ad erlisiiu:, mad projects, highway situs, and aciicullurc The board has under conslderalion a iall agri cultural program. Ihe details are nisi in the niakiiiK Mis (IoiiIoii Sehenek reported much inleiesl in advance sales of tickets lor the Cherokee Drama. Dave I'l'linrl, president, announc ed Dial tentative plans for the an nual haniuel stere in Ihe making, Willi an oiilstanilinu speaker now woi k 1 1 1 1: out a dale for Ihe event. thai they ate no longer inteiesle I m Western N ( ' an! inn ! Oil' slat, ll I'll I'l It I'.UIH (Mil li lOIMllV was h 1 1 1 pU'.lK'd j l.illieullilM h.ieKi cl I t r ( 1,,1'nli. l "I ( I ImlliJ. .Illeluh': ' ; ut 111. i'i em li I'.' o.mI ,r ' ' I ion j mad In l i imes'scc .. - To Ha-, .point. I In ol Ilaw-O'lil pnllll I r ojeel al r efial a 1 and have no dnei i e I.e. in,;lit ineel al Hn 1,1 I Hon e (illens ol Hie Ale .lunaluska, The Man The Name The Places" is Ihe title ot a ;'0 page booklel just published hv hi dorian II C Wllburn The intei and some illusl ial ions aie pi ii iliawieiis by Douglas (lianl, and i r.'dil for alt work is also uiv- a 1 en Prank Miller and .lohii Taylor ! Mr Wilhurn began his research leaders j win k during hU. tenure as- acting two i helm ian for Ihe Great Smoky . and apail Mountains National rain lie nas ...... i ..I i ...o i I..,. imeelion I he iiocuinenieu ins Httoon. 15 Car Owners List Late Taxes It appeared this mo'innu that h temporary restraining order, would keep the Way nesville-Ha.zel-wood water-sewer controversy "at is" until a later dale Officials of the to towns met earlier this week, but failed to arrive at a (inal settling Mint. Since the Waynesville board had previously given llaadwood until June 15lh "to settle the delinquent water bill" it is expected an in junction will be sought in lieu of settlement. Ten days ago the llazelwoml board, in a published letter lo the Waynesville officials, an mill tired that according to their record. "Waynesville was due Ha.elwood almost a like amount '15.000. for rental on sewer line charges." II h these two points---(lie uf water rates to Hazclwrmd ,aitd the sewer charges against Wavnev ville. that remains unsettled, , temporary restraining order would mean that the spigots In Hazel wood would continue lo flow while the mailer Is being carried lurtlier in the negotiating phases towards settlement OITicials of both towns have fre quently made Ihe statement that "they hoped sellleinent could tie ( made soon". i As Ihe matter stands today. It ii j right where it was, as as ltal ! fciMxl waler consumers air con 1 i iriK-'t hark hot .lami.m when the ; til l loi delii out lor eOUment ' u.i. snuclit bt Way lie ,vi! le ! a ,i .lliwy I i,,''! i p! in) to ! ,1 liuildnn I IV 11. thai I .IVK ft MONTH SKMI NCT 'itree-Iron Duff Set Jool Needs In Meeting; ?rove Program Planned I ma tin Can ,o( t (ia " Of thp rmKlro0Jr,m breached a unanimous. on Urn;- i . stiiuoi neeus "f nieht u.. r.hlems in view of the 'he remalnriAr nf fhp approved the suggest- LP! lts ed school editorial ; procedure of The Moun a.m. ' and , adopted such .a p- th4, resolution, as tney ais c attitude of ci.tzens . , " " ;:i such a method 'ot proceot,,. ... - , ting Haywood schools imf";v-- ; A Committee was nan ,., ! sent the recommenoaooos other than what profit they can derive This selfish group apparently refuse to Pigeon River road dates hack lo VX'A. olma adopted the original toad pi" d that for 25 or more years they luive . n. te n i tA.'f i .1 t vi , i , - ' to i ennusnt-t-, v I...-. olll'S. Asheville proudly announces to the worl is the Eastern Entrance of the Great Smoku Hnectors of the Chamber of Comme, l to ,wn on a road which would open up . e .i... T).,..i iil.i. f';ttalooehee atK pal T oi me i am "" ;md theuart nearest to Asheville am Aiti-ntion is called to the fact that sible Haywood County gave up the revemt from 60.461 acres of land now in the " '' thousands additional that have, gone into the tional Forest in the Pigeon area. - u .ii hmk down to the fact, thai, A.,hcvil-U have become so selfish that they an- w believe that when Not ' h Th.". lot I i,i' I a pa'i'd pa'ieiilly lor that she vet Ihe , ,, i v that : ell I ig noo reieit ot,- .nn -m ".'.", ,,;'r ..V . V,,.. .m to I igmal sources which he has eon- V, Oil II was ' '!' . " Spokesmen loi act point pavid ha: i n ,d to Ten n I'M inn.l beat'1 il'd i ('ii el; ;n .1.) the ..talc ea: I'.v.ii 'I. ii make Ihe Pat k )o:-- and 1.i.'S and some l'i.s;',.li N.i- ; and Madt- ised II the PliM ail I lie la -l ill I lie ni ll' I l)J III J I l' -. I'l III' i nail al i.lf I lial an ,li, , , 1 I I all II nil No i j) I i'i in,: tin n Pre this nlv-!uiieii ,p, ,i k lot a Mi Wilhurn's aim has heen lo ,,. p i make o .lunaluska a real historical mil vUin h is j personage, and to lift him fnmi lie iin-re legendary and n aim ion u Cherokee Indian elassil ieat urn. " I i ' ' Ihe :m ..lit in -I mii I mi .,:,(! :eal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 met al pmieel I'ly.m, Unci i mad wou'd ; VII, and are I the ( lnl I'i a i ow ll' is w ho tailed I' j list then nioloi vehicles lor taxes j 1 III .laiiii. ii ., have t oiulilied w M h llici warning li lav collet lor Sebe Hr.y-i j son The lax oil lee lecenlly receiv-1 .vt.Ss j nf tins county, was led a eomphle list ol car owners 1,11 ,,,,,.,,,, , As,ville pohep court 'the ,mml ami this list is being.' !e ked w he listing sheets I 1(1 s'rve rigid n.onlhs for. Uc.eny. DIlKials s.,v I hat liundreds of 1MB"' s "'' ' "" hfre eais weie nnl listed lor 1050 taxes. I lor breaking and entering Officers Find Still In Full Blast; 3 Men Flee 'i in i h , ol Ihe !pour More File As Candidates r ni e ear JuneTli Partly wi, " Thursday and w scattered thunder t,'rsday afternoon. !LWaynesvlUe tempera Lrded by the Staff of rTt Farm): JV Max." Mia.. Rainfall sent ine rt (.nminis- county school board, ann . ' ...hoi, such a meeting r . 5 " is l'"ntp..scd 'Fd-Nolahd. Jack Rogers ar-; vis Caldwell and urea -V Noland. chairman n. school committee, presided at enthusiastic meeting. The group adopted a plan -,ng for converting their audit r, -,nB 1 .. niiflilnrmm. and um-gm. imo - f. a',; continuauon grounds. . . ix.itit- Af::aW of other we would -ike .)U, we rcaP ile the situation o county as a whole, an at (See Crabtree -rase i son atea Ming lo di:,iupl;o;( our oi ol! ue .1 Wavie unit cm i I ion -Three new ear I ' j " piiirr- on hoard. Th' y ar- llellf. 'Il!"'i .1 I! tiled lor and. 11,,e.l- ... annootiei'd tt ii;. rie-ville ( hai " Thotn I I ! ,i ilv Med- Lcalhcrwood Reunion i Is Set For Sunday I The annual I .cat bet wood lie onion will be held Sunday at Seay's 1 Mot,,r Court. Highway No l!A-2: The regular picnic al noon will he i ,, eat ore of the 'lay's program. An unusually large attendance is expected. ,. Havwood ollners walked took to their heels right up a steep four miles up Wilkins Creek over mountain a lough trail in search lor a liquor One operator left his jacket and i still, and came upon I lie operation lunch .. going full hla-l The olficers got I,, vtiihm :iu liit ot lin still t)f- me Hie npeiators realised they were am when- about The tli-tlllers look India.- Ihiek iiiidergrnwlb. and escaped I lie ullieeis were light on the ,Hll when the inen saw them and them- wide progress tn order to have "ev,. y' lung selves. ,:..i..i tu Titnr-s-News. l!etvl''i:;o In an eauoiid. m.. - - .1 . . .-Is.. nnl 'Ml ' ' -'ll I'" lar mai we nocu ;, Tlir; on'.'liU' misses the mark so P . ,.nt c lar as o sa nit' i i. "" SU , ; They need a new, and e map. and further study of the f.cts as .sen, He earlier this week. Them points, according tn a modern map. are 50 miles off. On the question of the intet-remona road, s -r -..nef referredto as the ::supc,-h.ghway,- Havwood a T . or such construction; Naturally . is -xpfded dwouEbc as a modern high ThpTocation for the 'interregional highway is a "LtoSlbvthe Federal and State engtn hKwS conuent to leave that decision to t erm Our understanding, however, ts that the purpose ot the (See Editorial Pae 6 , la --a . ' .il.l.'!.a'e to I'd' Ha.. Iwonri I' i'-'' k 1 "'l,-r , . .L-ie- a t ae'e on (laelwiMid board ol aldermi .,,,.-elil -el, no give W.iyne-.tille two tandidiitcs lor and light lor aldermen ,....lil:,l... lew nofl lias ' in ee . ...... ! mi and live loi aniri men. 1950 Community tads To Be Given Here 23rd; in,, slill u.i. made ot an Oil drum, with Hie cap and worm of inppil Ahoul six quarts of liquor had heen made, and three barrels o mash nearby would have made about 24 mote gallons, officers said The operators had used a horse to pack m supplies to the still, and had 'a t;ee for hitching the'hnr. The mil fit had been m Use for a lung lime, officers said, Thos,. making the raid were Deputies Carl St Uei , Kverftle Hc- Klroy, and Karady Noland, . I -.vond. '' liie The mayoi Hi: 'j Haywood Man Is Arrested 3 Times For Driving Drunk ih. v.-lnie ,,eK' ood election is June :t0. : Hie Wa new tile election is 1 Th'- eani' -.of lutiel - in Hie IU.V1 Cmnmnnitv I levelopmenl Contest are to he ai rniini ed at eereuionies -,l H,e ( '11111 1 linns,- on Saturday. June at I I n i loi k Se'.eial agrii ulti.iral aultiorities are espeiled to he piCsenl Among One Havwood man. will face .pose imp.-o a.e ........ . Hire,, separate Charges ol driving I., II S uitis ol the 1. A and drunk on the highways-all since f)i' J Februarv. '",U11' 1(1 h,'J" Colllfce . The defendant is slated for trial Judging of the communities was m the July term of Superior Court (.(.,lipeteil the latter part of Jan- ., ...,.cinj hu ihri-e different , uAaA w .., ' ue ttniiiw -.j ----- u-'U'V ov a comnioi.t- "fufi TO Visit W aynCSVlllC !pa,-lmen on the three occasl.,nv : K,ihi,l ln(, Bl8Rlei home spec- Members of Ihe Parks Omimdlee i Court 'revahon 1 labst. and C K Clark, farm ol the Slide Department of Conser- w;.ll n, an P mancnt t. ( . . iv;,lK)nandOcui..pmcn, aresc,. Patrolmen ' Th(, .,. was won by uteo o .r.. - , WoolPn and Basden 1" ville, June 21 ...They are i miiwi-icw ' .' u htyt. maA Katclille cove recrea-j earn f ' e. : July 17th. Parks Committee Iron Duff placed li,.., I, of nubllf Spt--t-, i.'O -' .. i - j tional. areas m Webtcin Carolina.' bond. second ?nd Vh'.tc 0-.k third. Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed .... 0 Injured .... 24 (This Information com piled from Record SUte Highway PatroL) ' - '8 43 - i 48 .08 -" 78 58 - .63

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