mmiaimeem Schedule 10 Fmtball WULUU i ;KIE OF THE YEAR? By Alan Mover I AYS j tF THE YORK ursr- The 2o-YR:du CEHTER. FIELDER. LOOK'S LIKE A 5TRCtiG CQtiTEfJDER FOR ROOKIE OF. THE YEAR O.-VORS it mm Is 113 Lively Dal! Bead? Kg? MM J THE 6ANTS WERE. EEKW6 POWER WHEN TMSy BROUGHT WlLUE UP FPOMMHHEAPOU&MHP AFTER A elOW G7ARTftE 5TARTEP To PRoipe rr- Mr 7 vomers amp mrrep ?r fms 33 6AME9- flS FELpH&MP THROWAS HAVE BEEN A 03 HELP, TOO ool For i Drivers Be Held Bowles, District Superin uf Schools, announces a ers School to be held Aug- keginning at 9 a.m., at the Hie High School. Those il in qualifying for the bus driver should report ime. said Mr. Bowles. - WW: urcu 111(1 Way Ji'ch: Methodist ntion School ns lodav fmual Daily Vacation Bible of the Free Methodist aicgins today and will con- ue f t one week, ending Friday, 7. A two-hour session will ve each moraine at 9 There will be classes for of hoys and girls, with a )f handwork, and memory f Nation is extended to all fl girls to attend. sses Rosetta Williams nnd Strickland from Jollev louvers. Ga., are visitors icsvillp this week, assisting 's of the Free Methodist in the Bible School, ; For a sma.l feroup, the operators, gambling is a business, and a big business at that. For a much larg er group, the victims, , to put it bluntly, gambling is j sport. .Why a sport? Well, it has all the elements of suspense, conflict, chance, and drama that a football game would have. In addition, of courre, there always is the faint chance of making some money. People read about a horse race where the winner was a fifty-to-one long shot, and they spend the rest of their lives betting on long shots. Easv money is the lure. The fact that millionaires attend the races regii:arlv. however, indicates that it isn t just the money alone. 1 hey go for the suspense; the drama: the thrill of winning And so it is with the average man. who. after all, puts more money in the pockets of the crooks than the wealthy people. In the old days the so-called common j man depended upon poker games on baturday night, with maybe a 25 cent limit Or, perhaps there was a local race or rooster fight. Anyway, thev had a chance to bet on something, but it was pretty small paenuts compared with what goes on todav. As the recent Crime Investigat ing Committee proved, gambling is on an organized basis that reaches from ocean to ocean, from border to border. Recent action by the sheriff indicates that it even reaches to Waynesville. Modern invention such as the telegraph, the telephone, the ticker tape, makes such an organization pos sible and profitable. Gambling tlf-n is a national sport, but some forms of it are not fully understood by the average citizen. Perhaps if he did under stand, he might take some action against 11 The, systems are com plex, however, and may vary a great deal from operator to oper ator, but basically most of them are similar. It is quite legal to lease a West ern Union wire for certain pur poses, and it seems quite easy to use that- wire, once you have it hind the car, and arrested Jack leased, for certain other purposes Jones. The man was charged witju entirely illegal. Okay, you get your rccKiess driving, failure to have a wire and your ticker tape machine. By HANK MESSICK your suckers Informed. They come and they bet, What they bet on is up to you; how much you get and how much they get is also up to you. Suppose they are betting on which team in the major leagues will make the highest score dur ing the day's games. Suppose you sell them a ticket for one dollar, and suppose they win. The ticket they pull "happens 1o be- the right one out of a thousand. Suppose they' get ten dollars or even a hundred. You've still got 900 left. Not bad for an afternoon's woik All the above is simplified, of course, but it is the general idea. It also should serve to show how stupid It is td bet in the first place. In the Jong run you've got about as much chance as you'd have of escaping unhurt if an atomic bomb should fall in your lap. A great sport, gambling; a great evil; - ; Patrolman Gets Man After Going Through A Creek Washed out bridges, and rough roads are not enough to keep the Highway Patrol from "getting through." Saturday Patrolman Joe Murrill was chasing a car, which forded a creek, and then struck out into a pasture. The patrol was right be- t m. . V; i ? f i V l ...... ::' v s V ' ,.',..viv' N:'"'-' :: I Going to something equally hope less but less dirty the St. Louis Browns. Before the season opened they had 37 players on their rolls. Of that number, only 11 remain. They filled up the bench with new players, of course, but still they are at the bottom of the American League, dnv !r license, am failing to stop for a siren. He v u put under $500 '.oid. The water came up to the run ning board, but the chase "was on." Crabtree Baptist Homecoming Set For This Sunday The annual Homecoming Day at the Crabtree Baptist Church will be Sunday, August 19, with the pro gram beginning at 10 a. m. There are to be a number of trios and quartets; and visiting singers will be welcome. The public is invited to come and bring a picnic lunch. It is simply a glass-covered device that spins out a roll of tape and automatically prints oh the tape whatever the person at the other end of the wire desires to commun icate.. Your next step is to get your self tipboards or tickets of the kind suitable, The tipboard is usu ally a folder covered with tiny sealed tickets in y hich are certain numbers. All this is strictly illegal, of course, and if vou should hap pen to get your tipboards COD from across the state line, you'd bettor watch out. A Federal law is involved. , - I guess you've all heard about the football clinic they are going to hold over at Cullowhee for foot ball officials. Rules will be dis cussed, and the duties of officials explained. So, if "Offsides" is called after your favorite back just made a 90 yard run for the win ning toftohdown, don't get angry. The man with the red flag was taught how- to do that at school. Seriously, however, the clinic is a good thing. The umpire has a tough job and he tries to do it well. Sometimes a lot of courage is required to call back a play, but he goes by the rules. Speaking of courage, Earl Blalk has plenty. As coach of the West Point football team, with his own son involved, he was in, and still is in, a tough spot. The easy way out was to resign he could get a good job elsewhere without trou ble. But after a lot of thought, he decided to stay on with what re mained of his team. The West Point cadets could do well to study the example he has -given them, The country could too, for that matter. Waynesville High School's foot ball schedule is published else where in this issue. A quick glance is all that is necessary to show the rough season ahead. Coach Weath erby, with most of his old team lost, isn't making any predictions. Pessimism is necessary to a coach, if not to a gambler. If you lose no body is surprised, but if you win Bruce Ackerson, Army guard, gets a particular thrill out of beat ing Navy in. football his brother David is a Middle, Why So Many People Sny, VY INSURANCE FROM HE L. N. DAVIS CO. ur clients appreci- & friendly service and unbiased tlviee on insurance iroblems. Thev e to deal with an Itablished 1. -o j .. f i hidi has complete facilities and full knowledge 1 conditions in this community. Accordingly, y are proud that so many of our clients say, I i t hou t reserv a tion7 ' 'Buy insurance from . . " f he 1. II DAVIS CO. I'o 77 Paul Davis, Mgr. Main Street All you have to do now is get everyone is happy. , , . . - Sets Racing World Talking A. A... K sis zui : fj j .. O ; J , ML rX - A" ' Jf It i I i rrr-.V " Lew Hanover and trainer-driver Bi Shively before a workout at Saratoga Raceway, The trotter, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Arleigh Wilkins of Marion, 111., carried a $50,000 price tag even before he won a race. . v . J, , "IMF ? 3 i ALL1E REYNOLDS . BOB FELLER Indian Giver Three-Timer By SYI) KRONIStI AP Newsfeatures Sports Writer NEW YORK This is supposed tc be the era of the lively ball. Or is It? When Allie Reynolds of the New York Yankees pitched his no-hitter against the Cleveland In dians it marked the third hitless game of the big league season. And said season is only half completed. The other two hurlers who blanked their foes in hits this year are Bob Feller of the Indians and Cliff Chambers, then of Pittsburgh, and now with the St. Louis Cards. ; Last year only one no-hit game was pitched in the majors, Vern Bickford of the Braves did it against the Dudgers in a night game up In Bean town. In 1948 there were two no-hit, no run games. Both were 2-0 affairs. Bob Lemon of the Indians whitewashed the Tigers and Rex Barney twirled his for the Dodgers against the Giants. CLIFF CHAMBERS Traded Afterwards The last time (here were three no-hitters in one season was in 1947 The mound masters that year were Kwell Hhtckwell of the Reds, Don Black of the Indians and Bill McCahan of the A's. The most iio-hitters in one season was six, They were hurled in 1915 and again in 1917. But of course that was the era of the so-called dead ball. Hah! The last Yankee to pilch an nee prior to Rey nolds was Monte Pearson who blanked the same Indians, 13-0, back in HClil. Reynolds formerly., Was a member of the Cleve landers. lie was traded to the Yunks for Joe Gor don after the 194(i season. Pearson, as fate would have it, also was a form er Tribesman. And, to add insult to Injury, the guy who smacked a home run lo win Reynolds' Enie, 4-0 was Gone Woodlinfi an ex-member of the In ' dlans. ' Football Schedule Announced Coach Weatherby announced t day the 1951 football schedule for Waynesville High School. In addi tion, he repeated that practice opens Wednesday at 3:15 p.m., and requested that all players report with shorts and gym shoes. The schedule is complete except for one open date which the coach is now trying to fill. The schedule Is: Sept. 8 Valdese, here. Sept. 14 Sylva, there. Sept. 21 Lenoir, here. Sept. 28 Open at the moment. Oct. 5 Canton, there. Oct. 12 Hendersonville, here. 19 Christ School, there. 26 Brevard, there. 3 Asheville School for Boys, there. -9 Franklin, here, Nov. 22 CANTON HERE! The Waynesville High . School coaching, staff for 1951-1952, is composed of: Carl Ratc'liffe, Bruce Jaynes, William Swift, and Mar garet Perry. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Champion Y Takes Doubleheader, From Hamilton O. Two divisions of the same com pany, The Champion Paper and Fibre Co., met on the softball field at Canton Saturday night, and the Champion Y. of Canton emerged, as victor over the Green Wave of Hamilton, Ohio. ' It was a doubleheader, with Champion taking the first game 3 0, and the second 1-0. Carroll Waldrop, who pitched the second game, won his 14th straight of the season without a defeat. Every Grave Decorated 1 At Buchanan Cemetery During Service Sunday Approximately two hundred peo ple attended the annual decoration at the Buchanan cemetery Sunday, and all graves In the cemtery were decorated. The Rev. Jule Singleton deliver ed the sermon, and the Rev. Mr. Massie made a short talk. The Rev. Fred Inman was in charge of the program. Special singing was furn ished by Mr, and Mrs. Jule Mash burn and family from Swain Coun ty. During the business session a report was given of the year's work, and new committee members and trustees were elected. Mr. Inman was re-elected chairman of the dec oration day program. Others nam ed were Monroe Oxner, Floyd Grasty, Frank Wood, and Charlie Buchanan, treasurer. Mr. Buchanan voiced thanks to the fifty-two peo ple who contributed more than $80 to the upkeep of the cemetery. Miff M EASY TO BUILD ANYWHERE FILL IN A DAY This year make plenty of silage! For more than 20 years, thousands of farm ers have found dependable SISAL KRAFT Silos provide low ciwt-per-tou storage for silage. Simple to build with snow fence or wire fence and genuint S1SALKRAFT. Use SISALKRAFT also for Haystack Covers, Silo Covers, Silo Door Seals, Machinery Covers, etc, COMI IN AND ASK FOR rill SAMPLI, alto INSTRUCTION SHUT ON-HOW TO IUILD SIIAIKRAFT SILOS RICHLAND SUPPLY CO. Phone 43 . At The Depot thanm o o o for a AND) OPE MNG 7 We Want To Thank Our Many Friends For The Friendly Ges: tures and Kind Remarks Made On Our BehalfDuring Our For mal Opening Last Week-End. LET US SERVE YOU OFTEN Dick Bradley Manager B ISA OLE! Y S mark Ei Phone 326 Hazelwood L - - - -- - - I The BEST VALUES To Be Found 'Anywhere At This CLEARANCE SALE Siimeir Flay SHe, Saidak at Maie', t. rr t4. I - .:. v . : : : : :