1 -r Mohday-Afternoonf Aur;,,,, J THE WAYNESyiLIX R1QUNTAINEII PAGE FOUR (second Section) yt; I m m r f iff , y. ;V,; 1. V :.K; ?! m -tm 1 i 4 if -- ' ,Ky-- y -- . " w-wfww"" , I. -pn-n ' r '"'"'--"'''- Y'''-'''"' y ' " ' ' ' ": ' . r k"1 '. f ., ; , .... , .., ,, s .. v.-"::. -..,-, ;,."-'..:'' ". . -v :...'.;,.-.,, ! t f " ' '.. '!.,.;-.. ... :-..' :: . - v . ... ,. ! , . f! I .V'.., - ' " , ;,?XXX:X:..y;;: . K" .,"-:. L : -i fH !W '-- - f ,, ... - ; : : ".. . ' . r ' :.' ... " . J..-, ' :. J; k' ' " ' tm- ' .':;""-';-. "'-. ;:,":; i ' ' ' ' ? ' -. ' -:' " V' :-, - !. J : W . . . ' . V. , ! ' :" " ' .. '. t , , , I ! - . , v. 'r L - ' - - ' 1 f ' s '' - r4Xl-r--:.0;AlX:XI V--X U I X. . ' .! . ? '-;' -x .'i't'i5; - " fAs,' c ! , ' - ' . - x m s tiiivJ-t r?r- V -H -U- : . ' ; XC v H v-VX- " :x '-I 1 -"yd ' SX' J .? K? MA-'m A;. 5 t .fH- ; P ! x x i 4x " . - I ; W Vf V' ft . ' M I fW P!' 'l&Ji s: iXlii . x : ' 7v;xSw! --f i, J , k hwimwrnmMsm fxiixxjl : " ' , fl x.v; .J: . , x.,.T. . , wslssKMPfe ; r, "y(: 1 . , !lx; - - -JJt f a.'jjr? : : No. 2 Sunny Point Baptist cliuicli, 111 (Jiwcn Town. No. 1 The impressive sign in tront of the Morn ins Stiir Methodist church. No. 3 The largest church in the community Morning Star Methodist. . No. 4 The Dutch Cove Missionary Baptist church, another large and impressive building. ; No. 5 The parsonage of the Morning Star! No, 6 The Welcome Hill Baptist churci, Two Field Days This Week; Tractor Time Record Broken At Fines Cr. - Morning Star Two community Bold days are scheduled tor this week, both on Tui-siiti,'liir-ftevo will" m ta, Center Pigeon and Francis Cove to White Oak. In last week's tours, Fines Creek visited Morning Star Community on Thursday, with a total of 142 persons attending. Another second was whittled off the tractor-driv-inn time, as both Milas IVIeCracken ot Finis Creek and Carroll Med ford (it Morning Star completed the course in 54 seconds each. Others in the running were Regina Ferguson, Mary J. McCrary, Geor f,u. Smathers, Tom Brummitt and iiiuee Medford. Morning Star swamped Fines Creek in the double-header' ball game by scores of 17-4 for the girls and 17-1 for the boys. Fines (..reek evened things up pretty well by taking three of the four horseshoe events. Their winning teams were Frona Ledford and Mary J. McCrary, Milas McCrack en and Clarence Kirkpatrick, and Iieginu Ferguson and Christine Ledford. Morning Star's winning : men's team was Johnny Williams and Jay Freeman. Other entrants were Bruce Kirkpatrick and Paul Price, Mrs. Elwood Smathers and Mrs. Fred Setzer, Worth Smathers and Tommy Higgins, and Rose Par- White Oak Plans For Field Day Events Tuesday MRS. GKORGE BORING Mountaineer Reporter Plans have been completed for entertaining Francis Cove, TueS' clay when they hold a joint field day with this community. We are looking forward to this day and hope that our guests will enjoy the tour and day of events. Again we would like to remind our White Oak folks to please bring out a well-filled picnic basket to help feed our guests. We will need our singers loo at the Fines Creek School in the afternoon for the group singing and special numbers. Russell, pastor of the church. Be ginning the third week, the Hev. Pete Hicks, pastor of the . Pigeon Baptist Church, and the Rev. Col man Brown of Canton, are in charge of the meetings. Our sympathy is extended to George Ledford and family on the loss of their mother, Mrs, Betty K. Ledford. She died Friday and funeral services were held Satur day in the Fines Creek Baptist Church, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Derrick and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Inman. The Derricks are the proud parents of a boy, and the In mans, of a girl. Also congratula tions ' to Rev. and Mrs. Jarvis Teague of Marshall, who also have a baby girl. Little Gary Teague, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Teague, is home again after being in the Asheville Orthopedic Hospital for several months, He is still in a cast, however. Want ads bring quick results. One Eye on Strike One of a pair of eyes sometimes falls down on the job, leaving the other to do all the work of seeing. You may not even know when this occurs, but the fact remains that one of your eyes has stopped seeing. Kids Distrust Sim It can be a very distc rience for a child sudc; that . he has been !i! stranger. Always invite i sitter to visit with wi child once or twice belo: them alone. Miss Virginia Ledford had a party Tuesday night honoring her 13th birthday. Games and contests were enjoyed by the young folks, and refreshments were served lat er in the evening. Guests were Cathy Jenkins, Mareene Lowe, Janie Davis; Koslyn Messer, Jane Williams, Edgar .Messer, Carl Da vis, Robert Hugh Davis, Freddy Jenkins, Gene Wilson Messer, Earl Ledford, and Troy Ledford. The revival at. the Liberty Bap tist Church is now in its third week of services and still drawing good crowds. The first two weeks were conducted by the Rev. D. D. EASY TO BUILD ANYWHERE j FILL IN A DAY $V- tn- ' - SS2--- '-'nT-'- "'Xt- ' -1 tyx ' iwswii X""""" " vVvy ." --'--wiItos.v m v , r ' y g I mri"11 it mi ii ii 'W'Aiiww. ' I . , rri,r .,s- , I """"""" uliimitt:::.;:. "','1 liu mm fried a fin ear Dike This Ism This year make plenty at silage! For mote than 20 years, thousands of farm ers have found dependable SISAL KRAFT Silos provide low cost-pcr-lon siorage for silage. Simple to build with snow fence or wire fence and genuine SISALKRAFT. Use SISALKRAFT also for Haystack Covers, Silo Covers, Silo Door Seals, Machinery Covers, etc. COME IN AND ASK tOK FREI SAMPII, oho INSTRUCTION SHEET on;how to build sisaikraf t silos RICHLAND SUPPLY CO. rhone 43 At The Depot ton and Shirley Chambers. Group singing was led by Lewin Medford of Morning Star. Over 200 persons attended Fri day's field day as Hominy were hosts to Jonathan Creek-Cove Creek. Group singing was led by Claudia Leathcrwond of Jonathan Creek, and Genevieve Clark of Hominy. Hominy also furnished a trio composed of Peggy Clark, Pat s Clark and Lucy Parker, accom panied at the piano by Maxine Clark. : : . Hominy-tnokthroehorse"shoe pitching matches, -with -the Jona than Creek women's team account ing for their community's one vic tory. Winners were Fred Mann and A. B, Robinson, Weaver Hipps and Douglas Alexander, Thelma King and Maxine Clark, and Iowa Lee Boyd and Marie Allison. Losers were Marvin Leatherwood and Robert Howell. Irene Wilson-and Betty Pressley, Jerome Boyd and Earl Carver and Ruth Shelton and Betty Ross, Ball game scores were 11-10 for the Jonathan Creek boys, in a hol ly fought contest, and 18-2 for the Hominy girls. Vying in the tractor driving maneuvers were Mrs. Jack Mason, Weaver Hipps, Maxine Clark, Lou Bell Browning, Francis Boyd, -1 Charles -Mann and Hugh Carver. You've a right to set your sights higher when you buy a fine car. You can rightly expect more room more comfort more performance and a lordly smoothness in the way it carries you. So mc present these facts: Qo'7 find, in a Roadmaster, more usable . mom than yoiill-find in any other-six -passenger car in America. Won 11 find the extra cotnfort'of doiible-debth Foamtcx cushions in Roadmaster only. Vhnll find that the Roadmaster has a high compression, valve-in-head power plant that is also Ruick's own-a mighty Fireball Engine endowed with more performance than most owners will ever need. And you'll find that a Roadmaster rolls with unsurpassed levelness and poise, thanks to coil springs on all four wheels-which is still another feature found on no other car in the fine-car field. ' But the thrill that is yours, whenyoligcrdiS" wining ocauty out on the open road, is something that can't be summed up in any listing of features, one by one. It's a "feel" which, we honestly believe, no other car can approach. It's the sure way this dazzling per former holds the road -the way it responds to your slightest wish the quick answer you get when you nudge the throttle the extra security you feel in the velvet grip of the, brakes-the complete freedom from tension you find in Dynaf low Drive - the sense of mastery that makes every mile a joy. And, confidentially, there's one more impor tant way in which Roadmaster stands alone, and that is in the modest cost of its pounds and performance. Better come in soon and check for yourself what a great car and a great buy this one really is. Ejmmnl, MMMonu, iri mi mixUU an mtjnt to ektmf mlhmi - mitt $s& WHtN BETTER AUTOMOBIlf S ARi BOUT BOCK Witt BUIO THEM If v.v---: TAYLOR MOTOR COMPANY 403 DEPOT STREET WAYNESVILLE, ,N; C. ! 5