Monday Afternoon, Au, THE CTATOTSYILLE RI0UNTAINEE3 suit; OF INTEREST : TO WOMEN ACTIVITY1 CLUBS 3 Office Phone 700 - MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor Home Phone f62-J -S" II H -'4 Young People Go To Purdue For Convocation Mrs. Ferguson Is Hostess At Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Stdvall Entertains For Florida Guests Mrs. Felix Stovall entertained with s bridge . luncheon at Furry's Lodge Friday ajfernpon as a court esy to her guests, Airs. W. C. Kling- ensinilh, Mrs. J. J,, Parrish. and Five Haywood County young peo- j Mrs. 'Gray den. Ferguson was hos ple left yesterday to attend the J tess at a bridge luncheon Satur filth quadrennial National Convo- day afternoon in her home on cation of Metheodist Youth to be j Cherry Street honoring Mrs. W. C. held at Purdue university, Laray- Mingensnutn, Mrs. J. J. . rarrisn,- j. ; ' .?.. ette, Indiana this week. They, are and Mrs: Needham Bryan of Titus- j iu 3 ,-u..Um Mary Jane Rogers of Waynesville, ; ville, Fla., who are guests of Mrs, j : 'a' " Barbara Moore and Jerry Alexand-,: Felix Stovall. jMixed arrangements of garden ei- of Canton. Shirley Welch of; The home was arranged with 1 flower!' were used fn decorating Clyde, and Sylvia Newell of Crab-mixed summer flowers and four and f 'f, th : gameSt were tree. The group was accompanied tables were assembled for the " tWV: . 0 " A , bv Mrs. J. E. Yountz. who will serve games. Following the progressions had high score, and Mrs. J. W. as adult counselor for the convoca- !.prfws were awarded to the hold i Repd' Jr- who ,had ?ecom n,gh' ;' tio... , ers 0f high and low scores and ! Those p aying weje Mrs. Kling- ' High school and college students the honor guests were presented j ".' ' "? dr"M'' Dtd" 'a fflt: Aii,; Hawaii ! aif.c . ! MrS- Grayden Ferguson, Mrs, Hal- Puerto Rico, and Cuba will 'repre-v The guests included Mrs. Kling sfcnt their local church youth fel-; ensmith, Mrs, Parrish, Mrs. Bryan, lowship at the meeting. Mrs. Stovall, Mrs. , Jack Messer, . The convocation t ti e m e is Mrs'. "R. L Coin, Mrs. Hugh Mas- sie, Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. J. F. Hodges of South Hill. Va., Mrs. Whitener Prevost, Mrs! Milliard At kins, Mrs. R. Stuart Roberson), Mrs. James Mann, Mrs. Woodson Jones 'Christian Living in Our Ttime." 1st W. N. Carolina Showing. 'Today And Tuesday tW7T; tip p -; . til mm BETTY GRABLE CtittufyFoftV V. .1 WED. & TIIUR. n vy" iaoMin- i frank bRAWFORDYOUNG LOVEJOY ioodbyeJIyFakcy lett Ward, Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mrs. Jack Messer, Mrs, Whitener Pre vost, Mrs. W. L. Hardin, Jr., Mrs. J. W. Reed, Jr., Mrs. R L. Coin, Mrs Ben Colkitt; Mrs. James Mann, Mrs, Raymond Lane, Mrs.-Hilliard Atkins, Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. R. S. Roberson, Mrs. David Hyatt. Social Events Are Planned For Bette Hannah ' A number of social events have been planned to honor Miss Bette Hannah,. daughter of Mrs, William T, Hannah, who will make her de but at the annual Debutante Ball, sponsored by the Terpsichorean CJub of Raleigh, September 7. Mr and Mrs. Robert Clark will entertain in their home on Walnut Street Wednesday afternoon fpom 4.30 until 5:30 o'clock and in the evening from 6 until 8 o'clock. Miss Hannah will be guest of honor at a buffet supper Friday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ketner and Mr. and Mrs. John Hiops as hosts in the Ketner home. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lorle C. MacCabe will entertain with a formal dinner at The Lodge. Miss Hannah will also be honor ed next Monday evening at a buffet supper to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Hallett Ward and their son, Hallett Mrs. C. C. White, Mrs, Roy Camp- j uoggel1 bell. Miss Eula Patterson, and Miss Irma Patterson. Mrs. C. C. White, and Mrs.. Joe ; Ward, Jr. in their home at Lake Clyde Club Has Meeting With Mrs. Cathey The South Clyde Home Demon stration Club met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. E. G. Cathey with Mrs. C. E. Chambers as co hostess. Mrs. P. C. Mann presided. Leaders reports were given on gardens by. Mrs. Wiley Snyder; home beautification by Mrs. Hugh Rhinehart; poultry, Mrs. Sam Jack son; food preservation by Mrs. Sam Jackson; dairying by Mrs. Henry Osborne; Flower Show by Mrs. Curtis Rogers. The demonstration on Using Sewing Machine Attachments was given by Mrs. E. G. Cathey and Mrs. C, E. Chambers, clothing lead ers. ' JOE LINER, JR. IN HOSPITAL Joe Liner, Jr. underwent an op eration at the Haywood County Hospital this morning and is re ported in good condition, i --' .. .. . ' j Miss Una Plott left this morning I for Randleman, N. C. to resume her position with the schools of that city. "T ,'m.., V Garden Club Has Meeting The Richland Garden Club held its August meeting Thursday after noon In the home of Mrs. Howard Bryson with Miss, Nancy. Killian, Mrs. M. G, Sta'mey,' and Mrs. Rich ard Barber, Jr. as joint hostesses. Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn presided! Mrs. Barber ave a report of re cent Flower Show, fiponsored by the club, and her report was followed by a discussion of plans for im provements for next year's show. Luncheon was served prior to the meeting. ..'' --''.'.-' Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr. left Sunday for Griffin, Georgia to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norman. Mr. Norman is a patient in the Griffin Hospital. .,- Mint Reed Is visiting relatives in Selma, Alabama. ' - - , . Mrs. Roy C. Tuttle and son, Michael, have returned from a week's visit to the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Riley, at their home in At lanta. The Rileys accompanied them home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Euge'ne Medford have returned to their home in Ar- ington, Virginia after a visit to he fornicj Mr. and Mrs. D. L: Rigby, Jr. of Clearwater, Florida have returned to their home after spending two weeks with the letter's ' mother, Mrs. H, C. Ferguson. " ' . Mrs. Gene Yarorough and son, Mike, have joined Mr,, Varborough at Clemson, S. C. where the latter is a student at Clemson' College. Junaluska. , . j : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bourne and j son, Harry Bourne, Jr. will be hosts at a dinner in their home in Hazelwood Tuesday evening, Sep tember 4. Miss Hannah and her mother will leave Wednesday, September 5, for ttaieigh where they will attend a number of functions to be held in connection with the ball. '",.'-. r .,- ; Mr. and Mrs. Weaver H. Mc Cracken, Jr., and young son, have returned to their home in Warland, WyO., after a two week visit with the former's mother, Mrs. Weaver H. McCracken of Lake Junaluska. . :. Mrs, A. W. Lynch and daughter, Miss Ruth Lynch, land son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Lowman, of Mooresville are visiting Mrs. Lynch's mother, Mrs. E. P. Martin. . '':'.''" Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bailey and son of Asheville have arrived to spend the winter at 116 Pigeon Street. Mr. Bailey, who has been working on his Master's Degree at Western Carolina Teachers College during the summer, Is a member of the Bethel School faculty. ..-- Miss Stephanie Moore leaves to morrow for Warrenton where she is a member of the faculty of the city schools. She has spent the sum mer at her home at Lake Juna luska. . . - Tea ls Given At Church For Sunyner Visitors A tea was given at the First Pres byterian Church Sunday afternoon In honor of visitors who have at tended the church during the sum mer. Hostesses for the affair were members of the Women of the Church. ' The tea was held in the dining room which was decorated through out with arrangements of mixed flowers. The tea table was covered wiUi a lace cloth and had a center piece of red roses and clematis. The receiving line was composed of the Rev. Malcolm Williamson, pastor of the church, and Mrs. Wil liamson, members of the church Sessioti and their wives, members of the board of deacons and their wives, the president of the Women of the Church, and the president of the Men of the Church. Mrs. J. W. Killian received at the entrance to the dining room and presiding at the tea table were Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. L. M. Richesop, and Miss Nancy Killian. George Williamson was in charge of the register. ' A musical program was present ed for the entertainment of the guests by Mrg. James L. Kilpat rick, vocalist, and Sol Cohen, violinist. Miss Florrie Patrick, church organist, served as accom panist.'" Mrs. E. A. McElroy was chair man of arrangements for the tea and Mrs. James L. Elwood was in charge of the decorations. Aronnd two hundred guests call ed during the designated hours. '' . ' ' Miss Stephanie Moore had as guests last week Miss Emily Orr, Miss Geraldine Jackson, and Miss Mary Wlden, all of Macon, Geor gia.' ' ' -.. ' Richard Crowder, who was re creational director at Lake Juna luska. for . the summer, left Satur day for his home in High Point. .dnth?r' Mrsr Hv;Miss, Jean . Crouser left this reiguson. - (. morning for Washington, N. C. uhpro hl Vine flpppntpH n nnfiff inn SHOW STARTS AT 7:45 CHILDREN UNDER 12 ADMITTED FREE 100 AIR CONDITIONED where she has accepted a position as teacher of English and Spanish in the city high school. - ..- The world's population Is in cerasing faster than food produc tion and about 75 per cent of the people of the world are eating less and wearing less than they did be fore the war, according to U. S. agricultural experts. MOW & TUES., AUG. 27-28 KILL THE UMPIRE Starring WM. BENDIX UMA MERKLK WED. & THURS., AUG. 29-30 DOUBLE FEATURE I "WALK SOFTLY STRANGER" also ' ' "RIM OF THE CANYON" Starring '. .: -; GENE AUTRY . . . ; 0 : ;, v attention! children and grown - ups! Western coming sat. night. PARK THEATRE PROGRAM j MONDAY, AUGUST 27 II VALENTINO" Color By Technicolor ' Starring ELEANOR PftRKER . ANTHONY DEXTER TUES. & WED., AUG. 28-29 lit 'TUP TTTT-M ll v 'From Another World! WHAT IS IT? WHERE DID IT COME FROM? THURS. & FRI.; AUG. 30-31 '? ' .' STAGE TO TUCSON v V lecnmcoior; i " Starring ROD CAMEkON - WAYNE MORRIS ll Episcopcilians Will Have Supper' And Program ' A supper and program, sponsor ed by the women of Grace Episco pal Church, will be held at the rParish House, Wednesday, August 29, at 6:30 p.m. The program will -ature Mrs. Wv D. Whisnant, supervising matron- of Thompson- Orphanage ' at Charlotte. Slides of activities at the orphanage will be shown. All members Of the church in District 1 have beeri invited to at tend the event and all Interested persons are welcome. Mrs. Roy Campbell is in charge of the supper and reservations may be made with Mrs. Henry Lee at Telephone 753. Tickets are $1.00. . ' Letters to Editor Lake Junaluska. To the Mountaineer:. As a summer resident and tax payer bf Haywood County, I would like to express my appreciation for the excellent ; library services we enjoyed here this summer -Not only have the elders of our family enjoyed the fine selection of books available from the local library, but our granddaughter, age 7, who has just finished the first grade in school, has- read 98 books this summer to entertain and train her young mind. Your library Is the best I have seen for a city the size of Waynes ville, Your library staff is most friendly and helpful. Waynesville and Haywood County are to be congratulated on having a most excellent public library and staff, It. is evidence, of appreciation on the part of her citizens of the fin er things that make life richer and better. . ,-. ' ' : , W. P. Gearing. Mrs. Thomas ; Will Address Band PW Club Mrs. Ruth Thomas, missionary to China, who is temporarily making her home here, wiM be the speak er at a meeting of the Business and Professional Women's "Club to be held Tuesday night at 7 o'clock in the Assembly Room of the -Waynesville Presbyterian Church. Her subject will be "Have We Failed China?" The program is in charge of the International Relations Depart ment of which Mrs. M. G. Stamey is chairman. '-.. ;: ' HDC Council Will Meet At Court House A meeting of the Haywood Coun ty Council of Home Demonstration Clubs will be held in the Court Room in Waynesville, Friday after noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Paul Hyatt, president, has announced that the meeting is of special importance and requests all members to attend. Some aninials can jo for as much as" 100 "days without organic food, but die in from five to" 10 days without water. Maytag Makes Your Dollar ' Go Further! Low Initial Cost . and low Upkeep! Look at these quality Maytaga with prices starting as low as I124.0S! Eacy monthly terms liberal trade-in. We know you'll be delighted with these Maytag models. Come in today and let us give you a demonstration. THI MAYTAO CHIEFTAIN, Amtrica'i finest low-priced wuhcr ... a feauln May. Uf In vtry rwpKt. nun 1 v-l w THI MAYTAO MASTER, fimwt Mrt tvtrl Huge, square tlumi- tub holds . mo,.; keep, weter $1 7095 kt longer. lit n THE MAYTAO COMMANDER, with large, square porcelain" tub. Fast, efficient . - -ftf, Gyrafoam action. ftA75 LIMITED SUPPLY BUY NOW AND SAVE! - ' i ; v Your $ Dollar Is Still Worth 100 Cents At . . . ROGERS ELECTRIC CO. Phone 461 West Canton dink r- The West Canton Bt. 8 trat.on Club held nic meeting Thury Hope, Huvi,,,,,,i::ur-: the members wer n 1 hostess and Mrs. E , dent, was in charge Followiny ii, '"c (mine I recreation-We direct well, home ngont. . Junaluska C! x xvio -meeting The Lake ,Iunaiuskat, onstration Club met fr basement of LonaVeiJ 11,1(1, f. A 11..- . . dent, in charep Leaders reports wcrJ and Mrs. Cephas Clark servation by Mrs. Carro en. The tlomonsti- at inn . Making was Riven by 4 gem. Fians were made I pieuon of the club' Achievement Day. lJ' - ' mm-..... . ........ I . , . , r ; -: V 1 " '" 11 m r , ' " ' I . : " I 1 Hone Wd : .. - w l- " ""y - :.'.; ..jv,' I ........... ',,'.,.. -,:.':.'. '--"-,' '; St. John's Parochial Schoi Re-Opens Sept. 4th Registration- . Week of August 27th Scholarship Exams For '.Worthy .Stud'J August 30th 10 A. M. TUITION $10 Per Month For Grammar $12 Per Month For High School FULLY ACCREDITED ' FOR s FOR SALE: Income property, Conveniently located. Th: apartment house. In excellent repair. $10,800. FOR SALE: Choice lots. Near Country Club. Ranging from $300 to $1800. Morgan and Dicus Development FOR SALE: Modern, attractive 3 Bedroom house, 2 1)j eieciric Kiicnen, dining room, den. lull basemcni. oil hot water heat. Five miles out. Unexcelled view. St structlon. 3 acres in grounds. ' FOR SALE: 6 Room house. 3 Bedrooms, bath, living ing room and kitchen. $12,600 cash. FOR SALE: Two 1-Bedroom cottages. Balsam. . FOR SALE: 22V2 acres. 5-Bodroom house, 2 baths. Car House, 2 Bedrooms. Excellent water supply. On secmidj 1UUU. FOR SALE: Lo? cabin. 2 Bedrooms, large livinf! room. ? porch, bath. $10,500, including furniture. Good buy for quick sale. Brick veneer. 3 Bedrooms, lare room, dining room, kitchen, bath.. Good closets, liaidwm coal stoker heat. Country Club ROad. FOR SALE: Fairview Road, Bungalow, Ranch style. 4 Be 2 aths, large living room, dining room, ' kitchen, 3 J grounds. ' ' FOR SALE: Two unit apartment house. Two and Thr mum uiius. opacious grounas. $io.uimi iway nr i"1;1"11 FOR SALE: Timhpilanil Rnnrl t " Rprtrnnms livilli! 100111 ly new kitchen. Four acre's in grounds. Includes (io! garage and servants' quarters. $10,000. FOR SALF- '3 Rrlrnnm llnnca f i.ilnrt rilinl dilliW kitchen with built in" cabinets. Ilotwater heater. Hardwood $11,800. ' Gorgeous summer home for soiei furnished, in Chest' Large living room, dining room, 5 bedrooms. U Iwths. Servants' quarters. Caretaker's House. For S;ile ct furnished. $20,000. FOR SALE: Close in. Income Properly. Four unit a house. Excellent condition. Completely fiirnMieil. ! Income Property For Sale.. Guest House. 27 Beilruoms. 3 apartments. Excellent. Location. $38,000. Desirable Country Club Property, Extra Lame I-ivinj HARRY LINER & ASSOCIAT FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE OF ALL OUR SUMMER dlJilKQ Ml" MASSIE' V

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