I? idslighti Of The News L Reaction ... " 'wnlts were shaken up in a iuision. They were carried Lpital, and were sober Lrealize what faced them. I both played they were out cold. The nurses ana ,.,ma thp scheme, but Lt on as if they knew any thorough examination, ealed nothing serious, L walked in and announc U drunks. "Get up, you're lor jail, me remanc win U straight , up, because Ly realized mai uieir euvu Law hurt was to no avail. jail they went, begging for aim For Belief Lid never do to call names, are well known wizens 01 lille. ; lher day, the family car got , on ienaer, wne u the house was driving, serious, and little harm 1Cept for some missing rife was rather upset, and Ung daughter they would tell the man of the house ID when he got home from 10 happened that the hus $ away for the day, and got tfr the young daughter had sleep.. itident was duly reported, husband took it as a matter and said nothing, after he- red it was merely a scratch, ist morning the little child r mother if she told about ched fender. ' es, I told him last night." did daddy say?" ng at all," replied the aughter pondered the an i moment, and then with tned tone said: "Mother, I ..... IIJ M iYtan " icvc yuu luiu milt viii. STANDARD PTG CO Comp 220-230 S First M LOUISVILLE KY TO mm m TAINEER 66th YEAR NO. 74 20 PAGLS Published :Twicc-A.Wcek In The County Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE "So you want to become, my so-ln-law?" "Not exactly, but I d want to many your da ugh' ter." Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 13, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties I Boi id. Issue W Voted. w ay CitesNeed Of New Filtering Plant As An Ox? hporter has a sometimes tendency to remark on the row of his colleagues, but It shoe, and we do mean oo the other foot. In a recently we were writ- ut horseshoes, and from i went to oxen. We meant m shoes", but for' some m typewriter! remarked: yourself an ox. This same 1 his plenty of those too, ve been around as lone as : ,.!' '.i?? k wlth the store this mbrn- jittdthaf 8 far no on has ji to' buy one, however. "The greatest, and most serious problem facing the Town of Waynesville officials is our 46-year-old filtering plant, and lack of facilities for getting water to t reservoirs," It was explained to day by Mayor J. H. Way. , "We have plenty of water on the mountain impounded on Rocky Branch and Shiny Creek, but that water is no good to us until it has been treated and is in the reser voir;" the town official continued. According to the estimates of engineers, it will cost about $250, 000 to run another line from the intake, or, dam on the mountain and construct a modern filtering plant at the site. The present filtering plant was constructed 46 years ago, and ac cording to the mayor, the water system then served about 1500 peo ple, perhaps 2000. During August of this year it was estimated that the plant served 12,000 people. The heavy demand for water necessitat ed Superintendent of Water Brad ford Mehaffey, staying at the plant almost all day, and making a trip to the plant every three hours during the night to check opera tions. . '. Five years ago the town consid ered taking advantage of an offer of the Federal Government to loan money to towns for water projects. The town had engineers check the system, and a tentative plan was submitted, which would then have (See Way Cites Pace 8) tory Stinks- lU KOving down the rOfid 1 ."cat" Us horni was ' t In out, the "cat" to goad uits!. He should've . M. -, , ' and Wine jw nesuits ft Tomorrow W and Civic Commit 1 Haywood County Minis wtWion will meet -to-' Waynesville to tabulate J f the petitions recent ' In the County calling 'J Won on the question of le of beer and wine!: '"MB were collected at 'onday at the Salvation ssln on the Max Patch although Rev. L. airman of the com f ed this morning that encouraged," no def. " 'on will be available "'lie meeting here to- uilding rts Issued 1 JOllev. BniMi t : tod;; ?,ec- w. , uuuains p taued during August ft Mincey, pHvate mi. J. ' awelng; Joe til? Miller- addl" ,;HH alteration,- and " Costs Wen lij '"5 te-Part- ""Thu"laywith Nav and thunder- fair InJ llu.,. Neri k "e lempera U"eabythe stair nit, Mo 12 Max, -78 -..82 84 Min. Rainfall '42 81 53 - .01 I. A. G. Davey, Sr., Died Early Today, Had Heart Attack ' fames' A.'V. Davey. Ar extift- sive land owner and promoter of Haywood county, died early this morning in an Asheville hospital after a brief illness. He was G4 years of age. Mr, Davey, a native of Kent Ohio, came to Western North Caro lina in 1935 and made extensive developments at Soco Gap. He at on time also owned Perchase Mountain. In 1941 he moved to Fletcher and since that time has promoted various interests includ ing the Davey Motor Court and Dining Room. Mr. Davey was a former official of the Davey Tree Expert Company which was established by his fath er, the late John Davey, who was the first tree surgeon in the United States. Mr. Davey was also an official of the Davey Compressor (See J. A. G. Davey Page 8) County Officials Make Formal Plans For Two Million School Bond Progra r, vi 4 i Vww ' .V . . -V. . ' 1 "..V CAv ( '. Mk'"-; Haywood pfficlals Wednesday night approved details for calling an election on the two million dollar bond program for expanding Haywood schools. The officials are shown here looking over the petitions bearing some 3400 names of Haywood taxpayers asking for the election, Seated, left to right: Jarvis H. Allison, commissioner; Willis Kirkpatrlck, chairman, Canton board; C. C. Francis, county chair man of commissioners; J. W. Kill.ian, . chairman county board of education; Frank M. Davis,' commissioner. Standing, left to right: W. Roy Francis, county attorney; A,' J. Hutchins, "superintendent. Canton schools; J R. Seehret, vice chairman,' Canton district, Mrs Lucy Jones, county superintendent; Jule Noland, register of deeds and secretary of board of commissioners; J. L. Worley,' member county board of education, and A. A. Cody, member of Canton board. (Stall Photo). Be Commissioners Approve Monday For The Election Sometime about Thanksgiving, the citizens of Haywood county will have an opportunity to approve a two million dollar bond issue for the expansion of schools. This formal decision was reached Wednesday night in a harmonious meet ing, attended by the County Commissioners, County School Board, and Canton School Board. The formal action came when the board of commission ers adopted the resolution of the board of education, in which the various expansion projects for the county were set out. The commissioners also had before them petitions bearing the names of 3,400 taxpayers, asking for such an election. Tentative plans are to set the date of the election when the commissioners meet again Monday, and receive from the school board a final analysis of expenditures totaling $206,000 to be used "in renovating and improving six rural schools. - The county school's share of th tit Daniels To Speak Here Saturday 4,Mm:Link . At-'-' ... 7 ;.i .L v. Soco Gap Paved; Mile High Overlook - Soon To Be Open To Public OtEarkway.At Open Legion To Hold District Meeting Here Monday The regular monthly meeting of Haywood Post No. 47 of the Am erican Legion was held Monday night at the Legion Hall. An nouncement was made of a Dis trict meeting to be held here next Monday. The District meeting will be at tended by both Division and Dis trict Commanders. The Legion's part in the Crusade For Freedom will be discussed as well as the current membership drive. Plans for the 1952 Legion baseball teams will be made, and refreshments will be served. At the meeting last Monday it was decided that during the win ter months, meetings will begin at 7:30 p.m. instead of the usual eight It was also decided to show movies at both business and social meetings. The Legion. went on. record, as endorsing the nattonal "Employ The Physically Handicapped Week," and members pledged their cooperation with the local employment office to make the "Week" a success. I i I IK i : J "S I. Officers Find 50-Gallon Still A 50-gallon copper still was cap tured before it had been placed in the newly built furnace near Dell wood. The raid was made by Sheriff Fred Campbell and Cpl. Prltchard Smith. A barrel for mash WaS set-up nearby, and prepa rations for putting the still into operation had been underway just before the officers arrived. The atill was found about three o'clock the other morning. 'V..L-.iA-, 1 r , (tit .lie, m'ili.' !irtJJLji,iarjt j& , , f uav6 rennei is jjeuing an eyetul ol the beauty soon to be more easily available as the lour nilie link of the Blue Ridge Parkway from Soco Gap is opened, Mile High Overlook gets its name from Hie fact that it is exactly 5280 feet above sea level. (Staff Photo), .' Fall Fashion Issue To Be Published Monday . . A special fall fashion section, featuring many local models, will be part of The Mountaineer on Monday. For the past few weeks merchants have been receiving new fall mercluindise, and will make the formal presentation on Monday. The merchants have used local people to model the many different lines of merchandise. The pictures were made right in the stores where the Items are available; . This is the first time that local moSels have been used in show- ing what will be worn this year. In addition to the local models,-. there will be a number of latest fasnion niusiijuons, ana aumcn tic articles and photographs used throughout the edition. All this will appear on Monday. ' Soon The four miles Of Parkway run ning east from Soco Gap to be yond Mile High Overlook are com pletely paved and tentative plans are even now being made for a lormal opening ceremony sometime next week." It is known that Sam P. Weoms, Superintendent of the Blue Uidgc Parkway, whose headquarters is in Roanoke, Va., and F. W. Corn, Senior Highway Engineer from Gatlinburg, are both in the general area and are expected to attend the opening celebration. The four-mile paved link rep resents the first completed section ol the Parkway west of Ashevill-?. Local civic leaders have long await ed Its completion for It represents a new artery of transportation that, when finally completed, will mean much to the development of this area. - - IJave Felmet, president, and W. Curtis Huss, representing the local Chamber of . Commerce's Road Committee, both stated that they expected some definite develop ments next week. "The road is about ready,v said Mr. Russ, "and we intend to' mark its opening in (See Parkway Page 8) Several hundred District Demo crat executives will meet here Sat urday afternoon to hear Jonathan Daniels, editor of The Raleigh News and Observer, and National Committeeman. Jonathan Woody will introduce Mr. Daniels The public is invited to attend the meet ing. , f ..,' - RepresentaUves Of ten 'counties will meet at the courthouse, ae CQCdioa.., to , Charles,-.McCrarjj, cnairman of the Haywood County Democrat Executive Committee, beginning at 2.30. In addition to hearing Mr. Daniels, they will dis cuss district problems and make plans for the coming year. A bar becue will be held for the execu tives only at Grandview Saturday evening, Several candidates are expected to announce themselves at the meeting, but, of necessity, inform alion on that subject is impossible ,to obtain In advance. Mr. Daniels Is an interesting political figure as well as an Im portant Journalist. He has com blned the two in such capacities as Press Secretary to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, and as southern campaign manager for Truman in 1948. Daniels, who followed partly in the footsteps of his father, the late Josephus Daniels in taking over the Raleigh News and Ob server, had another chance to do likewise when he was offered the post of Under-Secretary of the Navy. His father held that position during World War I, but after some thought Jonathan declined it, His speech here Is arousing wide spread interest, according to Mr. McCrary, and a large crowd is ex pected to be on hand to hear him. Mr. McCrary announced that Mr. Daniels would be presented to the group by Jonathan Woody. Firestone Opens Tire Recapping Department Here Haywood Has $1500 Drive Quota Firestone Home and Auto Sup ply Company are announcing today Jonathan Woody, chairman of the formal opening of their tirethe Crusade for Freedom drive in recapping plant. The new unit oftnjs end of the county announced the firm is equipped with the latest today- tnat the Haywood quota was Firestone tire recapping . machin- $150o, with Canton agreeing lo cry. all steam operated. raise naifi and waynesville the The new divisions in the down stairs part of tne store which has a driveway on Miller Street. W. M. "Bill" Cobb, owner, said the installation of , the plant was under factory supervision, and has 4-Foot Balloon Takes To The Sky other half. Leo Weill is chairman of the in dustrial solicitation committee, ;ind Mrs. Lena Boyd Ferguson Is treas urer of this part of the county. Reuben B. Robertson is chair men In operation for several weeks, -man of the two Carolinas. J J ,ffMHaW. A, frith 1 imarf.; fettfal II iMMllMilWi yjt&S&i.aMfc Two balloons, similar to the ones, used in sending messages of peace -to peoples behind the Iron Curtain, were released here Monday during the 30-minute ceremony at the court house. Here the 4-foot red balloon, is seen as it shot up in front of the court house. In a few minutes it was out of sight, having gone almost straight up. An extra high speed camera was used by The Mountaineer to get this picture, (Staf Pho'.o). . iwo munon win be si,394,200. and the schools in the Canton district will receive $605,800. which i based on 30.25 per cent of the? county total. Added to the coun ty's share, will be an additional $346,000 from the state fund. The. Canton schools received about $150,000 of the same' fund a year or so ago, and have used it in aii extensive renovation program. Under the terms of the plau adopted, the following projects are included: Bethel .,:..:..,.......... $469,700 Crabtree ...................... 168,000 Waynesville high 330,000 Waynesville. elementary 260,800 Clyde .'.. u...... 100,000 Equipment t.T.:.:.:.ZS 200,000 Renovation 6 schools 1:..... 206,000 (These schools are Aliens Creek,' Saunopk,,JLake. Junaluska. Maggie, Hock Hill;-and Tines Creek). r - A. J. Hutchins, superintendent Of the Canton schools, pointed out that the major need in Beaverdam was a junior high school, and then an enlarged cafeteria at high school, additional library space, physical eduoalion building at Pennsylvania avenue school, also North Canton, plus dressing rooms and showers at Reynolds high. 'Our plan would be to start with major needs and go as far as pos sible, within the limits of tho funds," the Canton superintendent said. "I believe this proposed program would be adequate for the next eight years this Is based on pre. , ent enrollments," Mr. Hutchins added. The proposals of the county-wide program calls for the sonsolidatioa , (See School Bond Page 8) Former Owner Of Smith Drug Storo Dies Suddenly J. M. Smith, former owner of the Smith Drug Store and the Western Carolina Creamery in Waynesville, died Sunday evening of a heart attack while attending a Druggist Convention at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va, Mr. Smith sold his drug inter ests here quite some time ago, and disposed of the creamery to the Pet Milk Company. His home was in Spartanburg, S. C, where he was owner of the Smith Wholesale Drug Co., and also very prominent in civic affairs, His family was with him when he died. He was 51 years old. DR. TOM STRINGFIELD HOME Dr. Tom Stringfield returned to his home today, after spending the past, three- weeks in the Hay wood County Hospital with a brok en hip. Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed 2 Injured . ... 37 (This information com piled from Records of State Hihway Patrol.)

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