,y Afternoon, December 20, 1931. ,s2wifo Gets $216.25 Surprise int. WAVAKSVILLE MUUNTA1NCKH RAGE SEVG Fixin's For The Turkey Christmas Dinner For GI's Is Quartermaster's Concern 7-J 1 I ! I , electric range brought unexpected pleasure and atlen--cck to Helen Wadsworlh (right) of' C'.inton, Route 5 ,ji3ppcncd to be the '?00,000tli sold in Carolina Power and Lpany territory. To mark the event, the company refund- 6.25 purchase price rfnd had one of its home economists; ne Minfz ileft), show Iter. how to get the most out of an range, " . ... .:-.:.--';v :. . :. . ' . '. .. ' MtRE S THE BIRD . , , Stuffed w:.h rice and pecahs. Bv CECILY .BROWA'STONE' . Associated Press Food Editor Hen-van especially delicious dressing with which to' stuff your roast, tw Ley so it really will crown vour Christinas dinner. Then team cianhenies ;aid sweet potatoes ill a dllTcrent kind of dish and serve along with the bird, plus an yother veRetiibles you wish, ond. maybe a salad Heie aie tlv u-cipc? By JANE EADS s WASHINGTON- One of Quar termaster. General George- A. Ror kan's chief .concerns is seeing that American soldiers the world over Bet' a good Christmas dinner. In his own lousohold, lie loaves 'the job to his wile believer possible, we have ( r.ten dinner with the troops: but this year we expect to dine at home.' Mrs. Horkan said. The former Marv Thompson of Atlanta. Ga., the Rem-nil s wife is planning a tradit tonal Southern holiday din ner. 1 ho general, himself hailing from Augusta. Ga.. naturally rel ishes the x-ookerv of the region. Silting down to dinner with them this year m their home in ncarbv Arlington. Va., will be their son. his who and daughter. The Hor kan s daughter. Katherme, 21, who has a tub in Darmstadt. Germany, expects to spend the holidays skiing in Austria. Traditional with-the Horkans is i the open house tor family and friends on Christmas Eve. For this Mrs. Horkan whipps up an old fashioned Southern eggnog which she serves from a big silver bowl with Southern beaten biscuits, her own blAck and white fruit eakes and this year the tasty Smithtield ham ot .Ylririnia. Here U liiT i'ii'IHa 111, tniintn --i" . . j for each dozen eggs used Mix J t llM-rti ifrnl.i' t iihaI I..... 1 1 1.... ...... i?" yolM and -12 teaspoons ot gianu tated sugar. Add to this 12 lain spoons of rye whisky. Beat stiffly1'; 12 o3 whites separately; fold into I a cranberry j Mrs. Horkan died sweet souffle, plain elly ring mold which; lotle tiissc with fruit cake. make herself, can- 'The charlotte mssc U very rich, potatoes, asparagus hut the children and the general green salad and char-Hove it.'' Mrs, Horkan Mid. ft MVALUABLE COUPOM ON EVERY BAG CAN SiELP YOU SAVE MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Write for completely illusrroted eotolog ihowinj m'ony lucb!i household orViclei. JFG Coffee Co. Knoxvtlie. There is Nothing Finer than to Live in North Carolina January opens with a bang J JilJ-". , -Noith Carblina. . You can '. ; huni cjtlail, grouse 4nd turkey ihrovigh ttV31t,:.Eary in the month t Pinehurst, lahuary 440, will be held the 34th Annual Field TriaU And to get an early atari on the new year'a business the big Furtitur" and P.ug Market opens in High Point,! January 21fot 2 weeks. Farmers can take it relatively easy maklnj Plans, securing seed, and , getting ready tot the kitchen garden. And around the ooz'y he4rb7 fires most of us can relax in , - the evening with a temper- , Jj5 ate glass of beer-sold under our State'ABC system of legal control that is working so well. ; North Carolina Division UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, INC. TOASTED RICE AND PECAN STUFFING'' ln.;iediintts: 1' cups rice (uncooked), 3 cuds water. l' teuspoons S'lH, tup butter or margarine, ' 4 cup chopped onion, l'-j en ps chop. ped ielei, 3 cups toasted (hie breadcrumbs,. II2 teaspoons hakinR povwlei, 3 tjjfjs isliyhlly beaten), -U teaspoon poultry seasonint;. 1 cup chopped pecans, salt and pepper (to taste) ' Method; Spread the uncooked rice in a shallow pan and place in moderaie .i350" 1.) oven uiilil riee Is a liL'ht brown rolor 20 to 30 minutes. Stir vw occasionally to brown evenly. I'laee toasted rice i a 'I sayctpJin with water and salt; brim; to a boil. Cover with tiiiht-nttins; lid, lower heat and simmer for 14 minutes IU'iriovo lid to permit rice to steam dry. Meanwhile cook onion and celery in butter or margarine until onion is transparent but not browned. "Mix with rice and remain ing ingredients. Season with salt and peppcr;'Stiirf lightly' into bird. Makes' 9 cups; enough stuffing for a 10 to 12 pound rcady-to-cook-welght turkey, SWEET POTATO CROQUETTES AND CRANBERRIES Ingredients; 2 cups mashed sweet potatoes, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tea spoon grated orange rind, ,f teaspoon ground cloves, cup ginger snap crumbs, 2 cups fresh cranberries, 1 medium apple (peeled, cored, and diced), 1 cup brown sugar, 'fc cup liquid (orange juice anil water to make Vi cup), 2 oranges (peeled and sectioned). Method: Mix together potatoes, salt, orange rind, and cloves. Shape into 4 to 6 cones; roll in glngersnap crumbs; chill.. Mix cranberries, apple, sugar, and liquid in saucepan; stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved, then simmer 15 minutes. Place sweet potatoes in greased 8 inch square" pan; pour sauce around potatoes; arrange orange sec tions on top of sauce, Bake in moderately hot (375" F.) oven 15 to 20 minutes. Serve at once. Make 4 to 6 servings, 1 fTr "V;-ri JiS mm .iiii-irfit I i limn iiiinHJ i i iTmwiini tft m SWEET POTATO E CROQUETTES . . . Cranberry sauce. 1, NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina Haywood County In the Superior Court DORIS GREER HARRIGER Plaintiff vs ROBERT J. HARRIGER . Defendant The defendant, Robert J. Har riger, will take notice than an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina aeainst said defendant tor Judgment in favor of the plaintiff fur an absolute divorce on me grounds of two years separation; that said defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and anneal1 at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood Couety, North Carolina, in "the courthouse in Waynesville, on or before the 2!Hh day of Dec ember, 1951, or within twenty .(20) days thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed 'in ths action, or ihe plaintiff will apply to the ourl for the relief demanded In the complaint. t This the 2!hh day of November, 1951. , ,.. . .. J. B. S1LER . Clerk of Superior Court. No. 2145 Dec 6-13-20-27 Trim Yule Tree With: Safely I, . 1 1 ' ' 1 . 1 f ' l"""rJ you bring it hm.Molitffth low fWj ftk " cut ocroji trunk bo bfoft 0ii5v Vy wiling up, Ploce lr in woler m contoining holdar.ond fill it doily. V V.. 5 Rtmove dry trte from premiwt ja Cv. immediately ofltr holidoyt. DON'T otloch too many light J fJS. tiring to one Outlet, ond be Mire f wri inwlotion ! nol worn or okt VI i Jfi V loow. A blown fuw it the ignol IvV of O dongeroui overload. Be !r4 1J twre fu ore right lire. Never . W5!! e o penny In fute socket. a" ' t ' ' ' ' I.S-e TM;)J OON'T uw lighted ondle on ' ' jL-jLr x'- the Chriilmos tret or wilh other tyQj-ir .'feLS decorotiom. Ploce Ihe tree well ffl ' owoy fr0m FirP,acs of 0,h'r ISSSi locolion where' it ' exposed lo Mt( iparkt or strong heal. Alto keep y ' tistu wrappings oway from heot " '"' '::' ' ' " .,' '' ' '" ' " DO stand on ladder or sturdy I -V step slool when hanging decor- Ki V'fcfS otions, not on o box or flimsy itif JV choir. Wear low-heeled shoes K VJL (this for the women) while trim- JTTf r T .j ' ming the Yule Iree. jjjtfT srm council J P the yolk-sugar-whlskv mlxtinc Add to this one pint of whipped eieam. Serve In glass eggnog cups with a sprinkling of nutmeg on lop Hal with a spoon. I 'The general is on a dut, but I'm soliiR to try to Set him to play hooky from it Christmas da ' Mrs. Horkan launlud. .Dinner ' bt gins" about mid-nfter-noon with tomato juice cocktails, celery .and olives. I he main course consists of roast turkey with oyster stutlimj, wild rice, giblet gravy, ESSO FUEL OIL CALL 555 S. W. Whidden RESIDENT niSTRlRVTOU for Waynesville llazclwood and Vicinity Serviig the nrca from Clyde to Balsam 7 ALL A&P STORES WILL CLOSE TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 25TH & 26TH FRESH -'FRUITS & VEGETABLES Rosy Red Winesap .....,' w o.l" .ltt . Tb. 52c Mild American Cheese Kraft Philadelphia. Cream Cheese -3'X. I7c Cheese Food Spread Ched-O-Bit . Mb. OCJU Loaf NUTS Brazil Pecans Walnuts Almonds. Each J'er LI). 45c nnMr.d ie e. Aim Apples 5 1 49c v lied Emperor j Grapes ----- 2 " 25c Plump Tied 11 Cranberries -. 25c Luscious Dose r.i''i Pears - 2 "! 35c w ' jre4 Fresh Tender Green fV Beans 2 25c i 6 i Idaho Dukinff .' Potatoes -10 79c e ' Juicy Tangerines 2 ,s 19c o Fresh Cocoanuts 8c Jiliry Sizes fit's and Tfl's , ' Grapefruit 4 3 " 23c Juicy Florida ORANGES 8-lb. A-t Bnx HA 1.4 BOX H t1 Aft Ann Page Ann Page Cranberry Sauce Mincemeat Salad Dressing - - 49c 59c 23c 2 - 33c 49 Mayonnaise -A & P Peas - (jt. - ,i.h' .'l. auj Chii - Ocean Spray , T:i.4;rr 28-or. t it r c Jane Parker Fruit Cakes lMrli :i-ii) 5 1.40 s2.79 C&B Plum Short Cirniii ( ! Pudding - -Wesson Oil MottV Can Pt. hot. . :illi. C.tn 13c 99c Apple Cider Astoria Hod Maraschino Cherries - - 15c Uci Monte Sliced Pineapple - Fanning Bread and Butter Pickles Peas ; Green Giant Reaches yiargarine No.'2 Can 15-02.' !Jot. No." 303 Can . 39c Nn. 2 53c Comet Rice 33c Snowdrift - ' ' Swansdown Cake Flour lona Tomato Juice - - - 2 25c on a Sweet 29c Peas - - - 2 c- 23c ' . ' , ' ... ' A&P Fruit 25cCocktail - -25c Niblefs Drand 19c Corn - - - - s 17c Jane. I'jlKer RoIIk , , Brown 'n Serve ::i 15c Hume Style or Siadwhb ',-.. Marvel, Bread Ui 'uJr 20c June Parker Tlaln Pound Cake F.ach 31C Jona California Sliced or Halves Colden Maid No. 21 i Can Mb.. 29c 24c M4 I Y i 1 .I.' JAM lACKI lANTA-IUMWi cocomwt ocaimi eoi ur in. wa VJC Mi ..' ',, .'' '.''. eeMBeeeiewBBeeeieBeMBMBWBiBiBewBee I i Mild and Mellow 8 O'Clock Coffee '2.25 ls 77c All Prices In This Xd Effective Thru Christmas Eve, December 24th