^ Hitchhiking - Country Style oung Ottis Medford of Crabtree finds that hitching a ride on a haying machine is a comfor if somewhat slow, method of getting home from the fields. These machines are a common round the county as many Haywood farmers are busily engaged in haying operations. (Mountaineer photo). munity Meet ast Pigeon ARGARET SHERRILL nunily Correspondent will be an East Pigeon I ity meeting at 8 p.m. Julyj ke plans for the field days, e is urged to be present. tnd girls who want to play oftball teams will practice it. Thursday at the school id Mrs. John Chapman are g several days with Mr. n's parents at . Hazel wbyd^ nd Mrs. Clarence Thomp I family of Durham are g this week with Mr. Dn's mother, Mrs. J. W. Dn. I ' ?th Pressley, who is sta in Texas, is home On fur li- week. a Thompson and Velma n are now employed in re. Md. ie lienson and John Chap ho have been working in ee for six weeks, have re riotne. nd Mrs. H. E. Zimmerman n. Ohio, visited Mrs. Zim 's brother, L. M. Sherrill lily, this week. ind Mrs. Burley Plunkett . Douglas, are visiting Mrs. t's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ustice. nd Mrs. R. O. Pressley an the birth of a son. lirth of a daughter has been red bv Mr. and Mrs. Lester b. Rocky Branch Church j Had Successful V. B. S. j Vacation Bible School at the i Rocky Branch Baptist church came * to a successful closing last Friday. The school lasted for two weeks, with an enrollment of 116. The Co operative program offering was C $17.25. g Those working in the school were ? Rev. W. C. Weaver, Elizabeth Mitchell, who was principal. Billy c Shular. principal's assistant, Mary r Jo Hembree. pianist, and the fol lowing teachers: Mrs, Carl Dills, c Mrs. Willard Plemmons, Mrs. Clin ton Pruett, Mrs. Ulysses -McClure, Mrs. Ennis Chambers^ Mrs. Nora f Jackson. Mrs. Willard Russell, Mrs. i Sam Frady, Mrs. Henry Norman, I Miss Stella Frady, Mrs. Lowell c Browning, and Mrs. W. C. Weaver. Personals At ; Morning Star By MRS. IRO MEDFORD ^ Community Correspondent . Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake of Chi- j cago, III., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Medford. ' Mrs. Frederick Smathers and son spent last week visiting friends in Greenville, S. C. r Jeanette Burnette is visiting Mr. 1 and Mrs. Willis Morgan and family in Morristown, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ensley and * children are vacationing in New ^ York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Melton ^ and family have returned to Ral eigh after spending several weeks here. E Mr. and Mrs. Ppwnce Douvall '' and children have been visiting 1 Mrs. Douvall's mother. Mrs. Ollie ' 5. Clyde Church Has Children's Program Sunday Bv MRS. KYLE LINDSEY Community Correspondent The Louisa Chapel Methodist Church' had a Children's Day pro ;ram last Sunday following the Sunday School hour. Mrs. C. N. Clark spoke to the hildren and dinner was served at ?oon. A number of out-of-town visit irs were present. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Justice and amily of Memphis, Tenn. are visit ng their parents, Mr. and Mrs. -oyde Justice, and Mr. and Mrs. rharlie Haynes. Blount Orsborne of the U. S. iavy is visiting his mother and amily. He has been in a hospital n California. Frank Cathey s spending a two veek vacation with his mother, drs. Tliad Cathey. He is working n Butler, N. J. Mrs. Cathey is ex acting her daughter, Lucille, of Vinston-Salem, for the holidays. Tommie Snyder and a group of riends are visiting friends and ?elatives In the community. They ire from Port Gibson, Miss. Grant Jones of Detroit, Mich, pent t,he week-end with his wife. White Uak UUf Meets Saturday The regular meeting of the White Jak Community Development Pro tram will meet this Saturday night, luly 5. 8 o'clock, at the Commun ty House. The Robert Davis Fami y will have charge of the program ind a large crowd is expected. The adies are asked to bring cookies or refreshments: Jurnctte. Guy Medford is in Mission Hos lital. , "Aunt" Lou Cooke is still quite 11 and is confined to her bed. ? I EEK-END SPECIALS AT THE Sims Junaluska Road OPEN ALL DAY FOURTH OF JULY SPECIALS Barbecue Fryers Picnic Supplies t Cold Watermelons "W I! on Tire Recaps ? we give Qp ?new mileage guarantee. Any A m passenger tire recapped ~ ? Sims Co. Junaluska Road i i Hominy MYF Has Wiener Roast By MRS LLOYD R JONES Community Correspondent The M Y. F of Plains Methodist rhurch enjoyed a wiener roast at the home of Nancy and Weaker llipps. Those present were the Rev. Jake B. Golden. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Broyles. Mrs. Vinson Wor ley, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hipps, Lin da and David Hipps. Douglas Alex ander. Dee. Dan. Bohby, and Car roll Cole, Bobby and BiUy Shep pard. Charles Torpy. Lemar Wor ley, Morris Broyles, Nancy Sue Hipps. Gwendolyn Scruggs. Ruba Dean and Colene DeWeese. Philip Broyles, Norma Jean Broyles. Lane McCracken. Richard Holland, Betty Parker, Michael Clark, and Mrs. Jake B. Golden and son Chippie. The Plains Methodist Church M. Y. F. has planned two outings: the first will be a trip to the Ashe ville Recreation Park on July 0. and on July 30 the group will have a croquet party at the home of Mrs. Claude Broyles. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Dockey and family have returned to their home in Monroe, Ga. after spending sev eral days here last week with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Smith. The Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Smith of Dawsonville, Ga. have returned home. The Rev. Mr. Smith preach ed at Rocky Face Baptist Church Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ance L. Smith visit ed Mr .and Mrs. P. E. Smith last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Truelove and faintly of Dawsonville, Ga. have re turned to their home. After visiting here with relatives for several days, Mrs. Beulah Ashe and son have returned to their home in Dahlgonega, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Grant H. Jones of Detroit, Mich, visited his brother and family, Mr. and Mfs, Lloyd Jones, on Sunday Miss Gwendolyn Scruggs and I^ee Roy Scruggs of Pasadena, Tex. are spending the summer with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Scruggs,, and other relatives. Charles Torpy of Alexanderia, Va? is with his grandmother, Mrs Sallie Mann, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hipps attend ed the drama at Cherokee last Saturday night. < Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camack ana children. Francene and Randy of Pasadena, Tex. are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Hipps. The Young Adult Class of Plains Methodist Church enjoyed a picnic supper last Thursday night at Bent Creek. AS James L. Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fonzo Mann, who is sta tioned at Philadelphia, Pa;, is spending a 15-day leave here. Vacation Bible School At Hazelwood Church The' Hazelwood Presbyterian Church Daily Vacation Bible School opened June 30. All chil dren 4-15 are invited to attend one of the many classes that will be taught. On Sunday, July 6, regular Com munion Service will be held at the church. All are invited to attend. Meat Salads Fine for Summer By ALICE DENHOFF EVf'N folks who aren't toe harpy about salads, tuck awa> their share of a good, hearty meal aa'sd, we've found. Such a salad makes a nice warm weather main course, especially whan served with a hot vegetable, hot muffini or rolls, and plenty of hot eollee or tea. Thrifty too, because such Items as frankfurters, luncheon meat or bologna, or any leftover cooked meat, may serve as the basis for a main dish meat salad. Whatever meat Is used, the flavor of the salad Is heightened If the meat cubes or slices are marinated In French dressing for a short time, and the dish Is often Improved If the blended Ingre dients are allowed to stand a couple of hours before serving. Careful Seasoning Be sure that the salad Is care fully seasoned, too. Even though you are successful In throwing In a dash of this and a sprinkle of that when doing the usual salad, critically taste a meat salad In order to add that extra seasoning touch before It's too late. Attractive garnish is Impor tant, and especially so when a meat salad Is starred at a buffet meal. And a Frankfurter Supper Salad Is nice enough for even the fussiest palate. i For this one, use 3 c. thinly sliced franks and pour a little sharp Frtnch dressing over, let ) ting the franks marinate in it for r a half-hour or more. Add 2 c. ? cooked macaroni, one c. sliced 1 celery, 2 hard-cooked eggs, 2 tbsp. i finely chopped green pepper, 2 I tbsp. gratad onion, 2 tbsp. chop i ped parsley, ft tsp. celery salt, , and salt and pepper to taste. Add , enough salad dressing or mayon ; babe to moisten. Garnish with salad greens, a colorful center of , radish roses and carrot slices on a tiny bed of parsley. For another hearty salad that also uses frankfurters, drain a No. 2 can kidney beans, and add lft c. sliced frankfurters, ft c. chopped sour pickles and ft c. French dressing. Chill. Break a head of Jettuce into pieces and place alternate layers of frank furter-bean mixture, lettuce and sliced green onions in a salad bowl. Pour ft e. French dressing over alL Serve at once. Serves 4. For a savory meat salad to serve 4, cube 3 e. cooked meat, and mix with lft e. sliced celery, ft c. sweet pickle (chopped), 2 tbsp. grated onion, I tbsp. French dressing, and salt and pepper to taste. Chill for an hour, and drain, reserving the dressing for a future salad. Mix with ft c. "novelty" mayonnaise, which is made by mixing ft c. mayonnaise with 2 tbsp. chopped olives, 4 tbsp. catsup and one very finely chopped hard-cooked egg. Season I with salt and pepper to suit.. ? INGRID'S SON VISITS TWINS IITTII ROBERTINO ROSSEILINI It driven from Rome's Salvador Mundt Hospital after getting his fyrst look at his famous twin sisters. The son of Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rosselllni appears quite at Interested In the scenery as in his recent experience. In front, seated beside the driver, Is a woman believed to be a nurse for the girls, (international) Church of God Mission At Cruso Sets Revival A healing campaign and revival < will begin al the Church of God 1 Mission at Cruso July 9. The ser vices will be conducted by the Rev. Homer Hall. Grocery Stores To Stay Open Thursday 'Til 7 C. D. Reiner, president of the Waynesville Merchants Association, has announced that grotsry stores will remain open until 7 p.m. Thursday. This later closing hour will be observed as a convenience to house wives and other shoppers because all store will be closed all day Friday July 4 I First Specs I Spectacles a* an aid to vision were I Invented by Alesandro Di Spina, a j Fl^gntine monk, in 1255 A.B. I Judge Alley Speaks On Democracy "Liberty, freedom, and democ racy are almost synonomous, but yet are different," Judge Felix Al ley told the Kiwanis Club Tuesday night. He explained that "liberty and freedom are the result of the exer .'?es of democracy. You cannot have Line without the other." He then [raced the history of democracy rlown through the ages and said the ancient Holy Land operated as a theocracy, in which Goat was the ruler and men like Moses were up pointed to carry out His laws. Greece was the first democracy, [he speaker continued, and then ancient Rome borrowed some of Ihe ideas of democracy and estab lished the Republic of Rome. Judge Alley said both these forms of gov ernment had good points and when this country was established, a com bination of botli forms was used to ijive Thomas Jefferson the ideas lor the principles as set forth in Musical Program At Fines Creek By MRS SAM FERGUSON C< mtuunlty Correspondent A musical program will be given at the Fines Creek School on Sat- j urday. July 5. Prices will be' awarded to the best performers. A small admission will be charged. Jack Ferguson has purchased a new electric range and water heat- ; er. Grower Kirkpatrick has a new refrigerator. i Mark Ferguson is painting both ' the inside aiul outside of his home . Mrs. W. K Green of Virginia, is spending several days here. | Mrs Robert Plott and children of Marietta. Ga., are visiting her I parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B McCrary. Sgt. Wayne Greene, who is sta tioned in Florida, lia> been visit ing his wife. Mrs. Mary Jane Mc Crary Green. Sgt. and Mrs Green visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Green, in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker and small son of New York, are visit ing relatives on Fines Creek, Mr. Walker is the son of Bert Walker. I . the Declaration of Independence. "Russia is a republic." Judge Al ley pointed out. "But that country | does not have the liberty and free dom we enjoy We think our taxes j are high, but in Russia the individ ual is 'loaned' a tract of land to | farm, lie gives half the proceeds to I the government, pays half the balance in taxes, which left only | about one-fourth of the harvest for i himself." Judge Alley, who wil Ibe 80 years old Saturday, reminisced about some of his 80 years of political campaigns in North Carolina, ami said what he enjoyed most of alii was that he could shake the hands of so many men, hug so many babies, and kiss so many beautiful I women from the eastern shores to the western mountains. The program was in charge of the Boys and Girls Work Committee Judge Alley was introduced by Charles Underwood. Treas. Farm Group Joseph Higdon has been elect ed Treasurer of the Farmers Federation by the directors of the organization. He has been assistant treasurer of the Fede ration for the past four years. Mr. Higdon has been with the Farmers Federation 13 years and has been Office Manager for the past ten years. In this capacity he has handled the growing fin ancial problems of the Farmers Federation. His office has the responsibility of keeping the stock, records of 27,000 stock holders. At the present time, he is in charge of the Copamod ity Credit Support Price for Burley Tobacco in North. Caro lina. He is also president of the Farmers Federation Credit Union. Mr. Higdon is a mem ber of the Asheville Lions Club. / Revival Set At Church Of God Of Prophecy Yerla Helms, pastor of the Church of (5od of Prophecy at Hazelwood, announces a revival beginning July 13, with the Rev. John Roberts as evangelist There will be special mt ic and singing. Everyone has beer, invited to attend the services. Last State New Hampshire is the la-t state to keep the colonial custor.. of an annual fast day. Want ads bring quick n suits. " More Bargains from BELK HUDSON'S July Children's ^ ^ ^ '' ^ ^ ^ ^ I,., in In .1 \ SANDALS $1.89 SHIRTS - 95c Sizes 8Yt to 3 In grey and blue Red. Brown and White .?_____ ? _ Ladies' Regular $7.95 Sport ? ' w ?t t> ? t es a* * r\r\ Oxfords and Sandals $3 SANDALS - - - $1.98 Assorted colors and styles ? Sizes 4-9. Sizes 4 to 9 Men's Regular $1.98 Fancy Printed Knitted Metal Folding Picnic POLO SHIRTS - - $1.48 STOOL $1.29 In small, medium and large sizes Canvas top. ? Regular $1.48 KITCHEN STOOLS - $1 Green, red and white Rose, Blue, Yellow and White Organdy Curtains $2*98 Sizes 36 x 87 Just Received New Shipment of Reg. $1.98 Drapery Material - $1.29 Floral and stripe patterns Regular $7.95 .'1 Wav Switch TABLE LAMPS - - $5.95 Assorted color shades ? 3(1" high BelfcHudson