Emmm pant ad . bates ?251rsurm* vjt tvp^, 3 cents per miniinum charge W #V ; size typ?/ 50c column inch. will be published tt i? dexlrcd ?c??rdu,e I extra charge, idvirli-eiiu nt" should he ,,,d immediately. The uoeer *l? not h? **" j, (or more than one el insertion. dvfitiskments are IV ADVANCE. Cash niuat WJ orders sent by mall. ? must be in office be I j? a. m. on day before lion to guarantee to be , ,d section. i wish to insert a want ad lephone 700. VSCMENTS see Haywood lent Co.. next tg Farmers ire. on Ashevllle Road. H. el. manager. Phone 1029 tf t)RLESS. sanitary septic leaning, call Canton 3274. [plumbing Co. J 19-tf )X FURNACE ? No I payment, three years w. Free estimate. Auto r Heating Company, 11104. J 17 tf fOR SALE ? Hard wood p: SS00 load. Open Air Market. Call 904. J 26-tf A. GEORGE before you ell or trade lots, houses, tracts of land. Phone tf BOO x 16 Recap?$5.95 ex (. 670 x 15 Recap?$6.95 ige. Pot's and Cowan. O.K. r Welders, Balsam Road. Mar 5-tf LE 6 room concrete block hot water heater, wired ieetrical appliances. Gar partmctU. Approximately llf acre of land, located [highway 19 at Lake Jun 1 Priced to sell. Call Syl I or 256-J-3 after 5 p.m. Mar 9-tf itt?Stack hay, orchard i N Lcspedeza. 1 red mare I years old. Phone 1023-J. franco. Rt. 3. VVaynesville. M 26-30 NT - 5 room apt. Steam ? Call 134-W. Myrtle Ray. Mch 26 tf Set APARTMENT FOR RENT _ 3. rooms and bath garage apart-' raent, kitchen equipped with gas' range and refrigerator. Oil heat er. Call 1115-J. M 12-tf FOR SALE: 1W8 Chevrolet Two-Door Sedan. A-l Me chanical condition. Good tires. Heater. Looks and runs like new. Can be seen at Central Cleaners. $700.00. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Best Bargain in Town. Mch 19, 23, 26, 30 FOR SALE?Singer Sewing Ma chines and other makes $30 up, all guaranteed, new ma chines the famous Phaff Dial-A Stitch, easy terms. Also Repatr service for all makes. YORK SEWING SERVICE, Waynesville, Phone 805, Canton 5432. F 2-tf WE ARE OPEN from 6:30 a. m until 9:30 p. m. with good de pendable mechanical service Sinclair, parts and accessories, washing and greasing. Norman's Garage, Phone 1150. Mar 12 tf FOR SALE?Tract of land located 2 miles west of the Bethel school on the Waynesville highway. Priced for quick sale. See Mrs. D. H. Penland at the West Pigeon Food Center. Mar 9-12-16-19-23-26-30 A 2 FOR RENT?Four room and bath house, furnished complete. Nice garden area. Couple preferred Located on Border Street. Phone 1292. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M 26-30 A 2 Slip Covers - Draperies - Furniture Upholstery. Also Fabrics, At the Little Decorating Shop in Can ton ? opposite Canton Motor Company. Phone Canton 2312. ] Mar 20 tf SMOKY MOUNTAIN TREE SERV ICE?Trimming, topping, remov ing, feeding and cavity work. All workmen are experienced and fully insured. Phone 229-W. I M 2-5-9-12-16-19-23-26-30 WE HAVE CUSTOMERS for small Dairy Farms, Pasture Land, and small Farms. List your property with us at reasonable prices and we will sell it. Liner Real Es tate and Insurance Company. Telephones 363 and 452. M 23-26-30 FOR RENT?Steam heated, fur nished or unfurnished apart ^ Paent. Continuous hot water, el ect r i c kitchen, two rooms and bath. One block from Post office. Couple preferred. Phone after 4 p.m. 316-W. F 19-tf Because many men of the tiny Dutch-held island of Saba in the Caiibhean get jobs in other places, there are approximately two women to every man among the 1.000 peo ple on the island. FOR SALE ? 1051 (IMC 1 ton pick-up First class condition throughout. Only 17ud0 miles. New tags, original owner. Call! 1029 or see at Farmers Ex- J change in East Waynesville. F 9-tf CAMERAS ? We sell, trade and rent cameras. This month's special: FREE exposure guide with every camera purchased this month. Kaiser's Root. Store 133 Main St., Waynesville, N. C. M 26-30 A 2-6 WOOD FOR SALE ? Delivered $5 00 a load. All hardwood. Rhone 318-W. F 12-tf HOTEL HOSTESS Now employed in Florida re sort hotel, wishes similar posi tion with summer resort hotel in W. N. C. Mountain area. Long experience. References. If ser iously interested, could conic for personal interview. Address KA. care The Mountaineer. Waynesville, N. C. Mch 26-30 Apr 2 FOR SALE ? Household furnish ings?9 ft. refrigerator 535.00. Inexpensive tables, chairs, dres sers, chest, bed springs. Helen Ray. Tel 151-J. M 30 i FOR SALE 74 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle. '45 model. Good con dition? $200.00. Call 255-W. Can See at 210 Meadow Street. M 30 I I To Rrltrtt _ 00^ 0^2666 UQUID Oil TAAUTS - SAM I FAST MUU FISHING AT FONTANA BOATS FOR RENT AT GREASY BRANCH BOAT DOCK "Hoe" Boyd. Mgr. Tarn ISgSrW Bucknrr Branch Road FOR SALE?Large electric range and deep fryer. Call C. M Stokes. Phone 1101. M SO A 2-6-9 W ANTED TO RENT?3 bedroom house with heal, flood location. Write House. Box 511, Waynes Mile. M 30 A 2 ANYONE having van small photos of Will F. Huberts or Ida Flor ence Moody who lived near W.iynesville until 1911, commun icate with William E. Roberts. Jr . 1022 Pearl Street, Denver, Colo. M SO A 2-6 APPLES FOR SALE?Stark Deli cious. Red Rome Beauty and Red Winesap from A3 to $5 per bush el. $1.25 per peek, owing to sire and quality. Drive out to our modern refrigeration plant In Francis Cove and get your sup ply. Phone 1041-J. Henry Fran cis Orchard. Mar Jd-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY Having qualified as Administra lor of the estate of J, M. McElroy, decea ;ed, late a resident of Hay wood County. N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit thetn to the undersigned at Waynesvilie, N. C.. Route 2. on or before the 17th day of March. ' 1954. or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All ' persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 16th day of March, 1953. Clinton McElroy, Administrator of J M. McElroy. Deceased. 2297 March 16-23-30 April 6-13-20 NOTICE or TRUSTEE'S SALE On Friday, the 17th day of April. 1953, at eleven o'clock, A. M. at the court house door In Wayncs villc. Haywood County, North Caro lina, I will offer for sale at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in | F.ast Fork Township, Haywood | County, North Carolina, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the Easterly margin of Highway 284, ! corner between Lots G and 7. and ! runs with said margin of said high ! way seven calls as follows: S. 1 145' W. 100 feet; S. 2? E. 100 feet; I S. 7? 30' E 100 feet; S. 11? 10' ! E. 100 feet; S. 14? E. 100 feet; S. ftj 4ft' E ftO feet; S. 16? 30' F 349 feet; thence S. Hfi E. 184 feet I to a stake; thence S. 60? ft' E. 2S0 | feet to a stake; thence North 13.5 feet to an iron stake (controlling corner of this subdivisiont; thence N. 14 lft' K 99 feet to a stake; j thence -N. 30' 1ft' E. 99 feet to a stake thence N. 3 45' VV. 198 feet to a stake at the margin of Sharp Mountain ltoad; thence N. 66* E t 27 feet to a stake In renter of said t road thence with center of said i Sharp Mountain Koad four calls . as follows: N. 6* 30' W. 220 feet; I N. 2 W. 100 feet; N. 6" 35' E t 130 feet; N. 7* 20' W. 136 feet to ? a stake at Southeast corner of Lot ' 6; thence with line of that lot, N. ? 89 45' W. 640 feet to the BEGIN- i NI\G, containing 12 29 acres, more | or less, and being Lots 7 and 8 of i t tie iSavid I'nderwoud property, us per survey and plat of Watt Jus tice made August 1931, and being the same lands conveyed to George S. Merchant by David Underwood and wife. Helen Underwood, by deed dated August 28. 1931. This sale is made pursuant to the powers of sale conferred upon tne by that deed of trust executed by George S. Merchant to A. T. Ward, Trustee, securing purchase money notes, which deed of trust hears date of August 28. 1951, and is of record in Hook HI), page b. Record of lVctls of Trust of Hay wood County. Tliis 12th day of March, 1953. A. T WAR1), Trustee. 2296?M 9-16-23-30 A 6. TOWN OF 1I X/FI.WOOD. NORTH j CAROLINA. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai a SPECIAL ELECTION will be held in the Town of llazelwood. North Carolina, on the 28th day of April. 1953, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said Town the following propo-j sit ion: Shall the qualified voters of the Town of llazelwood approve the: bond ordinance which was adopted i by the Board of Aldermen of said ' Town on March 20, 1953, and which ' ilt authorizes bonds of said Town of the maximum aggregate amount of $25,000 to finance the roust ruc tion or reconstruction of the sur face of public streets in said Town and the contemporaneous grading I of such streets and the construe-1 tion or reconstruction thereon of j sidewalks, curbs, gutters and | drains, and <2< authorizes the levy and collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds; and also approve the indebtedness to be in curred by the issuance of said bonds? The polls for said election will I open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock j a. m . and will close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock p. m.. Eastern Stan dard Time. The polling place for said elec tion shall he the usual polling j place in said Town of llazelwood, | In-" il: The Town Hall. The Mayor and the Board of Aldermen have appointed Mrs. It. W. Crawford to act as Registrar j and Mrs. W. C. "Whitner and F. E. Kuvkendall to act as Judges of Election for said election. The Registrar will be furnished with the registration book used at :he last regular election held In he Town of Hazelwood (being the regular municipal election held on lune 30. 1931) and she wilt revise the registration book so that it will show an a"? urate list of the ?lectors previously registered in the Town and still residing therein, without requiring such electors to register anew The Registrar will keep the registration book open for the registration of new electors on each day (Sundays and holidays excepted< for the period beginning the 18th day of April, 1933. and ending on Saturday, the 23th day. of April. 1953. The book will be; kept open on each Saturday during such period from 9 o'clock a in .; until 9 o'clock p. in., and on other days during such period "from 9 o'clock a in., until 5 o'clock p. in., Eastern Standard Time. By order of the Board of Alder-, men of the Town of Hazelwood. Dated March 20, 1953. I J. R CARSWELI. Town Clerk and Treasurer of the Town of Hazelwood, North Carolina. 2299?M 23-30 A 6-13. STATE OR NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD IN THE SUPERIOR COURT: SUMMONS & NOTICE: James C. Price, Plaintiff. vs. Frances N. Price, Defendant. To The Defendant: Frances N. Price: You will take notice that an ac tion has heen commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, entitled as a bove and that the purpose of said action is to obtain an absolute di virce on the grounds of two years' separation. You will take notice further that you are reunited to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, at the Court House in Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than 20 dnvs from tire 13th day of April, 1953 and answer or demur to the complaint within the time prescribed by statute You will take notice further that if you fail to answer or demur to the complaint within the time pre scribed by law, the IMaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded li> the complaint to-wit: an absolute divorce. tiiven under by hand and seal of the Court this the 23rd day of March. 1953. J. R SILER Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina MOO?Mch 23-30, Apr 0-13 NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, April 27, 1953. at 11.00 o'clock A.M. at the Court House door in the Town of Wayneaville, N. C., 1 will otter for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed premises, situate, lying and bcitiR in Ivy Hill Township, Hay wood County, N. C., to-wit; BEGINNING on a point in Soco Gap Highway, Fred Campbell's Southwest corner in center there of, and runs with center of said Highway two calls as follows: S. 47" W. 200 feet; S. 52 W. 108 feet to a stake at or near a culvert; thence N 21* 30' W. 370 feel to a stake in fence line; thence N. 57" 40' E. 328 feet to a stake in said Kred Campbell'* line; thence with hi* line S 18? 40' E 330 feet to the BEGINNING, containing three acres, more or less, and SUB JECT TO HIGHWAY right-of-way easement. INCLUDING and SUBJECT to water lights referred to in deed dated September 10, 1947, from Adolphus Gentry et aly to A. W Keid, recorded in Deed Book 138. page 23. Haywood County Kegls try. Sale made pursuant to the pow er and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by that Deed of Trust dated June 30. 1952, executed by Louise Korlster. and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust 82. page 287, in office of Register of Deeds of said County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and foreclosure demand having been made upon the under signed by the holder thereof. Sale will be made subject to 1953 taxes. This March 20. 1953. A. T. WARD, Trustee 2302? M 30 A 6-13-20 ost - Liles A BOON TO MUST COURTS and DRIVE-INS RAMSEY SIGN CO. Phone 6571 Ashfville, C. r Your F.vcryday RDWARE AND \INT NEEDS Shop HOWELL'S IARDWARE t Howell, Owner 1062 Main St. USED I TIRES all sizes ? atisfactiOn W,\R\NTEF.D ? Iholrsale Prices tiie 3IMS CO. F-d Sims '"lalnskn Road Phone 1382 HAYWOOD ELECTRIC SERVICE Main Street llazrl wood I RICHLAND FINANCE CO. AUTOMOBILE LOANS ? FINANCING REFINANCING Let Us Finance Your Next Car At BANK RATES! Finance At Home With lis At Lower Rates j "Get Our Plan Before You Buy" TELEPHONE 1199 Bob Breese, Manager I Main Street Waynesville LOGS WANTED We will purchase any quantity merchantable Hardwood logs delivered to our mill at Hazelwood, N. C. I GENNETT LUMBER CO. YOUNG MEN WANTED Here's news for yoiiinr men. Pay in the National tluard equals one-sixth of a Regular Army soldier's base pav. Investigate to day. Call TANK COMPANY 120th. INFANTRY. Phone 1G8. WATKINS CHEVROLET USED CARS 51 Chevrolet 4-door, Powerglide, clean llww 50 Poriliac 2-door, Clean. ^1/1QC Hydramatic I "WO 50 Ford 4-door, $4 noe Radio, Heater IUfc3 50 Ford Club Coupe, sinQli Extra Clean IU33 47 Chevrolet Areo ^TAtl Sedan 'W 47 Ford Club Coupe, ?7415 Only '2w 51 Chevrolet Pick-Up $| 4 A|? Clean. Low Mileage ' ' ?w 49 CMC Pirk-l'p ^neft Clean, Only tfniJ 51 Chev. 2-dr. Flcetlinc Clean as a pin 51 Chevrolet, 4-door Fully equipped I Hww 48 Chevrolet Pick-Up ?TQI* Good condition fww 48 Ford 4-door ^7QR Radio and Heater I WW 49 CMC Heavy Duly \ i-ton Truck All new tires, $Qqc Extra clean www 50 Pontiac, 2-door, Radio and Heater. Extra clean 50 Ford Custom. 4-door S4AAE Radio, Heater ? UfcW 47 Chevrolet Flcelline $1CA Radio & Heater ' WW 49 Ford Pick-Up $OOC Clean _ "HO 47"Ford Pick-Up 695 47 Dodge :l i Ton $t(>E Pick-Up www Watkins Chevrolet Co. SALES & SERVICE Telephone 75 WAYNESVILLE, N. C. I WANTED EXPERIENCED, SOBER, RESPONSIBLE \1AN OR WOMAN TO OPERATE COUNTRY CLUB SNACK BAR ON SALARY ? APPLY IN PERSON TO * G. M. KIMBALL At Country Club Office DOGWOOD WANTED Lengths: 20 - 40 - 60 inches. ' Diameter: 5 inches and up. Logs with red heart, hollow, or dote in center must have 2Vi> inches or more of sound white wood. Grade: 20 inch lengths?must he free from defeats'. 40 inch lengths?may have 1 defect (center of bolt). CO inch lengths?may have 2 defects (18 inches between defects). Payment: Cash on delivery. Contact: Tom Lee, 444 N. Main St.-Tel. 97 Agent For Draper Corp. Any type of Hand and Power LAWN MOWER Sharpened the factory way Bring in your lawn mower and have it sharpened on our precision machine. All work done quickly and ac curately* Your mower will cut like new. A few min utes here . w i 11 save 4-'-V3aSfcj you hours in the sun.flvV CARI/S SHARPENING SERVICE Phone "41 N". Main Street By WALLY BISHOP MUGGS /<NI) SKEETEB " sure.1... GRAMP.C CAN VOU J SUPPOSE SOU tell me HOW < DEPOSIT A COMPOUND INTEREST b- DOLLAR IN -^WORK.-;? ) ^ THE BANK... ^ ... AT THE END OF A CERTAIN PERIOD THEY CREDIT THE INTEREST TO YOUR ACCOUNT... THEN YOU START GETTING INTEREST ON YOUR ORIGINAL DOLLAR PLUS INTEREST ' ON THE INTEREST - ! :l|! nQgy- ^-*EADV CREPlTEP THAT'S KIND OF "") 7 AM -rq COMPLICATED.1 I. EXCELLENT THINK I COULD Vrr IDEA.' ^ GRASP THE IDEA V vy^ph QUICKER IF I HAD "S ' A DOLLAR "TO PUT J ri 1 ^INTHE SANKy-^ . -*? o* j/r" ...INSTEAD OF (SIVIMS >Oj >Ou? \ ALLOWANCE NEXT v-CEx, I LU - DERDSiT IT DiRECTUV |N THe < ^BANK FOR MDLIR ACCOUNT.'.'_ ' ' ' ' ^ I / THE FLOP FAMILY ~TT pifAPfef^ep-ll ZT voim. HWJF_TO ee^t \/fl ' y^y\C ( OW,, "THC. <?l>6, PHlLfcHOCR ^ ' -??--v?| 'Vv ?, / ,, |( !-m 6lao T By SWAN [roof) 71rr^Hc MYRTLE RIGHT AROUND HOME Uy DUDLEY HSUKH , ~ i iiiiini i ? i i ; i?i.aj Z-it igFwow! I JUST TUOUGHT OF \ M SOMETHING SAMPSON! ) \QL,CK/...FOt-uOW ME// /couple of vamilla i ice cpeam COL.ES , 1 ?c s \ sllks-and make ^ \ IT SMAPPn ! /r> ^ d iiii I- Hi ? and All OF 4 SuOOPJ I V (tealizEO that this ? n^ll)?,(x /&j "ALLOWANCE OAV*ANO I SD)u<L!MJ?J | P.tv maont even spent all . r , < V tnake f ^ Of last week's VET 'J / // /

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