- - ANOTHER JOB WELL DONE 20,000 Booklets, In 2 Colors, Pleases Customers f f // # / i , / m :jm A/ /f / i w -:m'-:-'u^^m^Jl- m M m a a m f m V'i ?* i *^J$SSti?m3J*>it Haywood Co lata Hioulaadehs I?. K. DKVOI'S. I'HKMIIIKXT , WAYNESV1LLK, XQHTII <%1RC?1.INA ? March 26, 1953 J The Mountaineer, Inc. Wavnesville, N. C. v ? . Gentlemen:. '? I \V?e are now starting distribution of the 20,000 booklets that you have ? just printed for us. and want to compliment you on the fine and most ;l satisfactory work of the booklet. J ?? On behalf of the Haywood County Highlanders, I would like to say:,* > ? You have done it again, bigger and better, and at a great savings on our part. It gives us a feeling of comfort to know that our Ipcal newspapef publisher has the skill, knowledge of arts and color, fine supervision, and fine equipment to meet our demands. ? ' ? ; ? ?' t We appreciate the fact that you produced these booklets ahead of schedule, and your fine cooperation, and feel well rewarded for the fine v printing job as reflected in all 28 pages. Again my hearty thanks. . Sincerely yours, * L. E. DeVous President, Haywood County Highlanders. No Matter What Size Printing Job You Have, The Mountaineer Is Prepare I To Satisfy You In Every Detail. / * * The Mountaineer "Printing That Satisfies" _ .JTi.IL- f _ ... - ? ? * JUST PHONE 700 % B?^ _ /