___ The Pigeon Valley News -=? % i News of Six Community Development Areas ? West Pigeon, East Pigeon, Center Pigeon, Stamey Cove, Cruso and Cecil. \fternoon, March 30, 1953 Edited By Bethel High Journalism Class PAGE TfxKEE (Second Socti?) uncement % 01 Coming ] Mctfricx9e ttest announces the ot her daughter, tr t0 James Theron (.f *'! al1^ ^rs- "? r?( Swanar.noa. L ? Will take place at Tp.-oM ? uui Church 8 o'clock n. the even fl. :d .< Nilotic direc i,'l lti h SctwoL BSONALS s V 1 Harris, ' residents !?' ?> living in the I : ? < - ; ?, "It, is re iiKinia. Her is staying is fully re M> yili ads lues in on ci'iiin:!J/;11\. F 10 Ml ST PIGEON .. Mr. and irti eiu! f. mily into the from Swain 'hrt'c (it their children Bet In School. M r.ic! Howell an ht :i.ent of their I), ? to Earnest e; Mi and Mrs. D. M. (..''it I'lie wedding ; in Greenville. niiiui \nril 4 ucid . the bride i ? ' ' i high school .1! la a. 1 Mr. Duvall >? wo !>?. 1 lie Champion >' 11. IVES SHOWER 'hold shower was given d Mrv Fred. Rogers last r.igiit at the home of Roger-. Mrs. Elzi Gallo ;o-hosti'ss. s..:\e? were ulayed and nts were served. The eived many gifts. n RC'll SOCIAL unt People's grouD of 1 Baptist Church had a irdav right at the liome Wiy Mason. Wie Mason served as ii a soccial committee irge of refreshments and THE STORY OF EASTER - 5. THE CRUCIFIXION ! 1 From Living Bible Series of motion pictures, by Family Films, Inc ; courtesy Religious Film Assn JESUS CARRIES THE CROSS PROCESSION TO CALVARY ON THE CROSS The procession to "Golgotha" <which means place of hte skull) began There were Jesus and two robbers, each carrying a cross. There were the mob and the Roman soldiers. And thene were the disciples of Christ. But Jesus had been scourged and abused for many hours. He faltered. "Th'ey came upon a man of Cyrene. Simon by name; this man they compelled to carry His cross." They offered Him wine mixed with gall which He refused to drink. They- cruci fied Him between the two robbers. They mocked Him. ""Save Yourself!" " they said. " 'If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross." So also the chief priests with the scribes and elders mocked Him. . saying, 'He saved others: He cannot save Himself. He is King of Israel; let Him come down now from the cross and we will believe in Him.'" They put a sponge ol vinegar to His lips. "And Jesus cried ag.iin id a loud Matthew 27:32-56; Mark 15:21-4 voice and yielded up His Spirit. "And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom; and the earth shook, and the rocks were split; the tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they went into the Holy City and appeared to many. "When the centurion and those who were with hint, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe. and said, 'Truly This was the Son of God!'" "There were also women lookihg on front afar, antona whom were Mary Mag dalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger, and of Joses. and Saiome, who, when lie was in Galilee, followed Hint, and ministered to Him: and also many other women who came up with Him to Jerusalem " (Next: The Resurrection) 1; Luke 23:2ti-49; John 19:17-87 Bethel Juniors Chose Class King Last Week The Seniors of 1-054 met last week to pick out class rings. After much discussion, the class ring was decided upon. It is to be oval shaped, blue and set With an an tique background. It will also have the state seal, a dogwood flower and the "words "Bethel High School" written a round the set. The date 1954 will be placed on the sides of the set. CHURCH SING Special singing services will be held at Bethel Baptist Church ; Easter-Sunday at 7 o'clock in the evening. Various choirs and quartets will participate. Everyone is invited. ? ged > "in shampoo ft ui lis. you've 1 For like your I of women ft pitching from one ft est all with ft good reason ft : shopping ?t'1 m fact: 1 poos now on ftk>' .,11' -o-called "all ft i list as * \ ml each re ft type of sham ft .ill-purpose" ft " that tries ft trades" The ft to h; being "master ft ' i hand, your ft our skin ft oilj. norm ft ed So how/ ft shampoo ft ? pes of hair" ft iile. scien ft 1 i,i in poo prob ft -II \Mf'OOS ft POUR TYPES OF ft formulated ftc now iniahle for the ft a famous ft Shampoo' ft i express ft u nt type ft s tle-ir wonders ft ivt -ham poo ft 'ism. ft -h.imooo in ?Utovered by Revion ft ' iinetol" gives you complete control over your i hair immediately after shampoo ing. It is almost as though each bottle came complete with a hair dresser: your hair is so amazingly manageable. Here's how "Magnetol" works: As ^ou probably know, when your hair is thoroughly cleaned, many important natural oils have been removed along with the dirt. "Magnetol" replaces these oils, be cause this incredible ingredient is magnetically attracted to hair. In other words, clean hair actually at tracts "Magnetol" to it. and thus "Magnetol" practically becomes part of the hair-shaft, so that your ; hair has more "body" immediately jafter your shampoo. In fact, it be comes as beautifully manageable ? in minutes as it would be two or three days after an ordinary sham poo! This we promise: you'll never again say, "I just washed my hair and I can't do a thing with it." You know which type of hair you have. Everv woman does Now at long last you can do something positive about it Simply a.-k for Aquamarine Shampoo for Dry Hair . . . Oily Hair . . . Normal Hair . , . or Tinted and Bleached | Hair. You'll get what you've al ways been looking for?a perfect shampoo for your type of hair ... a shampoo that cannot fail tn give you shimmering, beautifully clean hair, alive with dancing highlights . . . hair that is manageable in stantly instead of 2 or 3 davs later. Unbreakable olastic bqjtle?so safe, so economical to use. 1.25 each. No Federal tax. . Now available at era s DRUG STORE is main street Students And Faculty Present Church Program Several members of the Bethel High School student body and fac ulty participated in a service on Sunday evening. March 22. at the Bethel Methodist Church. The theme of the program was "Character Building". Participat ing were: Norma Jean Sheffield, who spoke on "Character Build ing for Youth"; M. C. Nix. who ?-poke on "Character Building in Church School": Bucky West, who offered a solo. "This is my Task"; Roy Ilaupt. who spoke on "Char acter Building for the Little Folks"; Doris Rollins, who spoke on "Character Building Among the Students"; Mrs. Alice R. Cathey, "Character Building in High School Classes"; and C. C. Poin dexter, "Character Building. Over All Aim of the School". Other speakers were: Charles Osborne, chairman of the church hoard, and Nancy Smathers, presi dent of the intermediates. Bethel Safety Club Names Two Committees The Safety Club met last Tues day with Lon Keece, captain, in charge of the meeting. Devotion was given by Susie Er win. Clara Johnson, secretary, called the roll. A painting committee was ap pointed to paint signs near each door calling on students to be more careful. A transportation commit tee was organized for the purpose of developing ways of making bus loading safer. Music by several members of the club was enjoyed during the last part of the meeting. EASTER PARTY Members of Mrs. William Swift's homeroom will enjoy an Easter party Monday night. Ocie Davis was elected chairman of the committee to provide refresh ments. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Kuykendall of East Pigeon announce the en gagement of their daughter. Mar tha Lee, to Ted Rhodes of Canton. The wedding is planned for De cember. Student Of The Week SENIOR OF THE WEEK Peggy Ann Pock, one of the best basketball players over to play lor Hot hoi, plans to enter Bob Jones University at Greenville after graduating from Bethel. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Peek ol lit. 1, Way ncsville. She is quite active in sevhool af fairs, being a member of several clubs in addition to her s|M>rts activities. SIXTH GRADK The sixth grade, which is being taught by Mr. Galloway and Miss Moody, is preparing a short pro gram which will he presented at the Bethel Baptist Church Master Sunday. The pupils will sing songs that are particularly appropriate for Master. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. A. T. Medford. a resident I of the West Pigeon community, | has recently returned home from the hospital after undergoing an |operation. She is now resting at home, and is expected to he up and around soon. FIFTH GRADE Last Saturday afternoon . the boys and Rirls in this class enjoy ed a party, with the boys acting as hosts. The bovs entertained with songs and poems and served refresh | ments. The grade is making a study of birds and is drawing posters of many of the various kinds. NEW STORE Wayne Singleton of C'ru*o is now building a new grocery store He expects to have it finished in the very near future. Pvt. Turner Assigned To Duty At Ft. Benning Private Herbert C. Turner, son of Mr and Mrs. Theodore Haby. Route 3. Wavnesyille, was recent ly assigned to duty at Fort Ben ning. Georgia. While stationed at the Infantry Centei. Private Turner will be at tached to the 122nd Army Band, ASU Provisional Group. Prior to entering the service. Private Turner worked as an an nouncer for Radio Station WI.OS in Asheville. Bethel Beta Club To Sponsor Party At School Gym By JOYCK M'KASK Tho Bethel Betu Club lias an 1 nounced it will sponsor a party, to lie hold ill tho Bethel Itigli School gymnasium. For the high school students, Bota Club parents and ! .the faculty of Bethel High School. There will he planned recrea lion for everyone and informality ' will he the keynote. Refreshments j ] will be served Admission will be j and ,;>-ri ccpts. New School Head Visits Canton Howe Henry, who will lake up his duties as superintendent of the Canton School system July 1st, visited Canton over the week end and met with officials. Mr. Henry who is head of the Fairmont High School is in Ashe villc attending the convention ol the North Carolina Education A - socialion. Mi. Henry is a native of Has wood Countv and was horn and raised in the Jonathan Creek sec tion near Hell wood He is the soli of Mrs. Mattie Owen Henry who is now making her home in Can ton. He is a brother of Mrs. Hoone j Mcdford of Canton, and also a brother of Homer Henry, retired | Haywood County school teacher, who is presently serving as coun I ty deputy tax collector in Heaver dam Township, Henry, who has heen elected to | the local schools to succeed A. J Hutchins. did undergraduate work ; at George Peabody College in | Nashville, Tenn.. and Western Car jollna Teachers College, lie receiv ed the B. S. Degree from WC'TC ! in 1931 and did graduatac work at J the University of North Carolina and N. C. State College. . Play Scheduled At Champion Y ft. Slltllcs announces "The I Mayor's Secretary." an original I musical comedy, written by Beale Fletcher, will be presented al the Champion YMCA, Monday and Tuesday, April tith and 7tb, at 7:45 each evening. The show is a fast moving farce i dealing with the complications that j arise when a Northern racketeer and slot machine king tries to bribe j the Mayor of a small Southern city. Kidney Slow-Down May Bring ! Restless Nights When kidney function slows down, manv j folk* complain of nagging backache, head aches, dizziness and Iowa of pep and energy. Don't auffcr restless nights with these dis comforta If reduced kidney function ia get ting vou down?due to such eommon cause* aa atroaa and strain, over-exartion or ex posure to c<dd. Minor bladder irritations Sue to cold, dampness or wrung diet may cause yetting up night* or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if t hese condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Pills?a mild diuretic. Uacd successfully by millions for over 50 years. While often otherwise caused, It's amasing how many time* Doan's give haopy relief from these discomfort#? help the 15 miles of kidnev tube* and filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills todayl Doan s Pills S. J. Knight Receives Promotion In Korcu with riiK 2.vni inkantky OIV. IN KOIiKA Samuel .1 Knight. son Of Mrs Pearl Knight, Kegel's Cove lload. l.ake J Una 111.s ka, recently was promoted to ser geant first class white serving in Korea with the 25th Infantry Divi sion. The 25th has been in Korea long er than any other American divi sion. It entered the fighting in July, 1950, shortly after the Com munist attack on South Korea. Sergeant First Class Knight, a , section leader in the 35th Infan j try' Regiment's Company M. en | tereri the Army in March. 1950, and j arrived in Korea last November, lie is a former student of Waynesville Township High School. In civilian lite, Knight was cut ! ployed as a clerk by Waynesville Country Club. Dae the Want Ads for results Sand Hill Wins Debate From Bethel Team By MK1A 1\ IH UKK Th?' Sand Mill dcbalin ; tei ui ???? [ratoil tin' Bella! Dthalii . > ?l a match March 20 in tin IK t. . I luditorium. Th topic on which" the two t. in tcbalcd was: "He solved thai (in \tlanlie Pad Nation ^liouhl loun i Federal Union.' Maltha Kussell and IJeba Krady cpreM ntinu Uettiel, were the ai It niative team Julian r.iimu .ml I'alricta Morton ioruicd Mte m m live team. The debate lasted fo npp:u\. niately fifty minute I'. Ill a an stated very stioii.e l a's In;' ..mil Mill had the struma -i t< :. 111 wen by a majority of (tie vote c the judges. The jiuli es well' Mr M K Tenell. .Mrs Joe Brvor.i e ami the Kov I.. II (leoi e pastor oi Belli el Methodist Church New Baseball Field Being Made At Bethel Bethel High School has started working on a baseball field for a new team which will be organiied at Bethel. Ii v.i . nrcevsary to build up the inund w i*k dirt from a field be liind the Agriculture building. The iiul v.i obtained troni Cathey L'dvr. The It E. \ furnished the poles alld also jput Hum un. The agri culture department furnished the t . ei.n s. ( i\ Poindexter and E. I! 1<iekm.iii provided the trucks to ! oil li e dirt and rocks. Air A'. ? field aiul the K. F. A. I. have been spending much lone 01 the field to get it in readi iie; s shortly. MtV sTl'OENT I n ;orte Murphv. who formerly it e h d Whltlier School, Is now re . Mill ir Mrs. Cagle's first i;i aite class. Kr WAYNESVILLE COAL COMPANY "Authorized Patsy Distributors" Phone 272 Waynesvtlle I NOTICE! DUE TO RECENT INCREASES IN THE COST OF SUPPLIES AND OPERATING EXPENSES, IT IS NECESSARY THAT I WE INCREASE THE PRICE OF OUR I SERVICES, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1st, This Increase Will Apply I ALL BARBER SHOPS I WAYNESVILLE & HAZELWOOD New Telephone Directory (joing to Press for New anil Changed Listings i Call the Telephone Business Oflicc right away to get your adver tising message in the Classified "Yellow Pages", or for additional or changed listings in the Alphabetical White Pages. MR. BUSINESSMAN: Nine out of ten people use the Yellow Pages to find the product or service they need. Your message in the Classified is on display 365 days in the year. Act now for repre sentation in the nation's buying guide?the Classified. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY

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