CO ' s tirst a I v ? ?-G rri *"W ? V JT TODAn suae The Waynesville Mountaineer s&ez ! 4i?L" Published Twiee-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ? Q , ? '1 1 68th YEAR NO. 63 14 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C? MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 3, 1J53 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson"Counts 3 Paving Projects Approved In Pisgah NEW POSTMASTER Enos R. Boyd (center) is handed the keys to the post office hv Col. J. H. Howell, left, who retired as postmaster on Fri day afternoon. Mr. Boyd was appointed to the post, Looking on from the right is Herman Fran cis. assistant postmaster here for the past sev eral years. (Mountaineer Photoi. ! C delights 5f The News [_ C stances And Use t?i 10 ie*ve u?e names f 1^0 visum* gOlluis, a 4 no a ui?n not so mt iuto, wcie piaymg a e. uister was one shot ? tn ins p?ituer in?iue a ,uit uiai i?i"?? Hie uoie soil oi an men. u 101*01 wuere he was, ji in iu expressing nis ,ih a series or loti*, iouu mas. u ui stopped, and very tiu. "remap* U you use sutn pioianuy you a ueuci *aiue Ol |Uu. luatiassea partner re i were piayui* a oeuer iouiu nui uave any use ii.1 ? 'omes Out Wash ,e missed your teeth tei see Jiin Aidricn oi suiie maintenance toice. pertecuy good upper is possession, wnicu ne ua 10 turn over to Hie uier. sn l expect a stampede is tor ins treasure trove, s soon as ne reveais lounu it. us enures is maintenance worn on tne b-mue . Very oiten he has to Usiacies clogging the ?r day he turned up the mined perfectly good ? - 'iook nice new," ne ders if anybody recalls iln enougn violence to e teeth down the drain, e won t be surprised at le linds ill the sewer H'le on. Justnbout any will lloat temporarily d down through the big lent Rifles Ready For iloochee Beef Shoot lnr?t t c itv r ? ? a?r ?? C5fC. 61 Picture?Page 8) ent long-barreled rifles kies are getting the last ?It 'n' polish'' before nance at the beef shoot at Calaloochee Ranch, sharpshooters, who can eye out of a squirrel. -Partly cloudy and sul cattercd afternoon and thundcrshowers. Tues nucd hot and sultry with ifternoon thundershow Vaynesville temperature I by the State Test Farm. Max. Min. Rainfall I 86 63 ? 1 88 65 ? \ - 90 62 ? 88 60 ? I if you'll just tell them which eye," as well as lads in their teens who give promise of besting their dad's records, are making sure that all is in readiness for the match. Contestants make their own tar gets. because the deciding factor is not the size of the hull's eye but the closeness of the pattern of the three bullets. Bullets themselves may be individually molded on an open hearth. Official starting time for the match is 0 a. m. but contestants and eager spectators often start the steep ascent to Mile-High Cat aloochee Ranch in the mists of early morning. The road turns off US 19 near Maggie. The "beef" which gives the shoot Its name is a steer, provided by Cataloochee's owner Tom Alex ander. Prize winners each receive a quarter of beef, which they may take home with them, trade off to other winners, or, as has happen-i ed. resell to donor Alexander. The rifles used in the match are relics of the wilderness days of the area. They were originally used to kill game for the table, as well as to protect the lonely home steaders from marauding bears or outlaws. (More pictures on front page of second section. ? i Construction Started On Four Main Street Stores Construction was scheduled to begin today ot}. /our new stores on the lot at th" corner of Main and Academy Streets. The new stores will be similar in design and con struction as the two which were ! completed last year. All four of I the new buildings will face Main Street. Mrs. I. J. Londner, of Washing ton .together with her brothers, Sol and Forney Shulman, own the property, and are building the new structures under a contract 1 'with the W. B. Dillard Construc j tion Company. One of the new buildings will be forty by eighty-fice feet, and the other three will each be twenty feet wide, and eighty-five feet long. The buildings will be one story, without basement. The contract calls for comple tion of the four units by January [ or the first of February. Haywood Street Is Being Widened Town workmen are widening Haywood Street between Miller and Depot Streets. The street will be made t!) feet wider, plus a 5 foot sidewalk at Depot, and he gins at the Howell Motor Com pany. G. C. Ferguson, town manager, said that the work would take a bout two or three weeks.' Jealous Suitor Pumps 14 Bullets In Couple; Kills Young Man, Girl Lingers Congressional Record Inserts Mountaineer Editorial An editorial from the Moun taineer has been reprinted in the Congressional Record by Repre sentative George A. Shuford of the 12th District of North Caro lina. The editorial quoted appeared in the Mountaineer on July 23, under the heading, "Almost lln- | believable Growth." and discus ses the development of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. | In introducing thr editorial to thr Record, Mr. Shuford stated: I *'l wish to Include the following editorial by Mr. W. Curtis Russ, editor of the Waynesville Moon- { taineer. Mr. Russ, through his splendid paper. Is doing an ex- | eellent iob in the development of western Norlh Carolina. Ills per- ] sistent efforts looking to the completion of the Bine Ridge Parkway and thr full develop ment of the Great Smoky Moon- j tains National Park deserve the highest praise." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smathers, Jr. and daughters, l-owry and Lura, of Miami are here for a visit to Mr. Smathers' parents, Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers. Their other daughters. Pam and Ann. came to Waynesville last j week with their grandparents. Berlin Gunter will i>e cliarged today. Sheriff Kred Campbell said, of the murder of Bob Ford, 21. who was shot six times with a 22 automataic rifle about 9 o'clock Thursday night at Ml. Sterling. Ford died Sunday in a Newport Hospital. Gunter has signed a statement for the officers admitting the shooting of Ford, and also of Miss Pearl Sutton, 17, who was with Ford at the time. Miss Sutton was wounded eight times in the legs, Sheriff Campbell said, and re mains in a Newport Hospital, and at last reports was "not getting along so well." Sheriff Campbell got a state ment from Ford before the shot man died. Ford said he heard someone tap on the window, and looked up and saw Gunter just as he started firing the automatic rifle through the window. Ford was sitting next to Miss Sutton, and fell backwards as two bullets entered his body, and four his legs. Gunter is being held in the Haywood county jail, jwhere he was lodged shortly after his arrest a bout one o'clock Friday morning by Sheriff Campbell. Gunter admitted that he shot the couple because of jealousy. Sheriff Campbell said that Gunter had threatened the girl about six o'ch?ek that afternoon, saying: "I will shoot you if you go with Ford again." Both Ford and Gunter were em ployed on the construction of the Pigeon River Road project. Ford was a native of Cosby, Tenn. Sheriff Campbell said he plans to gel a statement from Miss Sut ton either today or tomorrow, pending her condition. She Is from Danrtdge, Tenn. Salvation Army Attracts Some 3,000 For Mountain Top Singing An estimated 3.000 people from 1 16 states and Canada climbed In a mountain top some 4,660 feet high Sunday for the 17th Annual Singing Convention held by the, Salvation Army. Tourists and natives gathered on Max Patch to hear as guest speak-' | cr Commissioner William Dray, of Atlanta, territorial commander of, the Army. Captain James Henry, Command ing Officer of the Asheville Salva tion Army, acted, as master of cere monies for about 12 singing groups who took part. One of the highlights in enter tainment was Panhandle Pete who "held the crowd spellbound." Everyone gathered on the very top of the mouhtain and stood per fects quiet during his whole per formance. In Ihp afternoon all singing groups gathered at the cemetery and had a huge mass singing while Ihe graves were being decorated. Ali arrangements were under the direction of Major Cecil Brown and lier staff of workers. Major Brown expressed satisfaction over the lay's events but. said that they vere "already making even bigger ilans for next year." She hopes o have better parking facilities, ind perhaps even an actual parking >rca. More concession stands arc <lso planned for drinks and food. Appreciation was also expressed o all the participating singers, to ;he live State Highway Patrolmen >n duty, and to Haywood County's ' Sheriff Fred Campbell and Madison j (See |?a|vatton Army?Page II Parkway, Forest Roads To Be Paved The addition of $371,000 in ap propriations by Congress (or the Blue ltidge Parkway, will assure the completion and paving of the 11-mile link from Wagon Road Gap to Beech Gap, in Pisgah, it was learned (his morning from an official. The same official told The Mountaineer this morning that it is understood that the State High way Commission will surface treat the Vanderbilt Motor Koad from Elk Pasture Gap to Wagon Koad Gap. This road is often called the Mt. Pisgah Motor Road. The High way Commission also plans to pave the road through Sherwood For est, in cooperation with the Forest Service, from Beech Gap to Lake Logan. The road from Lake Lo gan to U. S. 276 is already paved. The completion of these pro jects would give one of the best scenic drives in the state, it was said. The route could start at Candler, to Elk Pasture, Wagon Road Gap. Beech Gap, Sherwood Forest. Lake Logan, Bethel, and on to Waynesville. With the increased appropria tions, officials now feel that pav ing can start next spring on the Parkway, Pisgah, and Sherwood projects. The paving of the Parkway link will open up the Tennessee Bald. Devil's Court House, and other scenic spots In the area. The final appropriation was $852,300. This Is $371,000 more than set up by the House for the project. Plans are to build an overhead bridge and three miles of Park way near Blowing Rock, and through the Cone Estate. Attendance Rises As CDP Field Days Enter 2nd Week With four more Community De velopment Program field days scheduled during the week, attend ance for the season promises to he higher than that for last year. One change has been made in this week's schedule. Saunook will visit Morning Star on Saturday. August 8, Instead of on Friday Other tours this week will include Francis Cove to Hominy on Wed nesday, Thlckety to Iron Dull on Thursday and West Pigeon to South Clyde on Saturday. Tentative Itineraries for the Hominy and Iron Duff tours are as follows: August 5 at 9:30 a m. Francis Cove and Hominy residents meet at the Plains Methodist Church. Visits will be paid to the home of Hugh Keener to see the flowers and lawn; to Glenn Parker's new house; to Porter Bro.vles' Demons tration farm, to Fred Mann's to see turkeys, corn, tobacco and pos sibly automatic hay haling opera tions; to Robert Holland's remod eled home; and to Herschel llipps to look at his sheep. Following a drive up to Newfound Gap. the group will go back to the church for lunch and on to the Beaverdam school for the afternoon's recre ation program. On August 6 Thlckety and Iron Duff residents will meet at 9 30 a.m. at the Iron Duff Community sign on US 209 just beyond the j McCracken farm Plans include vis Its to the Grover Bryson farm to see tobacco and home improve ments; to Hardy Caldwell's farm and remodeled home; an inspec tion of Dr. Caesar Davis' farm and home landscaping and home beau tiflration projects; a stop at the Antioch Baptist Church; a look at Manson Medford's poultry and to bacco enterprises; a stop at the Davis Chapel Methodist Church; a visit to the Cash Medford farm to (See Attendance Rises?Page 8) Draft Board Requests Addresses Mail sent to each of the follow ing registrants of Local Board No. 45, Waynesville. has been returned "Unclaimed": Thomas Leroy Gibson. Walter F. Woodard. Harlie Louis Burris, Richard McKinley Barker, Ralph flildon Zimmerman, and Eulice Allen Woodard. It is requested that anyone know ing the present whereabouts of any of these registrants, contact the Local Board in the Court House. Telephone GLendale 8-3101, THE AKItOW POINTS lo Uir spot where a few charred remains were found this morning in the basement of the Garland Rogers home on High way No. 1 It). Officers believe the remains rould be those of James Cook. 53. who was seen in the house about two hours before the Rrr that de stroyed the home. Cook was keeping the place while the owners were on a trip to Texas. (Mountaineer Photo). Officials Believe Man Burned To Death As Fire Levels Home * Group To Discuss Central i Elementary Property A meeting is booing called for Friday at three o'clock In the com missioners room to discuss dispo sition of the Central Elementary school property. An act of the legislature em powered the trustees to deed the property to the Town of Waynes vilje for recreation or other public use when the property is no long er used for a school. Tho board of education. In a recent resolution, went on record that they would i continue to claim the property, ! and "so defend." The legislature also set aside a I lot 7A by 100 of the property for the library. The school board has suggested that they would use the building for county school offices, and the remainder of the building could be usild for other county offices, and storage. The agencies railed to meet Fri- ' day to discuss the matter Include the town aldermen, library board of trustees, hoard of education and tlir new board of trustees for the school property. Mr and Mrs Troy Ledford, who have been visiting the lalter's brother and sister in-law. Mr. and Mrs J F Stainey. left this morn ing for their home in San l-eandro. Calif. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Stamey, who will he their guests in California i, ~ ? Hazelwood Keeps $1.65 Tax Rate The Town of Hazelwood has an-, iinunced its annual budget for the coining fiscal year which began July 1, 1953. with the tax rale re maining at $1.65. A total of $52, 884 will be needed, it was stated by J. K. Cars well, Town Clerk Of this amount. $18,402 will go toward general expenses; $9,547 will be used on streets; $19,065 for water; and $5,870 for debt servlre The Town will collect about $31, 506 in revenue other than I he tax levy, mainly in water assessments, and $21,378 is expected to be col lected in 1953 taxes, and an addi tinnal $1,670 for prior levies. The lax levy for 1953-54 will be $24. 918. and there is a reserve of $3, 737 for tion collectable years. The poll lax amounts to $200. The tax of $1-65 per $100 will remain the same as it has been for the past three years, with 70 cents of this amount going to general ex penses; 80 cents to streets; and 15 cents to the debt service. The total assessed lax valuation on Idnd in Hazelwood is estimated at $1,510,000 The new budget was adopted July 27 at a meeting of the Town Council. Strand Theatre Chain Bought By Charlotte Firm Wa.vncsville's Strand Theater and six other North Carolina theaters have been bought by Stellings Gossctt, Inc.. a new Charlotte con cern. form II. B. Meiselman Theat ers, Inc. The deal, effective Saturday. In volved the taking over of equip ment of the theaters and of leas es on the buildings. No real es tate was included, and no an nouncement was made of the amount of money involved in the transactions. Partners in the new company are E. G. Stellins, well known theater operator, and P. C. Gossctt, who has been in the textile mill supply business for several years. Mr. Stellings is president and Mr. Gos sett vice president and treasurer. Other Theaters Theaters in the deal in addition to the Strand are: the Center in Charlotte, the Srand in Rocking ham. The Flamingo Drive-In at , Laurinburg, The Raleigh Drive-Tn at Fayetteville, the Manor in Wil mington, and the Park in Kinston The company also will operate an eighth theater, the Manor in Char lotte, which Mr Slellings has own ed for some time. The company was recently char tered hy the Secretary of State with authorized capital stock of I $100,000. Mr Stellings and Mr Gossett have also been granted charters for three other concerns, all with headquarters in Charlotte, in connection with their new the ater business These are for Stell ings-Gossctt Theaters of Fayette ville, Wilmington and Kinston, and each of these companies has auth orized capital stock of $100,000. Two Drive-Ins The two drive-in theaters can accommodate 2,625 persons. Seating capacity of the other theaters is as follows: Manor. 700; Center, 850; iKpp Strand Theatre?Page 8) v/uiirrs are continuing mcir in vestigation today of whether James . 1 Cook, S3, was burned to death when the-home Hi which be was liv ing was destroyed by fire early TJ Monday morning?miles south of Canton. Dr. J. F. Pate, corner, said that jm some remains of bones, so charred, that it was impossible to tell whether they were human bones were found. "There was just a smalt pile of ashes. Whatever tt was, was cremated, and fused to gether," the coroner told The Mountaineer. Dr. Pate said. "We are presum ing that .lames Cook lost his life in H the fire. He was seen in the house abont 11 o'clock Sunday night. The fire was discovered about 1 20 Monday morning. We have cheeked at all the places where he usually goes, and we have not been able to find anyone who has seen him since eleven o'clock Sunday night." The coroner said that the re mains were so small that there was not enough left for even microscop ic study. It was at first thought that there might have been two men perished in the flames, hut the second man. Alphonzo Galloway. 76. who had been in the home until Saturday, was found at his home on Bal sam Mountain. In Transylvania county. The home wa3 owned by Mr. and Mrs. Garland Rogers, who are on a trip to Texas. Cook was look ing after the property while they were on th^r trip Sheriff Fred Campbell said that two Crtiso men. Walter and .lunior Reere, saw the house on 6re a? they passed on Highway 110 at 1.70 Monday morning. The two men saw lights on in the house, and ran to offer assistance They pushed the front door open, and one of the men satd he heard a groan, but could not be sure whether It was that of a person or animal. The flames were so hot that the men v.v could not gain entrance to the A call was put in for the Can ton street department to send a (See Officials?Page 8) Highway 'liW Record For ^ 1 In Haywood Killed . .. . 3 ill Injured.... 32 (Tbia Information com piled from Records ad State Highway Patrol.) rict Farm lers Meet } Aug. 10 hundred argicultural m 16 W. N. C. counties in all-day meeting here ulture program to be Congress next year. The r a proposed pi Jgram 'roni Secretary of Agri nson. i 'ting here is being ar Oral L. Yates, repre f the Farm Bureau, s said eight such meet cheduled in the state, the first one. ultural agencies are be to attend, and a large is expected, because of ince of the meeting. :s said that the farm i'hich the government is etting out of hand, and 'ak. and something must correct the situation, ?iqs to have represent e are from Mitchell west to Murphy. Mrs. J. If. Way, III, of Virginia were weekend the former's parents, rs. J H. Way, Jr. They npanied home by their nri Mrs. Way's mother. White, who have been 'e for several weeks.

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