Hyatts riain For [on Guests md Mrs. Howard Hyatt ,,s of - supper party Sat >enms ^ the outdoor fire tlie piedmont Hotel, hon eir bouse guests, Mr. and K Widmer of Dayton, ,?g supper the guests teitained with dancing in mont ballroom. ^tending, in addition to Mrs. widmer, were Mr. t c k. Woodward, Dr. i, Michael Kelleher, Mr. Carl Baumann. Mr. and ,on Betty, Mr. and Mrs ,man, and Dr. and Mrs. Roch, all of Asheville, jjrs. Paul Davis, Mr. and I prevost, Mr. and Mrs. nson. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. ind guest, Glidden Mc New York, Mr. and Mrs. att Mr and Mrs. Hoomes and Mrs. C. D. Ketner, Mrs Hay Raynor, Dr. and R Brown, Dr. and Mrs. niel, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Calvin Houghland, e Kincher, Mr. and Mrs. klin. and Ed Vosberg of * ? ? Canton e Club Has er Workshop ?st Canton Home Demon lub held an all day meet i handicraft work shop at of Mrs. McClain Smath day. Mrs. Cromer Crisp, was in charge, the morning each mem a copper -platter, a delightful covered dish was served and in the project leaders reported : espective activities. Mrs. risp gave a report on the ilk in the diet and sug ys of varying the family h milk desserts. Mrs. ly, food and nutrition jorted on a cake dccorat lstration which the club >red earlier in the month. Medford, house furnish ?r. told of new furnish ihle for the homemaker. the social hour which fol meeting, Mrs. Clayton r. a recent bride, was pre shower of gifts, gust meeting will be at of Mrs. Theodore Clark ? * ? lancy Iteeves Francis, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy expected to return home y after spending a week Beach with her sister. Dudley Francis, of High ? ? t rsons and his son, Edgar . irsons, Jr., of Philadel isiting Mr. and Mrs. R. ynesville 1IVE-IN [EATRE Itlren Under 12 Imittcd FREE tarts At 8:00 P. M. nday, aug. 3 bbott and tcllo Go To Mars" With i 1 BLANCIIARD E MISS UNIVERSE TEST BEAUTIES ? Selected Short s ? Color Cartoon -?? T;S. & wed., \l'G. 4 & 5 cminole" (In Color) Starring ( k hudson vBARA hale ?? isday, aug. 6 >ignment - Paris" ^tarring ^a andrews ?kta token >rey totter ? ?bay. aug. 7 ng Of The Id Horses" With ' rhe Wonder Horse ?also? Color Cartoons THE PRINCESS PRESENTS A TROPHY Junaluska Club Has Meeting In BEA Kitchen The Junaluska Home Demonstra tion Club met at the hea Kitchen I r riday afternoon. Mrs. Carl Med-1 ford, president, presided, and plans were made for a copper handicraft work shop to be held Friday. Au gust 21, at the home of Mrs. L. G. Dotsori and Mrs. John McClure. Leaders reporting were Mrs. Albert McCracken. gardens; Mrs. John McClure. dairying; Mrs. Car roll MeCraeken, poultry; and Mrs Gorver Leatherwood, home beau tiflcation. The demonstration on "Modern Home Laundry Methods" was given by the home agent. During the social hour the host esses, Mrs. Carroll MeCraeken and Mrs. John McClure. served water melon and the members inspected the new REA kitchen and laundry Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford of I Durham are guests of the former's I mother, Mrs. W. T. Crawford. I Mrs. Crawford competed in the I Women's golf tournament at Bilt more Forest Country Club last week. * * * Bill Prevost left yesterday for a^ business trip to Washington, D. * * * Gliddet^ McGrcvy of'New York City is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Barber. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rionc of Frostproof, Florida, are guests of Ihe latter's, mother, Mrs. G. C. Plott. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Woody Lee and son have returned from Lake George where they spent a two weeks Vacation'. * ? * Col. Harry Crawford has return ed from a visit to friends at Camp Gordon, Georgia. * * V Bill Badgett of Knoxville, Ten nessee is visiting his grandmoth er, Mrs. W. T. Dentom Smoky Mtn. DRIVE-IN THEATRE Balsam Rd. Dial CI, 6-5146 "Western North Carolina's Newest." Children Under 12 Admitted FREE Show Starts At Dusk MONDAY, AUG. 3 "The Stars Are Singing" (In Color) Starring ROSEMARY CLOONEY . LAURITZ MELCHIOR ? TUES. & WED., AUG. 4 & 5 "The Lawless Breed" (In Color) Starring ROCK HUDSON JULIA ADAMS ? TIIURS. & FRI? AUG. 6 & 7 "Taxi Starring DAN DAILEY CONSTANCE SMITH Color Cartoon KEEPING BUSY with official duties. Princess Margaret present* ? trophy to Lt. P. D'Inzo, one of the triple tie winners at the International Horse Show, White City Stadium, London. The princess smiles gaily, with no outward sign that she misses Group Captain Peter Townsend, now an attache at the British embassy in Brussels. (International) Wade Parris And Charlton Davis Complete Basic Training In Va. . FORT LEE, Va.. July 30 ? Two Wayuesviue men, Waue S. Parris ana Lnauion L. Davis, completed oasic naming al ine Quartermasi er ue placement 'training center, roil n,ee, va., on juiy Jl. now men weie maucted lmo me Army id nnu-May. Davis is me son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Davis ana, beiore entering service, was graduated from the waynesvhie High School. parris is tne son 01 Mr. and Mrs. Vv. 1\. parris, and husband of Minnie Parris, ail of Waynesvtile. Vviuie in basic training, he re ceived instruction in combat skins, including handling and fir ing weapons, battle indoctrination, camouflage, dismounted drill, squad tactics, compass and map reading with night and day prob lems, bivouac manucvers, first aid and defensive measures against chemical-biological - and - radiolog ical warfare. Presently, he is being trained in a spetiiic Quartermaster military occupational specialty. This spec ialized phase of instruction will qualify him in one of several Quartermaster positions. Upon the completion of training he will be assigned to a unit in a permanent position for which he was trained. Hard-Shelled Eggs? PLACERVILLE, Calif. <AP) ? Charles Nixon of Albert Lea, Minn., was driving a trucktrailer, carrying 600 cases of eggs. The rig ran off the road and overturned near Kyburz on U. S. Highway 50. But, investigating officers said only 10 per cent of the egg load was damaged in the accident. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ratcliffe and son, Carl, Jr., are leaving to night for a week's vacation at Myrtle Beach, S. C. ? ? * Mrs. Helen K. Dean of Atlanta, Georgia arrived today to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Woody. ? * * * o Mrs. Joe Kahr and children, Yorctta. Joy, and Jimmy, of Chi cago are guests of Mrs. Kahr's mother, Mrs. 11. B. Milner. PARK Theatre Program MON. & TUES.. AUGUST 3 & 4 TIIE FIRST GREAT OUTDOOR EPIC OF AMERICA IN 3 DIMENSIONS! "Fort Ti" (In Color) Starring GEORGE MONTGOMERY ? WED & TIIURS., AUGUST 5 & 6 "Girls In The Night" Starring GLENDA FARRELL JOHN HOLDEN ?ALSO? ON SAME PROGRAM SPECIAL FEATURETTE OF WORLD'S BEAUTY CONTEST "The Most Beautiful Girls In The World' 'Blue Gardenia' Due, Stars Anne Baxter Hospital News ADMISSIONS Mrs. Mack Beasley, Clyde; Ray Seay, Clyde; Mrs. Win. Fuibrighl, Waynesville; Mrs. Henry Martin, Hayesville; Gene Parks, Waynes ville; Mrs. Wayne Roberts, Waynes ville; Mrs. E. J. Stanmyre, Waynes ville; Hugh Mitchell, Wayjiesville; Asbury Howell, Waynesville; Miss Betty Henson, Canton; Thurman Worley, Leicester; Richard Sayles. Canton; William Thompson, Clyde; Mrs. Lush Rogers, Canton; Clif ford E. Brown, Clyde; Miss Nor ma Jean Broyles, Canton; Colum bus Rollins, Clyde; Rev. Mr. Nando L. Stephens, Waynesville. DISCHARGED Mrs. Kate Morris, Waynesville; Miss Shirley Parham, Waynesville; Mrs. Charles Summey, Canton; Mrs. Wayne Williams and baby. Canton; Mrs. Marshall Jenkins and baby. Cove Creek; Mrs. Lowrey Chandler, Waynesville; Baby Girl Golden, Canton; Mrs. Frank Birch field, Waynesville; George Henson, Canton; Mrs. J. R. Smith and baby. Canton; Clay Pilkington, Canton; Mrs. Kenneth Stahl. L. Junaluska; Mrs. Henry Martin, Hayesville; Mrs. F. E. Kuykcndall, llazelwood; Mrs. Wayne Roberts, Waynesville; Mrs. Bill McDonald and baby, -lyde; Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Canton; Cverett McElroy, Lake Junaluska. Mrs. Mack Green and baby, Vaynesville; Mrs. Robert Browning nd baby, Canton; Mrs. Joe llipps ind baby. Lake Junaluska; Mrs Iruce Singleton. Canton: Mrs. Manson Messer, Waynesville: Mrs 'homas Miller and baby, Canton; Mrs. Wallace Guy, Waynesville; Mrs. J. L. Snyder, Canton; Mrs. ). M. Gentry, Balsam; Wayne Cirkpatrlck, Clyde; Mrs. Johnny 'ressley and baby, Waynesville; Mrs. V. K. McConnell and baby, lazelwood; Mrs. liershcll Owen, -anton; Mrs. Ray Robinson. Vaynesvil^ BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haves of Vaynesville, a son, July 28. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith of Can on. a son, July 28. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Williams >f Canton, a son, July 28. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hipps of Lake Funaluska, a son, July 29, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kuyken lall of Canton, a son. July 29. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McDonald of -lyde, a son, July 29, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Pressley of Vaynesville, a daughter. July 30. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Miller if Canton, a daughter. July 30. Mr. and Mrs. Dave West of Vaynesville, a son, July 30. Mr. and Mrs. James Rathbone of !lydc, a daughter, August 1. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cogburn if Canton, a daughter, August 1. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gant of Can on, twin sons,.August 2. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore of lot Springs, a son. August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker of Vaynesville, a son, August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Lee Mills of Vaynesville. a son, August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leatherwood. Vaynesville, a son. August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stamey f Canton, a son, August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Holcombe f Canton, a son, August 3. Spoon drop biscuit dough into mall muffin cups and you'll have fell shaped biscuits. StfrGMui DIAL GL 6-4.r?SL MON., AUG. 3 ? LAST DAY! RIP ROARING ACTION! "TALL TEXAN" WITH LLOYD BRIDGES MARIE WINDSOR LUTHER ADLER CARTOON ? NEWS TUESDAY. AUG. 4 THE BOLDEST PIRATE OF THEM ALL! "CAPTAIN KIDD" STARRING CHARLES LAUGHTON RANDOLPH SCOTT MUSIC ON DOUBLE" ? NEWS WED. A TOURS., AUG. 5-6 "THE BLUE GARDENIA" THERE WAS NOTHING LILY WHITE- ABOUT HER! ANNE BAXTER RICHARD CONTE ANN SOTHERN NAT "KING" COLE CARTOON ? NEWS A too-attentive a list and a girl Ion the rebound aie the elements | which lead to a brutal murder in "The Blue Gardenia" starring Anne Baxter. Richard Conte and Ann Sothern. It opens Wednes day at the Strand Theatre . Alex 1 Gottlieb produced for Warner Bros. ? Following her dramatic success in "1 Confess." Anne Baxter picks a not he j acting plum of the year in her role as a girl who is afraid that she might be a killer. Richard Conte, who is noted for his top notch characterizations, portrays the part of a popular newspaperman who. in an effort to help solve the puzzling Blue Gar denia murder, uses his column to plead with the killer tp surrender. After a long absence from the screen due to illness, Ann Sothern marks her return to Hollywood with a characterization of a tele phone operator who is Anne Bax ter's roommate. , When Anne Baxter finds herself enmeshed in the circumstances of murder, she thinks she Is innocent, but she cannot be certain until the real killer is found. Feeling re sponsible for the confused girl be cause she confessed her doubts to him, Richard Conte follows the clues of the crime in an effort to establish her guilt or innocence. Director Fritz Lang guides the action, and 'he capable supporting cast is headed by Raymond Burr, Jeff Donnetl, Richard Kidman and George Reeves Blood Bank Will Make Visit To Hazel wood The Red Cross Bloodmoblle will make an industrial visit to Hazel wood Tuesday from 11 a.m. until 1 ) p.m. .lack Hunt of Dayton Rub- < her Company is serving as visit I chairman and is listing blood don- 1 ors. The1 Hloodbank will be set up 1 at the llazelwood Presbyterian 1 Church with Mrs. Felix Stovall and ' Mrs. Ben Colkitt, co-chairmen of 1 ihe Grey Ladies assisting. 1 David Underwood, blood pro gram chairman for the Haywood 1 Chapter of the Red Cross, has is sued an appeal for donors outside I the industriees. 150 pints are needed to meet the quota mini- ' mum and many more pints can be ' used. Haywood Man Dies In Sleep In Baltimore ( Walter Hilliard Hall died unex- 1 pectedly in his sleep at his home 1 in Baltimore, Maryland Sunday ' morning. He was vice president of the fteid-Hayden Company of . Baltimore, a subsidiary of the ' Johns-Manvllle Company. l A son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Mark Hall, he was a native of Hay- { wood County and was formerly employed by the Champion Paper and Fibre Company. He had made 1 his home in Richmond, Va. until f about a year ago when he moved 1 lo Baltimore. { Funeral services will be held In s the chapel of Wells Funeral Home ' in Canton Wednesday at 1 p. m. * The Rev. W. H Grocc, pastor of ' the Central Methodist Church. ' Canton, will officiate and burial J will be in Bon-A-Venture Ceme tery, ' Survivig are the widow, Mrs. t Mildred Owen Hall; the stepmoth- I er, Mrs. Mark Hall of Edge wood, c Tenn.; one brother, J. llerschel t Hall of Murphy; and a number of i nieces and nephews. t Glenn Parton Promoted By Army In Korea Glenn Parton, Jr., now with the U. S. Army in Korea, has been promoted from Corporal to Ser geant. He stated in a letter of June 28 to Mrs. Joe Rathbone, of Lake Junaluska, his aunt who raised him, that he expected to be home in October, arid that his out fit had suffered two or three weeks of rain and mud. Parton is the son of Glenn Par ton, Sr., of Lake Junaluska. He attended Wayesville High School. /VoahMumskuu.1 Sail vbu maws yj do is /cross W30<? SVES. AND VoOP I SWS ACT PACKED/^/ QL;AR AJOAM ? if vt>u HAVE BEDROOM 6YES. DOES -MAT MEAM A PILLOW UNOtP EACH OWE P MRS. H6LEO C 0OSJO l<EMPTOW, PE/MWA. (?)EAR AIOAH * COOLP you (jePAlR VOO? FALL6N ARCHBS Wim THE NAILS ON TOOR Toes 7 MRS weassL KIMGT HOLDEmnillE . OKI.A . "tour* iomnot.OW to ?' noah t1. ? v A" -| y?gv "< r DEFY REDS TO GET FREE FOOD ij FIVE MEMBERS of a family from East Berlin hide their free food pack ages in knapsacks at a distribution point in West Berlin. An estimated 100,000 hungry Germans from the Soviet zone have poured across the border to get "forbidden" food offered under President Eisenhower's relief program. The Communists have arrested some Germans and confiscated their food packages (International Radioplwto) Taft Honored With State Funeral In Nation's Capitol Sen. Robert A. Taft will be hon ored with a slate funeral at noon today only aecorded 12 other men in this country's history. The memorial services, held in the Capital rotunda, will be attended on special invitation only by some iKM) dignitaries Including i'resi ient Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, members of Congress, the Cabinet, the chief justice and as sociate justices of the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ind the ambassadors and minis ers of the diplomatic corps. The Rev. Frederick Brown Har ris, Senate ehaplain, opened Sat urday's Senate sessions with a prayer for Taft, former majority leader, whose death brought tri butes from far and wide, from friend and foe. "Mr. Republican" was described as a "public servant who was an apostle of honesty, in whom was no guilt or shadow of publicity or expediancy ? who could be counted upon to say what he meant and to mean what he said without fear or favor." Private rites will be said Tues iay for Taft in his native Cincin nati, with burial in the little coun :ry church cemetery of which he was a member. Korean GI's To Plan Farm Training Program Meeting August 11 Haywood County Korean veter ins who are interested in the Vet (rans Farmer Training Program ire being asked to meet on Tues lay, August 11, to make plans for letting up the program. The meet ng will be held at 1 p.m. in the rocational agriculture department if the Waynosville Township High ichool (located near the County ichool bus garage). In charge of the meeting will >e J? H. Nesbitt, teacher of agri ?ultucr at Waynesville High. Mr. fesbitt said that no credentials or ither papers need be brought to he "meeting, as full details of the irogram will be explained at that imc. First Baptist To Show Missionary Film Wednesday "Vision and Victory" will lie a moving picture t? lie shown Wed iiesday, August 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the Kirsl Baptist Church ol Wayncsville. free of charge. The missionary lllm is in sound and color and will be ptesenled by the Reverend William II. Walker, General Secretary of the Central American Mission. 11 is 2(i min utes in length. "Vision and Victory" presents the aina/.ing story of how a church on the Mission Field won first prize in the International Sunday School Contest sponsored by the Christian Life magazine. Woven into the picture is the life story of the dynamic young pastor of iRlesia Hihlica in Guatemala, it includes scenes of colorful lloly Week processions, anti-communist demonstration, flic work of an Evangelical Radio Station, TGNA. and the training program al the Central American Bible institute. The public is cordially invited to attend this free film showing. Gospel Starts Thursday At Church Of Christ Gospel meetings will be hold at the Church of Christ for a Week beginning Thursday night. August 0. The preacher will be the Rev J. W. Brents, of Nashville, Tenn., who has been well known as a preacher for over 4ft years in tin area. Purpose of the meeting is "to preach the Gospel as il is. with out addition or subtraction." The meetings will be held night ly at 7:30 through Wednesday August 12. at the new church build ing on Highway I On-23. just oppo site the REA building. A eordia invilation by the minister. Boh Rigdon, has been issued to any one wishing to attend. WANT ADS FOR SALE WWRe Now Zealand male rabbit. One year old, $3.00 Dial GL 0-005(1. A 3-11 Fine Ideas For Picnic Fare nJ nui r. ur.iimirr LOOKS like a good, long picnic ?eason ahead. Sr. here are some fine ldeaa (or outdoor eating. Mustard butter makes even the most mundane sandwich fill ing even better. Just set the but-, ter out of the refrigerator to soften, then mix Vi c. butter with Vi c. prepared mustard. A Time-Saver To save time, parboil frank furters at home, split and spread with prepared mustard, then wrap In bacon. They'll be all | -eady for grilling when the coals lie down. A quick and easy way to pre >ar? sandwiches is to slice a loaf >f bread lengthwise, and spreao 'verily with softened, though not neltfd, butter. You can spreao. .he filling on a long slice Just as ;aslly as on a small slice?and it's easily enough for three or four landwlches. For ar. excellent minced ham tiling, combine one c. water, 3 bsp. quick-cooking tapioca, Vil sp. salt and Ve tap. pepper In laucepan, mixing well. Bring, nixture quickly to a full boil over llrect- heat, stirring constantly iemove from fire. ' Cor j right, im. Kins Y | V/uniowie )2 pouuu uuucu iituu that has been ground, \\ c. chopped sweet pickle, tbsp. minced onion, tbsp vinegar and tbsp. mayonnaise: add to tapioca mixture and blend. Cool before using. Makes 2 c. Here's an easy way to stream line that old picnic favorite, dev iled eggs. Remove the shell and cut hard cooked eggs in lengthwise halves. Remove yolks and for every yolk add a level tbsp. of prepared brown mustard. Mash and mix well, then refill the white hollows and the Job Is done. Picnic Salad Macaroni Salad,Is a good picnic Item too, we've found. For an " easy-to-do version, mix together 2 c. cooked, elbow macaroni (chilled), one c. boiled ham for one c. cooked or canned chicken), Va c. each finely minced parsley, green pepper and celery (leaves, If you wish). Season with c. prepared brown mustard and moisten with mayonnaise. Thts salad Is nice served for luncheon or supper at home, too, when the macaroni salad goes Into a wooden sa'ad bowl that I has been lined with crisp salad greens. raturtt S* ndicatt, lac.) v mm BE Wise | H BUY WISE if ECONOMIZE STOP AND SAVE AT j SMOKY MTN. |M| SELF SERVICE ||f| GROCERY l|i TENDER CUBE STEAKS _Lbg9c_ !| WESTERN BEEF ||| SIRLOIN or T-BONE STEAKS Only 79c ib || FKKSfl GROUND PURE Pork Sausage Lb 40c Hi J SLAB Breakfast Bacon Lb65c Swifts Tender Grown FRYERS Lb49c ;i LBS : ADVANCE SHORTENING 63c ;! LB. L AN SWIFTNING SHORTENING 83c In I.very Lan A Itcrfwuia ble Coupon Worth 2.?c We Can L iirnisli The Supplies Fur AH Of Your Can nip*; Needs ^ Any Size Jars and Lids. m CERTO J Bottle 25c SURE - JELL | 2 for 25c Bancnas 2 lbs 25c h i: cold Waiermelons 75 c ea. LAKGI. FRKK PARKING SPACE I ??i: YOL K SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ??????? 25 I.lis. Self-Kisiim PLANTATION FLOUR $1 .59 Charmin Tissue 4 Rolls for 39c at i in; swii; time SAVE 10c ON C1IARYIIN KITCHEN Towels Ill NT S Tomato Catsup 16 Oz. HoUle 4 2 for 35c J Vanilla Waters I Lge. Box 28c The Smoky jjfW Mtn. Self X < FRKK DELIVERY i Opened 7 Days rulsvm Rd. Dial Gl, rt-6.>M Onnrd and Operated By ELMRR USNDR1X i

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