jjtfood Methodist Charge rrldy Uarrtnger, Paster JilAUt'U CHAPEL. j*7, v,_ 11 a m. f^d'ay-7 30 p.m. fcluj 11 am. j^y-7 30 p.m. dellwood [diy?7 30 p.m. Zday?1A a m pday?10 a.m. ^.v-10 a.m. \ ^pi k okovk P^-Cliolr practice. iT?Commission on Mis P a !coinnii?ion on Finance. B s Society Week of Pray ? Billiard Moody, secretary tual Lite. ^?Church School. J. W tood. Supt. p.?Church Service. Ser . jhc pastor. LJ of the Official Board Immediately. BDAY? Choir practice. ~ ibtree Methodist Charge L A. K Davis. Minister IABTREE CHURCH v school at 10 a.m., Joe superintendent. m?Pastor will preach on lndispensables for Life." b-MYF for youpg people Hree. Mt. Zion and Davis , John Kirkpatrick, adult lor. DAVIS CHAPEL ?y School at 10 a.m., O. L. Supt. WCHER'S CHAPEL iy School?10 a.m., Robert 1, Supt. pastor will preach at 11 a.m. s? MYF. Mrs. Mary Seay, sunselor. MT. ZION m.?Pastor will preach on IndispcnsSbles for Life." iy School at 11 a.m. Her lojers, Supt. iday evening, October 22, at there will be a get-to lor the young people of all lurches at the parsonage, ing people are invited. < Fines Creek Methodist Charge The Be*. J. D. Pratt, Pastor SPRING CREEK 10 a.m.?Sunday School every Sunday. Ray Davis, Supt. 11 a.m.?Morning worship, 1st and 3rd Sunday. riNES CREEK 10 am-?Sunday School every Sunday. H. L. Rathbone, Supt. 11 a m.?Morning Warship, 2nd Sunday. ' 7:30 p.m.?Evening worship, 4th Sunday. The MYF meets every Sunday evening. PINE GROVE 10 a.m.?Sunday School. Chas. Duckett, Supt. 11 a.m.?Morning worship, 4th Sunday. 7:30 p.m.?Evening worship, 2nd Sunday. Bethel Methodist Church MBetheI on the Pigeon" The Re*. L. B. George, Minister The Church School Is thriving with a swell in the attendance. An Invitation is extended to all the people of the community to join in the worship and study of the school. Mr. M. C. Nix is the gen eral Superintendent, with Mas. Edith Edwards, Mrs. Hazel Mor gan and Mr. Lon Evans, Division al Superintendents. The school meets at 10 a.m. At the morning hour, 11 a.m.. Laymen's Day will be observed. Lay women and lay men of the congregation will conduct and par ticipate in the service- The gen eral subject wilj be "Christ Calls Men? f_ ' The members of the congrega tion and the folk of the commun ity are invited to support by their attendance, these lay people in this service. The Youth and Intermediate groups meet at 6:15 p.m. for a joint service of worship after which both groups will join in a period of directed play. Choir rehearsal each Wednes day evening at the church at 7:00. Commission on Education to gether with the workers confer ence will meet at the church Thursday evening. Oct. 22 at 7:30. All members are Invited to attend. Boy Scouts meet each Thurs day evening at 6:30 at the church. 3uy Wells is the Scoutmaster. tad^l^Goob iii ?i ~zi n e war Against Beverage Alcohol (Temperance Lesson) UT THE SCRIPTURES TEACH ON THIS SUBJECT , Iwc?Proverbs 21 19-55; 31 1.1*10; Romans 13.11-H; Ja NEWMAN CAMPBELL LESSON today deals with the world's major prob "hich has troubled all na ?ra ancient times right up rnent day intemperance, imary class teachers may i a rather difficult subject ent in an interesting and manner to their children, as! some young children acquainted with the prob- , drinking intoxicating li 1 not in their own homes, a those of relatives or ?te it may be pointed out mfcol makes fools of per* t makes them act ridl '. takes away their God Intelligence, and often them quarrelsome and dan [ young children should be to set that there is a ?4 a wrong manner of be aad that they must learn tfong and take the right ' resist the temptations ?sail even the youngest, ?tand firm in the right. .-4-5; Isaiah Matthew ti:f; imet $:/7. when it i? red, when it giveth his color in the cup... At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder." For those in authority?kings, princes, judges?strong drink is particularly vicious. They need clear heads to handle the matters that come before them with wis dom and justice. v Isaiah said: "Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink, that continue until night, till wine Inflame them." This was a habit with some rich men in ancient Palestine, feast ing and drinking from early morning until lata at night. Isaiah' foresaw captivity for his people ^who tpersisted in" these revels. It came Anally, but aftar. Isaiah's day. ? * "*-*???, i To show how Jesus turned a man's life away from evil to good with His love and understanding, our lesson includes the story of the little man, Zacchaeus, who in Jericho, climbed a tree to see Him pass by. Glancing up, tha Lord saw him and called to him ? ???????m I MEMORY VERSE f *?f conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and perfect, will of Pod."?Romans lt:t. \ie Master. , may run Into may require them to take a ? classmates on nking. Adoles or to be made j heir refusal to e of others. To "Give thy ser- | inding he -*. ? ? ?n between good I ngs a:#, should 1 fen a choice be- 1 Know to be good I wmful and evil. 1 lay School teach- I 1 put particular I ? necessity of do- I ength of charac- I the right, relying >ve that drinking ption of intoxlcat Increaslng. What res have to say on woe ? who hath hath contentlons: 'bbiing: who hath cause, who nath tarry long at the not on the wine flftted outline. ?'??* to come down, for He would lodge with him that night. Zacchaeus waa a chief publican who had gained much of hia wealth dishonestly. Jesus might have upbraided him, but, no, he would lodge with him?the tin ner ? and suddenly, Zacchaeua saw hia whole life pass before hint and felt that Jesus knew all about him. Coming down from his perch he received his Lord Joyfully, and acknowledging hia wrongdoing, promised to undo as much aa he could the evil results of It, gnd lead a moral life. So swiftly can the power of Christ turn a man from evil ways to goodness. St. Paul admonishes the Ro mans to "cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light Let us walk hon estly, aa in the dffy: not in rioting and drunkenness; not In cham bering and wantonness, not In strife and envying, but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to ful fil the lusts thereof." Finally, a word from St. James: "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." , I " VI ifip 07 ine umaion 01 uirilliu caucantm. ""KM, 2a"JWMWUSI?" " ?==-*? |( ~ - -J A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE Meet John and Mary Smith?and their child. See the pride and hope, the faith and love that shine like soft lights from the little girl's face? See the look of the future in her eyes? Nothing in all the world could cause that reflection of happiness and contentment but a well-behaved child. Perhaps she has just spoken a piece. Perhaps she was singing a song. Perhaps she is playing with her small brother and sister. But whatever she is doing, you will agree it is the re sult of wise and loving guidance. And you can be certain there is another member of the family not shown in the picture?God, the guide and Father of all of them. Where parents and the Church work together for God, you will find true happiness.' '///?/vy/y/y/// z/i/n/// ///// fl THE CHURCH FOR AIL... 5 ALL FOR THE CHURCH i* The Church is the greatest (actor on earth for i L the building ol character and good citizenship I iBg It is a storehouse ol spiritual values. Without a I ?? ii ? strong Church, neither democracy nor civilisation I can survive. There are (our sound reasons why r every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They art. (1) for his ?? own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the |i sake of his community and nation. (4) For the M sake ol the Church itself, which needs his moral J ^ and material support. Plan to go to church regu- 1 ? larly and read your Bible daily. II 2 Book Chapter Verses II ~ Sunday I Kinss S 1-1J [to Monday Psalma 116 l-? 111 -? Tuesday Psalma 119 t-lt "#l ~ Wednesday Matthew IS 13-22 MM, ? Thursday Luke 17 l-IS MA Friday Phillpptana 4 S IS 'Mm Saturday ...Hebrews I] i-S KMt , Allison ?Construction Co., Inc. Balsam Rd. GL 6-5621 r *???funenj . ' J Allison & Duncan Oil Co. Suppliers of Sinclair Products Dial GL 6-3921 Hazelwood ? Belk - Hudson "Home of Better Values" Cagle Furniture Co. "Your Hotpoint - Philco - Maytag Dealer" Clyde. N. C. Dial 3379 Free Delivery The Champion Paper and Fibre Company Canton, N. C. Charles' Shell Service Balsam Rd. GL 6-4053 Charlie's Drive-In Owners ? Charlie Woodard and Jimmie Williams Complete 24-Hour Service Central Cleaners "Superior Cleaning and Pre*slne" Church * Montgomery Sts.. Dial GL 6-3671 Waynesville, N. C. The Fashion Shop * "Ladies' and Children's Ready-To-Wear" Ilazelwood GL 6-4041 11 . 1 , i Firestone Home & Auto Supply Store Rill Cobb Waynesville Dial GL 6-3071 Garrett Furniture Co., Inc. Dial GL 6-5325 . I Haywood Builders Supply Co. "Where There Is A Material Difference" Depot Street Dial GL 6-6051 Haywood County Farmers Cooperative "llatehinir-Erlr Headquarters for Haywood County" Feeds, Seeds and Fertilizer 216 Depot St. Dial GL 6-4621 James Pure Oil Service "Opposite The Court House" R. R. Kibhe, Jr., Consignee Fuel Oil and Kerosene Prompt Metered Delirery To Your Home or Business Dial GL 6-4591 Railroad St. Kaiser's Book Store Office Supplies ? Toys ? Gifts ? Cameras ? Books Main St. GI. 6-3691 E. J. Lilius Jeweler Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry Watch and Jewelry Repairing: Main St. Waynrsville Dial GL 6-6087 Liner and Sheehan Laundry and Cleaners Dial GL 6-4251 W. R. McCracken Distributor of Pure Oil Products "Be Sure With Pure" Fuel Oil. Kerosene. Gasoline Dial GL 6-4022 Mehaffey ESso Service Main St. GL 6-9172 Mottinger Motor Co. Ford Sales & Service - 24-IIour Wrecker Ser. Miller & Haywood Sts., Waynesville Dial GL 6-4685 Penland Brothers Refrigeration Co. Sales and Service "Everything: in Commercial Refrigeration" Dial GL 6-5233 Wall Street ' Potts Motor Company Sales - WILLYS - Service 205 Haywood St. Dial GL 6-3061 Sk Clyde Ray's Flower Shop Flower* For All Occasion* S. Main St. ' GL 8-5375 \ ? - , * - -- ? i n ' Rogers Electric Company Sale* and Service of All Electrical Appliances 437 Main St. Waynesville Dial GL 6-8351 Smoky Mountain Self Service Grocery Free Delivery Balsam Rd. Dial GL 6-6565 ' _________________________ Turner's Store "Never Buy Before Vou Try Turner's" ? . Waynesville Auto Parts Wholesalers of Standard Parte A Accessories Waynesville Dial GL 6-5321 Waynesville Tractor Co. Ford Tractors - Dearborn Farm Equipment Depot St. Dlql GL 8-4931 1 iii i i i Waynesville Radio Service 116 Miller Street Dial GL 6-5231 Waynesville * Leading Radio and TV Service . ?