aywood Farm lf#BOnnfd from Pw I? i- rrcent weAj that Hay ' ,, b< en featured in !Lr news magazine. Ir the r,' ;wUl of Look magazine. * ? First Methodist !;:,. s are pictured in a of photographs illustrating ^..ure article. "What Is a frf-i"' 1 fv.mm.nting on their cover , (. Boyd farm, the edi 0f progressive Farmer re t n,,. month's cover (made for lthf : Carolina mountains , p Watson i is so exquisitely rifui that it would almost dis harmony to say anything ? it except in poerty?as jnusi memorable as this stanza , -in the Highlands," by Rob ?4.11. Stevenson: th, highlands, in the country places. re the old plain men have rosy faces. And the young fair maidens Quiet eyes; ,re essential silence chills and blesses | for ever in the hill-recesses Her more lovely music Broods and dies. 0 mount again where erst I haunted: ere the old red hills are bird enchanted. And the low green meadows Bright with sward; 1 when even dies ,the million tinted, i the night has come, and planets glinted, Lo the valley hollow Lamp-bestarred! lo dream, O to awake and wander re and with delight to take and render, Through the trance of silence, Quiet breath! for there, among the flowers and grasses, r the mightier movement sounds and passes; Only winds and rivers, Life and death." itinuous lflagration IILLICOTHE. Mo. (AP)?Chil be has a fire they can't put started in a big sawdust pile ?d an old rake factory. It's smouldering for years and ibly will continue for years ime. tf Chief Virgil Lindsey says it I do any harm if surface de is kept away. ROTARY SPEAKER?A truck- | in* industry official, Jeff B. Wil son of Ralcich, will speak to the WaynesvUle Rotary Club at their regular meeting Friday at the Town House at 1:00 p.m. using the subject "The Farmer Takes a Truck". Program chairman W. S. "BUI" Ray wUl introduced the speaker while President M. D. "Dan" Watkins will preside. Fines Creek Has Guest Preacher Sunday As New Officers Begin By MRS. HUGH FERGUSON Church Reporter Fines Creek Memorial Baptist Church has announced the Rev. Carl Qook, pastor of the Cove Creek Baptist Church of Jona than Creek, as guest preacher for the Sunday morning service at 11 a.m. Each member is asked to be present and visitors are welcome. Officers and teachers for the coming year were elected last Sun day and are as follows: Floyd Fisher, superintendent of Sunday School and treasurer; Joe Clark, choir director: Mrs. Furman Nol and, pianist; Mrs. James Carpen ter, clerk: Joan Ferguson, secre tary; and Reeves Rathbone, jani tor. / Sunday School teachers are Mrs. Hugh Ferguson, adult class; Floyd Fisher, also adults: Mrs. Floyd Fisher, young people; Glenn Nol and. young people; Miss Lura Mae Greene, juniors; Mrs. Grover Clarke, primary: and Mrs. Dane Rathbone, beginners. A highlight last Sunday was the reading by Mrs. Dave RatRbone of a beautiful poem which she had composed. It was a memorable in spiration for the entire congrega tion. In the famous Rosary chapel of Santo Domingo in Puebla, Mexico, clay tiles with angel faces a* the motif alternate with other decora tive tiles in the main frieze. 'Bride Of The Gorilla' Stars , Barbara Payton In Top Role It was not too long ago that blonde and lovely Barbara Paytoo was running a modeling school In Hollywood, appearing In pictures whenever she could snare assign ments. Thep she was spotted by William Cagney. He gave her the break of her career by casting her as James Cagney's leading lady in "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye". She followed that with a top role opposite Gregory Peck in "Only the Valient". And now she has completed her most recent starring role in Jack Broder's thriller production. "Bride of the 'Gorilla," which opens Oct. 23 at th? Strand Theatre, through Real art Pictures release, with a co starring trio of noted actors in ! eluding Lon Chaney, Raymond Burr and Tom Conway. This pert, blonde actress, who was born in the little town of Cloquet. Minnesota, on November 16, 1927, enthusiastically admits that she has one of her best stfr ring roles to date in "Bride of the Gorilla". In her part as a pro fessional dancer who goes to live on a jungle plantation, Barbara declared recently that she is given an opportunity to fully reveal her acting and dancing talents. Mildred Morgan, Joe Rathbone Married Oct. 13 By MRS SAM FERGUSON Community Reporter Mrs. Zelia Morgan of Hazelwood announces the marriage of her daughter, Mildred, to Mr. Joe Rathbone. on October 13 in Green ville, S. C. Mr. Rathbone is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rath bone of Fines Creek. The young Rathbooes left this week for San Diego, Calif., where they will re side while Mr. Rathbone is serv ing with U. S. Navy. The Rev. Carl Cook will be guest preacher at Fines Creek Memorial Baptist Church Sunday, October 25. Be sure and come to hear him. Pump houses at the Fines Creek School have been completed and the pumps are now in operation. The FHA District VIII Rally was held at Lee Edwards High School, Asheville, October 17. Those at tending from the Fines Creek Chapter were Joan Ferguson, Pat sy Davis, Virginia Rathbone and Mrs. T. D. vBrummitt, their ad visor. Everyone enjoyed the day. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Holbrook and family have returned home af tter visiting relatives in South Carolina and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rogers spent the weekend with Mr. Rogers' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rogers on Fines Creek. Love Moore spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Grover Kirk patrick. Stanley Ratnaone was in Atlan ta last weekend for the Georgia Tech-Auburn football game Satur day. He stayed with his aunt, Miss Doris Rathbone. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Holder of Hopewell, Va.. have returned from a weekend visit with Mrs. Holder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rathbone. Mr. and Mrs. Candler Justice and small son, Charles, have re MORE ABOUT 1 Betty Felmet Continued front Put 1) Bradshaw of Crabtroe. food prepar ation; Estalena Robinson of Thick ety, frocen foods; Bonnie Sue Jus- i tice of Crabtree, recreation and rural arts; Nancy Noland of Way nesville, home improvement; Bar bara Ferguson of Fines Creek, junior canning. Both the girls and boys 4-H winners in the county will be guests at a district 4-H Club Rec- , ognitlon Day luncheon October 31 at the Battery Park Hotel in Ashe- , ville. District winners will be an- , turned to their home in San Diego, : Calif., after spending several days on Fines Creek with their parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rathbone and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Justice. Mrs. Willie Duggar and grand son, Hugh Tommy Kirby, of Scotts boro, Ala., are visiting relatives of this community this week. Friends and classmates of Harold Wright, a former resident and stu dent of our school, will be sorry to hear that he is in the Haywood County Hospital suffering from skull fracture; He was injured in a fall from a moving automobile. Harold is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Roger McElroy and family of Ashevllle visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank McElroy last week end. Mrs. Charles B. McCracken is the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. C. James in Statesville this week. She plans to return home Friday. Mrs. Nora Clark is visiting her daughter Mrs. R. F. Brown this week. Mrs. T. H-. Rogers spent several [ days recently with her niece, Mrs. Vance Holbrook. and together with . the Holbrooks motored to Spartan burg, S. C. Mrs. Rogers stayed t there with relatives while Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook. their children, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lancaster and daughter motored on to Jackson ville, Fla., for a visit with Mrs. Holbrook's and Mrs. Lancaster's brother Elmo Springs, who is sta tioned with the Navy in Green Cove Springs, Fla. The group re ported a wonderful trip upon their return, and particularly enjoyed the many scenic spots along the way and the many attractions of St. Augustine. R. C. FRANCIS, praalMBl Hay wood County farmer, will be the main speaker at a banquet and installation of officers by the North Carolina Secretaries Asso ciation at their first btste con vention here Friday through Sunday. MORE ABOUT Secretaries (Continued from Pace 1) will honor their guests with a 'Moonlight" party, where Mayor J. H. Way will welcome visiting dele gates. The main program will open Sat urday morning at 9:30 and will in clude these events: National anthem, invocation by Miss Betty Jo Crocker, welcome by Dr. Boyd Owen, president of the Chamber of Commerce; welcome by Miss Jimmie Watts, president of the Waynesville Secretaries chap ter! response by Mrs. Juanita D. Lineberger of Gastonla, and intro duction of state officers and other representatives. A workshop will be conducted at 10 a.m. by Miss Juanita Ramsey of Greensboro. Miss Margaret Shadwick of Winston-Salem, Miss Faye Riser of Hickory, and Miss Katherine McGranahan of Durham. At 11 a.m. a panel discussion on nounced at that time. Boys 4-H winners were announc ed last week by Cecil Wells, as sistant county agent. Human Relations in the Office" will be held by John M. Barnes of Canton, industrial relations direc tor of Champion Paper and Fibre Co.; Adm. W. N. Thomas of Lake Junaiuska. and Mrs. Doyle D. Alley of Waynesville, secretary of the North Carolina Park, Parkway ^and Forest Development Commission. David Felmet of Waynesville will be tne principal speaker at a luncheon from 12 until 1:30 p.m.. to be presided over by Miss Dixie Campbell. The invocation will be given by Rev. James H. Coleman. In the afternoon a business ses sion from 2 until 4:30 p.m. will Include electton of officers, amend ments to the by-laws and reports of national committee members. Afterwards, visiting delegates will be taken on a tour of the Waynesville area?including Mag gie Valley. Mile High Overlook, and Lake Junaluska. In the evening a banquet at 7 o'clock will feature installation of officers and a talk by R. C. Francis, entitled "As I See It From Here." Miss Louise Caddy will preside over the luncheon and Miss Joy Woody will pronounce the invoca tion. The convention will close Sunday morning at a breakfast program of special music by Mrs. Ellen Fox Way. accompanied by Mrs. Ray Ballard. Miss Jimmie Watts will preside, and Rev. Malcolm Wil liamson will give the invocation. Miss Mary Medford, vice presi dent of the Mountaineer chapter, is general chairman of arrange ments for the convention. Com mittee memerbs are: Registration and reception: Louise Gaddy. chairman, and Betty Jn Crocker; printing. Evelyn Siler, chairman; social. Mary Sue Crock er. chairman. Dixid Campbell and Audrey Wyatt; business meetings, Betty Jo Crocker, chairman, and Jimmie Watts; meals, Rufiha Bright, chairman, and Hazel Rob ertson; programs, Joy Woody, (hairman. Mary Medford and Jimmie Watts; transportation, Pat ty McCracken, chairman, and Joy Woody: gifts, prize sand favors, Mary Medford. chairman. Mary Sue Cracker and Helen Jewel Boyd: finance, Helen Jewel Boyd and Louise Gaddy; publicity, Patty Mc Cracken, chairman, and Rufina Bright. | R0AD UNDER |R?AD UNDER] 1 COf V STRUCT1 ONh CONSTRUCTION 1 drv ft cmruuY ii carefully : SIGN OF THE TIMES?South Carolina, it seems, has never for gotten I the tread of Yankee armies or the hardships of the post war Between the State* period. The Rock Hili Evening Herald pictorfally flinched whf-a it saw a highway sirn with the word "reconstruction". The newspaper printed a picture (left), of the sign and asked if it was a Yankee sign. The South Carolina High way Department, with Rebel indignation, reacted promptly, suh. It blott'ed out the "RE" (right). , (AP Photo). a * Kiwanis Club To Observe 2nd "Birthday' The WaynesVille Kiwanis Club will celebrate*. 'its second anniver sary Tuesday night with special ceremonies a A the club's regular meeting at Spaldon's Drive-in. At the me Ming, attendance tabs will be presented to those mem bers who hajve had perfect atten dance records for the past two years. At the IS lwanis meeting this week, Prelsident-Elect Charles Underwood (gave a report of the recent Carolina District conven tion at Columbia, S. C? Oct. 11-13. Hye ' Sheptu witch, vice president elect, gave' a history of Columbia and cited etKcerpts from the speech of Senaton George Smathers of Florida, wbo addressed the Kiwan ians. It was reported at the conven 10 More Motorists Given Citations, And Passes to Fair Ten more driving certificates, and passes to the State Fair were handed out this week by the High way Patrol. The drivers were given the awards for following the rules of the road and the proper attitude toward highway safety. The ten passes were issued by * Patrolmen W. R. Wooten and V. "E. Bryson, who are assigned to 'the Canton-Clyde area. Those getting the citations in cluded: Frank H. Leathery ^ood, Waynesville; Marjorie Cooper , Can ton; James Paul Murray, Canton; Algie Rowland Leatherwood, route one, Clyde; William Jessie Hannah, route two, Clyde; Alic-i Medford Burch, Clyde, route twr? Charlotte Frances Rose, Wayne: /ville; Thad McCoy Mullls, Lenoir, Weltion Ed ward Williamson, As'/ievllle. lion that the Carolin a District has 103 clubs, 10 divisions, and 7,153 members. wSUasul wltea&ie low PLAYING ?VRSDAY, OCT. 22 plunder ?he sun" ?"hitting adventure ? starring llENN FORD ?ANA LYNN ?cartoon ? news and sports I FRI- & SAT., ? OCT. 23 & 24 "ofblf feature ?USH LARUE in ?a<?e Coach Pesa City" plus ? ?f The Gorilla" b also pr?0?i a chap no. < i of i "secrrt code" ?Sir* ?'latin ?overs" with mama turner ?^hn lund r ,vaTechnicolor CARTOON k Waynes ville DRIVE-IN THEATRE Children Under 12 Admitted FREE Show Starts At 7:00 P. M. THURSDAY, OCT. 22 "Battle Zone" Starring 4 JOHN HODIAK STEPHEN McNALLY LINDA CHRISTIAN ? ? FRIDAY, OCT. 23 "The Boy With Green Hair" (In Color) Starring PAT O'BRIEN ROBERT RYAN BARBARA HALE ? ALSO ? 5 Color Cartoons ? SATURDAY, OCT. 24 DOUBLE FEATURE "Woman They Almost Lynched" Starring JOHN LUND BRIAN DONLEVY ?ALSO? "White Lightning" Starring STANLEY CLEMENTS Color Cartoon ? SUN. & MON., OCT. 25 & 26 "Sea Devils" (In Color) Starring YVONNE DE CARLO ROCK HUDSON Cartoon and News Smoky Mtn. DRIVE-IN THEATRE Balsam Rd. Dial GL 6-5446 "Western North Carolina'! Newest." Children Under 12 Admitted FREE Show Starts At 7:00.P. M. * THURS. & FRI., OCT. 22 & 23 "South Sea Woman" Starring BURT LANCA8TER VIRGINIA MAYO ? News and Cartoon ? _ . ? ? SATURDAY, OCT. 24 DOUBLE FEATURE "Passage West" (In Color) Starring JOHN PAYNE ARLEEN WHELAN ?ALSO? "Dear Brat" Starring MONA FREEMAN BILLY DE WOLFE Color Cartoon # SUN. & MON., OCT. 25 & 26 "President's Lady" Starring CHARLTON HESTON SUSAN HAYWARD PARK Theatre Program THURS. & FRI., OCT. 22 & 23 "Ambush At Tomahawk Gap" '(In Color) Starring JOHN DEREK ? JOHN HODIAK ?ALSO? NEWS ? CARTOON ? SATURDAY, OCT. 24 DOUBLE FEATURE "The Gun Fighter" Starring GREGORY PECK 1 ?PLUS? "In Old Missouri" Starring' THE WEAVER BROTHERS AND ELVIRA And ALAN LADD ? SUN. & MON., OCT. 25th & 26th "Dangerous When Wet" (In Color) Starring ESTHER WILLIAMS FERNANDO LAMAS ?ALSO? f News and Cartoon Bargains From Belks BASEMENT j j- 'ah LADIES' ALL WOOL Ladies And Children's A "TIQ SOCKS tUA 1 ? Assorted Colors New Fall Styles /?* Sizes 6 to 11 Ass't. Checked Colors I M __ Sizes 8 to 18 ' JL mttk 5 PAIRS Values To $16.50 Ladies' 100% Nylon ^ ^ SLIP-ON SHORT SLEEVE "1 00 SWEATERS Assorted Colors gm qo Sizes 32 to 40. Values to $3.95 * J, Men's 25% Wool SWEATERS ? Button Front Double Reinforced Elbows ? QQ Grey and Navy mm SHOP BELK'S AND SAVE ? JACKETS v $379< 5% Wool Satin Ilound Permanent Finish Organdy BLANKETS CURTAINS i . I ? . Nationally Advertised Asst Sol.d Colors Rose, Blue. Green, White and Maize. % alius To J3.9., Values to $2.98 S298 $ J 87 ' ? A BelkHudson *8*??

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