Bethel Presbyterian Church ROUTE 3, CANTON Archie C. Graham, Pastor SUNDAY? 10_ a.m. ? Morning Worship, Sermon by Mr. Graham. Subject: ' This I Believe." 11:00 a.m.?Church School. C. S. Rollins. Supt. 7:00 p.m. ? Presbyterian Youth Fellowship. Rosemary West, Presi dent. THURSDAY? 6:30 p.m.?Presbytery Men-of the-Church rally to be at Waynes ville Presbyterian Church. FRIDAY? 2:00 p.m.?Women-of-the-Church ireet. Grace Church in the Mountains EPISCOPAL The Rev. Edgar H. Goold, Rector Nov. 1?All Saitns Day. SUNDAY? 9:45 a.m.?Church School. 11:00 a.m. ? Holy Communion and Sermon. The All Saints Day Memorial Of fering of the Woman's Auxiliary will be received at this service. Kenny Direction MINNEAPOLIS (API ? Rosa lind Russell, who portrayed Sis ter Kenny in the -movie of that name .has been re-elected a di rector of the Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation. Miss Russell will serve another 3-year term on the board of the polio-fighting foundation. and I r Rreuure Burner ondTonTolT* I or# r#odily accessible from I I floor need to crawl I I beneath the hour# for service I I or repaint ne . ? tt I KLEER-KLEENS burner #PRJ I hot ball bearing, oiled-far-life H ? motor ? guaranteed a lull S I I yean. Only in KLEER-KLEEN I I do you find such o guarantee! I IKLEER-KLEEN't lira bo> do- I tign, rubber mountingi and I ore-welded heat chamberi I eliminate noite ? you deep I without interruption! B Alt controlt are mounted, all I I wiring complete ? juit two I I limple electrical connectieei I I required lor immediate opera- I I tlon?taeet extra initallatien I ? charged I BBwtt TtTTTryTTyll No Down Payment Low As $11.50 Per Mo. >; as; , , PHONE TODAY For C?tlil? Information , Rogers Electric Co. Dial GL 6-6351 Main St. Attendance Records Set At All Denominations In Crabtree Sunday Schools By MRS. MILLARD FERGUSON Community Reporter Three Crabtree churches set new Sunday School attendance records last Sunday, and each with an at tendance of 64. The Sunday record, of 64 was a high mark for Finch er's Chapel, while the same num ber -attended Crabtree Methodist, for a record, and the new Liberty church in'the "Rabbit Skin" sec tion had an attendance of 64. The Crabtree, 3 from Iron Duff were tendance of 161, which is an ex cellent record. The revival at the Crabtree Bap tist Church closed last week. On Sunday afternoon the Crabtree and Iron Duff Baptist Churches came together at Joe* Palmer's Pond for a Baptismal Service. One from Crabtree, 3 froom Iron Duff were immersed. Those attending the Bible Study of "The Prophet Jeremiah" ipst week in Waynesville were so inter ested that the Adult and Young Adult Sunday School classes of the Crabtree M.E. Church have organ ized a Bible study elass which will meet every Sunday evening at 7:30 in the church sanctuary with a rotation of teachers. Everybody* is cordially invited to attend. we regrei wun sympauiy iu learn of the death of Mrs. J. Y. Davis' mother, Mrs. Alice Gregory, who died last week at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Violet Payne of Hot Springs. We are also sorry to learn that Bob Clemment of Maggie has been taken to the hospital in Winston Salem. Mrs. Clemment is the form er Miss Helen Noland of Crabtree. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nesbitt enter tained with a dinner party on Fri day evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Queen Meredith of Enid, Okla. Others enjoying the hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Ferguson in whose home the Merediths are guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kirkpatrick had as their guests for the week, their daughter, Mrs. R. D. Cole man, Jr., and children, Robert and Claire of Newberry. S. C. and Mr{s. Kirkpatrick's sister, Mrs. Duncan of Asheville. ?tfUft - JLLLMA We are happy to learn that Mrs. Lush Chambers of Hazelwood has returned home much improved from an Asheville hospital where she has been for 4 weeks. Mrs. Chambers is the former Miss Ger trude Haney of Crabtree. Relatives of Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Ferguson have learned of their safe arrival in Hollywood, Calif., where they have gone to spend the winter with Mrs. Ferguson's sister.! Mrs. Anne Allen. They report a ; pleasant trip and the finding of | Hollywood a wonderful place. B. F. Nesbitt spent Sunday in Asheville with his father. Mr. J. B. Nesbitt of Fairview. who under went a major operation on Friday at the Mission hospital. Joining the Methodist congrega tion for worship on Sunday morn ing were J H. Kirkpatrick and 1 daughter. Miss Mary Francis of Canton and Harry Lowe of Ashe ville. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Davis ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Dal vert Browning of Asheville. have , returned from a trio through Vir ginia. going uo the Pnrkwav Drive to Roanoke and returning through the Shenandoah Valley. They vis ited "Montieello", the Mammoth Caves and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Robinson and children of Maryville, Tenn., and EVERY KERNEL POPS vo you ioc* tntrgy and pup? if Iti??? uundWoio art duo to a vitamin or mlotrol dtOdtnty, than toko Wotklnt Multivitamin abb Mintrah Captuiat rogutorly at a tup pltmtnt to your diat to moko tuft Mat you got daily minimum rtguirtmtnft of mintroh and vttomlnt far which Iht nood in humao tutiklun hot btto tttablthtd. Toko (ott ana captain a day . . . toch cpptuit eontako 11 minor alt arid 10 vita mint. lot mt toll you about my tptdal odor on Walkint MuM Vitomint with Mlnorab AOVERTISID IN jfl Warncsvillr. N.C. Registration Cf Motor Vehicles , Hits New High Registration Director Foy In gram of the Motor Vehicles De partment said today that total motor vehicle registration in North Carolina had climbed< to a new high. Through October 20, Miss In gram reported there were 1,357, 655 cars, trucks and buses on rec ord. This figure compared to 1,272, 975 through a comparable period last ye^r. As for new car registration Miss Ingram had figures available through September. During that month there were 13,103 new cars and trucks registered with the Motor Vehicles Department, the highest monthly total since Feb ruary, 1951. For the ninemonths ending Sep: tember 30, the Registration Divi sion has recorded a total of 82,409 passenger cars and 20.248 trucks. For the same period in 1952 there were 56,307 cars and 17,084 trucks registered. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Noland of Fines Creek were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ferguson during the week end. ft^r. and Mrs. Howard Keys and daughter Joan of Ashevllle, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morgan and chil dren, and Mrs. Fannie McElroy of Enka and Mr. and Mrs. J. Matt Davis of Upper Crabtree were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy M. Ferguson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Wells and family of Knoxville. Tenn., were week end guests of Mr. Wells' par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wells. Mr. Olllver, Kent of Canton was also a vlsitdr in the Wells home during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ferguson were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Swayngim of Bryson City. We congratulate Mrs. Wm. J. McCreary. Sr. (Aunt Callie) on reaching her 93th birthday which she celebrated on Sunday, a full account of which will be found elsewhere in this issue. *? Miss Ruth Ferguson who is a student at Blanton's Business Col lege in Asheville spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Andy M. Ferguson. We find there are still courteous ly honest people. Op Saturday C. F. Ferguson lost a check from the Asheville Stock Yard in Asheville, and before night he had a call from a man in XsheCille that the check had been found and would be held for him. Among those taking the Civil Service examinations in Asheville Saturday were Max Rogers. W. T. Ferguson, Carlyle Davis and Julius Ross. Foods rich in protein get leath ery when they are cooked at high temperatures, so keep the heat low when you are preparing dishes with eggs and cheese in them. THE REV. GRADY ROSS BAR RINGER & the new minister of the Dellwood Methodist Charge which includes Elizabeth Chapel, Maple Grove and Dellwood Churches. Although Mr. Bar ringer has assumed his duties at the three churches, he is still completing his seminary work at Emory University and will move to Havwood County alter its con clusion in December, Mr. Barrtn ger was bom and raised in Mt. Pleasant and graduated from Pfeider Junior College. He later received his first degree from Emory University in 1951 he/Is 24 years of age and is married to the former Jeanne Lambert of Mt. Pleasant. They have one daughter, Sonya. age 2. The Bar ringers will move to the parson age built about 4 years ago in Dellwood in December. A i.! T7 !1 wperauons ramny MIDDLETON. N. Y. (AP) ? speaking of operations, as they often do in the Claude Crotty family, the Crotty daughters, Sus an Ann, seven, and Claudia, six, have more operations to tell a bout than all their - friends and relatives put together. Claudia has just passed her sixth birthday in Middletown Sanitorium recuperet- . ing from her eighteenth operation. Most of them have been operations in a series started when she was five days old to correct a rare de fect. She was born with the blad der on the outside of the abdomi nal wall. Complicated by the fact that. it was an open sac. Doctors succeeded in providing a means of closing 1ft and tuckig it into a pocket created within thev abdo men. That took seventeen opera tions. The other was a tonsillectomy. With all that behind her. Claudia is entering school at the first grade. Susan Ann, at seven, can count one operation for each year of her life. Hers have overcome a oral defect. Where Was Willie Sutton? SALISBURY. Mass. (AP) ? The entire police force took the day off for the wedding of Police Capt. Benjamin Sturgis ?i and crime took the day off. too. There wasnt a single crime re ported?'not even an accident ? while department members attend ed the chief's wedding to Miss Wanda Woron of Newburyport. State police filled in for the lotal force. MEDICINE SHELF CLEAN-UP It is a good idea not to - hoard id medicines, especially those oncocted for someone else. Dls ard tl)em Make sure ydu have agential items, however, sqch as auze and adhesive bandagets, as irin, cotton, antiseptic, 1 ther lometer. burn remedy and aroma ic spirits of ammonia. \ \ REVIVE BRUSHES Neglected paint brushes may be brought to life by soaking them in turpentine for a day or two. Bristles may then be washed in warm soapsuds and manipulated gently with fingers or rubbed across a small wash board. Sober Thought BECKLEY, W Va. (AP) _ A member of Alcoholics Anonymous, attending the seventh anniversary picnic of the local chapter, was asked what AA had done for him. He replied: "It sure messed up my drinking.' cleav garden Your garden how ,v. cleaned with-;. 6U<, **+ rinsed, not left d.n> ^ over the winter h L ! to hang the hosev eiu^ the wall. This help, Z* * each use and the rubh? tic tubing will lav. i0^* MORE FLAVOR PER POUND and thafs sound buying ladies! J PL Wji'WA (JPBEANS - --si0? Ann Page Mayonnaise - ft 53c Ann Page Blackberry Jelly "ft 25c Ann Page Blackberry i i Jam ft 25c A rp Page Salad - \ Pressing - - ft 45c Arrf Page \. Tomato Soup 3 "ft 2.Vc - I Ann Page Peanut Butter - - - 2,bS' G3c Ann Page Tomato Ketchup - - b??* 17o Ann P^e Black Pepper - - - S 23c Ann Page Blended Syrup - - - 2bo?z 45c Ann Page Strawberry Preserves - - 29c \ \ Ann Page Celotin Desserts \ , SPARKLE- -4 - 23' ORflMfiM DRINK I ^? 2^ I FACIAL TISSUE KLEENEX I t& a I 300 Sheet . Pkg. *15 KREY'S I Chopped 2 "?? 25c Krey'a Brown Gravy Sliced Pork 55m Krey's Brown Gravy Slicdn Beef 53-1 Candy Worthmore HALLOWEEN TOLLY Roil IS: 39c Worthmore CANDY Corn ? tS 25c i Worthmore HARVEST Mix Bt 29c v ? ? * ? ? Margarine Nucoa - p? 29c I Easy To Fix \ , Puffin Biscuits 4 pkg* 49c ? Marcal Paper Ntapkins 9c A&P Freestone Peaches . _ NoCar 37c ; Toilet Tissue Waldorf - 2 Ron. 15c Mild and Mellow 8 O'Glock Coffee .... ?bg 84c Dried Pea Beans - S 14c I A&P Pineapple Juice 29c Walker Austex Beef Stew - - Vn 31c , JANE PARKER ? PLAIN OR SUGARED Dofuits - - s? 19c SPECIAL 4-DOZEN PACK 69c JANE PARKER ? PLAIN OR MARBLE POUND Cake - - ? 25c I -Mv. r?> 1vrX, .? ^?JHIDfirKni HH| dMM^V LaIIII'X'J#! ^ ? [^ ft] fe| ulw Nice Firm Heads I Cauliflower Head 25c Juicy Florida ?f Grapefruit 4 For 25c v: Red Tokay J | Grapes ... ; 2 Lbs. 25c Florida j Oranges 2 lbs. 13c ? Golden Ripe 1 Bananas 2 Lbs 25c Delicious Apples Lb. 17c Plump Fresh | Cranberries X;25e ? Salted Spanish If Peanuts S 15c ? Libby Peas - - - - ? 21c Libby v ? Tomato Juice - - - ^ 13c Shortening Swift Jewel- - - - 81c Super Fine ^ Limas Can 15c ?j ! ???? Orleans Dog Food - - - - - 25 19c Angcllus Marshmallows - - - 'Z> 19c Swanson Boned Chicken - - a 39c Swanson j Boned Turkey - - - a 37c < Swanson Bonelesi e Chicken Fricassee - 49c . Uncle Ben'? ^ Rice - - ts21c , ? S?af> A * Lifebuoy - - - - 2 ? 25c Lifebuoy < Soap ----- 3 r,, 25c ? Rinso - - a 27c 53c ! Breeze - x 30c as* 59c ' ? ... o Shortening Spry - - = - - - - ? 85c ? (j Super-Right Heavy Western Beef POT ROAST = - ?i I Super-Right Freshly 1 Ground Beef ----->* J Super-Right Fresh Center Cuts Rib -1 | Pork Chops "? Super-Right Heavy Western Beef ! Rib Steak - - - - 89?, 14 to 8 Lb. Avg.?White Broiler Beltsville Turkeys - - *'m Swift Premium , Frankfurters 47* Small Frozen Headless and Dressed .alfi Porgies ------- * i Super-Right Dressed And Drawn I FRYERS - - - 4if f" f 37 gk ^h?rt Shank Skinned?12 to 14 Lb. Avg. 1??0KE# HAKS ? "u*" 53c 49c't;-* 43M CENTER SLICES .. u, 99c Bf] Morrellg PrMe ^ ' 10 SMced u- 58c, ? *Weetftr Thru rtctokernj^^BR