clubs OF INTEREST TO WOMEN activities 1 Office Phone GL 6-5301 - Eleanor B. Sloan, Editor - Home Phone GL 6-4952 4-H Club Officers Are Named At Crabtree Officer* lor the senior 4-H Club of the Crabtree-lron DufT School ! have been named. They are Ed win Bryson, president; Frances Emma Yates, vice president; Jean Crawford, secretary; Boyd Fisher, treasurer; BUI Best, reporter; Bonnie Sue Justice, song leader; and Adaiine Best, devotional lead er. Serving on the program commit tee are Jewel Dee Ferguson, George Kirkpatrick, Martha Ann Caldwell, David Hugh Tate, and . Frances Emma Yates. Mrs. Oral Yates is leader of the group. ? ? ? ? ? Mrs. M. A. Boren of Knoxville ' is spending this week with her ) sister, Mrs. R. L. Lee. Elks Will Have Party For Wives Members of Elks Lodge of Waynesville will have a card' party for their wives and guests Wed1 nesday afternoon, November 4, be ginning at 2 p.m. in the Eiks Hall. Tables will be arranged for bridge and canasta and prizes will be awarded following the games. Kefreshments will be served. ? ? ? Highlanders Will Meet Monday Night The Haywood County Highland ers will hold their regular month ! ly meeting at the Court House ! Monday evening, November 2, at 7:30 p.m. This announcement was made by L. E. DeVous, president. THIS WEEK ONLY! ? ^ . HOMHHHHB HHMHUmHHIHr VHIHHHHHIHHHW HELEN CURTIS COLD WAVE $15 WAVE $7-50 $10 WAVE $CJ.50 * ; This Is The Famous Flex-A-Wave System Of Cold Waving That Assures You That Soft Ringlet End. CALL EARLY LIMITED AMOUNT OF SUPPLIES Craig's Beauty Shop 125 EAST STREET ? DIAL GL 6-4581 ~ I ^ I ? V ? H ? M I HH W 9 I M ^1 m ^1 ? * V B 1 ^1 ? H ? ? W I W V a ?? ? MH 0 1 ; PJH.H^ ?< ir?l<^ y" ITS lASf TO FW TWt MIUBLI WM" A [?Esiaai -- Since 1939 % ? Reliable Jewelers t . ? ?have served you efficiently ?helped all betterment projects ?been your friendly jeweler ?expanded time and time again to meet your needs ?given you values and quality ?offered easiest credit terms in W.N.C. ? i : , ? ' J Join the hundreds we have continuously satisfied during our 14 years as Waynesville's Leading Credit Jewelers BW*^*aaWB5BHSaBMa?WWH?BWMW?WB"J4 MISS MATT1E SUE MOODY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moody of Waynesvllle, Route 2, is engaged to Jackie Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ecgene Hughes of Chattanooga, Tennessee. The bride-elect Is a member of the junior class of the Waynesvllle High School. Mr. Hughes attended Dullon High School, lfalton, Oa? and is now employed by Super Service Motor Freight Co. in Chattanooga. The wedding plans are incomplete. 1 Crabtree Baptist j WMU To'Meet Saturday The Woman's Missionary Soci ety of the Crabtree Baptist Church will meet Saturday at 2 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Herbert Welts. ? ? ? Mrs. Aaron Prevost and her aunt, Mrs. Adora Rayne. left Tues day to visit the former's brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Houghlam^ inH NaahvUie, Tenn. Mr. Prevost an s parentil and Mrs. Carey McCracken. ? Mrs. Jonathan Woody andl Howard Hyatt spent Tueusdl Spartanburg. S. C. whtre theyl I ticipated in the monthly tgl ment of the Western Carl Women's Golf Association I returned yesterday. Miss Jackie Sue and Jobyl mond, students at Warren h | College, will spend the ?el 1 with their parents Mr andl I Jack Redmond at Waterville.l values For Wise Shoppers WITH MORE OF MASSIE'S 26th Anniversary Specials Here's A Buy ARTEMIS TAILORED SLIPS Some Lace Trimmed REGULAR $3.95 $1.98 LARGE ASSORTMENT LADIES' LOAFERS - OXFORDS Many Colors ? Many Styles Values Up To $5.95 ? Now V M l|X Yours For Only 10 OFF On All Ladies' and Children's Coats Tailored and Dress BLOUSES ? Long Sleeves ? Short Sleeves Many Colors Values to $5.95 hvrrvH $2.49 ?l .First Quality ' NYLON HOSE 15 Denier 51 Gauge REGULAR $1.00 Fri. - Sat. 69c ONE LOT OH LADIES' PRLlfl shoe! ANOTHER ? anmversarB BARGAIN ? Jll Boy's San fori bed Warm Flannel SHIRTS ? Plaids ? Checks ? Figures 2 Pockets ? Full Cut Regular Price Up To $1.98 At Massie's Only $1.29 Look At This A Children's Well - Built LOAFERS - OXFORDS All Colors ? All Sizes Values to $5.95 $2.98 $1.00 OFF ON ANY JACKET* OF $4.95 OR MORE | } Ladies' and Mel SWEATES 0 All Wool, am * All N>l?n Choice of Std 9 Coat Sl.v'* 0 Slip Over 0 Cardigan VALl'ES TO 1 NOW AT MASS S3J Massie's Dept. Store ?For 26 Years The Store of Quality And Economy? jj li ?? ' . ? ; ~ , ,, , , in n.A J* IIM >>,1 HI ~7n&*