Crabtree Begins Series Of Laymen's Services By Mrs. Millard Ferguson Community Reporter The Crabtree Methodist Charge, under the leadership of the pas tor, the Rev. A. R. Davis, is using every 5th Sunday this year as lay man's day. The services will be ro tated among the 4 churches. Last Sunday, the Charge met to wor ship with Davis Chapel. Frank Davis delivered the message, which was not Scriptural but the age-old adage, "Great oaks from little acorns grow." He enjpasized the influence of all our individual efforts for good put into concert ed action and how such effort has revolutionized the world from Ab raham to Christ to the present time. The WMS of the Crabtree Bap tist Church is holding its week of prayer services at the church each eveenig this week, Monday through Friday, at 7:30. They will meet on Friday at 6 p.m. for a' covered dish supper, after which they will join the other County Baptist WMS in the Waynesville First Baptist Church for a service. A returned missionary will talk on mission needs. . The Crabtree Charge Methodist Youth Fellowship program at the Crabtree Church Sunday evening was well prepared and well at tended. Our sick list is confined to Mrs. W. J. McCrary, Sr. It is a matter of distress to the entire commun ity to hear that "Aunt Callie", who celebrated her 93rd birthday a few weeks ago. S. L. Smart, another of our vet eran residents, is not feeling too well at his home here. We were sorry to learn that Mrs. JSecky Presnell fel Thanksgicing Day while visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker, on Fines Creek. She suf fered a break of the collar bone and it is hoped that there are no further complications. Weaver Parkins, of Panther's Creek, suffered several fractured bones and a badly damaged truck last week when his brakes gave way with a full load of logs on a down grade in our community. We are happy that his injuries were no worse than they are and that he is improving in the Haywood County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kirkpatrick. i Mr. and Brs. James and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Kirkpatrick and chil dren, Charles, Tommie, George and Wilson were dinner guests Thanksgiving day of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kirkpatrick in Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Browning in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell, Bil lie and Ruth, of Enka, were with Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ferguson for the holiday. Roy Pope spent Thanksgiving week in Portsmouth, Va., visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Laney. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Palmer spent last week with Mr. Palmer's mother, Mrs. William A. Palmer, Sr., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gudger Palmer in Canton, while the latter was vacationing and visiting trie/ids in Eastern Caro lina. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Safford spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Safford in Anniston, Ala. The Rev. and Mrs. T. G. High fill, of Lincolnton, were visitors during the week of Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Fereguson, their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Coleman, Clara and Robert, of Newberry, S. C., were weekend guests of Mrs. Coleman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C Kirkpatrick. Several of our football fans at tended the Canton-Waynes vllle game Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ferguson have made the anouncement of a new granddaughter, Rebecca Ann, born to Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ferguson in Vandkye, Mich. Mrs. Ferguson Is the former, Miss Martha Rogers of Asheville. Margaret Noland .returned to Greensboro College on Sunday after spending Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Noland. t Ruth, who U a student at Blan-'s ton's in Asheville, spent the week- I end with her parents, Mr. and v Mrs. Andy Ferguson. i Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nesbitt, Joe. Bob and Jack, spent Sunday with { Mr. Nesbitt's parents, Mr. and c and Mrs. J. B Nesbitt of Fletcher, j . 11 Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ferguson I were Sunday guests of Mr. and i Mrs. Tom Luther of Enka. J f N. A. "Ferguson was in Newport, 1 Teno., last week on business. Jim Davis, A 2/C, son of Mr. i and Mrs. Vinson Davis, has been ( tationed at Clovis Air Force lase, New Mexico, and sailed last veek from San Francisco Callforn a for Korea. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Vinson Javis on Sunday were their laughter-in-law, Mrs. Jim Davis; drs. Raymond Swayngim, Miss Jot Swayngim and Mrs. Hilliard ] doody of Waynesville and their on with his wife, Mr. and Mrs. i lack Davis of Aliens Creek, and diss Nina Mcdford and Ronney fall of Clyde. i Our farmers, who had tobacco n the first sale, were very well >leased with the price. The out I look is favorable for high prices j for good quality leaf. ( M/SGT. LOWELL R. AKRING TON, son of Mrs. W. R. Arling ton, Route 1, Waynesville, was recently awarded the Bronze Star Medal before leaving Korea for the U. S. Arrington, whose wife and child live at 3341 N. Mullen St., Tacoma, Wash., was cited for his meritorious service as in fantry operations chief of the IX Corps' operations and train ing section, A veteran of 12 years' Army service, he also wears the Combat Infantryman Badge. The master sergeant ar rived in Korea last March after serving at Fort Lewis, Wash. (U. S. Army Photo)' Disease-Ftfee J Pigs Reused j AUSTIN. Minn. (AP> ? Horrnel Institute researchers tell how to e raise disease-free pigs. a The pigs, encased in the sow's 1 uterus, are removed by surgery 1 after the sow is immobilized by c carbon monoxide. The pigs are 1 then raised to maturity in isolat- i5 ed quarters and are fed pasteur- ' ized cows' milk. The sow, becomes meat. t ??????????????????? ? l I Clyde Sailors l)0ll \t California Port 1 LONC. Hi I d to arriM- 1 board the 1 iremerton fr.' tj ;?rl V. Farli; 1 if Mr. ami M jl ey of RouU- 2 1 itwtnson. gun - mate J JSN, son ol Mi 1 d. SU'\ i n 1 TH" B: ? ;/l ion on the "B( Korean Ea :e ihJ slice and has fitted tJ >f combat duty. I Every ounce of JFG Special coffee is "PREMIUM FLAVOR"coffee! 4^ . V I From all Latin America's won derful coffee growing araaa. only a few remote aectlona supply the choice "Premium Flavor" coffees that go Into JTO SpeciaL IFG mciA?^ "The best pari of the meat" ? ESSO FUEL OIL I DIAL GL 6-5612 I S. W. Whidden RESIDENT DISTRIBUTOR for Waynesville - Ilazclwood and Vicinity Serving the area from Clyde To Balsam Metered Truck Delivery SS hp 11 Pj Give Your Baby a jtf PLAYTEX PARTY y WARDROBE Waterproof Latex Pants rV That Stretch All Over LJ At No Ordinary Pants Can! iflC' M* fc. T' cfl Playtex [J Pull-On Panties 79^ CJ1 Playtex M Transpar't Panties... 89 C IM play,ex i io M Snap-On Pantlai I ? I xr II ?fg .ftt. f? 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