^ co. mm ? Q ^ 91 lore People Than -w--^- ?. ~ 1 he Waynesville Mountaineer f^t T-O Published Twice-A-Week Tn Th n . o * M J B % M monk ?mu (toe Ua rvtAK NO. .01 12 PAGES A^teTlW ~ ^ C9l""y At "" E"tern <='?' Smoky Mount.? N.tion.1 P?k ' WAYNESVILLE, N. C., MONDAY Al-TERNOON, DEC. H. 1953 ??> ,m ,n .. . ? ? 1,1 Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countie? ns Stage istmas Party The Blind four Lions Club of Hay County conducted their an Ihristmas party for the visual apped of this area at the High School cafeteria Sun lernoon from 2 until 4:30 I Some 40 blind or near Beople of the county were |tor (the occasion together number of Lions and their Fled program had been ar I by the program committee tog of singing, games, special II numbers by guests,, read Id refreshments. tart the program going, Gor 'oody. one of the talented in the handicapped played a number of the mas Carols on the piano the group assembled. The then sang Silent Night, fol by a several numbers by Mr. ' on his accordian. Tohn I. Kizer, pastor of the hptist Church of Hazelwood, tted a short, but to the point, mal. Hugh Matthews, of Canton, ? master of ceremonies, and ?Pon Miss Pauline Williams, ?se worker for the county, ?"?ducted several games in | the special guests partici 1 of the blind guests were "d, and quite a number ?d as to how they were en * Party and how they su rf the event each year. Gale Kirkpatrick, daughter ?d Mrs. Ward Kirkpatrick reading which was very * a young girl and her ac hed the home. b Haney and his troop did "Quest numbers both vocal "heir instruments.' Fs of those attending rang *w<> and one-half years to ?e and one-half, pwipnts were served to all ?*ding and special gifts *ea to the visgal handicap he four clubs. Lions Clubs in the Canton, Clyde. Waynes the just recently charter ?n Valley club at Bethel. ~i Governor Robert Barnes F*- was a special guesf at COLDS J*' bearing windy and cold , Twsday, generally fair **hat' colder. ^aynesville temperature N by the State Test Max. Min. Rainfall r-- 58 29 .45 ? r 50 22 r~ 53 37 .52 P" 5a ** .09 OLDEST AND YOUNGEST at the annual Lions Club Christmas party for the blind of Haywood County Sunday at Clyde School were two residents of the Clyde area?J. V. Leatherwood, 89'/j and Betty Jean Cutshaw, 2Vi, being held ,by her mother. (Mountaineer Photo). M 1 : V..-. .V.'.Vj' Haywood Wins Its First 'Superior' Milk Rating Holiday Store Hours In Force l j - Stores of this community* will 1 remain Open all day Wednes day. it was announced by the Merchants Association today. On Friday evening the stores will remain open until nine o'clock, for the first evening opening of the season. The usual store hours prevail daily?8:30 to 5:30, from Mon 1 day through Thursday, with the nine o'clock closing on Friday and a six o'clock closing on Sat urday. I 15 Named To Serve As Tax Listers Fifteen tax listers, to serve in' Haywood County in 1954 have been appointed by Mrs. Mildred Bryson, county tax collector and supervisor, it was announced to day New listers named were: Mrs. R. L. Coin and Harley Francis, Way nesville: Mrs. Mae Messer, Cecil; if C. Griswold. Ivy Hill, and Mrs. Roy Medford, Iron Duff. Other listers who have served before include: Ken Burnett, East Fork; Mrs. Wade Rhea and Von Byers, Beav erdam; Troy Leatherwood, Jona than Creek; Mrs. Teague Williams, White Oak; William Osborne, Clyde; Gaston Burnett, Pigeon; Mack Caldwell, Cataloochce; Glenn McCracken, Fines Creek, and Prank Medford, Crabtree. The appointments were made by Mrs. Bryson and approved by the county commissioners. Mrs. Bryson also announced that a special meeting for tax listers j will be held all day on December 22 at the courthouse, starting at 9 30 a.m. Instructions will be giv en to the tax representatives at that time. "T~??" ' CDP To Plan Cage Program | The Haywood County CDP has 1 ketball program will be a""an*cri at a meeting at 7;30 p.m. Monday in the commissioners- room at_the courthouse; R. C. Sheffield, chairman, and Steve Cassell assist ant county agent, announced today, j Communities will be asked to again sponsor both boys' and girls teams, and only organized com munities can enter teams in the CDP league, it was explained. Also set for discussion is the; possibility of formtng swimming teams to take advantage of an in vitation by the Champion VMCA to use its pool. I For the first time in its history, Haywood County has received a superior rating as a milk shed area, enabling county producers to sell their milk anywhere they choose. The Haywood Health Depart ment received this welcome news Friday from John Andrews, chief of the federal sanitation section of the Sanitary Engineering Division in North Carolina. Mr. Andrews reported that the county received these ratings in five categories: Retail raw milk, 91 per cent; raw milk sold to plapnts, 93; pas tion plants, 93; pasteurized milk, teurization plapnts, 93; pasteurized milk, 93; and enforcement methods, 92. Mr. Andrews made this notation in his report: "It will be noted that all ratings are above the 90 per cent figure which is considered satisfactory. The survey officer commented in this respect that the sanitarians are to be congratulated on the job which they are doing." The actual inspection here was conducted by B. L. Jessup, district milk sanitarian, who disclosed this information: "Milk in this area comes from one retail raw dairy, two local pasteurization plants and three out - of - county pasteurization plants. These five plants daily dis tribute 2,242 gallons of pasteurized milk, while the raw dairy distrib utes 110 gallons of grade-A raw (See Milk?Page 6) S. S. Helmick Dies At 71 After Illness ShcfTey Simons Helmick, 71, well-known resident of Waynes ville, died Thursday in the Hay wood County hospital after a brief illness. Mr. Helmick was a native of Ran dolph County, West Virginia, the son of the late Robert and Martha Bonner Helmick. He had resided in Haywood County 38 years and was an employe of the Waynes ville Laundry. Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon in the First -Metho dist Church with the pastor, the Rev. Earl H. Brendall, officiating. Interment was in Green Hill Cemetery. Active pallbearers were Fred Jones, Frank Jones, Fred Camp (See S. S. Helmick?Page 6) State Magazine Using Haywood Scene On Christmas Material The State Magazine is using a Haywood winter scene, made by William Lelnbaeh. former Moun taineer photographer, as an il lustration of the Christmas card folder this year. The scene shows a small home on a hillside, with corn shocks in front, after a light anow. New Milk I Ordinsnce Is Passed Fifteen changes are embodied in the Haywood County milk or dinance which was passed by the county Board -of Health at its meeting last week. Revisions specify that: 1. A phosphate test is mandat ory. These tests must be made be fore any more milk can be sold. 2. The bacterial standard of raw milk to the plant must, at on time \ after the milk has been received, exceed 400,000. 3. In-plpace cleaning procedures' in plants are permitted, and may be used on farms. 4. The temperature standard forj short-time pasteurization has been raised to 161*. 5. High-temperature pasteuriza tion does not require an air-space heater, 6. Grade-A milk placards are no longer required. T. Plant sampling and inspec tions are acceptable except for one .sample a grading period. 8. Collform cannot exceed &) per cubic centimeter. . 9. Straining of milk in dairy barn is permitted under certain conditions. 10. Cool raw milk within two hours to 50* after taking from herd. 11. Platform testing is recom mended. 12. Requirements are to be set up for construction and cleaning of milk tank trucks and cars. 13. Accept no milk with a rating le?s than your own?unless an in spection can be made. 14. Three of the last four sam ples of milk must be within limit o the coliform standard of 10 cubic centimeters per millimeter 15. Testing information is con tained in the Public Health Milk Code. Mrs. McCrary Dies At 93; Funeral Tuesday i' Ca.1"! Lorin" ^Cuee died I Sunday at the home of a son W Jennings McCrary of Clyde, Route 1. She was 93 years of age and i spent her entire life in the Crab tree section of Haywood County The daughter of the late John and Louise McCracken McClure. ! Mrs. McCrary was a member of one of Haywood County's pioneer ! families and was beloved by a ' large circle of friends and rela tives. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. in Fincher Chapel Methodist Church on Hyder Mountain. The Rev. A. R. Davis, pastor, will officiate and burial will be in the Crabtree Bap tist Church Cemetery. (See Mrs. McCrary?Page 6) Community Tree Is Planned For December 23 The annual Community Christ mas Tree, sponsored by the Way nesville Woman's Club for needy children, will be held at the Court House, December 23, at 3:30 p.m. Gifts and candy will be distrib uted to children from one to ten years og age. The Rev. Earl H. Brandall, pas tor of the First Methodist Church, will bring the Christmas message and music will be furnished by stu dents of the Waynesville high school. Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, chair man of the event, is asking for do nations of new or good used toys, , to be left with her or with Mrs. Henry Foy. , SEWER LINE ditches are shown here being dug in Aliens Creek for the new community-wide sewer system in that area. Here a steam shovM of Harry Clay's, bites three-quarters of a yard of dirt at a time from the ditch which is averaging about five feet deep. Not too far away, a group of men are putting the pipe in the diteh. The town ia putting paj t of the lines, and Allison Construc tion Company has a contract for installing 3,700 feet of the trunk lines. The shovel operator is Ward Cole, and the grade checker is R. D. Owen. (Mountaineer Photo). Town Residents Complain About 'Black Snowfall' ' ? ? 1 ? 1 ' .ii" ii ? i C!*? f it i? thic cnmr kne f ??! Visitor Decides Coming Here For Winter After Reading This Paper Tile Le Faine Hotel received a letter from Miami Friday asking for the rates as the writer was interested in spending the Christinas holidays in Waynes ville. He went on to say that he had read the advertisement of the hotel in The Mountaineer and became interested in see- j a Western North Csrolina in winter. /. ,1 Chains Needed On Soco Gap / ? I Crossing Soco Gap is unsafe ! without chains, it was reported Monday morning by the State Highway Patrol. About three inches of snow are covering ice from yes terday's freezing rain at the high est point on Soco and it is virtu ally impossible to gather traction without chains. Hoads are open in ail other di-! rections from Waynesville, Itpw- j ever. They are wet but not icy ex- i cept in small isolated spots on the ? north side of some hills. Max Patch, which often reports ! some of Haywood's wildest weath-1 er, is clear and the road is still negotiable, according to Salvation ] Army staff. The snow started rath- ! er slowly there about 10:30 Mon- ; day morning, but looked as though : it would develop into a real one by noon. There was about an inch ; of snow there at press time. Since last Wednesday this area I has had 2.53 inches of rain, accord- I ing to the official Weather Report as compiled by the State Test ; Farm here. Almost ane and a half I Inches fell on last Wednesday, I with .45 inches on Friday, .52 on Saturday and .09 on Sunday. The rains continued until this morning ' when it become mixed with snow. '? JANICE CORZINE IS HONORED Miss Janice Corzine, junior at] Western Carolina College, was among twenty students recently in itiated into the Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, national honor ary scholastic fraternity. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Corzine of Clyde. an., ..... ?? >a|. len in the Waynuville area only twice?on Thanksgiving and today However, 'black snow" has fal len on the town almost every day since cold weather arrived about the middle of October. The black snow," of course, is soot which pours forth from chimneys?usually signifying in efficient furnace operation. A number of Waynesvllle resi dents have complained lately a bout the fall of soot, and several have asked The Mountaineer: "hat can be done about it?" To answer this question, report er have talked with several heat ing specialists (n town. All of them point out that soot results mainly froin cohiplet^ combustion. In oth er words, when coal is not burned completely, the flakes of soot rep resent the unburned portion of the fuel in the furnace. Incomplete burning is due eith er to faulty operation of a furnace, to defective equipment, or both. Steps recommended to cut down soot are: 1. Learn how to fire your fur nace efficiently. 2. Keep furnace clean. ?t. Repair and modernize equip ment wjion needed. Heating specialists here explain ed that incomplete burning of fuel not only spreads a blanket of soot over the town, but it -also is ex pensive to property owners since more fuel is needed to provide the heat lost through inefficiency. One commercial product, on sale at some local hardware stores, helps to minimize the soot prob lem. Labeled a "soot destroyer", the product, In the form of a pow der, acts as a cleansing agent to (See Black Snow?Page 61 Methodists Plan Fill The Church' On Next Sunday Laymen of the First Methodist Church have launched a program for next Sunday, called "Fill The Church Sunday." The officers and teachers of the church, together with their pas tor, Rev, Earl H. Brendall, are making every effort to have each of the 700 scats in the auditorium filled next Sunday at the 11 o'clock service. Rev. Mr. Brendall said his sermon topic at that ser vice would be "When God Walked Down the Stairs of Heaven." Special music by the choirs is being arranged for the service. The pastor said: "The greatest joy will be the satisfaction of see ing our entire membership turn out to honor the birthday of our Lord." West Pigeon Plans Christmas Party Wednesday West Pigeon community will have a Christmas program at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Bethel School lunchroom, R. C. Sheffield announced today. The program will Include the awarding of $25. $15. and $10 priies for winners of the commun ity's home and yard improvement contest. A Christmas treat will be given to the children and refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting. Pigeon Valley Lions Receive Club Charter A civic organization came into being in this area Thursday night when the Pigeon Valley Lions Club received its charter from the International headquarters. The new Lions Club ? with 28 charter members?is sponsored by the Canton Lions Club. Officers and directors announc ed at the ceremony were; Hugh K. Terrell, president; Car sop Clark, first vice president; Jack Rigdon. second vice president; Gay Calhoun, third vice president; Kin McNeil, secretary - treasurer; D. D. York. Lion Tamer; Guy Wells, Tail Twister; Roy Deitz, Morris Bumgarner. M. C. Nix, and Frank Ammons, directors. Other charter members are: David Edwards. J. Lester Fore. Henry Garner, L. B. George. R. T. Hargrove, Eugene Henson, Ed Jus tice, Henry Justice. Robert R. Kel ly. Glenn W. MehafTey, R. Mark Morgan, John G. Remenar, James Reeves. R. C. Sheffield. J. W. Sloan, Welch Singleton, and J, L. Worley. I The program Thursday night In cluded: Welcome by Carson Clark; song "America" by Lions and guests, led j by Carroll Warren; pledge of al legiance led by F. E. Shull, presi dent of the Canton Lions Club; In vocation by the Rev. L. B. George; introduction of guests; entertain ment by the Skyland Quartet; ad dress by W. L. Rikard, principal of Canton High School: presenta j tion of the Lions charter by the District Governor; presentation of gong and gavel by Mr. Shull and the benediction by Rev. George. $50 Fine Set For Persons Smoking In Theatres Here A town ordinance now prohi bits smoking in theatre build ings. with a $50 tine for every offense, according to the formal publication of the notice in to day's issue. 'he ordinance points out that it will be a violating to smoke "while patrons are In the build ing. previous to, during or im mediately after any show for public amusement.*' The ordinance rame up for I passage December 14. Scmd And Ghbrus Will Present Christmas Concert A Christmas concert will be pre sented bv the Waynesville High School Concert Band and Chorus in the school auditorium Thurs day night at 8 o'clock. The groups will be directed by Charles Isley. head of the music department and Robert Campbell. I he Hammond organ, recently acquired by the Music Depart ment, will be played for the first time in a concert and the harp also a recent addition, will be feat ured. J he first half of the program will he devoted (o selections from The Me#iah by Handel. The open ing number, (lie Overture to the Messiah, will be played by the band with organ accompaniment played by Henry Lofquist, instruc tor in piano, organ, and harp. This Will be followed by alternate numbers by the hand and chorus. C horus soloists will be John Cal-* hiun. tenor. Carol Webb, contral to and Juanita Kelly, soprano. The last part of the program will include two favorites by the !!d. D"SJeiBh Kide'' by Anderson and Rudolph the Red Nosed Rein deer '. The chorus will sing a group of carols with piano accompani ment by Sylvia Newell and organ accompaniment by Mr. Lofquist. Rosalind Amnions, Mary Ann Fish er and Grey Watkins, students, will alternate witirharp accompani ment. The closing number will be "Noel" presented by the band and chorus. Wall St. Journal Carries Story On Wellco Gifts An item concerning the Christ mas gifts to be given by Wellco Shoe Corp. to their salesmen "to keep them wide awake" was feat ured on the front page of a recent issue of the Wall Street Journal, the nation's leading financial journal. I lie story carried by the Journal was: "The Wellco Shoe Corp. is send ing .its salesmen Christmas gifts calculated to keep them wide awake for next years selling push. "The gifts are automatic coffee pots which plug into the cigarette lighter socket on auto dashboards, brewing fresh coffee while the salesmen are driving along the I highways. "From now on," saysMValter S Kaufman. Wellco executive "our sales representatives really can I stay awake around the clock." 2 Number Of Deserving Families In Need Of Help Agencies geared to spread Christmas cheer during the sea son, began full-time operations over the weekend in the collection of funds for carrying on their work. In the meantime, the Welfare Department was busy with details of a heavier case load than last year, according to Mrs. Sam Queen, superintendent of the de partment. The Salvation Army plans to lake care of about 40 families with Christmas baskets, and 625 children with Christmas tree treats, according to Major Cecil Brown. The traditional red kettle, with the Salvation Army lassie ringing the bell, was on the streets Saturday, and will be on duty from now to Christmas. The de mand for cash this year is greater than last year, according to Major Brown. The Lions Club set up their an nual Dime Board on Main Street over the weekend and will contin ue operations until Christmas eve. Mrs. Queen, in listing a number of deserving families from the files of her department, said that due to the lack of sufficient staff the Welfare Department would be unable to deliver any baskets this year. "We will be happy to give complete information as to any .family we have on file, including ages, and directions for reaching their home. We are sorry that circumstances make it impossible fur us to make deliveries of bas kets and boxes this year." Any person or organization wanting to take one of the families to help this Christmas should con tact Mrs. Quepo at the Welfare i ?Off? V aid***MMPa. -SK * plete Information will be provid ed. Among those families on the current list, and thus far not as signed for assistance, includes these: Case 1?Father, mother. 3 chil dren: Girl 5, twins'5 months. Case 2?Widow and 3 children; Girl 12. girl 7. boy 6. Case 3?Father and mother, 5 children: Girl 13, girl 12, girl 10, girl 7, boy 8. Case 4?Father, mother, 3 chil dren: Girl 7, boy 4, boy 2. Case 5?Father, monther, 5 chil (See Needy Families?Page 3) Officers Continue Investigation Of Fatal Shooting Officers continued their investi Kation of circumstances and events which lead to the fatal shooting of Wood row Wilson Leatherwood, 36, last Tuesday at the Parks Mill, in Iron Duff. 1 Sheriff Fred Y. Campbell, to gether with Deputy June Setzer and Agent P. R. Kitchen of the S. B. I. worked on the case and reported "several additional pieces of evidence uncovered". The officers gave no indication as to what the evidence was. since it was turned over to Solicitor Thad D. Bryson, Jr. Officers held Joe Parks on a charge of murder in jail until last Wednesday night, when he was re leased under $4,000 bond. Also held as a material witness was Mr*. Sue Parks, a daughter-in-law of Joe Parks. She was released on Thursday under a bond of $1,000. In continuing their investiga tion, the officers made a number of pictures of the scene of the fatal shooting, and also of the car owned by Leatherwood. One bul let went into the left door of the car, while the left front tire was penetrated by another bullet. Of ficers said that a .38 Colt pistol ^ was used. ? Highway Record For 1953 In Haywood (To Date)' Killed:::: 4 J Injured. i i. 50 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway PatroL) dlfilM Ifcl