I H ? Hire People Than (HH ro-neer ? WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER -? P _P Published Twice-A-Week T, ti r. ^ * A i. IcXi. 1 1 i I J I \ n-u^nd. Ndid Solomon to NO. .'58 In |'A(iES , 1 ? ounty Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Ft ? [,"1' of h'* H'VM ln ,urn: ??"' I *SS0Clated 1'reaa j Entran^ Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park >? tS/d *7^? Ksl, n AFTEWfOON. MAY Hu - - ?===T~^ ? Adv",,ct' Ifywod -nd Jadaon Counttca (ounty Reimposes Rabies Quarantine On Dogs ? 11 .-v. \ark Group Request Pigeon Road Funds SPEAKER ? Thad Pure, (left) secretary of State, will fill his annual appointment as speaker at the Kamp Convention Sun day at Camp Hope. Thousands are expected to attend. iDy FOR CROWN?Miss Joyce Morgan, the queen of the Ramp Convention, uill be officially crowned Sunday, by Thad f, Secretary of State, at the 25th annual gathering at Camp f. Miss Morgan is a student at Kethel high, and a majorette hf Bethel band. Ilcr bouquet, of course, is a bunch of ramps. (Mountaineer Photo). imp Convention Sunday ay Prove Biggest Yet " ..." : it Sunday the mountaineer's r tn the polecala ? ramps izain take the spotlight as ood County's 2f>th annual Contention Is staged at Hope. that day several thousand laineers and quite a. passle tlanders will get together at imp tor some eatin'. singin'. "? romancin', and politickin' It 25th anniversary honoring Hebrated highland herh. tre'll be the usual early birds ?mp Hope Sunday morning, lie of the first official parts I program will come at 9 a.m. a motorcade, bearing Rantp n Joyce Ann Morgan and the 'Pal speaker, Thad Eure. sec < of state, is scheduled to Canton 10 o'cloek. a rleigious ser "ill he held with the Rev. Shepherd in charge. Marse *ill speak at 1 o'clock and lamp Queen will be crown fmediafaely thereafter, ler events will be music by Pigeon Valley String Band, t's String Band and songs by >utton Sisters from Tennes nd Selections by the Wash Rand front Greenville, S. C. lethel High School Band will Perform during the day. al talent groups such as ?See Kamps?Page 6) The ?ather *'?h considerable cloudi r*in today. Friday, partly "ifl mild. r'al \\ a.vnesville temperature (Plletl b>' the State Test Farm. Maj, Mih. Prec. . N 31 ? ' fifi 2ft ? * 68 32 ? RAIN Saturday Last Day To Register For May Primary Registrars at Haywood's 29 1 polling places will slam their registration hooks shut at six o'clock Saturday, May 15. That means that only those persons whose names are on the hooks prior to that time will be I permitted to vote in the I)emo I cratic Primary on May 29th. Haywood I Convention A record attendance is expected Saturday as | Haywood Democrats gather at the court house at 2 o'clock for their bi-annual county convention. W. G. Byers. orator, and cham pion of the Democratic cause, will be the keynoter. Besides hearing Byers. the Dem ocrats will name delegates to the State Convention, which will be held May 20th in Raleigh. And sometime during the after noon. the 29-member executive committee will go into a closed session and name a chairman for the two-year term. Charles B Mc Crary. chairman for the past four y< ars. will preside at both the con vention and the executive session. McCrary said he was not seek ing re-elertion as chairman of | the executive committee. Importance Of Road Is Proclaimed The North Carolina Park Com mission, in session here Wednes- j day, went on record asking for ad ditional funds and "uninterrupted construction" of the Pigeon River Road. The motion was presented to the 1 commission by William Medford. Wavnesville, a member of the com mission, and author of the bill set ting up the commission while he was in the State senate. The commission also aimed a ( pointed program at securing fulfill ment of the long-promised devel opment of the North Carolina side of the Park. Among the points adopted at the meeting, included; 1. Requested that the federal' government honor a 15-year-old promise to open up Eastern Ameri ca's last great wilderness area by constructing a seven-mile stretch of road into the Deep Creek area north of Brvson City. 2. Instituted a move through the i Stale Highway and Public Works Commission to persuade the federal i government to rebuild and relocate | the Cherokee-to-New found Gap Road, a 14-mile stretch of U, S. Highway 441 which has been per by the Health Depart-' nent following the death of a dog , ront rabies in Waynesvllle Men-1 lay. The Canton area has been under. juarantine sinee early April. As the result of the death of a j nixed collie-boxer dog owned by iVoody Lee of Boyd Ave . four per ions are taking anti-rabies shots: Mr Lee, his son. .Lone-. 10: Becky stanelli. 4, Donna Carol Whitman, i, and Albert Wheeler. The Stanelli girl was bitten on he left ear; the others were only j ?xposed. Wheeler is employed by 3r. A. H, Riegg, veterinarian, in vhose office the dog was kept for j leveral days for observation l>e :ore it died. According t<> Dr. Hicgg. the Lees' fi?-st noticed that their dog acted lucorly when thej ri turned from l weekend trip May 3. They j brought the animal to IJr. Riegg's ?ffice last Thursday and it died. Monday of this week. Before its death, the dog acted shy. sluggish, and showed a lack j of appetite. Dr. Hiegg termed the case an ex-; ample of the "dump" type of rabies where dogs act shy and re- j fuse to eat. Hitter known is the other type of "furious" rabies. Because of the fact that the Lee dog was known to have had a fight with other dogs near the Bal sam Manor Apartments, dog own ers in that vicinity, near the high school, and Jfi H** Itnve been urged by the Health Department to keep careful watch on their pets and report any suspicious actions Under provisions of the county wide quarantine, all dogs?and cats as well- must lie kept confined. From last August until the end of the year. Ilavwood County had 10 cases of rabies, which resulted in the imposition of a county quar antine and the employment of Ernest Chambers as county dog warden. Haywood Crops Damaged By Frost A number of communities throughout the county have re ported severe damage due to re cent frosts. The facts on the various com munities will he found in the community news articles which appear in this issue from every section of the county Some agricultural leaders feel it will he a week or so before the exact extent of damage can be determined. FUNERAL arrangements have been made fur Senator Clyde It. Iloyer, Saturday, in Shelby, at 2:30. lie died Wednesday at his desk in the Senate Building, Washington. Haywood Joins Others Mourning Death Of Hoey Haywood County has joined the rest of the state and the nation's capital in mourning the death of North Carolina's colorful senator and former governor. Clyde ft. lloey, who died at his desk in the Senate Office Building Wednesday. ! The senator's last appearance was as ?.jj.'uker at tf\e Hay wood County Day program at Lake Junaltwkn last summer. One of tiie veteran lawmaker's sons. Clyde, Jr.. a combustion en gineer at the Champion Paper and fibre Co. plant, resides on the Can ton-Ashe vi lie highway. Box Supper Saturday For Little League The box supper to raise funds for the Little League program in the Waynesville area will be held at 7 p m Saturday instead of on Friday as reported previously. Persons attending may bring a box supper if they desire, it was announced. The Little League will open its baseball season shortly after school is dismissed for the sum mer, according to Bill Milncr, in charge of the program MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION TO MEET The Merchants Association will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Chamber of Comnfterce office. Harry V.'htsenhunt will preside. 3 Conventions Will Bring Many People To Section PhmninL' fur :it lhn><> r>mi. i ? ? ? ?1 - ??? ? vent ions tlits year, and working for others later, consumed the major part of the director's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce here Tuesday night, Kncouraglng reports were made that the three conventions this year would bring in about 200 visi tors each, with pending conven tions for the future running from 1,500 to 2.000 visitors each. This year's conventions start off with the State Press Association. June 10-12. and on the 13th the North Carolina State Woman's Golf Tournament and then a four-state medical meeting of two days, June 25-2R. The Press Association will meet at l.ake Jilnaluska. and the medical meeting will be held here, with ses ' ions In the court house. S< /oral nationally known specialists will be on the program, and doctors from North Carolina. Tennessee. Georgia and South Carolina will be In attendance. The golf tournament will be held at the Waynesvllle Country Club. The directors will confer next week with a special committee on a convention slated to bring about 1 500 to tlu1 community. Details are not completed. The hoard appropriated funds for the police to take care of out-of state cars who stayed too long against a parking meter. The police would put a niekle in the meter and leave a printed mes sage on the windshield that the courtesy was by the Chamber of Commerce. The organization will cooperate (See Convention?Page 61 Highway Record For 1954 In Haywood (TO DATE) Killed ... 0 Injured.... 8 (This Information com piled from Rerorda of State HiKhway Patrol.)