VANT AD ? RATES * type, 2 rents per word, ft charge 40 rents. ' size type, 3 ceisfs per minimum charge 60 ) s size lype, 50c f:o!uirn inch. ? intents will he published in* to i drsired srhodule t extra charge. - advertisements should be Irted Immediately. The ?oineer will not be re le for more than one et Jjfcertinn. nrflHTKFMEVTS ARF IV ADVAVCF. fash must ?apy orders sent -by mail I It most be in nffire hr , ?< m. on dav before Jitlon to ruarantee to be it ad aeetion. n wish to Insert a want ad JL (-3301. 'Decial Nntiros iNUMENTS 9Cp Haywood lent Co., next to Farmers iee on Asheville Road. TT tel. manager. Dial CL R tf lORLESS Unitary" lennine. call Canlon 32"4 ' Plumhlre Co J I9 (f IX PTTTrv .\rru?- basement floor. .!u-t brought in a trailer lead. Also '?> households bouch t locaMv. I ,ots of furn iture to pick frotn. Some i'.ntioues. N 6 w furniture and Norge Aupliantes on SLrcel -lluoc. Haywood Furniture Store. Dial* GL 6 1611. Homer Justice. Ow ner .1 6-10 For Sale FOR SALE ? New 1954 Frigidaire ' Electric Range. Large over, all porcelain, with deep well cook er and lift-up unit, 2 large stor age drawer*, full width fluores-'t cent light, clock and automatic;* oven control. Reduced from $319.95 to $297.00. Martin Elec tric Co Dial GL 6-3341. J 6-10 i , WOOD ? Wood for sale ? Dry or I ' green S5.00 load. Call George 1 Patrick ? I1 hone 6-6532. 321 j Boundary St. Jan 3-6-10-13-17-20 24 27 J FOR SALE: Argus C-3 u-cd I camera. Perfect condition. Kais er's Comera Shop. J 3 tf FOR SALE Frigidaire Auto matic Ice Maker, floor model. ] Originally $735 95. Now $635.00. Martin Electric Co. Dial GL 6-3341. J 6-10 FOR SALE: House and 15 acres of land on highway 19A & 23. j one mile from Balsam. See Roy Brooks at Balsam. J 6 10 13 17 20 24 27 31 F 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 FOR SALE: 5 metal shovver stalls complete with fixtures, slightly used, excellent condition. Low price. Contact Jim Murray;, Waynevilla Motor Court. Dial J' Dial GL 6-5571. J 6-10 MKCOMHTIONFD TYPEWRIT ERS for sale. Prices start at $35.00. H a y w o o d Typewriter , Company. 107 Church Street! Phone GL 6-4630. D 23 tf FOR SALE - - Younestown Dish Washer - Electr;c - mk combina- , tion. Complete with food waste disposer. Reduced from $469 95 to $35.0.00. Martin Electric Co. Dial GL 6-3341. J 6-10 CARD OF I HANKS We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for their deeds of kindness and expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. J D. Ross and family. Hardy.Caldwell abd family A DM1NISTK VI Oil NOTICE Mavii / qualified as Admini trc tor of flic estate of James Ewart, defeased la', .'of 1 la vwqod Count * North ( .ruling, thi- is to notify a' persons having claims against th (.-tat' if s;;i.;i deceased to exhibi them to the undotsigned at Way ne-\ille, North Carolina, on or b' tor the 6'.ii day of Jan.. 1956. o' j this notice will be pleaded in ba- j of their >eco> v. All persons ir debted to -aid estate will pleas make immediate payment. This; the 6th day of Jan., 1955. LUTHER EWART. Administrator of the Sstate o James Ewart, deceased. 2499 Jan 6-13-20-27 Feb 3-10 Antique Fays Off AiMAHA (AP> ? John Berg quist. University of Omaha junio has given an antique twist to th renl-a-car business. John rents out his 1923 mod' for $15 a week"nd or $10 a nigh' olus gas and oil. He strvs bu.slner is brisk. Use Mountaineer Want Ads IF YOU DON'T KNOW INSURANCE, KNOW YOUR AGENT Get low cost Form Bureoe onto insurance ? tcrye op to 25% Standard, nonassess able policy ... quick, friend ly claims service. Second largest mutual outo insurer in U. S. FJi INFORMATION, PHONt AL MARSHALL flazrlwoad, Dial GL 6-3644 I ? For Rent ROOM FOR BENT?Hot air heat; semi-private bath. 307 Boundary Street. Dial GL 6-4994 or GL 6-5630. D 30 J 3-6 5TORAGE SPACE FOR RENT? Excellent for furniture, imple ments, machinery, etc. Large or small amounts accommodated. Call GL 6-3001 or 6-5414. Thrs. tf FOR RENT?One nice three-room apartment. Call Howell Craw ford at Crawford Funeral Home GL 6-3535. N 29-tf FOR RENT?Four room apart ment, unfurnished, lleat and water furnished. Close in. Call 6-6566. D 6-tf ^ ? . i FOR RENT ? Large attractive apartment, beautiful location, partly furnished, located at 123 Keller St. Can be seen after 4 p m. D 30 J 3-6-10 FOR RENT?Furnished room with heat, in nice home. Gentlemen preferred. 307 Boundary St. Call GL 6-4994. D 30 J 3-6 FOR RENT: To one or two girls Large, nicely furnished room twin beds, steam heat, kitcher privileges. 309 Walnut St. Apt. 3 Jan 3-6 FOR RENT. Apartment at Kirkpat riek Apts. Adults preferred. Cal1 6-4155 or 6-3137 after 4 p m. Jan 3 tf EMMETT GREEN has two free tickets to the Strand Theater awaiting him at The Mountain eer. TOR RENT 2-bedroom unfurnished house near Lake Junaluska. S45.00 per month. CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY MO.Main St. Dial GL 6-3441 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The i.nnual meeting of the stock olders of IlavWood Home Build ng and Loan Association will he Qld at the Association's office. 49 Maift. Street Waynesville Vitii Caroiinfc. on Tuesday, the 3ili daA of January. 1955, at 7:30 ?clock P. M.. for the purpose of et ting Directors and for the ansaction of such other business s mav properly come before the eeting. This January 3. 1955. L. N pAVIS, Secretary 197?Jan 6-13 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra ?ix of the est ale of Taylor Lec 'ramlett deceased, late of Hay ood County, North Carolina, this to notify all persons having aims arainst the estate of sai' ??ceased to exhibit them to the ndersigned at 200 Meadov ? reet, Waynesville, North Care na, on or before the 11th day o' tbruao'. 1956. or this notice wll' e pleaded in bar of their recovery 11 persons indebted to said es te will please make immediat' ayment. This the 3rd day of Januar 955. EMMA B. BRAMLETT ^ Administratrix of the Estate c Taylor Lee Bramlett, deceased 498- Jan. 6-13-20-27 Feb. 3-10 RAY'S SHEET METAL SHOI ? Warm Air Heating ? Install and Repair Guttering | Services and Cleaning Fo All Makes of Furnaces tVall Street Dial GL 6-633 FIRE INSURANCE BOTH LOWER COST AND THE BEST LOCAL AGENCY SERVICE CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY GL 6-5411 110 Main St vou can SURI...i? irk Wfcstinghouse Sold In i Waynesville Only A? MASSIK FURNITURE CO. ' 1 -- ? Wanted ?????? ?_ j WANTED: To buy goou used furni ture. Haywood Furn. Store. Main St., Waynesville, N. C. Phone 6-3641. Apr 8 tf WE PAY CASH for fresh Country Eggs and Country Cured Hams. Dixie Home Stores, Waynesville, N. C. D 2-tf WANTED ? Men for local 1500 family Kawleigh Business. Many Dealers doing $100 to $300 or more weekly, flood opportunity to have profitable business of your own. Write Rawleigh's, I Dept. NCA-581-L, Richmond. Va. Jan 3-6-10-13-17-24 28 TWO FREE PASSES await Ed Haney of Waynesville to the Strand Theater at The Moun taineer office. Heart and blood diseases and ?ancer, account for about 75 per ent of U. S. deaths. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT iorth Carolina, lay wood County. Ierbert F. Pressley, vs. Teorgia Pressley. ORDER OF PUBLICATION It appearing from the affidavit jf Herbert F Pressley, the plain iff in the above entitled action, hat the defendant. Georgia Press ey is not to be found 'in Hay ?vood County, and cannot after due diligence be found in the State of North Carolina, and; It further appearing that this ac tion has been commenced by the plaintiff and against the defend ant for an absolute divorce of two years separation. it is. therefore, ordered that notice of this action be published once a week for four successive weeks, in some newspaper published in Haywood County, state of North Carolina, se'ting forth the title of this action, the purpose of the same, and requiring the defend ant to appear on the 6th day of February. 1956, or within 30 days thereatt-'r at t.e office of the clerk of the superior court of Haywood Co.. North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint therein !? ,! or relief will be granted the 1 aid plaintiff. This the 5th day of January-. 1955. J. B. S1LF.R clerk, superior court of H.ivwoml.Co.v North Carolina. 2500?1 G-13-20-27 Lost & Found LOST: Key ring with 7 keys and small knife. Valuable to owner. Reward if returried to Moun taineer office. No questions ed. . Jan 3-6 NOTICE: H. E. Hajnes, USN, is not responsible for any debts incurred by Mrs. Pearl L. Haynes on or after Sept. 26. 1954. Reasoni divorced Sept. 26. 1954. Jan 6-10 FOR HAND-FIRED FURNACES PATSY BLOCK COAL ? Hotter*!! Hades ? Lasts a L - O - >?' - 0 Time! ORDER T0DAY Waynesville . ? _? . . Coal Co. COMMERCE ST. \XWXESVIT.LE, N. C. PHONE CL 6-4661 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE j The undersigned. having quali fied as Administrator c. t. a. of , the Estate of J. C. Allen, deceased, late of Way nesville. North Caro lina. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file the same with said Admin istrator at 415 Main Street, Way ; nesville, N C. duly certified on - III- beiiire the 16th day \^^ V ?w, faw 'T Extended Area -ini tip . I Jist.mi ?<>Selt ? lor i'itchiM 'impact ebony (in i cabinet. Outstanding lue at this low price! v jjyjtoiy Urnt^Tok* 104 VTitki To MERS ELECTRIC CO. G L6-'>.V>1 .Main SI reel ? HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR I EGGS and COUNTRY HAMS L Bring to WAYNESVILLE PIXIE - HOME SUPER MARKET DO YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND YOUR INSURANCE PROTECTION? 1)0 YOU KNOW IF YOUR PRESENT POLICIES REALLY GIVE YOU THE PROTECTION THEY SHOULD? IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT, COME IN AND LET'S DISCUSS YOUR PARTICULAR SITUATION. . WE CAN PROVIDE INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR PRACTICALLY ANY TYPE OF LOSS. THE L. N. DAVIS CO. MAIN STREET GL 6-IT.Ol "s THE FLOP FAMILY ' ' ( VAT S J06T H ??\ 60 IN ftNO < I 7 wfvrcH- < nK ftUCT\ ONi, ftUcTlON^ I r ^T7 / zz 3\0 for thl* :uock? \Lol?d/" iHOwTMUoTfbRn n V-?-, ? ) - iFCT^r, By SWAN V 0\O Of>4 THl* ") ?*?L> |T/1 ^ II y r A II r "WF. SAVE YOU MONEY" I N U U In t Phone GL 6-4531 _ . m, ALL FORMS OF TAXES TAX BOOKKEEPING I J CLOSMAN SERVICE | OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE MYRTLE RIGHT AROUND HOME By DUDLEY FISHER f BECAUSE I K DIDN'T WASW ) l~y*JAT Al9& y^MV HECKJy/ ES PUN'S?10 \ mflt vi>R"te z j/ , ^ Ju WWV PONT vou GVE K/ OM-ALL 1 ME? AMC*V-EI? CHAMCsJk PlfiMT/ J AUVT TMUTNIS T , "VT V~7/ "" I KNOW SWElL Ct Oj make eoop next! > ?*" w\. DiDNT JL7U C>fV& )[ TOU ixw: -M?UCU , VOUR NKX A MOM S ATTENTION ^ Goao 9c*u??&, r > tc tws pact t ) ?< MYRTLE ? J ( HADN'T WASHED J ^ My FACE.' r*-^