Mrs. Swift Is New President Of Garden Club Mrs. W. F. Swift was elected president of the Richland Garden Chili at a luncheon meeting Tbii'-s day afternoon in the homo of Mrs. R. L. Prevost. She succeeds Miss Lou Elva Eiler. Miss Ray Ballard was elected treasurer, and Miss Eiler was nam ed chairman of the flower shpw committee, and Mrs. Rufus Siler was named vice president to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. John Smathers. Jr., who resigned the office. Other officers who remain for another year, are Mrs. J. R. Boyd, recording secretary, and and Miss Ann Albright, historian. Mrs. Siler spo^e on behalf of the club, thinking Miss Eiler for her two years of outstanding lead ership. Miss Albright, historian, an nounced that the 1854-55 club scrapbool(, which she is compiling, is dedicated to Miss Eiler. She displayed Completed -pages of the book, which also includes a photograph of Miss Louise Ballard, district director of the North Caro lina Garden Club. ,, Annual reports wefe - given by officers and' committee chairmen. Mrs. Siler, chairman of the civic beautification committee, reported more than $900 spent in beautifica tion of the Waynesville high school grounds. Other reports were given by Mrs. E. C. Wagenfeld, chairman of garden therapy: Mrs! T. L. Gwyn, publicity; and Miss Ray Bal lard, treasurer. Plans were made for a benefit party to be known as a "Mad Hat ters' Breakfast," on April 27 at the Waynesville Country Club. Break fast will be followed by bridge. Mrs. F. G. Rippetoe was named general chairman of the benefit; Mrs. J. H. Way will be in charge of prizes, and Mrs. T. L. Gwyn will handle publicity. Announcement was made of a luncheon to be held for all garden clubs in the community on May 19 at the Country Club. The group voted to donate $10 to the Litterbug Campaign and to assist the Chamber of Commerce in the Clean-Up Campaign. Attention was called to the an nual Tryon Garden Tour to be held April 13. The roll call was answered with suggestions on how to attract birds. Hostesses were Mrs. Prevost, Mrs. Henry Foy, and Mrs. E. C. Wagenfeld. ? ? * , Although medicines can help relieve symptoms of a cohL-norie has been found that will cure it. i MISS DELLA ELIZABETH O'DIEAR is the daughter of Mr. and Mm. James C. O'Diear of Canton, who announce her en gagement to A. Cortes Hyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Hyder of Hendersonville. Plans for the wedding are incomplete. I Joint Hostesses Entertain For Miss Messer Miss Jean Childers, Mrs. Henry Clayton, and Miss Mary Sue Crocker entertained at a dessert bridge and Bolivia party Friday evening at The Lodge as a courtesy to Miss Jackie Sue Messer, whose marriage will take place next month. A color scheme of yellow, green, and white was carried out and ar rangements of Jonquils and spirea were used in decorating. High score prizes went to Mrs. Rufus Siler and Mrs. Stanley Henry and a shower of gifts of linen was pre sented to the bride-elect. The guest list included Miss Messer, Mrs. Jack Messer, Miss Joy Woody, Mrs. Boyd Medford, Miss Laura Woody, Mrs. A. P. Cline, Jr., Mrs. O. C. Ferguson, Mrs. R. L, Coin, Mrs. J. J. Fergu son, Mrs. David Hyatt, Mrs. Rufus Siler, Mrs. Ben Price, Mrs. Carol Cabe, Mrs.- Hugh Potts, Mrs. Hugh Leatherwood, Mrs. Stanley Henry, Mrs. Jerome Boyd, Mrs. M. R. Whisenhunt, Miss Edna Summer row, and Mrs. Ernest Messer. * * * Pfc. Jerome Boyd of Fort Camp bell, Ky. spent the weekend, with Mrs. Boyd at their home on Bound ary Street. ? ? * Cpl. Bob Setzer of Fort Camp bell, Ky spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Estelle Setzer Al lison, at Dellwood. Clyde OES Installs New Officers Installation of new officers was held by the Clyde Chapter No. 118. Order of the Eastern Star at a regular meeting Thursday night. Those installed were Mrs. Bon nie Shook, worthy matron; Charles Lanning, worthy patron; Mrs. Ida Lanning, associate matron; P. B. Soesbee, associate patron; MTs Mary Brown, secretary; Mrp. Lily Haynes, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Har din, conductress; Mrs. Elda Cath ey, associate conductress; Mrs. Maude Latimer, chaplain; Mrs. Grace Rogers, marshal; Mrs. Jan ice Fish, organist. Also Mrs. Virginia Corvine, Adah; Mrs. Mary L. Soesbee, Ruth; Miss Hilda Rogers, Esther; Mrs. Lois Rogers, Martha; Mrs. Ida Corzine, Electa: Mrs. Joyce Haynes, warden; and Benjamin Latimer, sentinel. The installing officers were Mrs. Lena Rogers, Mrs. Vella Mae Stevens, Mrs. Flora Stamey, Mrs. Martha Prescott, Mrs. Iris Cagle, George Prescott, and John Stamey. ? ? ? Junaluska Club Plans Workshop \ 1 A regular meeting of the Juna luska Home Demonstration Club was held Friday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Albert McCracken with Mrs. Carroll McCracken and Mrs. L. G. Dotson as co-hostesses. Plans were made for a workshop for making wooden trays with Mrs. Wallace Torgerson as instructor. A discussion was held regarding the establishment of a curb market in Wayneiville. Mrs'. Hurst Burgin, clothing leader, conducted the study on "Well-Dressed at Small Cost," and project reports were given by Mrs. Carl Medford on health and Mrs. Mrs. Bruce Caldwell has joined her husband, Pfc. Caldwell, at Edgewood Arsenal, Md., where he is attached to the Army Chemical Center. Mrs. Caldwell, the former Miss Janice Conine of Clyde, re cently completed her study for a degree from Western Carolina Col lege. and will return in the spring to receive her diploma. Grover Leatherwood on poultry. ? ? * Roy Cantrell of Chesnee, S. C. student at Furman University, spent the weekend with Joe Boyd at his home on the Dellwood Road. ? ? * Mrs. Wayne Battle and her chil dren, James Wayne, Jr., Betsy, and Mary Jo, of Andrews spent the weekend with the former's moth er, Mrs. G. C. Plott. Miss Messer Is Honored At Bridge Luncheon Miss Jackie Sue Messer, bride elect, was the guest of honor at a bridge luncheon given Saturday with Mrs. Felix Stovall, her daugh ' ter, Miss Sally Stovail, and Mrs. Newton Cook of Atlanta as host esses in the Stoval lresidenee on Woolsey Heights. An arrangement of hyancinths centered the luncheon table and a bridal motif was carried out. Following the game*, prizes were awarded and a gift was presented to the bride-elect. The guests included Miss Mes ser. Mrs. Jack Messer, Miss Joy Woody, Mrs. Boyd Bedford, Miss Laura Woody, Miss Bette Hannah, Mrs. Grayden Ferguson, Mrs. R'uf us Siler, Mrs. M. H. Bowles, Mrs. Charles Way, Mrs. L. M. Richeson, Mrs. David Hyatt, Mrs. George Bisehoff, Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mrs. R. L. Coin, Mrs. Hallett Ward, Mrs. Hugh Leatherwood, Mrs. R. L. Coin, Jr., and Miss Nancy Bisch I off. ? * * Lakeside Club Has Lampshade Workshop A workshop for making lamp shades was held by members of the Lakeside Home Demonstration Club Thursday in the home of Mrs. James McClure on I*ove Lan?. Mrs. Rankin Ferguson conduct ed the workshop and members participating, in addition to Mrs. McClure, were Mrs. M. H. Mc Auley, Mrs. Rudolph Carswell, Mrs. A. H. Hunt, Miss Kate Phil lips, and Mrs. Herbert Smalley. * f * / Key Clubbers Attend Two-State Convention Eight members of the Key Club of the Waynesville High School at tended a convention of Key Clubs of North and South Carolina in Columbia, S. C., Friday through Sunday, in the group were Don Shaw, president, Ted Rogers. Billy McElroy, Steve Woody, Bill Pre vost, Eugene Davis, Tyker Miller, and Ralph Prevost, Jr. ? ? ? Upper Crabtree CDP To Meet Tuesday The Upper Crabtree Community 1 Development will meet Tuesday at 7:30 at the Mount Zion Metho dist Church. Brack James, chairman, will pre side. * ? ? SORORITY TO MEET TONIGHT The Xi Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. H. L. Liner, Jr. Mrs,. Bill Dover will preside. ? * * MRS. MOCK RECEIVES INJURY Mrs. J. M. Mock, who is visiting her son-in-law and daughter. Sen-*" ator and Mrs. William Medlord, in Raleigh, received a sprained ankle in an accident last week. She ex pects to return to her home here this weekend. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Carlock Hawk have returned to their home at Lake Junaluska after spending the winter months in Asheville. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Plott of Asheville .were yeellead guests of the former's mother, Mrs. G. C. Plott! Going to Daddy i DEBRA MANESS, 20 months old, of Memphis, appears concerned about her baggage as she pre pares to board a transatlantic plane at New York for the flight to Germany. She and her mother are going to Stuttgart to be with the child's soldier-daddy They will remain there for the three years. (International) Bird House Contest Winners To Get Prizes Prizes will be awarded tonight to winners of the bird house con test sponsored by the Canton Gar den dab for members of Boy Scout- Troop 1 at Canton. Mrs. James B. Hurley is president of the club. First and second prizes of $5.00 and $2.00 will be awarded for the best bird houses and a third prize of $2.50 will go to the boy con structing the largest number of bird houses. Waynesville OES Will Install New Officers A public installation of officers will be conducted by the Waynes ville Chapter No. 165, Order of the Eastern Star Saturday, April 2, at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building. The new officers include Mrs. Annie Sutton, worthy matron; Os sie Sutton, worthy patron; Mrs. Julia Chambers, associate matron; Millard Gaddis, associate patron; Mrs. Olive Green, secretary; Mrs. Eula Woodard, treasurer; Mrs. Ethel West, conductress; Mrs. Theda Crawford, associate con ductress; Mrs. Nellie Clark, chap lain; Mrs. Josephine McElroy, marshall; Mrs. Grace Fowler, or ganist; Mrs. Gladys Ferguson, Adah; Mrs. Virginia Browning, Ruth; Mrs. Marguerite Cargwell, Esther; Mrs. Rebecca Carver, Martha; Mrs. Betty Jo Freeman, Electa; Mrs. Gussie McCracken, warder; and John Reeves, sentinel. Friends of the Order are invit ed to attend the installation ser vice and the reception which will follow. ? * ,? David Clement Has Birthday Party On TV David Clement, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clem ent of Maggie, was given a birth day party during the Tot Town program televised from WLOS-TV in Asheville Friday afternoon. /Other children from Waynesville appearing on the program were Sandra Woods, Harold Smith, and Gail and Louise Noland. BIRTHS New arrivals at the Haywood County Hospital include: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jule Putnam of Canton on March 26. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Buchanan of Canton on March 26. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cook of Canton on March 26 Miss Nancy Bischoff, student at Duke University School of Nurs ing, has returned to Durham after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bischoff in Hazelwood. from Sheppe's ? sjOx$newcoy ? ? .* Spring s shortest coats are long on fashion . . . topping the new season with the merest hint of a flare . . . the slightest suggestion of fullness. Stop in today and see our selection of brief coals . . . ranging from wool tweeds to washable orlons. v - - WASHABLE ORLON TOPPERS 16" , ? f- .#*' \ 100% Orion in fashion-right styles, made to sell for much more. Light, flufffy pastels, cloud-sottt And they're so easy to wash ... quick to dry ... they're like new again. In powder, pink and blue. Sizes 10-12-14*16. BRAND NEW! ALL WOOL SPRING TOPPERS ? New Styles , f M 5 ? New fabrics From ? New Cslsrs Sncppt's ui mub Mm Spring Arrival By VERA WINSTON JACKETS are longer or are cut to appear no, and the longer Jacket look la aery apparent In this early spring antral done in gray men's wear wnnlen Ike collar la larger than usual and stands away from the esc* line making a nice (Oil for the polka dotted silk scarf. Tkere la a leather belt aboro the pepBaa which la lined for stiffness and has tabbed pockets mortal total the seaming Hortsoatal packet! and^thare^s InteteeOag detail's t ' the Jaehst COflB. aa Indeed, the skeletal* tatotobetotog taibit | * KURT GANS "The H(>me "f nnTvy^j GuarMli^dAccMrjjJ Any time.. .?my_u|j TIMED TO 6 ADJUSTMENTS! fM Guaranteed accurate: ?jj f jl I lU ? in different positions mainspring tension I I ? Unbreakable mainspring ^ I . , , ? Anti-magnetic fctit* includes _, . n 4CV tp^H . . ? Shock resistant kAM T[H federal lax J |oli? rniltblr with ?hil, d., ,'av A Iit!lH|l *^jew E L E ? You Can Easily Trade In Your OH On A New Bulova 1-iK Ft. ;?)*-] 'Certified waterproof by the U. S. Testing Conpmy.l \ InEiiBy/ oove.nment specifications. Woterproof at lor.g may an