y Fanners (Continaed from Pace 1) pine trees. ? When Umber owners notice the needles of their pine trees turn ing brown, they re urged to call the county agent's office so that th^ cause can be identified and proper recommendations .made. Some sprays are effective a gainst the pine beetle, but are rather expensive. . County Farm Agent Virgil L. Holloway explained that the dry weather of the past several years h^s been a major factor in slowing the flow pf sap and allowing the pine beetle to attack tres without being drowned by the sap. "Plenty of rain will do more than anything else tp cut damage by the pine beetles," Mr. Holloway asserted. Farmers were also urged to plant white pine on eroded land or land not returning a good prof it, and were instructed on the proper methods of transplanting, pruning, and selective cutting of white pine. "Lieutenant," means one who ( takes the place of another, comes from the French word "lieu" (place) and "tenant" (holding). NOTICE OF ELECTION A resolution by the Afayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesvlile. calling an election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three members of the Board of Aldermen was presented as follow?: BE IT RESOLVED by the May or and Board of Aldermen of the rr? tir 111 as?a ? iu?n ui najiieiivme mai, in SC cordance with tiie general laws of North Carolina, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesville hereby call far an elec tion to be held in the Town on Tuesday. May 3rd, 1955, the same being the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, the date es tablished by law for said election. Said election shall be conducted for the purpose of electing a May or and three members of the Board of Aldermen by the voters of the Town. The Mayor and each of the Aldermen shall be elected to hold office for a term of four years and until their successors are elected ind qualified. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the polling place for Precinct No. 1 shall be at the Fire Station on Main Street in the Town of Waynesville, and that the polling olace for Precinct No. 2 shall be it the Aliens Creek School house Precinct No. 2 shall include all the trea of the corporate limits of the Town of Waynesville lying South ind West of the property known is the Belle Meade Subdivision and East of the Southern Railway track, and Precinct No. 1 shall include ill the rest of the corporate lim ts of the Town of Waynesville. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following persons are here by appointed as Registrars and Judges of said election: Precinct No. 1: Ruth Kelly,' Registrar, and George Brown, and Harry Clay, Judges. Precinct No. 2: Vance Muse. Registrar, and Charlie Duckett and Hildred Page, Judges. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all persons eligible to vote in the Town, as defined by general law, shall be eligible to register and vote in the election herein called. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Registrars be, and they are hereby required and directed to open the registration books for the purpose of recording therein the names of all persons eligible to be registered who were not regis tered for the last preceding muni cipal election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEP that the registrars shall open thr I registration books at nine o'clock A.M. on Saturday, April 16, 195." and shall keep said books oper each day for seven (7) days ex-1 eluding Sunday, for the registrs tlon of any new electors entitled to register, from nine o'clock A.M until five P.M. except oif Saturday* when the books shall remain oper until nine o'clock P.M. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEP that Saturday. April 23rd, 1BS5 shall be designated as Challen<" I Day. and that any person deslrin?* to challenge any name included lr said registration books shall, or this day advise the Registrar an*1 Judges of this fact. The Registrar* and Judges shall thereuoon set ? date and time for the hearing of th' challenge. but said date shall b prlor to Mondav May 2nd. 1#*" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE7" that any person desiring to beeom a candidate for the office of Mavo or Alderman shall file for such o* fice on or before Aorll 16. IP''* by presenting his name to the Tow Clerk and paying a registration fe* of $5 00 to said Town Clerk, an*1 only names so filed shall be print ed on tho official ballot BE IT FURTHER RESOLVFr that this resolution shall be pub lished in The Wavnesville Moun taineer. a newspaper having gen eral circulation in the Town o Wavnesville. and a eoov therm posted at each of the two polilni places. The foregoing resolution wa Unanimously adopted bv the May or and Board of Aldermen by mo tlon duly seconded. J H. WAY. Mayor. SUE HTVKLEY, Town Clo-lc. 2520?M 21-26 A 4-11 I Tweeds Tods For Easter BOXY SILHOUETTE . , . Easter bouquet tweed In two zephyr weights makes this smart suit. Jacket is slightly heavier tweed than matching skirt. LONGER JACKET . . . This smooth town suit is made of tis sue tweed with a linen-like weave. Softly tailored jacket has side vent pockets plus breast pockets. SPRING TOPPER . . . Right for town, country or travel is this dashing coat with vivid scarf and Lining, in light multicolor tweed. Designed by Forstmann. Illusion Of Health ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)~You don't have to feel sick1 to be sick. That was the finding of the Uni versity of Michigan medical school In examinations of 500 business executives who got company-paid checkups at University Hospital. Forty-one per cent of the 500 were sick and didn't know it, and 25 per cent of these needed treat ment immediately. About 45 per cent of the sick men were found to have stomach disorders, while another 24 per cent were found to have cardio-vascular (heart or blood vessel) trouble. Four of the executives who thought they were perfectly heal thy were found to have cancer, and one was found to have tubercu losis. Three were diabetic, 12 had 3 f A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF HAZELWOOD CALLING A REGULAR ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND TnREE (3) MEM BERS OF THE BOARD OF AL DERMEN. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Hazel wood that, in accordance with the General Laws of the State of North Carolina, the Board of Aldermen hereby calls for an election to be held in the Town of Hazelwood on Tuesday, May 3, 1955, the same be ing the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, the date established by law for said elec tion. Said election shall be con ducted for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three (3) Aldermen by the voters of the Town. The Mayor and each Alderman shall be elected to hold office for a term of four (4) years, and until their suc cessors are elected and qualified. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED .hat the polling place shall be Town Hall in the Town of Hazel wood. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED hat Mrs. R. W. Crawford, 200 Balsam Street, Hazelwood, N. C. je and is hereby appointed as egistrar; that Mr. Joe N. Tate nd Mrs. Carroll Whitner be and ley are hereby appointed the udges of said election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ,iat all persons eligible to vote In ie Town of Hazelwood, as defined jy general law, shall be eligible to egister and vote in the election erein called. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED urt the Registrar be and she is ereby directed to open the regi .ration books for the purpose of ecording therein the names of all ersons eligible to be registered ho did not register for the last receding municipal election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED lat the Registrar shall open said jooks at 9 A. M.. on Saturday, .pril 16. 1955, and shall keep said 'Ooks open for seven (7) days, ex oiding Sunday, for the reglstra ion of any new electors entitled 3 register from 9 A. M. until 5:00 M? except on Saturdays, when ie books shall remain open until 00 P. M. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED hat Saturday, April 23, 1953 shall * designated as Challenge Day, , ; nd that any person desiring to i | hallenge any name Included In I aid registration books shall or his day advise the Registrar and , Fudges of this fact. The Registm and Judges shall thereupon set i date and a time for the hearing ol the challenge, but said date shali ? be prior to Monday, May 2. 1953 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVES r that this resolution shall be pub ' lished in a newspaper having gen eral circulation In the Town ol ? Haaelwood or shall be posted a ? the Town Hall. The foregoing resolution wa unanimously adopted by the Boari of Aldermen. L. C. Davis, Mayor J. R. Carswell, Clerk. 2518?March 38 Third Annual Spelling Bee Set At Bethel April 15 I / Draft Board (Continued from pare 1) Jack Wayne Messer, Jamea Rob ert Chambers, Grady Carver. Class 5-A (over-age) ? Thomas Eugene Moody, Clyde Henry Bald win. Class 2-A (occupational defer ment) ? James B. Patton, Jr. Notices were mailed to 15 regis trants to report for induction on March 15, 1955. gallstones, and 16 peptic ulcers. And a medical school report said: "significant new disease ap peared each year in.13 to 20 per of the subjects." EXECUTOR NOTICE Having quauned as executor o? trie estate ox 4. n. arown, ueceas I eu, rate ox naywoou i/Ouiity, norm oaiutxua, mis is 10 iiouxy axx per sons naving cxatms against me estate ot saia aeeeasea to exnxoit tnem to me undersigned at i vvaynesvuie, norm oaro^iua, on or Derate me ora aay ox anaxca, xaob or tnxs notice will De pieaaea in Dar ot tneir recovery. All persons in dented to said estate will please mane immediate payment. This the I4tn day ot iVtarch, 19^5. CEAuUE C. hnOWN, Executor ot the fcstate o? Z. H. Brown, deceased. 2517?Mar 14-Z1-28 A 11-18 ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS Pursuant to General Statutes of North Carolina, Section 143-129, I seated proposals will be received by the Hoard of County Commis sioners for the Haywood County Health Center, Waynesville, North Carolina, until 2:00 o clock P. M. on Thursday, the 7th day of April, 1955, at which time at a meeting of the Board of County Commis sioners at County Courthouse, Waynesville, N. C? the sealed pro posals will be opened for the fol .owing: A. Office Equipment C. Maintenance and Housekeep ing Equipment D. Medical, Surgical and Labor atory Equipment E. Electrical Appliances From the date of this advertise ment, the lists and specification of the proposed equipment are and will continue to be on file and avail able to prospective bidders by con tacting Miss Dorothy Whlsenhunt, Secretary, Haywood County Health Department, Waynesville, N. C. No lng the same shall be accompanied proposal will be considered or ac cepted unless at the time of its fil check on a bank or trust company by a deposit of cash or certified licensed by the Federal Depositor's Insurance Corporation in an amount equal to five per cent (5%) of the proposal or in lieu thereof 1 a 5% bid bond in accordance with NC-GS 143-129 as amended. The Board of County Commissioners re ' serves the right to reject any or all ' proposals. The bidder to whom the | award of contract is made shall fur . nish bond in some surety company ( authorized to do business in the j State of North Carolina or required I to make a deposit of money, certi fied check or government securi | ties for the full amount of said . contract for the faithful perform a nee of the terms of said contract I The bidder to whom contract may t be awarded must comply with re quirements of NC-GS 143-129 a! ? amended. i This 7th day of March. 1955. By F. C. Green. Chairman Board of County Commissioner! Haywood County 2515?M 7-14-21-28 The third annual Haywood Coun ty Spelling Bee will be held at Bethel School on Friday, April 15, it has been announced by Princi pal C. C. Poindexter of Bethel. Contestants will gain be didived into three classes: High school (grades b-13?, junior high (grades 7-8) and elementary )6th grade and below). Each county school may enter one contestant in each division. Names of all spellers must be submitted to Mr. Poindexter not later than <\pril 8. The finals at Bethel on the 15th will be conducted by pronouncers and judges from Western Carolina College. A total of $75 in cash prizes will be contributed by the Freel Furni- 1 ture Co. of Canton. The first prize in each division will be $12.50. the second prize $^.50, and the third prize $5.50. While many U. S. states have legal codes based on the common law of England, a system of laws more nearly related to the Code Napoleon is used in Louisiana which, together with certain other Southern states, never adopted the English law. How Perfect Clinch Holds Nailed Joint / AP Newtfeatures A STRONG nailed joint de pends much upon a perfect clinch, says the National Lumber Manufacturers Assn. Here's how a perfect clinch ? should be made: MM ^XV\ V DRIVE the nail through both pieces of lumber. m " HOLD a larger nail against the extended point. m\ BEND the point over the larger nail, tapping lightly widt hammer to form a staple. USE a metal plate or sledge to hold the nailhead in place i while you drive the stapled point into the wood. Take Conservation Out Of Politics/ Lions Club Told "Conservation must be taken out of politics," Andrew Jones of Franklin told the Waynesville Lions Club at a meeting Thursday hight at Spaldon s Restaurant. "Conservation is a science," he asserted, "and an adequate pro gram of conservation can be car ried out only by well-trained per sonnel with tfie support of an in formed public." Citing Egypt and China ts ex amples,'Mr. Jones said that these two countries once had forests and sufficient top soil, but let these valuable resources waste a way through neglect and failure to utilize proper conservation. The speaker related that con servation officials in this country are'engaged constantly in scientif ic studies to protect soil, forests, wildlife, and water. Commenting on the latter, Mr. Jones asked: "What right do in dustrial plants have to receive pure water and then discharge it in waste form to pollute our streams?" The Franklin man appeared at the Lions Club here in connection with an exchange program put on by the Macon County cJub. Last Monday the Waynesville Lions barbershop quartet and harmonica player Lawrence B. LeQtherwood presented a program for the Franklin Lions. A special guest at the meeting Thursday night was Pedro Chiri boga, president of the Lions Club in Guayaquil, Ecuador, wlw brought greetings from his coun try. Senor Chiriboga was in Way nesville on business at the Wellco Shoe Corp. President Joe S. Cline was in charge of the meeting. Wrong Traffic Control PITTSFIELD. Mass. (AP) ? A pedestrian, blocked several times by heavy traffic in his effort to cross a street, finally smashed a car window, a police report says. The crash halted traffic. When police caught up with the man, who was completely sober, he admitted guilt and promised to pay for the window. Beaverdam PTA To Give Fashion Show March 31 A spring fashion and talent show "will be presented by the Beaverdam School PTA at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 31, in the school auditorium. To be featured in the fashion show will be proper clothing for casual, sports, beach, school, and church wear and for weddings. Committee chairmen are: Mrs. Guy Hughes, general chair man: Mrs. Eugene Grogan, child models; Mrs. Wilson Trantham, adult models; Mrs. Porter Broyles, floral furnishings; Mrs. Everett Scroggs, tickets; Mrs. William Driver, talent show; and Miss Elizabeth Styles, narrator, and Mrs. Marie Bell, music. Participating in the talent show will be Charlie Haney, Jane Driv er, Patricia and Jackie Mason, Norma Jean Broyles, Joan Green and Aurelia Morgan, and Eliza beth Thompson. Three door prizes will be given away at the show. Proceeds will be used to finance improvements at Beaverdam School. Mother Of Mrs. Lutz Dies In California Mrs. Willihm Lundley Coppedge, 84, mother of Mrs. H. D. Lutz. died Thursday in the home of a daugh ter, Mrs. B. L. Clark, in Lajolla, California. The body was taken to Brownsville, Tenn., for inter ment. Mrs. Lutz, former resident of Waynesville. is now making her home at 332 Windsor Road, Ashe ville. "Allegiance" derives from "liege," which was first used to mean "simple" or "unconditioned" in describing feudal relationships. DEATHS JAMES B MEDFORD James B. Mcdford, 89, of Clyde Route 2, died in his home Wed nesday after a long illness. He was a son of the late Wil liam and Carolyn Tate Medford of Haywood County. Medford was a retired farmer aMd life-long resident of Haywood County. He was a member of the Wood land Baptist Church. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Sue Gray Medford; a daughter, Mrs. T. C. Hull of Catswic, Fa.; a son, Hubert of Prineville, Ore.; two brothers. Hardy and Jerry, both of Clyde, Rt. 2; 10 grandchil dren; and 20 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held in the Woodland Church Friday at 2 p.m. The Rev. G. W. Jameson of ficiated and burial was In the Med ford Cgmetary. Active pallbearers were How ard and Jerry Leatherwood, Bill Hannah, Ray, Gene and Wayne Medford. L, When Mt. Holyoke College was opened as the "Mount Holyoke Female Seminary" in 1837. the annual tuition, room and board "exclusive of fuel and lights" cost each girl $64 which was reduced to $60 the following year and con tinued for the next 16 years. Mrs. Srhmavie^M D'?s In Deiroit I Mrs. I.aw rent,, i .. I nf've of Haywood 1? a ni t>'dav.?,'2e hospital following ,7W L*hkT lht Sun ivijig are (i 1 mother. Mrs. M tiT? Waynt-Mlle, N. * Mrs- Mark Ken0of*M Mrs. Elmer Morris of ifl Penn, W 1-unci al services aM J nday. Imagine! ^ a Maytag > Only $139.95 You can buy a genuine Maytag (or scarcely more than you'd pay J for the lowest-priced washer! A Lew dawn payment Liberal trade-in ROGERS ELECTRIC CO. I DIAL GL 6-6351 MAIM This lamp lest shows what a difference Gulf super-re fining makes. Gulf refines out the "dirty-burning tail end" of gasoline?at the refinery?to bring you new, clean-burning Gulf NO-NOX. " " ? * J HEREiSHOtf New 1955 No-Nox burns clean... I 1 i HERB WHAT New 1955 NoNox I ?? r does for engine parts... J This spark plug is from one of the original equipment plugs used in Gulf test fleet cars, formally, plugs need cleaning or replace ?ntafter 5,000 to 10.000 nftks. This plug anJ J amng or replacement after 15,000 miles with new NO-NO*! whafe moie...No gasoline-no. not a single one-has higher octane than-] i 1 This .is GULF'S PLEDGE to the motoring public ? We at Gulf make this promise to America's motorists. We will not per mit a single competitor?no. not a I I single one?to offer a gasoline su perior to our own superb No-Nox. ? It is our sincere belief that No-Nox is the finest gasoline on the market today, and no matter what others do or say we will keep it the finest?in power, in performance, in engine pro tection. " ? This is not a boast, not a claim. It is a pledge to you, the motoring pub lic?a pledge hacked by the resources ?and the Integrity?of the Gtdf Oil Corporation. . L??! I - - - New1955 GULF M I ill up now with new Super-Refined Gulf ? Stall-proof smoothness NO-NOX and feel the difference in poWcr starts . . . fasf, fuel-saving W* Uiat really works for you mile after mile. . N k . Drc-iniitioe-* Right from the start, you'll get these last- . knock, no p - ing benefits: ? in today's high<ompressioa en? ? More complete engine protection * ^\\ than with so-called "miracle-additive" X ^fXV ? Extra gas mileage in the short-trip, im$M II 1/1 stop-and-go driving you do most /? jjllfcl ' /# iftsuparefinrf...tobtirnclean! i-J j ENLOE and REED, distributo] | DIAL GL 6-4309 LAKE J^ji a

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