Congressional Club Offers Special Treats For Menfolk i By JANE EADS WASHINGTON ? When the members of the Congressional Club invite their congressmen husbands to their big parties, Mrs. Louise D. Towers, resident manager, whips up special treats for the menfolk. "Men do get awfully hungry waiting for dinner," she told me. PThey'vf probably had an early lunch. It's too early to have a full sited dinner and they don't want ???eta, so I give them little hot bite-size sandwich things that will satisfy them but not spoil their ap petites." She says men like simple foods, tiny meat pies and sand wiches. little pastt-y puffs with lob ster Ailing, Anger rolls with chick en salad. * "Men are funny things, They may not know what they are eating, but they know what they like, she observes. Mrs. Towers had an extra bl? job planning and overseeing the preparation of the elegant buffet spread for the capital's top notable? when the club gave a reception for President and Mrs Eisenhower re NOTICE OF ELECTION A IcawtuvAUii tJj tut; mmjOC ttUu fiOaiU AM AiuOiUiCU Ail. UIC AO?IXI AM V)?;uc.u?uu MX jr.' \ . AlUCiillVU KM lliucmcu MB iunuw?; be. u nuuKtBb oy wic ???? or ?uu UIMIU ut muu UICU Ol Ule Tom a ot w?yii*r?vuie um, in a? COlUMUVe Mini tut! hCllClBt lit Mb Ut Nona catouua, tne mayor ana B?mmo ot etiuunncu ol toe town ?i \Va>ncbViue ncieoy can tor an elec tion to dc nt'io in ine town on TueBUuy, may era, iwoo, ine aaiuc b?mg me in si lucsuay alter nic Irm iMonuay in May, tne ?Vtc e** tarnished oy law lor aaia election. Saia eiecuon snail be conaucted (or the purpose ot electing a May or ana tnree members ot tne board of Aiaerinen by tne voters ot the Town. Tne Mayor and each ot the Aidertnen snail be elected to hotd office tor a term ot lour years and until their successors are elected anu quaniied. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai the polling place for Precinct No. 1 stuil be at the Fire Station on Main Street tn the Town ot Waynesvllle, and that the polling place tor Precinct No. 2 shall be at the Aliens Creek School house Precinct No. 2 shall Include all the area of the corporate limits ot the Town of Waynesvllle lying South and West of the property known as the Belle Meade Subdivision and East of the Southern Railway track, and Precinct No. 1 shall Include all the rest of the corporate lim its of the Town of Waynesvllle. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai the following persona are here by appointed as Registrars and Judges of said election; Precinct No. 1; Ruth Kelly. Registrar, and George Brown, and Harry Clay, Judges. Precinct No. 2: Vance Muse, Registrar, and Charlie Duckett and Hliared Page. Judges. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thai all persons eligible to vote in the Town, as denned by geueral law, shall be engime to register and vote in the eiecuon herein caned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thai the Registrars be, and tncy are nereoy required ana uirecieu to opeu me registration boons tor the purpose or recoranig merem the names oi all persons eugioie to be registered who were not regis tered lor the last preceding muni cipal eietfuon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the registrars shall open the registration boons at nine ociock A.M. on Saturday, April 10, lUao, and snail keep said books open eacn dav tor seven 17) days ex ciuuing ftunuav, lor the regiaua tlon ot any new electors entitled to register, trom nine ociock A.M. untu nve P.M. except on >auiroavs when the books snail remain open untu nine ocinok P M. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Saturday April 2Hrd, shall be designated as Challenge Day, and that any person desiring to challenge any name Included In said registration books shall, on this day advise the Registrar and Judges of this fact. The Registrars and Judges shall thereupon set a date and lime for the hearing of the challenge, but said date shall be prior to Monday, May 2nd, 1HW BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any person desiring to become a candidate lor the office of Mayor or Alderman shall file for such of fice on or before April Iff, IMS by presenting his name to the Town Clerk and paying a registration fee of fQ.OO to said Town Clerk, and only names so filed shall be print ed on the official ballot. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall he pub lished in The Waynesvilla Moun taineer, a newspaper having gen eral circulation In the Town of Waynesvllle. and a copy thereof posted at each of the two polling places. The foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted by the May or and Board of Aldermen by mo tion duly seconded. J. H. WAY, Mayor. SUE HINKLEY, Town Clerk. 2520?M 21-28 A 4-11 Library Notes Marcirrt Johnston County Librarian BOOKS FROM YOUR LIBRAR1 Show You That ART Is For EVERYONE Yes, today we have made a new old discovery?that art is for every one. Of course, art is older thai Civilization Itself; people wert painting and drawing before the) learned to read and write. But it has only been in comparatively re cent times?the twentieth century in fact?that we realized at lasi that arl can enrich the daily live: of everyone of us. We know now that art is no longer Just for the oerson with special talents and abilities. These days, we can all see that art Is a practical and func 'ionul. as well as enjoyable, part ol our experience. Art enriches life, develops the sensibilities and the power of ob servation, and serves as an emo tional outlet. Through It we dis cover color, design, material crea tion and imaginative expression. And art in everyday life is found everywhere?in the home, in busi ness, in the accessories we use and (he clothes We wear. It is only a matter of recognizing, seeing, ap -reciating and enjoying it. Books are a vital part of showing cently. She offered a dozen or more lit tle sandwiches; miniature pies; and chewy "but not gooey" sweetbits; her own "Crown Jewels," a kind-of shortbread pastry with nuts and cherry filling, and a new delicacy. "It's a Latvian wedding specialty ?a meat-filled pastry," she con fided. "It's one of Mrs. Thor C. Tollafsen's (wife of the Republican congressman from Washineton) se cret recipes. I swapped my nets?a recipe for stuffecl Ufbster tails?for it." ^ Mrs. Towers, widow of a Wash ington electrical estimator, says she "sort'of fell into the job"vof manager of the Congressional Club's eats department with a staff of two maids, two housemen and a cook. All her life she has been fond of cooking. Her son, Richard, now married and father of a six month old heir, used to invite as many as 20 to 40 youugsters to the house for parties frequently, she says. Mrs. Towers plans and oversees preparation of all the Congression al Club's monthly buffet suppers, private parties, formal Thursday luncheons and Friday teas, as well as all their big receptions such as the ones for the President and First Lady, new members of Congress, the vice president, chief justice and the speaker. MIDGET CAR IN MIGHTY TUMBLE MIOGET CAI DRIVER Colby Scroggins miraculously escaped serious injury when his car Hipped completely over on the track at Gardena, Calif A) lop, Scroggins (33) collides with Chuck Fink in No 97 as he gets caught in ? Jam. Center. Scroggins' car rolls over at right angles to the track At bottom, the car takes a final tumble with Scroggins held securely by safety belt (International Soundphoto) us all that art is for everyone. Many of us have had a longing to understand more, but have not known where to begin, or how to go about It. Your library has books about art history, art appreciation, the lives of famous artists, the his tory of famous paintings, and books about modern art. Ask your librar ian to help you choose books, about art that will increase your under standing and appreciation. At sometime everyone of us has looked at a beautiful picture and said, "I wish I could paint like that." It would be fun at least to try! Many of the world's greatest artists have had no formal training. They Just began to paint. Your li brary has books that will tell you how to begin painting, what mate rials to buy, and how to use them. 1 These books can be borrowed without charge from your library. Whatever your Interest in art, whether recognizing, seeing, appre ciating or enjoying doing it, your Danger At The Curb GRAND ISLAND. Neb. (APi? Cars parked on streets are often hit?but seldom does this happen in one night: The Vernon Millers of Grand Island left their pickup truck parked in front of their home while they went visiting. A hit-run driv er smashed it up. The Millers came home and parked the family car in front of the house. Then j another hit-run driver smashed up j the car. ? ' I I library has books that will help you. Also we have a film "Brush Tech niques" available for use from March 28th to April 22nd. It shows Eliot Q'Hara showing the use of j water color. All important steps in direct watercolor painting are por trayed. * Want ads bring quick results 30 Bethel High Students On Trip To Washington Thirty Bethel High School stu dents left Saturday for a tour of Washington, D. C. They were ac companied by C. C. Poindexter, principal and sponsor of the Stu dent Council, and Miss Bernice McElhannon, sponsor of the Beta Club. The tour is in cliarge of C. C. Carpenter of Carpenter Tours of Eiizabethton, Tenn, The bus driv er is Oliver Randall. Students on the trip are: Margaret Sherrill, Gail Revis, Martha Presslev, Joanna Neal, Vida Lee Green, Mary Jane Teague. Ava Jean Henson. James Mease, Sue Kelley, R. L. Shipman, Martha Plemmons, Bobby Phillips, Billy LeatherwooeJ, Ellen Cathey, Jane Smathers, Aurelia Morgan, J. L. Brown, Barbara dones. Roy Henson, Luther Packett, Doris Pressley, Marearet Mease Olean Massie. Jo Ann Cooke, Billy Terrell. Edwin Mann, Charles S. Stamey, Troy Hargrove, T. L. Riddle, and Worth Wells. Installment Conscience 1 LINCOLN, Neb. (AP>?An uni dentified thief has been repaying Jewel Chastain, manager of a ser- i vice station here, on the install ment plan. Chastain has received three "payments" from the cons cience-stricken individual who claims to have taken $85 from the station's cash register in Febru ary, 1949. All three letters, unsigned, have carried Omaha postmarks. The latest remittance was for $55 and apparently cleaned up the debt. "I really appreciate his sending it back, and I want him to know it," One Sided Games CARTHAGE, N. C. 'AP? ? A woman witness in Recorder's Court was charged with assault with a deadly weapon?a stove lid. Scene of the affray was a night spot, well known to police. "And what were all of you doing when the fight began," asked j County Solicitor W. Lamont Drown? "We was playing syndicated games," the woman said. Sh e explained: "Syndicated games is where there's three or four against one. That's what we was playing ? everybody against me, and I had to do the best 1 could." ? HARLAN DONS HIGH COURT ROBE w^rnmarn^mmmmm^ JUSTICE JOHN MARSHAU HARLAN, of New York., Is helped Into his Judicial robe by ? Supreme Court aide after taking two solemn oaths in Washington as the 89th American lawyer to attain the pin nacle of his profession The first, or Constitutional oath was admin istered by Chief Justice Earl Warren Th? second ts the judicial one Harlan succeeds the late Justice Robert Jackson. (International) The Greatest Of Ease DALLAS, Tex. ?Bell Air craft to. orficiais win have you believe it is simple to fly one of their helicopters. They claim three I Spanish naval officers' had more trouble learning to drive a tractor than they did the flying machines. The ancient Egyptians took hom ing pigeons on sea voyages. The name ' le^ f n* *la? origin *?1 *ord for lentil bee J? >f a lentil is iike J*"* enses. 4 CLINIC SCUEBtJ General I ? Haywood County fl,l ? Department, courtnotnl ? nient, Mondays, sjoj ? 1.30 - 5. 1 Xh) I ' Health Department a * tory, tirst tloor coin] ? Monday and '1'hurvuy | - 11; 12.30-5. '1 > Immunization, Bloat J ? Health Department, *1 ? day, 8.30 - 12; 1:30-] ? Well-Baby ClineieI ? Health Department, J ? Tuesday in each moml ? 3 p.m. I > Cancer Clink I ? Memorial Mission Ha ? Asheville, Wednesday/! > 10:30 a.m.; C. J. h] > Community Hospiul, 1 * Friday , 8:30 a.m. ? > Mental Hytiete 1 * Asheville City Hall I > floor; > by appomtmej * through Haywood J ? Health Department or ? * Department). 1 n Orthopedic Clbkl * Orthopedic Hospital,? * more, second and ion? ? urday. flam 1 k ? ? * * ? ? ? I JOE W. DAVIS STUDIt Hazelwood, N. C. OPEN (Same Location) - HOURS - 8 A. M. - 12 Noon 12:.')0 P. M. - 6 P. M. Wednesday Open 1 P. M. 'til 6 P. M. ? NEW CAMERAS ? NEW EQUIPMI Specializing In -jwailJ BABY PICTURES FINE PHOTOGRAPHS Now going on ^?yusi?tr?6ut n< I ^th.t sing '4; of spring! V / <>that ,ift ?W I ?P*W *?' * S3*&*C^7i&