^WANT?MW?^jg141. M 12 tf coal producing com United States, 500 If cent of the coal . For Rent FOR RENT?Large building, ideal business location. Main Street Hazelwood. Dial GL 6 5445. M 9-12-lC FOR RENT?Furnished five room house, with bath, in good loca tion. Contact Ray Shoaf or write Box 828, Waynesville or Phone GL 6-6389 between 8:90 a.m. and 9 a.m. M 31-tf SAVE MONEY! Limited number of lockers available. Freeze your surplus vegetables this summer, have them "garden" fresh next winter. Frozen foods available to locker holders at wholesale prices. Farmers Federation Freezer Locker Plant. Waynes ville. N. C. Apr 21, 25. 28 May 2. 5. 9. 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30 FOR RENT?Second floor furnish ed apartment. Prefer a working couple. Phone 6-5113. Mrs. J. W. Killian. M 12-16 FOR RENT ? House with four rooms, bath, hot and cold run ning water. Everett Frady, Fran cis Cov?. GL 6-3986. M 16-19-23-26 i FOR RENT?Grocery and gas sta tion, all .equipment. The Pines | Grocery, Clyde. M 16-19-23-26-30 FOR RENT?Four room apartment unfurnished, heat and water fur nished. Close in. Call GL 6-6566 M 16-tf ? ? FOR RENT ? 2-room apartment with kitchenette and private bath. 1-room apartment, kit chenette and private bath. 3 room apartment, kitchenette and private bath. All above apart ments available furnished or un furnished. Call GL 6-6045 or GL 6-3183. May 16-tf a?????? ' Professional Services PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING, voicing and repairing. Paul Shep^ herd. Canton. N. C. Tel. 5123. S 14-tf J. R. GERRINGER, Hazelwood, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountaineer of fice. fYOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH ROTECTEO Complete hospital, surgical and maternity care costs only a iew pennies a day want oa call roa ruu details Representative WAYNE ROGERS Lake Junaluaka, N. C. Phone: G Lend ale 6-5593 ' For Sale FOR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $8.00 up. Kurt Gana, Jeweler, 207 Ma'n St. A 5-tf FOR SALE: Lots and acre age in good residential. City conveniences. Houses, busi ness property, small down payment. Chris George. Pho. 6-5424. N 18 tf FOR SALE ? Four-room garage apartment at Hillside Terrace Ray Ellis, GL 6-3178. Mar 28-tf INSTITUTIONAL equipment, Flex-1 alum Venetian blinds, shades, steel folding chairs, projectors and screens at low, low school prices. Also office furniture and equipment. Southern School Service Inc. Phone Canton 6400 A 11-tf JACK FELMET. Francis Farm Rd.. has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountaineer of fice. __ FOR SALE?5 room house, large back porch, bath and pantry, on large lot. for $6000.00. If inter ested call 6-6550. A25-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE ? Seven room house with two baths, in Country Club section, on Green view Drive. Call GL 6-4049. M 9-12-16-19 FOR SALE ? Thre6 room hou"" and four large lots. Priced $2, 000.00 Located on Chestnut Park Drive. Call GL 6-4642. M 9-12-16-19 FOR SALE ? In Grandview Modern two bedroom house, attached garage, beautiful lot. For quick sale at $9,500.00. The L. N. Davis Co. Phone 6-3501. M 12 tf ? KILL THAT SPENDING! The largest Mobilehome Display in the South is located at RIMER V1LLE and we can prove it! Again. YOU be the judge! No "fly by night operations," nor "here today, gone tomorrow"! Therefore, let RIMER handle your new and used Mobilehome problems! Hundreds have saved ' the "RIMER WAY." so will you! Last month, RIMER, traded for airplanes, tractors, furniture, automobiles, farm equipment, lawn mowers, chicken brooders, etc THIS MONTH WILL BE NO EXCEPTION! TOP DOLLAR ON ANY TRADE! Low flnancin* with payments like rent! ">ee delivwv uo to 150 miles. RIMER. INC. (The place with the up side-down slffn) 3 Mi. N. of Greenville. S, C. Hwy. 29. M 16 The number of Grade "A" milk producers in North Carolina had risen to 5.192 at the end of 1954. For Sale FOE SALE-One 1400 lb. horse, one two-horse wagon, one hay. rake, one Big Four mowing ma-' Call C, C. Franris GL 6 W*i M 18-10-23 FOh SALE OE TRADE ? I860 i Black Buick Sufeer, 4-door; low mileage; absolutely clean; ex> cellent tires. Lake Junal??ka As sembly office, GL 8 -8811, M 13-18 FOR SALE?Hardwood 80.00 two loads for $9.00. Phone 6-4386 Hauled by H. T. Cowan. A 21-tf LEM LEOPARD. Ratcliffe Cove, has two tickets for the Strand I Theatre at the Mountaineer of- I flee. ? FOR SALE: Choice building: lots in Ratcliffe Cov*. City water and lights. Call Glen dale 6-4582. M 16 tf . . - - 3*. ;/7 Wanted . WANTED?3 bedroom house. Nice location. Call Employment Of fice. GL 6-4222. M 2 tf WORK WANTED _ Carpentry work; block, brick, any kind of masonry work done, also paint ing. All work guaranteed. No job too big or small. Also cess pools dug and completed by day or contract. Call GL 6-5160 or 6-5024. A 28 M 2-5-9-12-16 "ANTED: To buy good used furni ture. Haywood Furn. Store. Main St., WavnesvUle. N. C. Phone 6-3641 Apr 8 tf SALESMEN WANTED ? Local Rawlcjgh , business available. Start immediately. Selling ex perience helpful but not requir ed. Car necessary. Write at once for particulars. Rawleigh's, Dept. NCE-581-251, Richmond. Va. M 2-5-9-12-16-19-23-26-30 WANTED: Cook. Reliable white woman; summer sea son. Write Box 774, Way nesville. A 28 tf WANTED?HOTEL WORK, girl or woman, white, for summer. Write age, education. Job experience. P. O. Box 259, Waynesville. M 5-9-12-16 WORK WANTED Block, rock, painting, carpenter and cabinet work. All work guaranteed satis factory. Also asphalt or rubber floor cover. Phone GL 6-5160. M 9-tf CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors and relatives for their deeds of kindness and expressions 9f sym pathy and beautiful floral offerings during the illness and dfafh of our Mother. Mrs. Charlie Mull Gerald and Hugh Rathbone i?? PVT. DONALD D. HONOMICHL of H axel wood recently complet ed the welding coarse of the Ordnance Automotive School at the Army's Atlanta General De pot. Pvt. Honomk-hl, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Max well of Hazel wood, is one of- the more than 70,900 men from all over the world who have been trained at the school since its in ception in 1941. Shepherd Turns Cowboy MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. (AP) ?The Rev. Theodore A. Tuenge, will serve as a shipboard cowboy for the Christian Rural Overseas Program of farm aid to Europe. He will take a cargo of 70 heif ers to Germany. Tuenge's congre gation of 900 gave him a two-month leave for the trip, and his church joined in a statewide drive in sup port of the heifer project. The herd he cares for will be known as the "Wolverine Shipment." Bubble, Bubble HARRISONBURS, Va. (AP) ? Samuel S. Shankes' new well just keeps bubbling. Gas! No dotibt about that. A driller found this out in an ex plosion which singed his eyebrows when he tried to light a cigarette. But the state geologist's office ex ploded any ideas that the gas is in commercial quantity. The scien tific fellows said small pockets were not unusual heareabouts. NOTICE I wish to announce the opening of my new Furillture Refinishing Shop located on the Dellwood Road in the former J. C. Rose store bldg. "The place wiil be operated by Jack Grant who formerly open ated the shop at 310 Brown Ave., at the Waddell property. May 16-tf KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESSWASTE Whan kidney function dm down, many tatkn complain of naming backache, loaa of Kp and anergy. beaaacnea and dlsaioeae. n't auffor longer with theae dlacomforta If raduoad kidney function ia getting you down?duo to ouch common causae aa atreaa and at ruin, over-exertion or exposure to eoid. Minor bladder irritations duo to cold, dampnana or wrong diet may cause getting up Blghta or frequent passages. Don't nogieet your kidneya If theaa eondi Mona bother you. Try Doan's PtUa?a mild diuretic. Dead auccaaafully by milliona for over 60 years. While often otherwise caused, it's amaidag how many times Doan'a give happy relief from these discomforts?help the 16 miles of kidney tubeo and Sltera flash out waste. Oat Doan'a Pills today! Poan's Pills INSURANCE ALL KINDS ? LONNIE L. LYDA 131 Main St. GL 6-6083 When 1 Serve Yon?Yon Save. THEFLOP FAMILY Ice cream is a food, being classl ied as one of the seven basic foods. UAL ESTATE Sales and Rentals , FHA and CI Loans CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AND UAL ESTATE ACLNCY 110 Main St. CL 8-M41 NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Ida W. Penney, late a resident of Haywood County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file the same with the un derslgntd, care of A. T. Ward, at torney, 415 Main Street, Waynes ville. North Carolina, on or before the 25th day of April. 1958, or this notice will be pleaded in bar there of. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settlement at above address. This April 20. 1955. D. W. THOMAS. Executor 2527?A 25 M 2-9-16-23-30 TOO LATE NOW: THE L. N. DAVIS CO. MAIN ST. GL 6-3501 FOR SALE 2 bedroom native stone honu with fire place, nice closets enclosed back porch, garagt and large storage room. Ir town. An excellent buy. 3 bedroom home ? new anc modern, with garage. Cir culating warm air heat, ii Grand view. Fire place, hard wood floors, plastered walls. Gift Shop with some 800 ft highway frontage. 30 acret land. Upper Maggie. 3 bedroom home approximate ly 3 miles out. Hardwoot floors, insulated, own watei system. 32 acres land, goo< barn. A good buy at a-verj reasonable price. FOR SALE OR RENT 3 bedroom frame house oi Balsam Road. LINER Real Estate & Ins. Co. 131 Main St. Waynesvilli Phone GL 6-4331 ' - J li instead o( trying by yoor- 4 as If to keep track of insur aoce on your property ... | take advantage of our (pecial training ... to keep your insurance revised so you benefit from new policy forms. Ask us to explain. KILPATRICK ? FELMET REAL ESTATE OL 6-3831 See Us First For PAINT And Pointing Supplies CLINiS-BRADLEY CO. 5-Points ? llaarlwood VM can SUftf ...wrvt vV&stingJiousc Sold In WsvnesvUle Only At MASSIE FURNITURE CO. I FLUID HEAT OIL FIRED FURNACES CONVERSION UNITS 36 Months To Pay. No Down Payment. CALL PAUL BOLDEN CANTON. N. C. Tel. 3343 ? - ? ? PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT f REASONABLE PRICE8 Either Contract Or By The Hoar DIAL GL 6-4169 FARMERS HARDWARE A [ SUPPLY CO. 416 DEPOT STREET r State Plumbing A Heating License No. 1542 GARRETT e FURNITURE CO. INC Main Street ? worniBMmHmamaMmMmaiSHanmnmmn Ire You Building I This Summer? ^ 11 Call 6247 or visit Ptemmon* Concrete Products Com Can ton, N. C., for concrete blocks, Jalousie windows and down, septic tank covers, tile, flu# blocks, and silo blocks. i \7 ?'% - ? FIRE INSURANCE BOTH LOWER COST AND THk BEST LOCAL AGENCY SERVICE CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY GL <-5441 lit Main 1 ' JENNINGS GLASS CO. Dealers In Wholesale and Retail GLASS Call For Free Estimates 119 S. Main St. Hendersonville Phone 5111 ? Ntrht 9791 j PAINT Everything Yon Will Need For Year Spring Painting And Decorating ? See Ua Tor GARDEN TOOLS? seeds ? vi go bo HOWELL'S HARDWARE Joe Howell, Owner ^atte^MTN Young Men Join TANK COMPANY 126th IN FANTRY. NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAL GUARD NOW eatf be eligible to attend FTELN TRAINING at CAMP STEW ARK GA., this rammer. For tafomua tlon eall GL <1312 or viait the Wayneavtlle Armory. SYLVANIA T. V. Wtvt SERVICE A REPAIRS ' On Any TV Set Call GL 6-5041 Haywood Electric Service "liner real estate and insurance co. QL 6-4331 131 Main St FARM BUREAU I 1??? I ALLISON & DUNCAN HAZBLWOOD Bv SWAN H kBBauuuJL: i * NOW IN COLORS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST [*TIN ELECTRIC CO. ^ WAYNE8VILLE ^ I / \ I ? | *fcRS ELECTRIC CO. MAIN STREET I llnJifinn Save Space and Money too with a | Delco-Heat Horiiontal Conditionair Yes, the New Dclco-Heat Horizontal Condi- ffif tionair is I spice saver when it comes to crawl space, basement, or utility room installation! h E jJ It saves money initially by lower installation J A UmTJ costs and continually by efficient economical op- / JK ^ X*j eration Call us now for a free heating survey I (Y r ? fy RAY'S Of SHEET METAL SHOP jj 7 GL 6-6331 Wmfl Street * Call On Us For Your Heating Needs ? We Have AO Models Of Delco Furnaces To FID Your Heating Problems. Glad TO Gtv? ^iuaAA I I 1?1?l f that vj whfcn | vt, \T6 XZ3 6ut u)h?n woo* l! i \f 1t.4 f\ftti \lc?fww-j * lot of r^onem- 7 mother 6oe-$ \ .x-