HALTED RED RAID ON BERLIN FETE I' '/ I WEST GERMAN POLICE clash with Communist demonstrators In front of a beer hall in the British sector where former soldiers of a German armored division were holding a reunion. The Reds moved in from the East Berlin rone throwing bricks and shouting slogans. The raid was halted after street fighting. (International Radiophoto) Drunk Driving Charged To 965 Drivers In May Drunk driving convictions cost the legal driving privileges of 965 Tar Heel motorists in May, the De partment of Motor Vehicles said today. Close on the heels of the tipsy drivers were speeders with 737 conv;Ltions and similar punish ment. In all the vehicles agency with drew the driving privileges of 2, 088 Tar Heel motorists for viola tions ranging from hit and run to transporting intoxicants. Drunk driving offenses regular ly lead the monthly revocation ana WIN AT FIRST TRV HEWLETT HARBOR, N. Y. ' ^!P ill ^ 1? ' ? Tussy Fragrance Sets! Scent-matched COLOGNE I AND DUSTING POWDER I ; regular!/ *2 each -ft : NOW ONLY | EACH n Flamingo ? Safari ? Lilac ? Ovation 4.. pure delight for the sultry summer days ( ahead! And double delight, now that you can m buy scent-matched dusting powder AND cologne PllSll flllt CORNS , . for what you usually pay for just one! One swish of this cloud-soft dusting powder FROM UNDERNEATHt with its marvelous deodorant ingredient... one ilfW WONDEt Olll/GH|HB| splash of cool cologne scented to match ... and PHEMYLIUM*! down goes the mercury! *?$ under youi corn, 2BbSE Even the pretty pastel packages with their helps ease it out! ' giant polka dots in frosty white are cooling to ifEHfek. have around! But hurry ... this 50% saving is JllMlA Com WJSM Plasters 33c I Haywood County Day ? Sunday, June 12 t^r BMMO- | I v; ? W. Etiquet | I' ^ u deodoraB I h ?? 49? I IBsSf ? j W baby powder! m l I \Ei*"^l Prevents Chafm^H n^l^ a"^ ^'a^er ra*^h GET TWICE AS MUCH |\ A FOR YOUR MONEY! MXt 100 tablets... only , Bayer Aspirin 100 - 62c Giant Tube 53c i Pepto Bismol (Jpset Tummy), 4-oz 59c BC Tablets 12 Tab. 23c 1^ . ? 1 Pertussin for Coughs 57c DUKES MAYONNAISE 25cPt