Leatherwood Tells DAR Of Problems Facing Schools Uwmicf Utthtrwood, county suparintendenl of schools, gave an address on "Federal Aid to Edu cation" at a meeting of the Dorcas '" Bell Love Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution. Friday afternoon In the hdme of Mrs T Lenoir Gtvyn The speaker was In troduced by Miss Mary Reed Moore, who was in charge of the program. In his opening remarks. Mr Leatherwood said "The American School system is the world's great est, most ambitious, and moat suc cessful form of education. It has justified the convictions of the founding fathers, who valued edu cation as the cornerstone of democracy. However, they could hardly have Imagined the situation of 1956 where the opportunity of : getting an AB degree is easier for American youth than the chances of a grammar school education a century before." "Vet," he continued, "this sys tem is in trouble b> its very magnitude The excessive postwar birthrate, which jumped from nearly 3 million to over 4 million in 10 years, set a record which has steadily increased since." In pointing out the importance of education. Mr. Leatherwood Quoted Thomas Jefferson, who said, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be." He spoke of land grants to col leges and traced the growth of education and its relation to popu lation since the early days of this country. He told how the National Education Association has asked for Federal Aid as early as 1883 and discussed the Kelly bill whjeh was introduced in Congress last July, explaining how it would af fect Haywood county. "The crisis in the United States school system cannot he cured without considerable effort, time, money, and Imagination and ulti mately the Job of educating the American child cannot be done without the realization that learn ing as well as citizenship, imagi nation as well as adjiertment, are equal parts of a school's mission." Mrs. J. L. Elwood. regent, pre sided and yearly reports were made by the following chairmen: Mrs. J. W Killian. Mrs J H Boyd. Mrs. J H Howell, and Mrs Hugh Leach. Miss Marv Moore announced that the Girls Homemakrrs Club, of which she is chairman. Is study ing 22 civilizations. Delegates for the state confer ence to be held In Ashevillc in March were nimn| qs follows: Mrs ".each. Mrs BeiTColkltt, Miv W. F Swift, Mrs J H Howell,' Presbyterian Women Install New Officers New officer* have been installed by the Women of the Waynesvilie Presbyterian Church. They are Mra. J. T. Russell, president; Mist Mary Lu El wood, vice president; MUs Anne Albright, secretary; Mi*# Ida Jean Brown, treasurer; Miss Alice Quintan, Mrs. R. C. Border, Mrs. Donald Morrow and Mra. Hebekah Murray, circle chairmen, Mrs. Richard Alexander, chairman of Spiritual Growth: Mrs. John Metzger. chairman of Chris tian Education; Mra. George Craig, chairman of World Mission*. Mra. Dan Walking, church extension; Mrs. Rebckah Murray, ?annuities and relief; Mrs P. M White, stew ardship: Mrs. H. P. McCarroll, gen eral funds; and Miss Amelia Mae Kadyen, social chairman. Mrs Dan Moore, and Mrs. Clyde II Ray. Alternates are Mrs. J W Killian. Mrs. S H. Bushnell, Mrs. Ramsay Buchanan, Mrs. T L. Gwyn, Mrs. H. N Barber, and Mrs J. F Abel. The social committee for the statp convention will be composed of members of the Waynesvllle chapter: Mrs. Gwyn, chairman. Mrs. H. L. Prevost, vice chairman, Mrs. W. F. Swift, Mrs. A. R. Rlegg. and Mrs. Klwood. Serving on the other committees will be Mrs B K. Colkitt, credentials, Mrs, J. H Howell, tickets: Mrs. Raymond Lane, house: Mrs. J. R. Boyd, courtesy; Mrs. John Klrk patrirk. transportation; and Mrs. Clyde H. Ray, flowers and favors. Announcement was made that the chapter is expected to furnish gifts for the state officers. Miss Patsv Leatherwood, high school senior, who Is representing (he chapter in the annual citizen ship contest, was introduced by Mrs J W Killian She expressed appreciation for the honor given her. Mrs. Kate Morris was appointed chairman of the DAR Magazine taking the place of Mrs Ernest Hyatt, who resigned from the chapter on account of illness Hostesses were Mrs. Gwyn and Mrs Lula Uzzle. Guests were Mrs J. H. Wav. Mrs. Burton McCorha. Mrs. Olive Carruth. ktfrs C. K Weekley. Miss Leatherwood, and Mr. Leatherwood. ? ? ? Sllppcrwort is the name of sev eral cverjffeen Tdants wffose bios somg are shaped like slippers ICE SKATES are not necessary lor having fun on the ice at Lake Junaluaka as Mrs. Al Phillips ant her three children found out Friday even- * inc. The "narrows" section of the lake provided good Im ikatiw all last week, but the main portion of the lake did not freese over until Sat ' urday morning (Mountaineer Photo.) Leaders Named For Francis Cove Club Project leaden and committee chairmen were named at a meet ing of the Francis Cove Home Demonstration Club last week in the home of Mrs. Henry Francis. Mrs. Francis presided and welcom ed Mrs. W A. Green and Mrs. Max Rogers as new members. The leaders are: foods and nutri tion. Miss Evelyn Siske. Mrs. Max Rogers: gardens, Mrs. Fred Davis. Mrs. Henry Francis; food conserv ation. Mrs. Frank Christopher; house furnishings, Mrs. R. H. Boone; home management, Mrs W. A. Green; - family life, Mrs. Joe Boone: home beRutifleation, Mrs. Pink Francis, Mrs. R. H. Boone; clothing, Mrs. R. C. Rickman, Mrs. R H. Francis; and arts and crafts, Mrs. Henry Francis. Miss Evelyn Siske. Miss Nancy Hyatt. Committee chairmen are: com munity service. Mrs. R H. Boone; health. Mrs. James Jeter; educa tion, Mrs. Henry Francis; citizen ship. Mrs. W. A. Hyatt. Mrs. R. H. Boone: international relations. Mrs. R. C. Rickman. Mrs. Grady Farm er; recreation .Mrs R H. Francis. Miss Evelyn Siske. HDC Schedule Tuesday, Jan 17. 2:00 p.m. ? Upper Crabtree ? Mrs. Cassius Roger;. Tuesday, Jan 17, 7:30 p.m ? Waynesville Homemakers ? Mrs. Ben Phillips. Wednesday. Jan 18. 2 00 p.m. ? Bethel ? Mrs. Earl Moore (Mrs. Margie Cathey). Thursday, Jan. 19, 2:00 pm. ? Dellwood?Mrs. Archie Sales. * ? ? Mrs. James Duckett Is Honored At Shower Mrs James Duckett. * recent bride, was honored at a miscel laneous shower given Friday eve ning with Mrs. Jim Underwood and Mrs George Siske as hostesses In the home of the former. A bridal motif was carried out in the decorations and appoint ments Around forty five guests were in cluded in the courtesy. ? ? ? St. John's Parents To Hear Heinz Rollman Heim Rollman will be the speak er at a meeting of the Parents' Club of St. John's School tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the school (auditorium Simon Klosky will preside dur ing the business hour. Refreshments will be served fol lowing the program. ? * ? <1. Waynesville Music Club Will Meet Tuesday The Waynesville Muain Club will meet in the home of Mrs. E. J Stanmyre Tuesday at ? p.m. Mrs. Frank Hendricks will be hostess. The program wtll be presented by Mrs. R. H. Stretcher. ? * ? Iron Duff Club Names Project Leaders The Iron Duff Home Demonstra tion Club met Friday In the Iron Duff Methodist Church with Mrs. Hugh Noland presiding. Project leaders were named as follows: foods and nutrition. Mrs. G. C. Palmer; gardens, Mrs. Man son Medford, Mrs. Jarvis Caldwell; poultry. Mrs. Hubert Wells, Mrs. G. C. Parks; dairying, Mrs. T. C. Davis; food conservation, Mrs. Jennings McCrary; house furnish ings. Mrs V R. Davis, Mrs. Koy Medford; home management. Mrs. Hugh Noland; family life. Mrs. A. R. Davis. Mrs. Glenn Palmer; home beuatiflcation, Mrs. B. F Nesbitt. Mrs. F L. Safford. Mrs. W J Mc Crary; clothing. Mrs. E. G. White. Mrs. Ray Milner. Mrs. Glenn Tate; arts and crafts, Mrs. Mary Pope. Mrs. Raymond Caldwell Committee chairmen are: com munity service. Mrs. Lowery Fer guson, Mrs. Manson Medford; health and safety. Mrs. Roy Med ford. Mrs. Carl Ferguson; educa tion. Mrs. Grady Davis. Mrs. Jen nings McCrary; citizenship, Mrs. Millard Ferguson, Mrs. Ned Craw ford; International relations. Mrs. Craig Reeves. Mrs. Fannie Davis: publicity, Mrs. Millard Ferguson. Mrs, Ray Milner; music, Mrs. F. L. Safford. Mrs. Craig Reeves; recre ation. Mrs Hugh Noland. Mrs Raymond Caldwell. * * ? Henry Tuttle, salesman for the Pet Dairy Co., left Waynesville Sat urday morning to attend the Ice Cream Merchandising Institute in Washington, D, C He will be gone two weeks. Garden Club Has Program On House Plants Mrs. Ralph Dickson, Jr. and Mrs. Wayne Dietz were hostesses at a meeting of the Skyland Gar den Club Thursday afternoon in the home of the former. Mlrs. F. E. Worthington presid ed. Mrs. Aaron Liebscher discussed The Care of House Plants and Mrs. Paul Davis spoke on Cala dium. Mrs. Joe Liner reported that Christmas favors made by the members were taken to patients at the Haywood County Hospital. An nouncement was made that a book had been placed in the Hay wood Countv Library in memory of the late Mrs. M M Parrish of Lake Junaluska. Mrs. Joe Liner. Mrs. Michael Plzzuto, and Mrs. Jack Davis were named as a nominating commit tee to select new officers. Luncheon was served prior to the meeting. Guests were Mrs. Dwight Beaty and Mrs. Sybil Gerjuelo. * * * Mist Elaine van Olsen left today for her home in Raleigh after spending several days here as the guest of Miss Margaret Johnston, county librarian Miss van Olsen is a field worker with the North Caro lina Library Commission and work ed with Miss Johnston and mem bers of the county library board during her visit. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prevost, Ralph Prevost, and Aaron Prevost re turned to their homes Thursday after spending several days in Chicago. GS Leaders To Have Dance % Workshop A folk dance workshop for adult Girl Scouta will be held Thursday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. the "Y" in Canton. Instruction will be given by Mrs. Ernest Ivester. dancing teacher at the YMCA, Walter Coward, of the public relations department of Champion Paper and Fibre Com pany, and Mrs. Heinz Rollman. Girl Scout leader of Waynesville. Anyone interested in attending the workshop is Invited to do so. I Those who wish transportation to Canton may contact Mrs. Jonathan Woody, who is serving as tem porary Waynesville neighborhood chairman for Mrs. Dan Watkins, or Mrs. Clyde Fisher. Hazel wood neighborhood chairmen. Individuals will take nosebag lunches and drinks will be furnish ed by Canton leaders. ? ? ? Woman's Club Plans Program On The Cherokee A regular meeting of the Way nesville Woman's Club will be held Thursday at 3 p.m. in the dining room of the First Methodist Church. The program will be on the Cherokee Indians and will be pre sented by Mrs. Arneache and Mrs. Nan Smith of the Reservation. Hostesses will be Mrs. R. C. Lane, Mrs. Mack Setzer, Mrs. R. N. Barber, and Mrs. W. N. Thomas BIRTHS New arrivals at the Haywood County Hospital include: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard 1 Grasty of Waynesville on Jan. 12. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Childress of Clyde on Jan. 13. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond i Pleiness of Waynesville on Jan. 13. A son to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. . Breed love of Canlon on Jan. 14. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul ' Kirkpatrick of Waynesville. Route 4. on Jan. 14. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rathbone of Canton on Jan. 14. A son to Mr. and Mrs. David Tay lor of Waynesville on Jan. 15. A daughter to Mr, and Mrs. James Pace of Canton on Jan. 15 ! I Lenoir where she will make her home. She has accepted a position as hostess in the Lenoir Presby terian Church. * ? ? Mrs. Charles McDarris. executive secretary of the Haywood Chap ter. American Red Cross, left yes terday for Atlanta where she is at tending a week's Red Cross train ing course for secretaries. During her absence Miss Sally Stovall will be in the local office. * ? ? Miss Bernice Smathers had as guests for the-weekend Miss Val York of Lincolnton and Miss Joan Glover of Gastonia. ? +- ? Mr. and Mrs. R. <3. Hudson of the Parkway Knoll left last week for St. Petersburg, Fla.. where they will spend the winter months. * * * Fresh meat can be kept in cold storage or in the deep freeze long er by treating with certain harm less chemicals, according to Uni versity of California food scien tists. _ ^ __ ^ ^ MAN-MADE MINK . . . At trn paces this stole looks like fabu lous mutation mink. But its price tax puts it within reach of the working girl's budget. Fines Creek Club Meets With Mrs. Rogers The Fines Creek Home Demons tration Club named project leaders for 1956 at a meeting last week in the home of Mrs. France Rog ers. Mrs. Carl Green, vice presi dent, presided. The leaders are: foods and nutri tion, Mrs. France Rogers; gardens. Mrs. Cauley Rogers; food conserva tion. Mrs. Sam Ferguson: house furnishings. Mrs. Carl Green; home management. Mrs. France Rogers; family life, Mrs. M. B. Lee; home beaut ideation. Mrs. David Noland; poultry. Mrs Mark Ferguson; dairying. Mrs. R. C. James; cloth ing. Mrs Tom Rogers; and arts and crdfts, Mrs. Joe Green. Committee chairmen for the year will be: community service. Mrs. Mark Ferguson; health. Mrs. Carl Green: education. Mrs. D?e Clark; citizenship. Mrs. Tom Rogers, in ternational relations, Mrs. Dee Clark; recreation, Mrs. France Rog ers: and music. Mrs. Mark Fergu son. , * * ? Home Demonstration Council Will Meet The Haywood County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs will meet on Friday, January 20, at 2:00 p.m in the courtroom in Waynesvllle. All 1956 officers of each club in the county are expected to be pres ent. Mrs. L. J. Cannon, council presi dent, will be in charge of the meet ing and officers will bp elected. * ? ? Gaddy-Hamm Marriage * Is Announced Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Jennifer A, Hamm of Hazelwood to Cpl. Charles Turner Caddy of the U.S. Marine Corps. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fallous T. Hamm of Detroit, Mich., and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Caddy of Wayneaville, Route 3. The ceremony was performed Saturday, December 24, at 11 a.m. in the home of Mrs. John Scales, grandmother of the bride, in Har dwood The Rev. John I. Kizer, pastor o^ the Hazelwood Baptist Church, pronounced the vows in the presence of a small group of close friends and relatives. ' The bride wore a street-length princess-style dress of white faille with matching accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Caddy is a graduate of the Waynesville High School and The Detroit Business Institute. Detroit, Mich. She is now employed at the Haywood County Hospital and will continue to make her home here until her husband is released from duty. Cpl. Gaddy was graduated from the Waynesville High School and is now serving aboard the USS Leyte, Aircraft Carrier, at present in New York. ? * ? Dr. Riegg Will Show Film At Club Meeting Dr A. R. Riegg will show Alms on the culture of gladioli at a luncheon meeting of the Primrose Garden Club on Tuesday. The meeting will be held at 12 o'clock noon, in the home of Mrs. Ned Howell with Mrs. Hugh Daniel as co-hostess. Mrs. Virgil Smith will preside. Methodist Men's Group Will Meet Monday Night The Haywood County Methodist Men's Fellowship will meet at the Clyde Methodist Church, Monday, January 16, at 7 p.m. Dr. Elmer T. Clark, secretary of the World Methodist Council, will speak on the program at the Lake Junaluska Assembly for the 1956 season. Supper will be served by the Woman's Society of the church. Teen-Age Dance Is Set For Saturday A dance for teen-agers will be held at St. John's School Saturday night from 8 until 11:30 o'clock. The event will be sponsored and chaperoned by St. John's Parent's Club. Admission will be 25 cents. All young people are invited. ? ? * GLOVE TIP Cotton gloves look as if they'd been ironed when you dry them in your electric dryer. * * ? GLORIFIED FLAPJACKS Pancakes deluxe: Double the number of eggs called for on the pancake mix box. beat the whites until dry and fold in at the last minute. They taste almost like cake. * ? * KEEP *CM WHITE To keep dark cottons and linens from having a grayish tinge, add vinegar to the final rinse water (ap proximately half a cup to a gallon of water*. KlTRT GANS ? "The Store BrideH Prefer" YOU (r?t k 30% to 40% m More Diamond ror The Same Money? Ve Buy Direct EVKN1NU APPOINTMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED (vying diamond it so ?m.A mjMtmr yikaa uaii mmn ouwi w*??n fw l know for rertaln yav art I getting tha vtmcsl vo'.ik I for your money Oar OK | tonWri know us ereH for ' squaredeolmg and tha confident* placed la us bat always been iatliled. fy/Bkm ANNOUNCING . . . TOWN & COUNTRY SHOP ? WILL BE CLOSED FOR WINTER VACATION UNTIL MONDAY FEBRUARY 13 AFTER WHICH TIME ? OUR 1956 fl SPRING AND SUMMER LINES WILL BE SHOWN MORE WORKING WIVESl TODAY 11,800,000 I 1930 3,071,302 rirn r?v? n sauacr: mrt (wwww amo> as (r*sus Mt*u Am A* Wl?'rfi1?i ii HM|npl Vanilla For Flavor By JUJU Dumorr THERE'S fashion in foods, too Flavors and Items that are pop ular for years, suddenly are out of favor. But some things are per ennial favorites, firmly ensconced in our kitchens for generations. One of these is pure vanilla ex tract which has all the pungent, yet delicate, taste and aroma of the vanilla bean. Children love It and it goes so well on Its own or together with chocolate In deli cious, healthful drinks. WMk Molasses To make a new drink, stir 1 tbsp. mild-flavorjd molasses and tfc tap. pure vanilla extract into 1 c. cold milk. Serve in tall glass. Or mash 1 fully ripe banana until creamy and smooth. Beat la 3 tap. sugar. % tap.-vanilla, a dash of salt and \ c. cold milk. Serve -cold. a For a really unusual drink, prepare Spanish Chocolate Sauce, a wonderful Mend of chocolate, vanilla and spices. The sauce Is stirred into cold milk or used to top cake or Ice cream. (earnest MM. tkt i FFv Melt 3 squares unsweetened chocolate and 2 tbsp. butter or margarine over hot water. Blend c. sugar, Vfc tap, ground cinna mon and tsp. ground nutmeg and mix with melted chocolate Gradually stir In 1 c. strong cof fee. Boll S min. over direct heat Cool. Stir In tbsp. pure vanilla ex tract. Makes lftc. Then there's the excellent idea of doing a caramel sauee and us ing that tor delicious drinks. Use Heavy Skillet ? To prepare \ e. of sauce, brown 1 e. sugar In a heavy skillet, stir ring constantly until all the sugar is brown and melted, stir in Vi c. boiling water. At this point the sugar will lump, so cook until all lumps are dissolved, about S min Remove from heat. Cool. Stir In tsp. vanilla. ? For a special small-fry treat that the grown-ups will demand, too, heat together 1 e. milk, 2 tbsp caramel sauce and 1 scoop vanilla ice cream. Serve In tall ? oa glasses. 'Mtant ?|iinH tx.) j WITH EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! j I IN GRATEFUL APPRECIATION TO ALL OF OUR MANY LOYAL A FRIENDS ? NOT ONLY FOR YOUR PATRONAGE BUT FOR YOUR ^ KIND INTEREST AND SINCERE FRIENDSHIP ? WE ARE TAKING * * THE OPPORTUNITY OF THIS OCCASION OF OUR SECOND ANNI- " ? VERSARY IN BUSINESS TO SAY SIMPLY ? "THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO GROW." I ? I TO EXPRESS OUR GRATITUDE EVEN FURTHER. WE | ARE OFFERING YOU OUR "BIRTHDAY BARGAINS" ? k f COME HELP US CELEBRATE! " If li ? ALL ITEMS REDUCED TO COST j J ? COATS * SUITS ? DRESSES J I THE SMART SHOP ? I HAZEL RATCLIFFE | j MAIN STREET DIAL GL S-8210 WAYNESVTLLE |

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