Billy George Is Elected To Honor Society Cadet Billy C. George, ion of Mr. and Mr?. Chreit George, has been signals honored by election to the Horton Society of Riveraide Military Academy of Gainesville, Georgia and now at its winter home In Hollywood, Kla. The Horton Society is Riverside's major leadership group of 25 cadets elected by faculty and cadets, and Cadet Sergeant George la one Of the few sophomores ever to win this honor. His older broth er, Second Lieutenant Paul George, was inducted into the Society last ^September and both are members |>f the Cadtt Council as well Both are alsd outstanding members of Riverside's varsity football team. ? ? ? Births : ? New arrival! at the Haywood County Hospital include: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs Car roll Carver of Canton on Feb 2. A daughter to Mr. ancK Mrs Carroll Ingle of Canton on Feb. 2. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John ny Ross of Waynesvllle on Feb. 2. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Allen of Canton on Feb. 3 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs George Austin of Hazelwood on Feb. S. " A sou to Mr. and Mrs Robert Cibson of Waynesvllle on Feb. 4. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hoglen of Canton on Feb 4 A son to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bur. rett of Canton on Feb. 4. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanger of Hazelwood on Feb 4. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs Rob ert S. Ray of Canton on Feb 3. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goodson of Waynesvllle on Feb 5. A *on to Mr and Mrs. W. J. Burke of Canton on Feb 6. V: ? ? ? St. John's Parents To Sponsor Dance A Valentine Dajice for teen-ag ers will be held at St. John's School Saturday. February 11, from B p.m. wiUI 113? p m , ? The dunce Is being sponsored by Jhe Pargnts' Club of the school and parents will also serve as chaper bnes Admission will be 23 cents per person. people are Invited. J I? "tlSIT US FOR H*Hp*I!VS GALORE! ?9? THR SMART SHOP Maiit gt. GL 6-8210 ? ? Mrs. Riegg Is New President Of Garden Club Mr*. Al Riegg has been elected president of the Mountain View Garden Club, succeeding Mrs. David Hyatt. Election of new officers was held at a regular luncheon meet ing of the club Thursday In the home of Mrs. Boyd Medford. Ttie officers will assume their duties at the May meeting. Elected to serve with Mra. Riegg were Mrs. Irving Leatherwood. vice president; Mrs Boyd Medford, sec retary; Mrs. Fred Hyatt, treasure; Mrs. Simon Klosky. corresponding secretary; and Mrs. David Hyatt, sperial projects chairman. Mrs, Walter Baermann present ed a program on Conservation. Mrs. Weaver Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Ray Ellis were welcomed as new members. Luncheon was served by the hostesses Mrs Medford. Mrs. Gor don Cagle. and Mrs. Sam Calhoun. ? * ? Haywood UDC Has Program On Sidney Lanier Mrs. John Queen and Mrs. George Plolt were hostesses at a meeting of the Haywood Chapter. United Daughters of the Confed eracy. Friday afternoon In the home of Mrs Queen. A program on Sidney Lanier was presented by Mrs Sam Queen. Mrs. C F. Kirkpatriek, president, presided and Mrs. Roy Campbell gave a report of the annual Lee Jackson declamation contest spon sored by the chapter In the Waynes vllle junior,high school Mrs. J R Boyd read the presi dent general's message from the Confederate magazine and told In teresting events in the life of one of her Confederal^ ancestors. Guests were Mrs. Jeff Garrett of Reidsville and Mrs. Charles Bur gin. ? ... . .' . . ? . .. ??= ~ ~ ^ I HDC Schedule Monday, Feb 6, 7:00 p m.?Good Neighbors?Mrs. B. N, Pierce Tuesday. Feb. 7, 2:00 p.m. ? Beaverdam?Mrs. Jarrett William son (Mrs. T. G. Murray. Mrs George Wright>. Wednesday, Feb. 8. 2:00 p.m.? While Oak?Mrs. France Teague Wednesday. Feb. 8. 7:30 p.m.? Francis Cove?Mrs. Fred Davis. Thursday. Feb 9, 9:00 a.m. ? Fines Creek?Mrs. France Rogers. Friday, Feb. 10. 1:30 pjn ? Iron Duff-Crabtree?Hyder Moun tain Methodist Church. Robert Massle spent the weekend In Chapel Hill. Fashion Is All In The Fit jnm 5V?l lnA)U> irrv ImA ' rwruiwlulxill-lm ?- omcL qTrudil ana too x U)itonq /Utima o/nAtHLqW# ^ to Jbut^t "*tjL Htn ina Id too -hin efindii totr JLancj ' I Ailhoulltk-? / Shto "tunqima [ qiridUlWi ) ? -taxr jtkvrit ? 3v \ INSIDE STORY . . . Ill fitting foundations can ru In the line of the smartest spring costume The girl sketched in the center la correctly outfitted for th e new sheath silhouette. In an all-in-one-corselette, giving lung, u ?broken line. By DOROTHY ROE Associated Press Women's Editor IN THIS SEASON of dresses that fit like a sec ond skin, a girl can't be too careful about her underpinnings. The slightest bulge will ruin the line of the new figure-revealing fashions. Although much has been Written about the im portance of correctly fitted foundation garments, there seem to be all too many women who buy a girdle or bra as casually as they pick out a new scarf or a blouse. This spring It Is more than ever Important to pick the right foundations to give your figure the long, unbroken line demanded by 1956 fashions. And after you have selected the style that is best (pr your figure, don't fail to have it carefully fitted. That's what the fitters in the corset section your store are for. And here are some of the common mistakes they can help you to avoid: I. The too-tight bra, which causes the flesh on your back to bulge above it. This is particularly noticeable when a plump woman in a tight bra wears a strapless evening gown. K 2. The too-short, too-tight girdle which has to be tugged down constantly in what has 1>een called the great American gesture. This also Is likely to cause bulges at midrilT and thighs. 3. The boned strapless bra whose cups are too large, so that the bra stands out from the bustline and the body of the wearer moves independently within it. Did you ever see a girl turning to the side while her bra went the other way? It's a com mon sight. 4. The bra whose cups are too small, so that the bust seems about to overflow above it. 5. The iron-clad girdle which is too long, so that the wearer has difficulty walking or sitting down. For this spring's slim fashions, the all-in-one corselette usually is the best foundation. When cor rectly fitted, this gives the figure a smooth unbrok rn line with no break at the waistline. New light weight fabrics make it comfortable and give the body freedom of movement. If you prefer a separate girdle and bra, see that the girdle comes well above the waistline. The smooth midriff is an important feature of the new silhouette. The long bra also helps achieve this smooth line. If thigh bulges are your problem, the long-legged panty girdle is your prescription. In new power nets, these lightweight girdles permit free action, yet give firm control under slim skirts. Joe Rose To Make Television Films Joe Emerson Rose left Saturday on a business trip to Minneapolis and Chicago. In Minneapolis he will be filmed for television pro grams sponsored by Red Rand Flour, Mr. Rose is featured now on Joe Emerson'a Hymn Time, week day 'radio program sponsored by Red Band. Mrs. Davis Is Hostess At Meeting Of WSCS . The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of Elizabeth Chapel i Methodist Church met Thursday night in the home of Mrs. Roy Davis. Mrs. James Medford presided and Mrs. Joe Turner led the devo tions. A panel discussion on "Women and The Workers" was presented by Mrs. Ward Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Paul Bryson, and Mrs. Mark Gal- 1 loway. ? ? * MRS. MATNEY IMPROVING Mrs. W. I,. Matney who has been ill for a number of weeks, Is con- ' valesoing at her home. She expects 1 to resume her piano classes at an ' early date. 1 f ? * ? The Rev and Mrs. Daniel Lane of Lake Junaluska are leaving to morrow for Redwood City. Calif., where they will spend several weeks as guests of their son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Taylor. They expect to return at Easter. ? ? ? t'se the Want Ads for results. Miss Johnston To Give Program At DAR Meet.. Miss Margaret Johnston, county librarian will be the guest speak er at a meeting of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, in the home of Mrs. J. H. Howell. Sr., Friday afternoon at 3 30 o'clock. The program is being planned by Mrs. Ben E. Coikitt. Mrs. James L. Elwood, regent, yill preside. Hostess with Mrs. Howell will be Mrs. J H. Howell. Jr. ? ? * Dr. and Mrs. Jim Stringfield and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Way spent ;he weekend in Durham and at ended the Duke-Carolina basket Mil game Saturday night. ? " - - Baptist Circles Set Meetings For, Tuesday Circles of the Woman's Mission ary Society of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday. The Annie Armstrong Circle will meet at 10 a.m. In the home of Mrs. T. E Robinett The Lottie Moon Circle will meet at 10 a.m. in the home of Mrs. Boyd Owen. The-Ann Judson Circle will meet at 3:30 p.m. In the home of Mrs. R. L. Pearson. The Fannie E. S. Heck Circle will meet at 7:30 p m. In the home of Mrs. J. B. Siler. The Pearl Johnson Circle will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Roy Reed The Elixa Yates Circle will meet at 7:30 p.m in the home of Mrs. J. R. Morgan. The Business Women's Circle will meet at 7:30 p.m in the home of Miss Hatsie Freeman. ? ? ? Miss Suzanne Curry left Sat-1 urday to resume her studies at the University of Florida. Gainesville, after spending a two weeks' mid semester vacation with her mother,! Mrs. Rankin Ferguson. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edge and sons of Clyde spent the weekend in Oak Ridge. Tenn. as guests of Mrs. Edge's mother and sister, Mrs. Ad die Dunlap and Miss Blanche Gibbs. ? * ? \ . Miss Harriet Gibson, senior at Western Carolina College, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gibson of Cullo whee, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gibson. ? * ? Mrs. R.*L. Prevost has returned to her home in Hazelwood after spending several days in an Ashe ville hospital. Mr and Mrs. Prevost 'recently moved into their new home which is located next to their former resiednce. * ? * Supplies Available OMAHA, Neb. (AP> ? A cou ple of young girls,, on a scavenger, hunt, needed a cigar stub. They rang doorbells in the neighborhood. One man was eager to help but a search of the house disclosed no cigar stub. He offer ed to smoke a fresh cigar down to a stub. "Got lots of cigars,'' he explain ed. "Wife had a baby this morn ing.'? " ' ? f Methodist Circles Will Meet Tuesday Circles of the First Methodist Church will meet Tuesday as fol lows: Circle 1 will meet at 10 a.m. in the home of Mrs. Anton Liebscher. Circle 2 will meet at 3:30 p m in the home of Mrs. Charles Bur gin. Circle 3 will meet at 3 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Earl H. Brendall Circle 4 will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Claude Rogers Circle 9 will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Howard Bryson with Mrs J. C. Crouser, Jr., as co hostess. Circle 6 will meet at 7:30 P m. in the home of Mrs. Harold Mc Guigan with Mrs. Harvey Dulin as co-hostess. Circle 7 will meet at*7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. W. A. Rector with Miss Mary Medford as co hostess. Circle 8 will meet at 10 a.m. in the home of Mrs. Virgil Smith with Mrs. Harry Whisenhunt as co hostess. The Wesleyan Guild will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. William Chambers. * * * Mrs. W. C. Smith of Riverside, Ga. is here to spend a week with her sisters. Misses Daisy and Bes sie Boyd. Presbyterian Circles Set Meetings Circles of the Women of the Waynesville Presbyterian Church will meet Tuesday as follows: Circle 1, Miss Alice Qulnlan, chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs, Calvin Thielman at 3:30 p.m. Circle 2. Mrs: Richard Border, chairman, witl meet in the home of Mrs. H. P. McCarroll at 10 a.m. Circle 3, Mrs. Donald Mel row. chairman, will meet in the home of Mrs. Whitener Prevost. at 7:30 p.m. Circle 4, Mrs. Rt-bekka Murray, chairman, will meet in the home of Mrs. Hugh Daniel at 7:30 p.m. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Willard Moody left this morning for a vacation in Florida. They will go to Hollywood and on to Key West. Still Available At Kurt Gans ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' COSTUME JEWELRY Ip" j INCLUDING ' R1FARI ill 1X11 u ALSO MEN.g JEWELRY ' AND Birthstone, Masonic, I Eastern Star Rings H Just In. Time For I ' Valentine Gifts ? and Graduation *-?- | ILL Presents ? 3\mJ r I YOU SAVE ONE - THIRD SUll, TOU CAN ML i PAY A LITTLE CHARGE IT JS^V ^ AT A ^ At Popular Pair By VERA WINSTON THE sheath and capelet prom Ims to bs I popular sartorial special come sprint This pretty pair is In navy or black faille The sheath dress has a small white band collar notched In front and there is a white band to ftnish the sleeves. White nov elty braid trims the cape and describes a front band down the dress. LAFF - A - DAY ^ ^ C R*? fm.m l|?tiin. h? VwW it <1 "I suppose you want French toast this morning'." COLDS Rttiav* Suffering Fast-Effecttvety -WICKS wVapoRub (. ^AOVUa k ? Our tat cuitarrwn hova alwayi tan cauplts in lava . . . (oupltt sontimantal ?nough ta want a truly ftnt diamond ta jymboliit thaif mutual devatian . .. and practical enaugk to appraclata the outstanding valvos wo kava cansistanfly ?ffarad. Tha racommendofions af ftaa caaplat kava kaiH this business . .. tkair gocd Witt it ovr most ckaritkad possassian. You jet 30'/< to 40'/, More Diamonds ^ for the same money, because we buy dirftt, PAY A LITTLE Mm ^jEwets*. Still Available at Kurt Gans Only 8 Sets Left Of English China DINNERWARE T OFF 5-Piece Place Setting p Regular Price 8.75, Now Only O.On3 5-Piece Place Setting p Regular Price 7.95, Now Only O.Ov^ EVERY SET REDUCED ONE-THIRD SAVE ONE - THIRD ON THIS FINE DINNERWARE AT ?, ^JEWELER Sure, You Clin Charfe It ? And Pay A Little At A Time ALL OPEN STOCK KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE WORLD

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