TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE TODAY'S QUOTATION Editorial Page of the Mountaineer >,s&r "* ? uprlfht. evem word* oi Jtccl C7 ^ ; H? ?Klpltaf. % " ' | *"C ,t * 4 __ _ _ ? __ ? ? ? Rep. Shuford Has Excellent Idea On Toll Representative George A. Shuford it work* irK on a bill which would prohibit the Na tional Park Service from placing a toll on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The toll came mighty close to being im posed last year, and at the last minute, due to extreme pressure from the area, was can celled. The announcement was made a few weeks ago that there would not be any toll on the Parkway for this year. Congressman Shuford hopes to get legis lation enacted whkh will keep the Parkway I free of tolls indefinitely. It will be a good piece of work when he gets such an unjus tified charge blocked, and those citizens in this area are trusting he is successful in get ting his legislation enacted. No Opposition In Sight For Gov. Hodges The announcement Saturday that Gover nor Hodges would be a candidate for a 4 year term in office did not come an a sur prise. The biggest aurpriae that could come now that the formal announcement has been made is that someone will oppose the Gov ernor in the coming May Democratic pri mary. Apparently there ia little liklihood of any opposition. i Governor Hodges has been outspoken, said whore he stood on state matters, and has proven, time and time again, that he ia a capable chief executive of the state. We feel that this sentiment exists in all quar ters of the state, and that the March 15th filing deadline will come and go without any one trying to replace him as our chief execu tive for the next four years. Too Much Leisure? A speaker closely allied with the labor movements predicted in Atlanta this week that, within 10 years, people will be working only four days a week and getting 20 per cent higher wages for doing their brief stint. He was I)r. James L. Stern, staff consultant of the United , Automobile , Worfcfrs-ClO automation committee,- and he was speak ing to the members of the American As sociation /or the Advancement of Science. Automation, a. process by which human workers are displaced by machines, need not be a biffaboo, said Dr. Stern, but if used wisely could result in increased productivity and more leisure time for workers. What would people do if they had three days to idle each week? Somebody should ask Dr. Stem this question, and at the same time remind him about a couple of old axioms which probably are still true tn spite of the coming of the era of mere leisure time: (1) "Hard work never hurt anyone," and (2) "An idle mind is the devil's work shqp."?The Augusta Chronicle. Billy Arthur, in The Chapel Hill Weekly, said: "Note to the State Highway Mainten ance Crew: Christopher and Old Mill Roads are good as | whole, but I'd rather use them as roads." VIEWS OF OTHER EDITORS Historical, But Is It Legal? By Weimar Jone* We're bearing a lot Just now. in the aenregatIon integration discussion, about "interposition". To most of us, it's a new word, to others, who seem to faintly remember having heard it, there la the impression that It was an argument used by the South, bach before the Civil War, in its effort to save slavery. It seems to have been first used in the 1700'a, when Kentucky and Virginia adopted resolutions, inspired. Incidentally, by none other than Thomas Jefferson. a number of lakes and waterfalls. (4) the Smokies, and i5) rides on any number of state and national highways which are very rewarding for the scenic minded. 'We also hope to have the pic turesque Pigeon River Road be fore too long.) A good portion of Tennessee visitors, of course, come from the big city of Knoxville. where resi dents head for the Sny>kies to get away from the oppressive heat and the noise and smoke of the metropolis. Probably the reason that more Tar Heels don't go to the Smok ies in the summertime is because of the heavy traffic usually found there on weekends Since we have other less-crowded highland hav ens. we naturally go there. However, when the new links of the Blue Ridge Parkway lead ing into the Smokies are com pleted. more North Carolinians will undoubtedly turn toward that part of the Appalachian tall tim ber. Hie true test of a sense of humor lies in being able to laugh at yourself as well as at other is associated with the name of Cal houn, he didn't coin the word: it was used in the Kentucky and Vir ginia resolutions.) * * * Andrew Jackson, the then Presi dent. is said to have threatened to hang Calhoun ? and to have re gretted, on his deathbed, that he dldnt. However that may have been, Jackson did not win the total victory he generally Is credited with. As a matter of history, that controversy was terminated by a compromise ? adoption of a plan for gradual elimination of the tar iff. So today's segregationists, when they propose "interposition." are on solid historlebl ground. r( Whether it Is solid legal ground is another question. people. o Main Street misspellings: "Burmuda Shorts" and "Clins ing Cream". Having toured the site of the Pigeon River Road back in 1954, ? we'd lilt* to second the motion of George Stephens, owner of the Stephens Press, that the Pigeon Road be railed the "Pigeon Gorge"?at least as far as tour ist literature is concerned. All 48 states have river roads, but you find gorges ONLY in mountain country. "Pigeon Gorge" is a much pret tier name and a far more descrip tive one. A traffic light is a light which is usually red when you're driv ing, green when you're walking. A woman in Daytona Beach, Fla., recently wrote our circula tion manager: "1 thought I could do without the Mountaineer in the winter, but And I reallv miss It. Please renew my subscription." o Roy Beck, soil conservation spe cialist at the courthouse, passed on this little ditty taken from the Penn State alumni magazine: "Thirty days hath September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one. Except Januweary and Febru weary. Which seem lo have a million." JETS AND DOUGHNUTS We sometimes think the world is getting too technical. A retail food chain recently proudly an nounced that It had sold 300-mil lion doughnuts. Then it went on to say that a 600 mile an hour jet plane would take 23V4 hours to fly through that many doughnuts. He?;k, if we're going to be that spectacular, let's have a four en gine plane fly through 300 mil lion chocolate eclairs! ? Ollie James in Cincinnati Enquirer. Looking Back Over The Years 20 YEARS AGO Four hundred and twenty-one men and 186 women in Haywood County are now employed with WPA. Miss Josephine Cabe goes to Washington to visit her sister, Mrs. M. J. Collins. Miss Frances Dunn,'daughter of Mrs. C. B. Atkinson enters hospital in Nashville for training. 10 years ago J. C. McDarris of Barnardsville assume duties as FSA supervisor for county, succeeding J. Yates Bailey. Mrs, W A. Bradley and Mrs. L N. Davis honor Miss Janette Burgin at shower. Flora Hyatt wins first place in annual cotton dress contest spon sored by DAR in the Home Economics department of WTHS. Capt. James L. Kilpatrick is en route to the States from the Pa cific Theatre. 5 years ago Miss Billie Faye Bramlett weds Wilson C. Medfosd, Albert Abel and two young daughters. Sargb Linda and Nan cy, return from a ten-day stay in Sarasota. Fla. Regina Ferguson. Christine Pless. Wade Francis, and David Noland receive 4-H Achievement Awards. Harry Bourne heads Chamber of Commerce membership drive. Tommy Lane is named Hay wood Student of the Week. SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK By R: J. SCOn ^^$UKWORMS snxHiNS SMtti - ? 2,000 *K? iooo nt< e* ^iu*.o IN 4NMX DMS. JURY, A BCDY Of *t*. OK MLK AHJ> WOMEH. SwcaK 'fe qivi. A f^uL- _ ' A* S *!*,<*. VI *D<< U^OH SQXl MAtfl*. SliftM l? 16 Roentgen 38. Not workliy comb form 17 Exhibit rsys 41 Gifts for 47.8treet 20. Exist 13. Girl's name the poor (abbr.) 22 Male - B-- w I1 w i 27 Musical ' ~ instrument __ 23 A scolding >77 (3 woman ? /// SO City in New * York stste //j 31 Solemn I'm I I | [ 32. Earth as |M si //. 11 ?" ky IT 14 W si U Of3STe B7 W- T/A*1 - 3?. High priest r yy\ (slang) Y//ry/xS/\ii fjAT it' V&V/A//A .43 Arranged I like rays [6* fffftf Ir/Jw, l' | I/jJm fJC Tad 43. Bye I I I fwj I I P \ 46. Liquid b^H L JVf\ l//Ky| j 1 -IL q-lllm 11U