mTgl!f!l','Ajii[g'TiL^?ntinli gjRlLatiif IflftT WANT AD RATES TUi (tae type. IVH par ward. Minimum He. W?H ads repeated at twa seats per ward rata, aalnl aom ?de. This size type, 3 cents per word, minimum charfe M emits. This size type, 50c per column inch. Advertisements will M pabltahed accordln, ta desired aehedole without extra charre. Ell ais la advertisements a ho aid be reported Immediately. The Mountaineer will not be re speaalble far more tbaa one taeorreet Insertion. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS ARE CASH IN ADVANCE. Cash mast aaeompaay orders sent br mall. Want ads mast be la office be fore 11:11 a.m. on day before publication to ruarantee to be ta want ad section. When yon wish to insert a want ad Dial GL 6-5301. Special Notices PRIVATE DETECTIVE (all phases of investigation) Hazel wood, N. C.. Box No. 509. J 12 F 27 WHETHER IN NEED of a new or used chain saw or repairs, see Lindon Cousins at his Mall Shop at Lake Junaluska or havr your chains filed while you wait. Thurs. tf $25.00 REWARD to anyone who furnishes evidence for the conviction of the thief who stole from my garage red five gallon gasoline can. Ing-reinforced tire chains, bow saw, red metal frame. A. L. Bramlett. White Oak. Feb 9-13 LENNOX FURNACES?Free estimates. No down pay ments. Three years to pay. Automatic Heating Com pany. GL 6-5291. A 12 tf FOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co.. next to Farmer* Exchange on Ashevllle Road. H. B. Angel, manager. Dial GL 6 5191. tf JAMES E. HARRIS. Rt. 3, Waynes ville, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. FOR ODORLESS sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. Hlnkle Plumbing Co. J 19-tf MEAT PROCESSING for your Freezer Locker. Baby Beef for sale for Freezer Locker. Shoats for sale. Jones Mkt., Boyd Ave., Waynesville. Phone 6-8371. S 29 tf FUEL OIL ? Call Lee Oil Co. for prompt delivery of Super" Refined Cities Ser vice Fuel Oil and Kerosene. Next to Le Faine Hotel. Phone GL 6-3091. N 17 tf Wanted ___ WANTED ? LISTINGS We need listings of every description; houses, lots, business property, farms, and pasture land. If you have property for sale, list ii with the L. N. Davis Co., GL 6 3501. J 16-tf WANTED?Male or female book keeper. Write Bookkeeper, Box 511. The Mountaineer, giving ex perience and telephone number F 6-tf WORK WANTED ? young man. married: completed military serv ice: experienced plumber's help er and ail types contract work; call Mr. ftaylor. GL 6-5930. F 9-13-16-20 For All Year Needs In INSURANCE CONTACT THE L. N. DAVIS CO MAIN ST. GL 6-I5S1 Edna McKav Price 306 East St. Telephone GL 6-8229 ? Accounting ? Auditing ? Tag Service INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Promptly OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT For Rent FOR RENT: Four rooms and bath, upstairs apartment. Separate en trance. Heat furnished. $90.00 per month. Call 6-9504 after 6 p.m. N 28-tf FOR RENT ? 1 and 2 bedroom apartments ? Furnished. Excel lent location?$:>0 to $75. String field Apis. Phone Kllpatrick-Fel met, GL 6-3631. J 19-26 F 2-9-16-23 FOR RENT?Four room apt. over store, on Boyd Ave. Call 6-6371 or 6-8503. J 30-tf FOR RENT ? 4-room apartment. Good location. Water and kitch en equipment furnished. $40.00 per month. Call GL 6-5441 dur ing business hours. J 30-tf GET YOUR WATCH cleaned at Reliable Jewelers for only $4.50. This means a full year guaran tee. Why pay more? J 16-tf FOR RENT ? 4-room apartment, completely furnished. Well-heat ed. $75.00 per month. Excellent location. Call GL 6-5441 during business hours. J 30-tf FOR RENT ? 3-room apartment. Good location. Water and kitch en equipment furnished. $35.00 per month. Call GL 6-5441 dur ing business hours. J 30-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT ? Sec ond floor: oil furnace. Two rooms, bath. Electric kitchen One block from Main St. Adults Tel. GL 6-8603. F 2-tf FOR RENT?Furnished apartment, two rooms, with heat. Adults only. Homer Ave. Call GL 6 8165. F 6-tf FOR SALE ? One new four-room house, with bath and carport. See Moses Robinson, Hazelwood. I F 9-13 FOR RENT ? 4-room apartment. Now available. See any time dur ing the day. Adults only. 403 Boyd Avenue. Phone GL 6-3614. F 9-tf Professional Services PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING, voicing and repairing Paul Shep herd. Canton, N. C. Tel. 5123 S 14-tf WHY PAY MORE to get your watch repaired when you can pet it done economically at Re liable Jewelers. All work guar anteed 12 months. J 16-tf DOES YOUR CHILD need help in any school subject? Private tutoring, certified teacher. Mrs. . Lois B. Hendry, GL 6-8603. J 19 tf MRS. HOMER H. WEST. Rt. 3. Waynesville. has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Moun taineer office. The American Dental Assn. says that Americans bought 12 million tooth brushes in 1954, a year when the country had 158 million peo ple over two years old. DEALER: PARTON FEED STORE Warnetviile L. ...ZaU tt i ??? cc UCUIUUIII IIUU9C Willi Oil fed warm ait furnace. Full concreted basement?detach ed garage. Good location. $2400 down ? balance fi- 1 nanced through F.H.A. at $76 ( per mo. Call ? l^on Lvda , GL 6-6083. Three bedroom home with liv- 1 ing room & dining area. Large living room and bath. Full , size concrete hasement ? on i a big lot. Nice neighborhood wonderful place to raise a family. Only $12,000. Call ? Howard Hyatt, GL 6-8331. LINER Real Estate & Insurance Co. REALTORS 131 Main St. Waynesrille For Sale FOR SALE: Motorist*: Your All state Insurance Company agent In Waynesvtlle Invites you to compare Allstate'* features, ad vantages and low rates with any other auto Insurance! Get de pendable Allstate auto Insur ance today. See or phone Bob Brannon, your Haywood County Allstate agent. Just a block down from the Courthouse in - Waynesvllle, located at >17 De pot St. Phone GL 8-5912. Jn 30-tf HAVE YOUR watch cleaned at Reliable Jewelers for only $4.50. ?This carries a 12-month guaran tee. J 16-tf FOR SALE ? Three fresh milk cows, will sell or swap. Call Fred Jones GL 6-8371 or 6-8503. J 2-tf .ARGE 6 ROOM HOUSE TO SELL ?3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen with lots of built in cabinets. Utility room. Base ment. Hardwood floors. Forced air heat. Hendrix Street near Dayton Rubber. Call 6-8680. J 19 thru F 13 FOR SALE: Hay, straw, shucks, cotton seed meal, cotton seed hulls, feed oats, Spartan quality dairy teed. Grass seeds and fer tilizer. Parton Feed Store. 420 Depot St. J 23-tf FOR SALE?Four room house and bath. Modern kitchen with built in cabinets, electric water heat er and oil furnace. Two large lots. Call GL 6-8679. J 23-tf ALL WATCH REPAIRING done by us is guaranteed for a full year. Cleaning is only $4.50. at Reli able Jewelers. Why Pay More? J 16-tf FOR SALE ? Two bedroom home with living room, kitchen and dining area. Good garage and garden spot. See our sign at 115 Eiysinia Ave. (McClure St.). Hazelwood. Phone Canton 7-6721. J 26 F 2 - 9 FOR SALE?Two bedroom home, with living room, kitchen and dining area. Enclosed porch and nice garage. Well located for all plant workers in Hazelwobd area. See our sign at 103 Balsam St., Hazelwood. Phone Canton 7-6721. J.26 F 2-9 FOR SALE?6-room modern house. 7 acres $12 600. Call GL 6-5441 during business hours. J 30-tf FOR SALE ? 72.0QO B.T.U. Norge oil heater practically new. Priced to sell. Call GL 6-6921. J 30 F 2-69 FOR SALE? t - '53 Chevrolet 1># ton truck I W.B. $795.00: 1 - '53 Chevrolet 1V$ ton short wheel base. ideal for dump or van body. $745.00. Louis Roper, Andrews. N. C. J 30-tf FOR SALE?It's time for us to leave home. AKC registered. Blood lines out of Mazelaine, U Chetnik, Lilac Hedge, with 10 champions in the last 4 genera tions. We are seven weeks old. priced at $35 and $50. (Signed) 6 Boxer Puppies Lyn Fite, Lake Junaluska GL 6 5495. F 2-6-9 FOR SALE?Used Watchea. Cosv pletely reconditioned. Folly guaranteed. Rrora $8.00 up. Kurt Gana, Jeweler, 207 Ma'n St. A 5-tf FOR SALE?800 bales number one orchard grass hay for sale. Con tact David Noland, Fines Creek. Phone GL 63796 F 2-6-9-13 FOR SALE?Baled hay, by ton or bale. Call Dewey Francis. GL 6-6037. F 6-13-20-27 FOR SALE?Stark Bros.-Nursery Stock. Planting season is near. Place your order with Z. L. Mas sey. Tel. 6-8509. F 69 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Mrs. Delia Davis, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims igainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the uodersigned it Waynesville, North Carolina, on nr before the 9th day of January, 1957 or this notice will be plead ?d in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will nlease make immediate payment. This the 9th day of January, 1956. Nancy D. Thomas, - Administratrix of the Estate of Mrs. Delia Davis, deceased. 2602?J 12-19-26 F 2-9-16 LINER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CO. GL 6-8331 131 Mate St. aAtenta For ATIONWIBI Mutuiil Innumi Co. Moke#! ftw lfti*r?n?f Co. **?'*?>?'?> Co. Ft Sol" FOR SALE?10 months old Chi hauhau male puppy. AKC regis tered. Call 6-8224, F 6-9 DAMAGED IN TRANSIT ? 1956 Great Lakes 35 U,1 bedrooms. Slight damage on fuHBt. side, and Interior. Inspect apn leave yours CASH bids at 'jaiuijj (The world famoifs -upside down sign) 3 Mi. N. of Greenville, S.C, Hwy. 29. F 9 FOR SALE?300 bales of clover and oat hay. Springdale School, Canton, N.C. Call Canton 4149 or 5900. F 9-13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualiRed as administrator of the estate of Wilson E. Leopard, deceased, late of Hayjveod County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynes ville, North Carolina, on or before the 26th day of January, 1957, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 24th day of. January. 1956. F. L LEOPARD Administrator of the Estate of WilSon E. Leopard. Deceased. 2609?J 26 F 2-9-16-23 M 1 I DO YOU HAVE A ROOFING PROBLEM _ SEE BEN SLOAN Building Maintenance Materials P.O. Box 4 Phone GL 6-8352 KILPATRICK-FELMET AUTO INSURANCE ? The Best ?i DIAL GL 6 3631 ooooo For Top Quality Buy ^ MAYO'S SEEDS AND BLUE RIDGE PLANT FOOD FROM Haywood County Fanners Co-op, Inc. H. M. Dulin, Mgr. D?pot St GL 6-8621 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Frank S. Ja.vnes, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 12th day of Janu ary, 1957, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 12th day of January, 1956. James H. Howell, Jr. Administrator of the Estate of Frank S. Jaynos, deceased. 2605?J 12-19-26 F 2-9-16 CARL EDWARDS. Rt S, Waynes ville, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. ? ? ? don't make your basement a : test laboratory tor untried beaters.... NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of James M. Long, late a resident of Haywood County, this la to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file the same with the undersigned at Waynesvllle, N. C.. on or before the Sth day of January, 1957, or this notice will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This January 3. 1956. (MRS.) LEONA M LONG 2596?J 5-12-19-26 F 2-9 LETS TRADE GUNS If yea're not aatlefled with ysur present pan. see aa . . . we'll trade with yen. CLINE-BRADLEY CO. Jee Cllae * Disk Bradley get the water heater that's proved in over 2,500,000 homes ?to A. O. SMITH to Permaglas the original, time-tested glass-lined uialer heater WARRANTED FOR FO YEARS, COSTS NO MORE?(AST TERMS I MARTIN ELECTRIC COMPANY Main Street Waynesville DOUBLE-BARRELED SAVINGS Now you can have more protection for your home at low cost through the Kemper Homeowners Package Plan designed exclusively for homeowners. Our new policy covers 35 forms of insurance. You save 20% by buying all the protection in one policy instead qf in separate policies and you have the advan tage of one low cost ? one company ? one agent ? for all basic home protection. And, a 15% additional saving is possible through the dividend-paying policies of Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company*. MUTUAL INSURANCE Ef|S^j 283 MAIN DIAL GL?-5441 GG??AUr&tr GOA1VAV . most powerful cor in the medium price field tunc in anouCHO manx every wCek on ncc radio and tclcvision HOWELL MOTOR CO. DIAL (iL 6-8653 HAYWOOD STREET WW TW ?IC $150,000 IUCXT MOT OK MUiUlt WWMim. tj Y01W >MPI0JI?M0HT? BUOITQOATt F1RK INSURANCE BOTH LOWER COST AND THE BEST LOCAL AGENCY SERVICE CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AOENCY Gl. 6-5441 MJMitaSt VM ?MIM SUM (ft V\festinghom? Md la Wnunn* Oafar At MA8SIE FURNITURE CO. COMPLETE ? SERVICE FOR OFFICE MACHINES A* Near At Your TELEPHONE GL 6-4630 SERVICE DEPT. OP THE BOOK STORE CONCRETE BLOCKS J Size Yd. Price ? 4" x 8" x 16" ? 12c 6" x 8" x 16" 15c 8" x 8" x 16" 18c 12" x 8" x 16" 26c Flue Blocks ? 75c Septic Tank Covers $8.06 Tile All Sixes Jalousie Windows and Poors All Sixes CALL 6247 or VISIT PLEMMONS ? Concrete Products Co. Canton, N. C. PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Either Contract Or By The Hoar DIAL GL 6-8169 FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. 4I? DEPOT STREET State Plumbing A Heating Llceuae No. 1542 READY MIXED CONCRETE SAVE TIME LABOR MONET! Oar Prlcea Are Reasonable And Service Prempt Ready Mix Concrete Co. Dial OL <-5931 SYIA'ANIA T. V. For SERVICE A REPAIRS On Any TV Sot Coll GL 6-5011 Haywood Electric Service WAYNESVILLK MACHINE SHOP ALL TYPES OF PRECISION AND GENERAL MACHINE SHOP WORK B. A. Wahlcren, Owner 221 Montgomery StrceO TAKING A TRIP? BUY AMERICAN TRIPMASTER. I DAT TO 0 MONTHS. 19,00# to $90,000 LONNIE L. LYDA til Mala St GL 0-000$ When I Serve Yoa?Yoa Save. Keep Yonr . Cuard J Up! ? To be eligible for extra Income, promotions, retirement or to attend service schools, contact Tank Co., 120th Inf. Regt. N.C. N.G. Richland St., Armory. GL 6-3312. *5* FRIGID AIRE APPLIANCES MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. GL 6-3311 Main St. REAL ESTATE and rentals fiia and gl loans CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCV CL 6-8441 283 M?ln St. ALLISON & DUNCAN | TIRE CO. ) HAZILVOOD Mr. Home Ownerl Let Us PAINT Your House Now (Inside or Out, or Both) . . . And Pay Later ? Take Up To 12 Months to Pay! ? Low Interest Rates ? Free Estimates "No Job Too BUr ? Nose Too Small" Cline-Bradley Co. DIAL GL <-3181 "i 1 1 1 ' HEVhi General Electric HSflrAwjmf Appliances GARRETT FURNITURE CO. INC. Main Street DEPEND ON "THE PERFECT FUEL" TAPPAN and HARDWICK GAS RANGES j Dial GL 6-50/A \ MOODY RULANE INC. f 2 N. Main Wayncsvilie 4 INCOME ' TAX ? . BOOK KEEPING SERVICE [ "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" A.1 Pkwc GL Mill 1 ALE FORMS OF TAMES CLOSMANj OPPOSITE COUBT HOUfB ? H mm I

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