Benefit Party Is Planned At St. John's A benefit card party will be held at St. John's school Tucaday. Feb ruary 14, beginning at 8 p.m. The ever.* U being sponsored by the Parent*' Club of the school Prlxe* will be awarded at each table and refreshments will be served by the girls' cheer leaders. Guests may play the game of their chqlce and are requested to bring cards. Mrs Simon Klosky is serving as general chairman of arrangements with a committed composed of Mrs. Michael Plzzuto, refreshments; Mrs. Al Riegg, decorating; Mrs. Alan Brown and Mrs. Virgil Smith, sup plies; Mr*. Charles Miller, adver tising; and Mrs. Charles Ketner, reservations. Tickets will be 79 cents each and reservations for tables may be made with Mrs. Klosky or Mrs. Ketner. Dupr prises are being donated by Martin Electric Co.. Haywood Elec tric Co, and Weilco Shoe Corp. ? ? * SHOE x / A WILLIAMS Wins the Blue Ribbon WILLIAMS wins with a beau tifully simple pump of smooth blue leather, (blaek patent leather), circled with elastlcls rd aros-traln that's clasped by ? vamp buckle. Suit-able for Sprint. Only 2*98 NEVER BUY TILL YOU TRY TURNER S TURNERS STORE Main Street Waynesville THE TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY of county-wide library nervlce was celebrated at the annual open house held by the Woman's Club Tuesday after noon. Seated at the tea service Is Mrs. Roy Camp bell, president of the club. Standlnc are Mrs. W. S. Roberts, chairman of arrangements for the event .and Miss Margaret Johnston, librarian. The birthday cake in the shape of a book, shown in the foreground, was a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fry. The flower arrangement was red and white to carry out a Valentine motif. (Mountaineer Photo). Births New arrivals at the Haywood County Hospital include: A son to Mr. anl Mrs. J. R. Hipps of Canton on February 6. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bur nette of Waynesville on February 7. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mull of Brevard on February 7. A daughter to Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Baker of Canton on Fdbruafy 7. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kimball of Waynesville on Feb ruary 8. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hannah of Canton on Febru ary 8. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wid W.vatt of Waynesville, Route 1, on February 8 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Warren of Waynesville on February 8. cAt bright at t^oue... cAnd at patting! TOK /On Valentino's Day Olve Her A Gift j " T?wl5p^ 1 And Make Her Happiness Complete! ? Because only a Towle Vakntine can mean so very ? much, youH sec her heart in her eyes when she opens 1 that Towk Sterling gift box (in our special gift wrap- 4 ping). Come in and kt us help you select the flll-in pieces she wanu ... or the "superb gesture" place- i setting gift. 6-fc place settings, from $79.7% Serving pieces, from H.2S' Library Anniversary Is Celebrated At Tea 'Peace' Study Will Be Held At Clyde Church A study course, "To Combine Our Efforts for Lestinjf Feace^ will be held in four sessions at the Clyde Central Methodist Church, beginning Tuesday, February 14. The study will be under the lead ership of Mrs. J. W. Fowler, Jr., secretary of Christian Social Rela tions of the Wayr_.-.ville District of the Methodist Church, t Women of all denominations and races are invited. Each session will begin at 1:30 p.m. and continue until 3 p.m. The dates are Tuesday and Thursday. February 14 and 16, and Tuesday and Thursday, February 21 and 23. The Rev. George C. Starr, Jr., pastor of the Clyde church, will conduct the devotions at the first session and the study will be pre sented by Mrs. T. E. Robinett of the Waynejvlllc Baptist Church and Mrs. Carey T. Wells, Jr. and Mrs. Claude Cook of Canton. The second program will Include a devotional led by Mrs. Henry Gaddy of Waynesville and a Aim showing, "No Longer Strangers" to be presented by Mrs. Walter Dixon. Mrs. Wallace Ward, secretary of the Wesleyan Guild of the Waynes ville District of the Methodist Church, will lead the third session which will be devoted to a study of the United Nations. Mrs Thomas Stringfleld will conduct the devo tions. Dr. Elmer T. Clark of Lake Juna luska. who attended meetings of the World Council of Churches in Amsterdam and in Evanston. Ill will speak at the last session on the organization and work of the Councll. W. H. F Millar, Waynes vllle attorney, will speak on the Bill of Rights and International Affairs. Mrs. Jerry Liner will lead group devotions. The study is a part of the pro gram of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church. ? * * Woman's Club Will Hear Cpl. Smith Cpl. Prttchard Smith of the North Carolina Highway Patrol will apeak at a regular meeting of the Waynesville Woman'* Club Thurs day. February 16. at 3 p.m. The meeting will be held In the dining room of the First Methodist Church. Cpl. Smith will speak on High way Safety. The program Is being planned by the public affairs com mittee of which Mrs. W. D. Smith Is chalrmam. Miss Pearl Harris and Mrs. T. W Bridges will present a program of patriot music. Hostesses will be Mrs. C. F. Kirk patrlck, Mi's Robina Miller, Mrs. | L E. Wiggins, and Mrs R. B. Bar ! ker. ? The twelfth anniversary of coun ty-wlde library service was cele brated at an annual open house, sponsored by the Waynesville Wo man's Club. Tuesday afternoon in the Library. Numbers of library patrons called during the afternoon and a silver offering was taken for the library building fund. Callers were received by mem bers of the library board: Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, Glenn Palmer. J. L. Kil patrick. and Col. J. H. Howell. Miss Margaret Johnston, librari an. and Mrs. James Atkins, assist ant librarian, received at the door and Mrs. Dan Cross and Mrs. Frances Jones, members of the library staff, were in charge of the register. Bill Matney was in charge of the Children's Room. Refreshments were served from a lea table In the reading room, where a Valentine motif was used. A large birthday cake, a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fry of Radio Station WHCC, was featured and the centerpiece was of red and white carnations in a crystal and silver epergne. Mrs. Roy Campbell, president of the sponsoring club, Mrs. T. W. Bridges, and Mrs. Ray Parshall presided at the tea table and oth ers assisting were Mrs. H. B. Foy. Mrs. H. L. Baughman. Mrs. R. C. Lane, Mrs. J. H. Howell. Sr., Miss ' Anne Albright, and Miss Pearl Harris. Mrs. W. S. Roberts served as gen eral chairman of the event. The refreshment committee was com- < posed of Mrs. Jimmy Williams, Mrs. IT W. Bridges. Mrs. Merlin Eggen, i . and Mrs. Mack Setzer. Mrs. Charles Lsley, Jr., and Mrs. Charles Plem- ] mons were in charge of decora- ( I lions. Among thocalles were represent- ] ativcs of Mrs. William I. Lee's third grade at Central Elementary School, who brought along a bank containing donations of the grade to the building fund, amounting to more than $10.00. ? * * 'Nancy Underwood Is ?Member of Ball Court , Miss Nancy Underwood, who has ( been chosen one of five members of | I the Sigma Nu fraternity's Sweet- , heart Court at Emory University, , will leave tomorrow to spend the f weekend in Atlanta. She will ap- | pear with the Sweetheart Court at | th? White Rose Ball to be held by the fratei.iity tomorrow night. ^ Miss Underwood, daughter of Mrs. David Underwood, will be the ] guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groves and their son. Allen Groves, during 1 her stay in Atlanta. J . . ? ] St. John's Parents To Sponsor Dance ' A Valentine Dance for teen-ag- i ers wilt be*held at St. John's < School Saturday. February 11, from 1 8 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. I The dance is being sponsored by 1 the Parents' Club of the school and 1 parents will also serve as chaper ones. Admission will be 23 cents 1 per person. All young people are Invited. 1 Sorority Chapter To Attend Play At Bethel Tonight Tbe Alpha Theta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will go in a body to Bethel High School tonight to attend the junior class play, "Beans for Breakfast". The play is being directed by Mrs. Rufus Pannell, a member of the sorority chapter. The group will meet at the court house at 7 p.m. and will proceed from there to Bethel. A short busi ness meeting will be held follow ing the play for the purpose of naming a nominating committee. Sorority pledges will meet for instruction Thursday. February 16. at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. John Penny. Mrs. Bob Francis will present a program at this time and Miss Elaine Francis, pledge chair man, and Mrs. Charles Edwards, pledge instructor, will Ije in charge of the training period. ? ? ? Hazelwood PTA To Have Program On Foreign Lands The Hazelwood PTA will meet Monday night at 7:30 O'clock in the school auditorium. Charles Isley will present a group of students from the Music Department of the Waynesville High School, who will sing songs of other countries. Mrs. M. G. Staraey will talk on "School Children of Other Coun tries." A social hour will be held in the lunchroom and there will be an exhibit of craft work of the sixth grade students. * * * Beaverdam Club Has Meeting" The Beaverdam Home Demon stration Club met Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Jarrett Williamson with Mrs. T. G. Murray and Mrs. George Wright as co-hostesses. The president, Mrs. George Frady, pre sided and the devotional was Riv en by Mrs. Wiley Donaldson. Mrs. Jack Mason was welcomed as a new member and Mrs. W. M. Wil liamson was a guest. Project leaders reports were given on Home Gardens by Mrs. T. G. Murray, Home Beautification by Mrs. Paul Robinson, and Food Preservation by Mrs. George Frady. The demonstration on "Wise Selection of Household Equip ment" was given by the Home A gent after which a short work shop on covering coat fiangers with plastic was held. During the social hour a birth day party was held honoring Mrs. T. G. Murray. * * ? Mrs. E. W. White Is Honored A group of friends of Mrs. E. W. White, who is confined to her home on account of sickness, met at her home Thursday for a covered dish luncheon. A rug-quilting was enjoyed fol lowing luncheon. Those present were Mrs. Hen derson McClure, Mrs. Ben Walker, Mrs. C. S. Medford, Mrs. John McClure, Mrs. Leonard Dotson, Mrs. James Welch, Mrs. Billy Med ford, Mrs. W. B. Noland, and Mrs. Marshall Leatherwood. HDC Schedule Friday, Feb. 10, 1:30 p.m. ? Iron Duflf-Crabtree?Hyder Moun tain Methodist Church. Monday. Feb. 13, 8:00 p.m. ? Canton Homemakers ? Mrs. Louis Kaplan (Mrs. Charles Ward. Mrs. Fred Doutt, Mrs. Bob Phillips). Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2:00 p.m. ? South Clyde at Community House ?Mrs. E. G. Cathey. Miss Alberta Stamey, Mrs. Troy Rhinehart. Tuesday. Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m. ? Lakeside?Mrs. Ed Glavich iMrs. Charles ,Ross). Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2:00 p.m.? SethPl?Mrs. Welch Singleton iMrs. Bill Wells, Mrs. M. H. Powell). Thursday, Feb. 16. 2:00 p.m. ? Del I wood?Mrs. Hugh Allison (Mrs. Lee Evans). ? * * Miss Johnston To Give Program At DAR Meet.. Miss Margaret 'Johnston, county librarian, will be the guest speak ?r at a meeting of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, in the home jf Mrs. J. H. Howell. Sr., Friday ifternoon at ?30 o'clock. The 3rogram is being planned by Mrs. Sen E. Colkitt. Mrs. James L. Elwood, regent, vlll preside. Hostess with Mrs. Howell will be Urs. J. H. Howell. Jr. ? * ? Mrs. Beck, Recent Bride, is Honored At Shower Mrs. ? Robert Beck, a recent >>ride. was honored at a miscellan eous shower given Monday even ing In the home of Mrs. Joe How pll on Pigeon Road. Hostesses ivere Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Bill Leo nard. Mrs. William Osborne. Miss Patsy Queen. Mrs. Jessie Noland, ind Mrs. Claude Davis. Mrs. Lem Leopard assisted with games. Twenty-fire guests were Includ ed LAURA WOODY has been chos en for the cast of the Randolph Macon Woman's College produc tion of Shakespeare's "A Midsum mer Night's Dream" to be given-at the college Friday evening, April 27. She will play the part of a rustic. The play will be performed as it was in Elizabethan times, as a court masque. Members of the col lege May Court will be presented before the play* opens. The setting for the play will be the dell, the college outdoor amphi theater, which will be lighted bj I pine torches. The Glee Club will provide background music and members of the Modern Dance Group will participate. Miss Woody, a senior, is a mem ber of Phi Mu Sorority. * ? ? Mrs. Aldie Cook Is Honored The T.E.L. Class of the Bethel .Missionary Baptist Church honor ed Mrs. Aldie Cook with a covered dish supper Thursday night. Mrs. Cook has beerr sick for sometime. Following the supper a prayer service was held and plans were made foi* a fellowship supper to precede the regular meeting Wed nesday, February 22. Mrs. Cook was presented gifts. Those present were Mrs. Major Burress, Mrs. Jack Allison, Mrs. Jack P. McCracken, Mrs. Ralph Riddle, Mrs. Ellis Wells, Mrs. Doyle Presslev, Mrs. Homer West, Mrs. Horace Peek, Mrs. Harrison Hensou, Mrs. Jack Sloan. Mrs. Elsie Russell, Mickey Cook, Mrs. J L. Singleton, and Alder Cook. * ? ? I Good Neighbors Meet With Mrs. Pierce The Good Neighbors of Center Pigeon met Monday night in the home of Mrs. B. N. Pierce with Mrs. W. C. Murray as co-hostess. The president .Mrs. llaynes Henson. was in charge and Mrs. R. G. Chason gave the devotional. Mrs. D. E. Cogburn and Mrs. L. L. McDowell were welcomed as new members. Mrs. Henson report ed on a Council meeting and plans were made to hold a basket work shop next week. The demonstration on "Equip ment for Home Use" was given by Miss Mary Cornwell. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Davis >f Canton announce the birth of a laughter at St. Joseph's Hospital, Vshevllle on February 8. * ? ? Miss Ethel McCoy has returned o her home at Lake Junaluska af er spending several weeks in Jack onville, Fla. B and PW Club Postpones Orientation .. The orientation program tor new members of the Waynesville Busi ness and Professional Women's Club has been indefinitely post poned, according to Mrs. George Brown, membership chairman. The program had^een planned for tonight. JUNIOR VOGUES bright star puts te;VOU in (ho limelight! k $1095 Is your audience captivated? Of course! Every time you ?** enter the room you steal the scene in Junior Vogues sensotion-in-stripes! Three ways to wear one unique collar! A sprinkling of beads to point up row upon row of tiny bodice tucking. Cloud-soft cotton in cinnamon, peacock or white on black grounds. Bravo for Junior Vogues brilliant new star, here direct from its da zzling preview in the January issue of SEVENTEEN Ma ga zine! Sizes 7 to 15. THE SMART SHOP 109 N. Main Dial GL 6-8210 ANNOUNCING .... . 1 A CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT OF THE WAYSIDE RESTAURANT LAKE JUNALUSKA NOW OPERATED RY MR. & MRS. DAVID RILEY i OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK j??????????| ? featuring ? CURB COUNTRY HAM CEDVirF # SEA FOODS IV?C ? STEAKS we welcome your patronage in the HOME MADE PIES dining room or ? c - 1, at the curb " 0x11 Specialty ? business lunches daily EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE WAYSIDE RESTAURANT ? Your Patronage Will Be* Appreciated ?

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