WANT AD RATES Wi ita tm. IVte per Mrl Minimum Ht. Went ads repeated at two eeate per word rate, mini mum ?de. This size type, 3 cents per word, minimum charts SO cents. This size type, 50c per column inch. Advertisement* will ?e pnbllahed according to desired schedule without extra charge. Errors In advertisementa should be reported Immediately. The Mountaineer will not be re sponsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS ARE CASH IN ADVANCE. Cash must accompany orders sent by mall. Want ads mnst be in office be fore 16:39 a.m. on day before publication to ruaranteo to be tn want ad aectlon. When yon wish to Insert a want ad Dial OL 6-53411. / Special Notices PRIVATE DETECTIVE (all phases of investigation) Hazelwood, N. C., Box No. 509. J 12 F 27 $25.00 REWARD to anyone who furnishes evidence for the conviction of the thief who stole from my garage red five gallon gasoline can, lug-reinforced tire chains, how saw, red metal frame. A. L. Bramlett, White Oak. Feb 9-13 LENNOX FURNACES?Free estimates. No down pay ments. Three years to pay. Automatic Heating Com pany. GL 6-5291. A 12 tf TOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange on Ashevllle Road. H. B. Angel, manager. Dial GL 6 6191. tf run olwkless sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. Hlnkle Plumbing Co. J 19-tf FUEL OIL ? Call Lee Oil Co. for prompt delivery of Super Refined Cities Ser vice Fuel Oil and Kerosene. Next to Le Faiae Hotel. Phone GL ?-3091. N 17 tf 1955 TAX RKTUttNS?If you need assistance in preparation of your tax returns, dial GL 6-3295, Mrs. Lawrence Parker, Lake Junalus ka. Experienced. Appointments arranged at your convenience. F 13-16-20-23 Wanted WANTED ? LISTINGS. We need listings of every description; houses, lots, business property, farms, and pasture land. If you have property for sale, list It with the L. N. Davis Co., GL 6 3501. J 16-tf WANTED?Male or female book keeper. Write Bookkeeper, Box 511, The Mountaineer, giving ex perience and telephone number. F 6-tf WORK WANTED ? Young man, married, desires work; complet ed military service; experienced plumber's helper and all types contract work; call Mr. Neylor, GL 6-5930. F 9-13-16-2(5 LINER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CO. GL 6-8331 131 Main St. Agents For ?|ationwidb . Aufvol Insvronco Co. - VmsT M??uol Fin Intwronco Co. I Iniwrom- ( ? DO YOU HAVE A ROOFING PROBLEM SEE BEN SLOAN Building Maintenance Materials P.O. Box 4 Phone GL 6-8952 Edna McKay Price 306 East St. Telephone GL 6-8229 ? Accounting ? Auditing o Tax Set-rice INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Promptly OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Vh V For Rent FOR RENT: Four rooms and bath, upstairs apartment. Separate en trance. Heat furnished. $50.00 per month. Call 6-5504 after 6 p.m. N 28-tf FOR RENT ? 1 and 2 bedroom apartments ? Furnished. Excel lent location?$o0 to $75. String field Apts. Phone Kijpatrick-Fel met, GL 6-3631. J 19-26 F 2-9-16-23 GET YOUR WATCH cleaned at Reliable Jewelers for only $4.50. This means a lull year guaran tee. Why pay more? J 16-tf FOR RENT?Apartments, furnish ed and unfurnished. Excellent lo cations. Reasonable rentals. For appointment to see, dial GL 6 5441 during business hours. F 13-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT ? Sec ond floor; oil furnace. Two rooms, bath. Electric kitchen. One block from Main St. Adults. Tel. GL 6-8603. F 2-tf FOR RENT?Furnished apartment, two rooms, with heat. Adults only. Homer Ave. Call GL 6 8165. F 6-tf FOUR-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, near Depot on Dellwood Road. Call GL 6-8064. F 13-16 FOR SALE ? One new four-room house, with bath and carport. See Moses Robinson, Hazelwood. F 9-13 FOR RENT?Three bedroom fur nished house. Available Feb. 17. Hillside Terrace. Dial GL 6-5441 during business hours. F 13 FOR RENT ? 4-room apartment. Now available. See any time dur ing the day. Adults only. 403 Boyd Avenue. Phone GL 6-3614. F 9-tf TWO HOUSES, FOR RENT in Chestnut Park Drive. See George Rupe. F 13, 16. 20 FOR RENT?Attractive room in nice section two meals per day optional. Call GL 6-6272. F 13-tf Professional Services PROFESSIONAL, PIANO TUNING, voicing and repairing. Paul Shep herd. Cantos. N. C. Tel. 5123. 8 14-tl WHY PAY MORE to get your watch repaired when you can get it done economically at Re liable Jewelers. All work guar anteed 12 months. J 16-tf DOES YOUR CHILD need help In any school subject? Private rtftoring, certified teacher. Mrs. Lois B. Hendry, GL 6-8603. J 18 tf A. M. FERGUSON. Rt. 4, Waynes ville, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountain eer office. Toy railroad hobbyists some times spend hundreds of man hours to build a model locomotive. SPECIAL READERS DIGEST 8 Copies $1.80 16 Copies ... $2.00 Subscriptions To All Other Leading Magazines SEE MRS C. E. SARVF.R P.O. Box 54 ? GL 6-5667 2 bedroom home with living room, dining room, breakfast nook, .kitchen. One and l/i baths. Lot size approx. \'i acre. In quiet wooded section of town. Call L. L. Lyda, GL 6-6083. 2 bedroom home in Hazel wood. Has living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Plas tered walls and ceilings. Oil furnace ? garage. In an ex cellent neighborhood on a very nice lot. Call Howard Hyatt GL 6-8331. LINER Real Estate & Insurance Co. REALTORS 131 Main St. Waynesville For Sale FOR SALE: Motorists: Tour All state Insurance Company agent In Waynesville Invites you to compare Allstate's features, ad vantages and low rates with any other auto Insurance! Get de pendable Allstate auto Insur ance today. See or phone Bob Brannon. your Haywood County Allstate agent Just a block down from the Courthouse In Waynesville, located at 217 De pot St Phone GL 8-5512. Jn 30-tf HAVE YOUR watch cleaned at Reliable Jewelers for only $4.50. This carries a 12-month guaran tee. J 16-tf FOR SALE ? Three fresh milk cows, will sell or swap. Call Fred Jones. GL 6-8371 or 6-8503. J 2-tf ,ARGE 6 ROOM HOUSE TO SELL ?3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen with Ipts of built in cabinets. Utility room. Base ment. Hardwood floors. Forced air heat. Hendrix Street near Dayton Rubber. Call 6-8680. J 19 thru F 13 FOR SALE: Hay, straw, shucks, cotton seed meal, cotton seed hulls, feed oats, Spartan quality dairy feed. Grass seeds and fer tilizer. Parton Feed Store. 420 Depot St. J 23-tf FOR SALE?Four room house and bath. Mudern kitchen with built in cabinets, electric water heat er and oil furnace. Two large lots. Call GL 6-8679. J 23-tf ALL WATCH REPAIRING done by us is guaranteed for a full year. Cleaning is only $4.50, at Reli able Jewelers. Why Pay More? J 16-tf run &AL1.?t>-room moaern nouse, | 7 acres. $12,600. Call GL 6-5441 during business hours. J 30-tf FOR SALE?1 - '53 Chevrolet lVfe ton truck L.W.B. $795.00; 1 - '53 Chevrolet l'/fc ton short wheel base. ideal for dump or van body. $745.00. Louis Roper, Andrews. N. C. J 30-tf FOR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $8.00 up. Kurt Gang, Jeweler, 207 Ma'n St. A 5-tf FOR SALE?800 bales number one orchard grass hay for sale. Con tact David Noland, Fines Creek. Phone GL 6-3796 F 2-6-9-13 FOR SALE?Baled hay, by ton or bale. Call Dewey Francis. GL 6-6037. F 6-13-20-27 FOR SALE?300 bales of clover and oat hay. Springdale School, Canton, N.C. Call Canton 4149 or 5900. F 9-13 FOR SALE?New four room house. Full sized bath House is insulat ed. New barn. Young apple or chard. 3 acres of bottom land, ee Cecil Cooper, Cruso. F 13-16 FOR SALE ? New three bedroom house, Aliens Creek Road. You won't believe the price. Dial GL 6-5441 during business hours. F 13 Worms Into Trouble LITTLE ROCK (API ?A flash flood put one merchant out of busi ness. wiping out his entire stock. Curley Barks appealed to the Red Cross for aid. and the agency tried to help him replace the lost merchandise. Burks operates a worm ranch to supply fishermen with bait. He said the flood washed away 3,000 worms. Bead soap is made by spraying the soap mixture into a drying tower so that tiny balls, or beads, of soap are formed. LET'S TRADE GUNS If you're not satisfied with your present gun, see us . . . well trade with you. CLINE-BRADLEY CO. Joe Cline A Dick Bradley HOSPITAL BILLS \ DON'T WORRY Mi Jldlf ?AttJl ? ' ~MT I'M PROTECTED BY BLUE CROSS ) ?AM YOU? wii on mi rod rau octmu RfprntiUUrt WAYNE ROGERS Lake huMu, If. C. Phone: GLen4ale t-lUI EXECUTOR NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of J. T. Harreil, deceas ed, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 6th day of January, 1957 or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of January, 1956. R. L. Davis, Executor of the Estate of J. T. Harreil, deceased. 2599?J 9-16-23-30 F 6-13 L. H. REECE, Hazelwood, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Mountaineer office. ^ ! IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. LUCILLE LUNSFORD, Plaintiff, vs. CLARENCE LUNSFORD, Defendant. * TO CLARENCE LUNSFORD: Take notice that a complaint, seeking relief against you, has been filed in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff above named for reasonable subsistence for herself and Leon Lunsford, minor child of the plaintiff and the defendant above named, for counsel fees, and for the custody of said minor child. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 7th day of April, 1956. and upon your failure to do so. the plaintiff above named will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 4th day of February, 1956. J. B. SILER Clerk Superior Court 2612?F 6-13-20-27 MARIE HOOPER, Rt. 2, Clyde, has two tickets for the Strand The atre at the Mountaineer office. Ask Us About The NEW PACKAGE POLICIES 5 POLICIES IN 1 Up To 25% SAVINGS Kilpatrick-Felmet Inc. Phone GL 6-3631 NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, February 27, 1956, at 11:00 o'clock A.M., at the Court House door in Town of Waynes ville, N. C., I will offer for sale, at public outcry to the highest bid der for cash, the following describ ed lands and premises situate, ly ing and being in Pigeon Town ship, Haywood County, N. C., to wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the Queen line in the Northeast corner of the Way Henson lot, and runs with the line of said lot S. 13? W. 284 feet to a stake in line of Troy Henson lot; thence with line of said lot S. 74? E. 329 feet to a stake in line of the Bobby Henson lot; thence with line of said lot N. 13? E. 108 feet to a stake in the Queen line; thence with Queen line N. 59? W. 343 feet to the BEGIN NING. Sale will be made pursuant to the power and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by that Deed of Trust dated Novem ber 4, 1954, executed by Roy Hen son and recorded in Book 94, page 280, Haywood County Registry, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand for sale hav ing been made by the holder there of upon the undersigned. Sale will be made subject to 1956 taxes. This January 25, 1956. A. T. WARD, Trustee 2610?J 30 F 6-13-20 ooooo For Top Quality Buy^ ^ MAYO'S SEEDS AND BLUE RIDGE PLANT FOOD FROM Haywood County Farmers Co-op, Inc. H. M. Dulin, Mgr. Depot St. GL 6-8621 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of O.C. Mastin, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesvllle, North Carolina, on or before the 7th day of January, 1957, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. Ail persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 7th day of January, 1956, Stella F. Mastin, Executrix of the Estate of O. C. Mastin, deceased. 2600?J 9-16-23-30 F 6-13 WELL DRILLING We Drill Deep or Shallow Wells Anywhere in Western North Carolina Reasonable Rates CALDWELL BROTHERS Phone 6696 Canton Think Twice whon you buy auto insuranco L about coat . .. Compare AHatato's low rataa. See how much you can ease. X about torvko ... Allstate is famotm tor fast, fair claim settlements, with out red tape or quibbling. AUTHORIZED AGENT ROBERT O. BRANNON 217 DEPOT STREET Phone GL 6-5512 Waynesvllle, N. C. You're In goatf hsndswIMi ? ? ? ? ^laeaiaati coeisau* ?TOOK COMPANY *?OT*CTION f*?n4orf by Man An tiunou founded by 5?on, toabuek and Co. ntdk ?atnlitia? diitinct and ??porof? horn tha paront company. FIRE INSURANCE THE L. N. DAVIS CO. MAIN ST. GL 6-3501 NOTICE I TO MOTORISTS All citizens of llazelwood owning and operating motor vehicles, are required by law to have 1956 Town licence tags on said vehicles by February 15, 1956. Per sons failing to comply with this regula tion will be subject to fine, and costs in the matter. Tags available at the City Hall for One Dollar Each. ? ROY STEVENS Chief of Police Failure To Properly Display Town Tag la A Violation of the Ordinance. FIRE INSURANCE BOTH LOWER COST AND THE BEST LOCAL AGENCY SERVICE CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY GL 6-5441 283 Main St. V\festin^iouM Bald la Waynrarflle Only At MASSIE FURNITURE CO. COMPLETE SERVICE FOR OFFICE MACHINES As Near As Your TELEPHONE GL 6-4630 SERVICE DEPT. OF THE BOOK STORE CONCRETE BLOCKS Size Yd. Price 4" z 8- x 14" 18c 8" x 8" x 16" 15c 8" x 8" x 16" 18c 11" x 8" x 16" 16c Flue Blocks 75c Septic Tank Cover* 83.60 Tile AH Sixes Jalousie Windows and Doors All Sixes CALL 6247 or VISIT PLEMMONS Concrete Products Co. Canton, N. C. PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Either Contract Or Bj The Hoar DIAL GL 6-8169 FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. 416 DEPOT STREET State Plumbing A Heating License No. 1S42 READY MIXED CONCRETE SAVE TIME A LABOR f MONEY! Our Prices Are Reasonable And Service Prompt Ready Mix Concrete Co. Dial GL 6-5931 SYLVAMA T. V. For SERVICE A REPAIRS On Any TV Set Call GL 6-5041 Haywood Electric Service WAYNESVILLE MACHINE SHOP ALL TYPES OF PRECISION AND GENERAL MACHINE SHOP WORK R. A. Wahlgren, Owner 221 Montgomery Street TAKING A TRIP? BUY AMERICAN TRIPMASTEE. 1 DAY TO < MONTHS. $5,000 to $50,000 LONNIE L. LYDA 131 Main St. <GI< 6-60U When I Serve Yon?Yon Save. Keep Yoiif , Guard M Up! To be eligible for extra Income, promotions, retirement or to attend service schools, contact Tank Co.. 120th Inf. Regt. N.C. N.G. Richland St., Armory. GL 6-3312. rv FRIGID AIRE APPLIANCES MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. GL 6-3341 Main St. REAL ESTATE SALES AND RENTALS FHA AND GI LOANS CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY GL 6-5441 283 Main St ALLISON & DUNCAN hazblwood Mr. Home Owner! Let Us PAINT Your House Now (Inside or Out, or Both) . . . And Pay Later ? Take Up To 12 Months to Pay! ? Low Interest Rate* ? Free Estimates "No Job Too Big ? None Too Small" Cline-Bradley Co. DIAL GL 6-3161 General ^1 Electric f Appliances GARRETT FURNITURE CO. INC. Main Street CAN ^Jwua ,^l DEPEND ON "THE PERFECT FUEL" TAPPAN and HARDWICK GAS RANGES | Dial GL 6-5071 1 MOODY RULANE INC. 202 N. Main Waynesville I INCOME I TAX BOOKKEEPING SERVICE "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" Pbone GL 6-8531 ALL FORMS QF TAXES J CLOSMAN |U OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE

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