MOKE ABOUT Highlanders (Continued from Pact 1> ers agreed to pay their pro rata ?dare of the coat at the campaign. Which haa been figured at $400 at the ritimated $8,000 project. Within 10 daya, the members ex pect to receive porcelain signs to hang in front of their places of business. The signs will be the same shape and color of the stick ers which have been accepted as MOM AMOVT Safety Inspection < Continued from Page I) 400346; 821407; 821430; 978023 Canton prizes m to holders of numbers 71089. 977909; 094172; 71310; 970847; 094008; 71470; 064 124; 71178; 71407; 807100; 71394; the Highlanders Insignia for some time. A large group attended the meet ing SAY FOLKS - Did You Know THAT AT RAY'S You Can Really Dress Me Up ? And My Little Brother ? And My Bigger Sister. BABIES TOO! ( i And At Ray's ? All Sort* of STORK SHOWER GIFTS In Fact ? About Everything ??? Including SUMMER SPORTSWEAR ? In The -< Children's Department RAY'S STOME Home oi Southern Stamps - ? - f ;?. ??.*??? ' I LJ1 CJ / showing] II buT \ 1/1 beautifully "? lb Pert, pretty //\ V" shoes... designed /J//jf* * \ to catch every jyC^KC eye. In your imoii / sire, of course. ? RAY'S IS? MOM ABOUT Cleanup (Continued from fill 1) resentatives of the Chamber of Commerce?J. C. Jennings, Rogei Ammons. and Charles Way. Mrs. Riegg said that local clubs and organisations will be ap proached this week and next to urge sponsorship of a specific project in the cleanup campaign. She added that Waynesvllle and Haaelwood will be divided into zones and participating organiza tions will be asked to be respon sible for a certain zone. Tuesday morning the Waynes vllle Council of Garden Clubs vot ed to adopt a permanent beauti fication program suggested by the Chamber of Commerce, calling for the creation of a beautification commission for WaynesvUle and Hazelwood, and a planning com mission for Haywood County. At that meeting. Richard Brad ley, president of the Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that a per manent beautification program is necessary because of the fact (1> that the Waynesvllle area Is a popular summer resort and at tract* many out-of-state visitors, because (2) a clean town is an im portant point In attracting new in dustry, and "most of all" (S) clean liness makes living more enjoy able for the town's own residents. HURE ABOUT 4-H (Continued from Page 1) live* from the CDP. Chamber of Commerce, Home Demonstration Clubs, banks, civic organizations, ind parents of 4-H'ers. The program planned for the vis tors will include a tour of out standing Haywood County farms, ndustrles. Lake Logan, the Wag in Road-Beech Gay section of the Hue Ridge Parkway, the Ocona uftee Indian Village at Cherokee, ind the Biltmore House. It Is expected that the Colorado {roup will have 40 persons in it? ncluding adult leaders. >79941; 954136; 579827; 897012; 179555; 71496; 954186; 71136; 179815; 6970?6. In spite of Monday's rains, 563 ?ars went through the Waynesville ane and 437 through Canton's. Tuesday the number increased to 150 and 615. respectively, at the Vaynexville and Hazelwood lanes ind 505 at Cantdn. On Wednesday 179 cars were Inspected in Way lesville and 659 in Canton. Chief Noland commented that a >out one car in five was refused ts safety sticker, usually for min >r defect* such as lights. He prals sd the cooperation of the owners jf such cars, most of whom promptly remedied the difficulty and returned to receive their stick er*. Lanes will remain open at Waynesville and Canton through Saturday, and in Hazelwood on rhursday. The Waynesville and Hazelwood lanes will be open from I a.m. to 6 p.m. and the Canton ane from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Waynesville lane is located on hos >ltal hill; the Hazelwood lane near Hve Points; and the Canton lane it the west entrance to the town. The lanes are staffed by law of icers. mechanics and high school itudents. Prizes are being donated >y local merchants. BIOS WEKE OPENED Tuesday morning at the courthouse fur the construction of a new admin istration building for the Haywood County Board of Education .The bids were read by Jack Baber. (standing, center), architect with the firm of Llnd sey Gudger, and recorded by (starting at right and reading clockwise), Jerry Liner, Lake J una luska contractor; J. W. KiUian, member of the Board of Education; Fred Martin, Wajmeortlle rlectrical contractor; Lawrence B. Leather wood, superintendent of county ayitem schools, and John U'ood of Lindsejr Gudfer. (Mountaineer Photo). MORE ABOUT Long-Range (Continned from Pax* 1) for Haywood County. Agreeing to sponsor a cleanui campaign during the last tw< months of May, the Cuncil of Gar den Clubs selected the organiza tion'a outgoing president. Mrs. A R. Riegg, to head the drive. Mr. Tucker said that the coun cil, in promoting a permanent beau tiftcation program, could expect ac tive assistance from the Chambei of Commerce, the Soil Conserva tion Service, State Highway De partment. the CDP. Home Dem onstration Clubs, and other civic churdh, and fraternal organiza tions. The Chamber Executive explain ed that members of a Waynesville Hazel wood beautiflcation commis sion could work with officials ol the two towns in the establish ment and enforcement of ordin ances to promote greater civic beauty and cleanliness. He added that a county planning commission would be charged with among other things, preventing un authorized cutting down of valu able trees, and taking care of areas along highways outside the state's right-of-way. Mr. Tucker also showed color slides of "eyesore- ' in this area and what has been done In some Instances to Improve these condi tions. The members of the Council of Garden Clubs were invited to Tuesday morning's meeting at Thr Lodge by Richard Bradley, presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce, who presided at the meeting. In a letter to council members. Mr, Bradley wrote: "For a long time, the Chamber of Commerce has been interested in area beautiflcation. We need area beautiflcation if we are Jo be a first class tourist resort or if we are to attract new industries suitable to this area, but most of all we neeh area beautiflcation for ourselves. "In order to reach the ultimate in a beautiflcation program, we {eel that several things will have to be done but two of the most Important will be the establish ment of a Beautification Commis sion for the towns of Hazelwood and Waynesville and the establish ment of a County Planning Com .mission for Haywood- County. One other element that is needed for the success of our program is a working organization that will be willing to assume the responsibility, to serve as a steering committee, to insure continuity of effort, and to organize and carry on the work. "We in the Chamber of Com merce feel that the Garden Clubs now functioning throughout the area with their present Garden Council is the logical group to operate this program." Following the meeting. Mrs. R. H. Stretcher, incoming president of the Garden Club Council, called the long-range program for area beautiflcation "the finest and most far-reaching program of its kind ever proposed " MORE ABOUT Court (Continued from Page 1) Ward, Waynesville; V. B. Bram lett. Canton; Robert McElroy, Waynesville; Harmon Erwin, Can ton; G. H. Ruff, Waynesville. MORE ABOUT Democrats (Continued from Page 1) , I era. Beaverdam No. 7, Fred Setzer. Pigeon. Gaston Burnett; Center Pigeon. Glenn Able; East Fork. Bryan Heatherl.v; Clyde. Mrs. C E. , Brown, Jr.; Lake Junaluska. Charles Edwards. Ivy Hill. Joe Campbell; Jona than Creek; Jule Boyd; Cataloo chee. Lush Caldwell; Big Creek, Mack Caldwell; Fines Creek No 1, Frank Green; Fines Creek No 2, Earl Bradley. Iron Duff. Raymond Caldwell; Hazelwood. Jerry Rogers; Saunook. Jimmy Miller. Aliens Creek, Bill Ferguson: Cecil. Clyde Caklwell: , Big Creek. Mack CaldweU; White Oak, Rowe Ledford. ' WTHS Senior Honor Students Are Announced > , (See pictures. Pace 1> Honor students ot the graduat ing class of the Waynesville High School are Patsy Leatherwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W Leatherwood. valedictorian; and Barbara Owenby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T- L. Owenby, salutator ian. Miss Leatherwood. who achiev ed an average of 3.921 out of a pos sible 4 for her four years' schol astic average, is a member of the Tally-Ho Club, the FHA and 4-H Clubs and is a member of the school annual staff. She was select ed this year to represent her school and the local chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution, in the Good Citizen ship contest sponsored by North Carolina Society of the DAR. She was a member of the cast for the senior play and was voted by her classmates as the girl "most likely to succeed." Miss Owenby. who attained an average of 3 916 during her four , years of high school, is also a mem ber of the Tally-Ho, FHA, and 4-H Clubs. She is a member of the Beta Club, which she joined at Clyde where she was a student her freshman and sophomore years. She is sports editor of the school annual and was voted "the most intellectual" girl in her class. She was also a member of i the cast for the senior play. Toastmdsters Club Meeting Slated On Monday Night The Waynesville Toastmasters Club will meet at 7:15 p.m. Mon day at Shepard's Restaurant, It has been announced. Speakers will be Jerry Rogers, ] John Reeves, Mack McAuley, and A! Marshall. Evaluators for their talks will be Ted Stackpole, Wayne Rogers. A1 Hunt, and Homer Jus ; tice. John Thomas'will give the in ' vocation. Robert Hall the instruc tions, and Jack Felmet will act I as toast master. Virgil Smith will have charge of table topics. Dr. Jack Dickerson j will be table topics evaluator, Ray ' Ellis t will be grammarian, and | Charles Underwood, master evalua I tor. * Clyde Band To Present First Concert The Clyde School band will pre : sent its first concert Thursday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the school audi torium. The band, organized last fall and directed by Miss Mary Osborne, is composed of students from the fifth through the eighth grades. Charles Isley, director of the Waynesville High School band, will be the guest speaker. Tickets may be bought from the students or at the door on the night of the concert. Welfare Agent Invited To Mental Health Meet Mrs. C. H. Leatherwood of the Welfare Department staff has been invited to attend a meeting on mental health Saturday at the Asheville City Hail, conducted un der sponsorship of the North Caro lina Mental Health Association. The program will open at 10 a.m. and be concluded at 3 p.m Invitations to the meeting are being extended to 50 persons throughout Western North Caro lina. 1st Lamb Pool Planned May 25 At Clyde Yards The county's first lamb pool 1956 will be bold at the Clyde stockyards Fridaj", May 25, accord MORE ABOUT Horse Show (Continued (tea Pace ? perts in swimming pool construc tion that a pool can be completed by early July, and that is the pres ent thinking of those backing the program, to get construction start ed at once." Ned Tucker, executive vice president of the organization, said contacts had been made with the State Recreation Commission for suggestions as to the lay-out of the property as to buildings and pool. A representative is expect ed here immediately to help with the plans. Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce in presenting their ideas to businessmen here Wed nesday, following their meeting Tuesday night, found - a ready re sponse to the idea, with almost each one volunteering to make liberal contributions. Jonathan H. Woody, one of the many advocating a recreation cent er here, helped close the deal this morning. The executive commit tee is composed of Bradley, Tuck er, C. G. Thompson, and Harvey M. Dulin. The property was acquired, with all equipment, for $18,000. "This is below market price for such land," Woody said, "and it was because the Horse Show As sociation wanted to see the prop erty converted into a recreation center th#t we were able to get it at such a bargain." League said this morning, "We are extremely happy that the property has been acquired for recreation. The 15-meiflber board of the Haywood Horse Show As sociation, Inc., pledge themselves as ready and willing to assist in any manner in staging horse shows on the property at any time. We are confident that horse shows are still one of the major attrac tions for this area, and we want to help keep the program going which was started sqs-eral years ago, and drew thousands for the 3-day shows. "Those of us who have been connected with the Horse Show have made ..liberal financial contri butions, and have also made them to this recreation project, and hope that every citizen wanting a modern recreation program in tnis community will give UDerai ly," League continued. jng to Albert L. Ramsey, assistant farm agent. All producers who plan to con sign lambs for the pool are urged to notify the county agent's office not later than May 19 to permit the making of arrangements for rail way transportation. Lambs not con signed by that date may not be ac cepted at the pool. WANT ADS HOUSE TRAILER or MOBILE HOME SHOPPING? Go to RIM ER. INC. in GREENVILLE, S. C. WHY? RIMER has the south s LARGEST Mobilehome display; RIMER sells only leading makes, tried and proven: RIMER offers you bank financing with lowest interest. and insurance rates: RIMER doea a volume business making possible LOWER PRICES: RIMER gives liberal discounts for cash: RIMER will take your furniture on down pay ment and allow top dollar; RIM ER has new one bedroom mod els from $2695. two bedroom models from $3495. as well as used trailers at below market prices too. Why don't YOU gc to RIMERVILLE and see for yourself? Open evenings til 9. closed Sunday. H3KIH (The world famous upside down signl 3 Mi. N. of Greenville. S. C. Hwy 29. M 10 | CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks for- the many floral offer ings and other tokens of sympathy that were given during the sickness and death of our Aunt. Mrs. Anna Dotson. The Palmer and Sanderson 1 Families. f We Suggest At RAY'S on Mother's Day Young or old, nothing flatten Mom like Flatternit Hosiery! Here's the gift that's always welcome, no matter which style you choose. * Come see our full stock of I glorious Flatternits and solve your gift problem the fct sure way! - ?HHk from $1.00 pr. Flattemit it known for special features you cannot duplicate in ordinary hosiery. r " ("-...when you must took your bestl"^ And Slips - Such As - "WASH 'N WEAR" I ^ ? new COTTON BATISTE 'slip it needs no ironing! <298 4 Mothers Sure Will Like Them Also ? Drip Dry - No Iron *Z?T GOWNS-PAJAMAS In Very Lovely Selections Shorty I Waltz I Long Pajamas I Gowns I Gowns Solids And Prints $ J .98 up Beautiful Nylon Gowns ? (Jaick Drying ?? No Ironing ? Lovely Soft Colors $^.98 ?- Exceptionally Nice For Trips ? NYLON - PANTIES Brief and Pantie Styles ? 97C up Munsing Nylon Slips Lace Trim #?? M Af Pleated Hem Lines ? # J Up Sure to Please Mothers Other Styles $2*98 up

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