'Iris Time' Is Theme For Canton Flower Show t ______ ... i ??? ? "Iris "fame" la the theme for the flower ahow sponsored by the Rho dodendron Garden Club, to be held In the assembly room at the Canton Library Friday, May 18, from 1 to I p.m. Mrs. John Morgan la general chairman for the ahow. The achedule announced thia i week la aa follows: i General Rulea?Only members of the four Canton Garden Clubs may eahiblt. Entry books will open ?t 9:00 a.m. and close at 11:00 a.m Exhibitor* will be allowed only one entry in each elaaa and all rntrtea must comply with sched ule or they will be dlaquallfled. Nationally Accredited Judges will be used and their decision will be Una). The Standard System of judging will be used. A blue rib bon will be awarded for the first jlace, a red for second and a yel low for third. A tri-cotor award will ie given In arrangements and In lorticulture if such an award la nerited. Entries must not be re noved from the shots until after 1:00 p.m. Horticulture; Specimens must be grown by the exhibitor. All ?peclmens should be properly lab tied as to variety when possible. Horticulture label will be furnished ' vith the entry cards. All specl nens must be presented at the en ry table In glass milk bottles with safer ready to be placed. Artistic Arrangements ? Flow ?rs used In this division need not be grown by the exhibitor. Painted, Iry or artificial material will be llsqualifled. Artistic Arrangement Division ? drs. E. E. Conley?Phone 2773. ^lasx 1. An arrangement featuring ris suitable for a hall table. Class 2. A line arrangement tresslng simplicity. Class 3. An arrangement using our favorite container accessories lermltted Reserved for those who isve never won a blue ribbon. Class 4. An arrangement of rult or vegetables or both, flowers nd foliage permitted. Class 5. An arrangement using II white Including white contain* r. foliage permitted. Class 6. A miniature arrange lent not to exceed 3" each dimen lon. Horticulture Division ? Mm. W. Bennick?Phone 6238. IRIS Bearded?1 stalk?name If poa- | Ible. Claaa 1. White. , 2. Amoenas (white or tinted , 'hlte standards with colored fallal. 3. Pllcatas (a light or white , ower flushed, lined or stippled dth a darker shade, particularly ' n the margin). 4. Light blue. 9. Dark blue and violet. 6. Medium blue. 7. Mauve and mauve blends. 8. Light pink. 9. Deep pink and rose. 10. Purple. 11. Browns and copper. IX. Red 13. Yellow. 14. Blends (combination of yel- ' iw and one or more.other colors). ! 13. Variegates (yellow or near allow standards with deeper falls ' 'hich may be either veined or solid 1 >nes of brown or purple.) 16. Cream. 17. Collection of 3 named veri ties of one color. 18. Collection of named veri ties all different Bulbous Iris Dutch, English and Spanish. 1 talk). 19. White. 20. Yellow or orange. 21. Blue or purple Beardless 1 rts (Siberian, Spuria, and Jap nese). ; 22. Any color?1 stalk. All Garden Club members are ( rquested to clip and keep this ' rhedule for reference. J The public is cordially invited. ? ? ? , Mm. Rufua Summerrow and son. , ody. Mrs. H. B Hines and daugh ?r. Anne, and Miss Carmen Plott. ( II of Waynesville and Mm. Free- < tan Hayes and son. David, of revard. have relumed from a va- i itton together In Clearwater, la. i MISS SUE ELIZABETH DONALDSON Mm. J. H. Donaldson of Hot Sprints, Route 1, announces the en gagement of her daughter, Sue Eliiabeth, to Lonas Murdoch. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch of Bahersvllle, Route 3. The wedding is planned for June. m Music Recital Set For Tuesday At Fines Creek Piano students at Fines Creek School, taught by M. B Lee, will be presented in a recital Tuesday night at 8 o'clock In the school auditorium. Those performing will be Judy Trantham, Kenneth Duckett, Kathy Jo Seay, Peggy Rathbone, Carolyn Smith. Carol Rathbone. John C. Duckett, and Joretta Clark. An exhibition of folk games will be presented by Peggy Rathbone, Hubert Ferguson, Bobby Jo Rec tor, Betty Kirkpatrick, Richard Rogers, BUI Davis. Bonnie Rogers, Nancy Brown. Bonnie Ledford, Kathy Jo Seay, Evelyn Conard. Elsie Rathbonot Barbara Arring lon, Troy Ledford, Kenneth Duck ett, Darwin Ferguson, Carolyn Smith, Wandg-Conrad. Ila Lea Hill. Brenda Teagne, James Rathbone, Clinton Trantham, Jerry Morris. Carol Rathbone, Patricia Justice, Barbara Jenkins, Kenneth Brown, Kenneth Arrington. Betty Presnetl, Susie Haney. Raymond Allen, and Ray Kirkpatrick. * * * White Oak Club Meets With Mrs. Ledford The White Oak Home Demon stration Club met Friday after rtoon in the home of Mrs. Rowe Ledford. Mrs. A. L. Bramlette was in charge of business. Mrs. Odle Fish presented the devotion al. Mrs. Joe Davis and Mrs. Odle Fish were appointed to work on the club scrapbook. Project leader reports were given by Mrs. George Boring.-and Mrs. A. L. Bramlette, Dn heme beautification. The lesson on "Food Conserva tion" was given by Miss Jean Chllders. The delegate to the Handicraft Camp will be Mrs. George Boring. Mrs. A. L. Bramlette will attend at an Instructor. Mrs. Colkitt, Recent Bride, Is Honored Mrs. Ben E. Colkitt entertained with a tea Saturday afternoon in her home in Grimball Park, hon oring her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert B. Colkitt, the former Miss Eugenia M. Crow of Chattan ooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colkitt, who were married May 4 in Chat tanooga. spent the weekend with Mr. Colkitt's parents. The home was decorated throughout with white flowers and greenery. The tea table was cent ered with an epergne filled with white flowers with accents of pink. Mrs. Hallett Ward greeted the guests during the first hour and Mrs. Hugh Massie introduced them to the receiving line, which was composed of the hostess, her daughter, Mrs. Paul McElroy and the bride. Mrs. R, L. Prevost and Mrs. T. L. Gwyn presided at the tea table and assisting in serving were Mrs. Charles Way, Mrs, Henry Tuttle, and Mrs. W. M. Cobb. Mrs. C. C. White received at the living room door and Mrs. Felix Stovall received on the porch. During the second hour Mrs. Alvin Ward received at the front door, Mrs. William Medford in rtoduced the guests to the receiv ing line, and Mrs. C. G. Thomp son received in the dining room. Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr. and Mrs. Robert Stretcher poured coffee and assisting in serving were Mrs. William Ray, Mrs. Alan Brown, Mrs. John Johnson and Mrs. A. R. Riegg. Mrs. R. S. Roberson re ceived on the porch. Approximately 100 guests called. ' ? ? * . i Engaged Couple Is Honored At Supper Miss Bernice Hsrrell was host ess at a supper party Sunday even ing at her home on Lakeside hon oring MUs Mary Medford and her fiance, Lynwood MirElroy. , The guests, in addition to the j honor guests, were Mr. and Mrs. \ James E. Davis of AsheviUe, Mr. , and Mrs. Wayne Corpening of ^ Salem. Mrs. Tom Cope of Red j Springs. Mr. and Mrs. John Carv- ( er, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Caldwell, Mrs- H. B. Hines, and Charles ( Camp. * ? ? Cecil Club Members Are Guests At Meeting s Members of the Cecil Home t Demonstration Club were guests c of the Aliens Creek Club at a r meeting Friday in the home of - Mrs Arthur Dills. . Mrs. DUls, president of the Al-V lens Creek group, presided and welcomed the guests. Mrs. Hiram McCracken conducted the devo tions The demonstration on Food Con servation was given by Miss Mary Corn well. Luncheon was served by the hostess club after which a tec re- i ational program was 'directed by Mrs. Garland Mills and Mrs. J. B. Wyatt. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Roy Edwards and Mrs [Thomas Erwin. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Corpening and their son, Harry, of Winston Salem spent the weekend with I Mrs. Corpening's mother, Mrs. Dee I Clark. Mr. Corpening has return ed to his home leaving Mrs. Corp- < enlng and their son for a week's ' I visit. ; i ft " *7 i?l>? Garden Tour Is Planned For May 22 Nine flower garden* in the com munity will be open to the public on Tuesday, May 22, for the Spring Fever Garden Tour, sponsored by the Primrose and Skvland Garden Cluba. The tour will be held from 111 a.m. until 2 p.m. and from 8 p.m. until 8 p.m. The tour will Include varloua type* of gardens as follows: Miss Louise Ballard at Lake Junaluska, home garden; Mrs. John Queen's motor court, Soco Gap Road, roses; Mis. Irving Leather-wood, Keller Street, driveway garden; the home of the late Mrs J. R Boyd, Hazel Street, roses; Mrs. John Queen, Sr., Maple Street, perennials; Mrs. W B. Haviland, 310 Church Street, all-around-bioom: Mrs. Hugh Mas sie. Pigeon Road, roses; Mrs. J. M. Long, -Country Club Drive, peonies; and Mrs. Arthur Green, Greenview Drive, landscaping. Tea will bo served at the home of Mrs. Green from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Mrs. Michael Pizzuto and Mrs. Ned Howell are serving as co chairmen for the event with the following committees: Refresh ments, Mrs.' Alan Brown, Mrs. Joseph Pero, Mrs. Hugh Daniel, Mrs. Joe Stanelli; tickets, Mrs. Lewis Green, Mrs. Anton Lelb scher, Mrs. Russ Kibbe; hostess tags, Mrs. Charlie Davis; publicity, Mrs R. L. McKlttrick, Mi-s. Ted Meyer, Mrs. Wilson Nance, Mrs. Ray Moore, and Mrs. Ralph Dick son; general hostess, Mrs. Charlie Woodard. Mrs. Herbert Slngletary; and Mrs. H. S. Winter. ? * * Homemakers Entertain S. Clyde Club The Waynesville Homemakers Home Demonstration Club was hostess to the South Clyde club Thursday night in the home of Mrs. Jimmie Williams. Mrs. H. O. Champion, president, welcomed the guests. She Intro duced Mrs. Enis Boyd as a new member of the Homemakers and Mrs. Douglas Worsham as a guest. The devotional was given by Mrs. Milas Ferguson. Announcements were made by the Home Agent concerning the Health Leaders workshop to be held Tuesday, May 22, in the Health Department. The Food Conservation leaders will meet May 23 at 10 a.m. for a special demonstration. The Western District will hold its 7th Handicraft Workshop at Camp Schaub on May 29, 30 and 31 Farm and Home Week will be held June 4 to 8th. The demonstration on "Food Conservation" was given by Miss Mary CornweU. During the social hour games were directed by Mrs. Joe Cathey, and prizes were presented to Mrs. R. C. Rogers, Mrs. V. N. Allen, Mrs. C. E. Chambers, Mrs. Frank Jackson, and Mrs. Curtis Rogers. Refreshments were served by the hostess club. ? ? * Home Clubs Have Joint Meeting With Mrs. Cagle The Bethel Home Demonstration Club entertained the Happy Home makers of Canton at the home of Mrs. Bert Cagle Thursday after noon. Mrs. Homer West, president of the hostess group, welcomed the guests and presided during the business session. The devotional was given by Mrs. C. E. Mainous. Mrs. Welch Singleton, garden leader, discussed the importance and value of a good mulch. Mrs. Cohen Matthews gave a talk on Peru. The demonstration on "Food Conservation" was given by the Home Agent. During the social hour games were directed by Mrs. Welch Singleton. The hostesses present rd hand woven hot dish mats as louvenirs to the guests. Mrs. Cagle was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Dick Trull, Mrs. Cleo Fisher ind Mrs. Layden West ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Howe have irrived from Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. o spend the summer at their home >n Walker Road. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Merrill, who pent the winter in Orlando, Fla., lave opened their summer home in Valley View Road for the sum ner. ? 1 1 ? * MISS ILA MAE JENKINS Mr. and Mrs. lolet Jenkins of Hazelwood announce the encaxe ment of their daughter, Ila, to Ralph Stuart Norman, son of Henry Norman of Swannanoa. A June weddlnx is planned. Births New arrivals at the Haywood County Hospital include: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owen of Waynesville on May 10. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burnett of Canton on May 11. A son to Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Stiles of Hazelwood on May 11. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Thomas of Waynesville on May 11. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore of Waynesville on May 11. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Taylor of Hazelwood on May 12. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Troy Thomason of Canton on May 12. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Caldwell of Waynesville, Route 1, on May 12. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cogdlll of Hazelwood on May 13. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Waynesville, Route 1, on May 14. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Hennessec of Clyde, Route 2, on May 14. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Coy Trultt of Waynesville on May 14. 1 m I \ Sorority Holds Annual Mother's Day Event Mrs. M. G. Stamey was th? guest ipeakee at the annual Mother's Sinner held by the Alpha Theta uid XI Omicron chapters of Beta Sigma Phi Thursday evening at :he Towne House. She spoke o>. 'The Joys of Motherhood." Mrs. John Nesbitt introduced Mrs. Stamey and Miss Mozelle Liner gave a toast to the mothers a which Mrs. Sam Jones respond td. Mrs. Ray Ellis presided. Vocal selections were presented ?y Kathryn and Ann Hill. The guests were Mrs. Stamey, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, social spon lor of the sorority, Mrs. J. S. Har ?ell, Mrs. V. R. Davis, Mrs. G. C. 3ummetTow, Mrs. W. M. Whisen- , Sunt, Mrs. W. L. Mehaffey, Mrs. E. W. White, Mrs. Martin of Frank in. Mrs. E. C. Childers of Whit Jer, Mrs. Harris of Sylva, Mrs. Hardy Liner, Mrs. A. A. Shumolis of Canton, Mrs. R. H. Boone, Mrs. Henry Francis, Mrs. Sam Jones, Mrs. Jesse James, and Mrs. Esther Woody. Gifts were presented to Mrs. White, who has been married the longest time (56 years) and to Mrs. Jesse James, who has been married the shortest time (30 years). * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Woodward liave arrived from St. Petersburg, Fla. to spend the summer at the tdger House. ' I - ??- ? -- 11 ' I 1 1 I 1 1 I c c 19th Anniversary r J SALE ? J I t I ii Begins VI o Thursday Big Savings W t< on items ? e you need now ' n st J t< Call your friends * B and drive on f into Asheville ... you'll be mighty glad you did! 9 Spend The Day) Shopping Hours 10:00 A. M. 'til 'is ' 5:30 P. M. 4 - it * ? . * ? says act now...ba FREE from work and worry at 55 Why |UM dream of buying yourself ? secure and bappy renre meat? Now you can do it, fust as thousands of others are doing! Jefferson Standard's "Mr. 4%" shows you how?with his Op tional Retirement Income Plan. Yea, you can take your place on Security Street at age 55 or ? 60?any age between 50 and 70?with regular monthly income guaranteed. An income tailor-mode to your needs ,. . aaauring you and your wife carefree comfort and independence in your "golden years." Start today?by calling Mr. 4% tor derails! S. E. CONNATSER mm District Manager M Main Street GL 6-8212 Standard Over 1 till ion, 400 Million Dollars life Insurance in Force ? ? ..rnfiMkKk KURT CANS^I cV\?* l0"?-0 floppy??* ^ 11/ //, . ? s\v* kBOW| '?* ? Towle STERLING rtk The (re*ton elegance, the finest crattamamhip - the best loved wedding gift in all America! SU Place Place Settlata. bom |NJ) Serving Placet, from ge.gg Teaspoons, from $3.75 Miss Dale Hall, wboae marriage to James W. Frady is planned Jar June t, has honored us with her selections of Silver, China and Crystal. Her patterns are: Silver?"French Provincial by Towle. China ? "Snow Tulip" by TOnt rtdie. Crystal?"Nosegay" by Fostoria. They are now an dtoplay at KURT CANS, Jeweler IT ISNT TOO LATE TO GET YOU* PRETTY MAY DANCE EVENING DRESS AT THE SMART SHOP Main St. GL 6-8210 aneppe s ? White Ducks by -4 % Pi ? 5 0 1 c > n To wear long or rolled 1 \ and buttoned y into place. Shirt of cool blue chambray. Both are machine washable. Whit* ducks, sizes 7 to 15 5.95 Shirt, sizes 30 to 36 3.99 as seen in | SEVENTEEN Sneppe's ?*