WANT AD RATES Tkfa riM type, zws pe? ward. Wnimmm 5#c Want ads repeated at two aeate per ward rate, mlnl aaam ?de. This aire type, 3 cents per word, minimum charge 60 cents. This size type, 50c per column inch. Adrertlaemento will Se published according to desired ached ale wtthoat extra charce. Crrora la adrertrsements shonld be reported Immediately. The Momtatneer will not be re sponsible for more thaa one Incorrect Insertion. ALL ADmTlWMrNTS AM CASH IN ADVANCE. Cash must accompany orders sent by mail. Want ads must be in office be fore 1I:M a.m. on day before publication to guarantee to be In want ad section. When yon wish to Insert a want ad Dial GL 8-5S01. Special Notices LENNOX FURNACES?Free estimates. No down pay ments. Three years to pay. Automatic Heating Com pany. GL 6-5291. A 12 tf COR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange on Ashevtlle Road. H. B. Angel, manager. Dial OL 6 Bl?l. tf TOR ODORLESS sanitary septic tank cleaning, call Canton 3274. Hlnkle Plumbing Co. J 19-tf FUEL OIL ? t-all Lee Oil Co. for prompt delivery of Super Refined Cities Ser vice Fuel Oil and Kerosene. Next to Le Faine Hotel. Phone GL 6-3091. N 17 tf DOGS BOARDED: Separate sleeping quarters with outside runs. Weekly rates. Ox Ear Cove Kennel, GL 6-5141. Feb. 23 tf need cash Confidential loan service. Don't let pressing bills worry you when you can obtain the cash you need quickly and easily. Economy Loan Company, 143 Main St. Phone 6 8574. ' Jn 11-tf Professional Services PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING, voicing and repairing. Paul Shep herd, Canton, N. C. Tel. 5123. S 14-tf no need to worry About financial problems when a low-cost loan will set your mind at ease. We're ready to help you. Confidential loans for all worth while purposes handled courteous ly and efficiently. Economy Loan Company, 143 Main St. Pho. 6 8574. Jn lltf For All Your Needs In INSURANCE CONTACT THE L. N. DAVIS CO MAIN ST. GL 6-3581 For SAle Modern Brick 2 bedroom home. Full basement and automatic oil heat, beautiful ly landscaped and close in. Can be bought completely furnished including silver, china, and linens, or unfurn ished. Reasonable terms. Maggie Valley 2 dwellings on adjoining prop erty with 200 ft. highway frontage, back 300 ft. to cent er of Jonathan Creek. Suited for year round living or for business or both. $20,000. LINER Real Estate & Insurance Co. REALTORS 131 Main St. Wajmearille , GL 6-8331 ? Wanted JUST BECOME available, estab lished Rawleigh Business In South Haywood County. Many thousands of dollars sold there. I sell In adjoining locality. Will help you. See J. C. Moore, Box 485, llazelwood,' or write The W. T. Rawleigh Co., NC-581-572, Richmond, Va. J 11-18-25 J1 2 WANTED TO BUY?Small acreage bordering park in Mafegie or Cove Creek valleys. Back part of farm O.K. No house. J. F. Mar ron. Box 8555, U. T., Knoxville. J 18^1 NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY PAUL D. HANEY Vs. LOUISE ?ANEY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will fake notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina by the plaintiff alleging as grounds for said divorce two years separation; the defendant will further take notice that she is required to be and appear in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina on or before 30 days after July 20, 1956, and answer or demur to the complaint filed herein or the plaintiff will demand thi relief prayed for in the complaint. This the 20th day of June. 1956. . J. B. SILER, .Clerk of Superior Court. 2665-June 21-28?Jl. 5-12. NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of J. C. Rose, de ceased. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit same to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina on or before the 24th day of May, 1957, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery, All persons in debted to said estate will please make ifnmediate payment. This 24th day of May, 1956. FRANCES R. WHITE. Administratrix of Estate of J. C. Rose, Deceased. 2659?M 24-31 J 7-14-21-28. For Rent TO RENT?One second floor apart ment consisting of living room. 2 bedrooms, kitchen and dining room combined, and bath room, located on Boundary St. Call W. R. Francis, Phone Glendale 6 8982 Jn 14-18-21-29-28 Jy 9 ROOMS: One with two single beds. One with double bed. Two blocks from Main St. 321 Bound ary" St. Pho. 6-6932. Jn 18-21 FOR RENT?Six rooms and bath over Foamette Sho' Store at Five Points in Hazelwo. 'all GL 6 5291 between 8:00 ai.d 12:00 a.m. ? ? Jn 18-tf FOR RENT?A completely furnish ed apartment. 3 rooms and bath 1 Close in. Reasonable rates by week, month, or season. Phone GL 6-6396. J 18-21 FOR RENT4-room apartment, private entrance, back and front. Worsham Apt., 606 N. Main St. Tel 6-5574. ? Jn. 21-25 I FOR RENT ? 5-room apartment standing furniture, heat fur nished, seven months. Six-room unfurnished cottage. Automatic heat, electric water heater. In sulated, weatherstripped. Inquire 116 Pigeon. Jn. 21-25 MARY JO HEMBREE, Rt. 1, Waynesville, has two tickets for the Strand Theatre at the Moun taineer office. NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Mary D. Bum garner. late a resident of Hay wood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file the same with the undersigned at 419 Main Street, Waynesville. N.C., | on or before June 7, 1957, or this notice will be pleaded in bar there of. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate set-1 tlement. , This June 5. 1956. " A. T. WARD, Administrator ! 2661?Jn 7-14-21-28 Jy 5-12 The man out front feeds SEEIIRITY Security fed pullets have a profitable habit of lay ing day after day. New, improved Security Egg Mash has added energy ?it't powerful enough to maintain good condition and make for high sustained egg flow. That's why leading, successful poultrymen rely on Security. ? Move out front! Join the thousands of Security feed ers who have found Security Egg Mash best. SECIIRIlY EGG HIBSH H AY WOOD COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP, Inc. H. M. Dulin, Mgr. Dial GL 6-8621 Depot Street Dirt Moved Anywhere Excavating, basements dug, dozer work. New Equipment. Long Experienced Operator. Hubert W. Presley, Contractor GL 6-5433 or GL 6-9122 Far Sale OWNER MUST SELL nicely fur nished 2 bedroom modern house. Almost new. fully ln*uiated? Gar age, garden, nice yard, big shade. Sign 3Vi mi. east on 276. Gus Blair. Rt 3, Box 328, Waynes vllle. Jn 11-tf FOR SALE?Small cottage located out of town on Trailways bus line. Price $4500:00. The L. N. Davis Co. Dial 6-3501. Jn 11-tf EOR SALE: Motorists: Your All state Insurance Company agent in Waynesvllle Invites yon to compare Allatate's features, ad vantages and low rates with any ?tber auto insurance! Get de pendable Allstate auto insur ance today. See or phone Bob Brannon, your Haywood County Allstate agent. Just a block down from the Courthouse in N Waynesvllle, located at 217 De pot St Phone GL 6-5512. Jn 30-tf FOR SALE?Used Watches. Com pletely reconditioned. Fully guaranteed. From $6 00 up. Kurt Gans, Jeweler. 207 Ma'n St. A 5-tf CHERRIES FOR SALE ? Early Richmond, Montmorency and Royal Anne cherries, at our or chard in Francis Cove. Bring your containers, $1 per gallon. Henry Francis Orchard. Pigeon road, Waynesvllle, N. C. Phone GL 6-6337. Jn 7-tS FOR SALE?45-acre tract on paved State road. About equally divid ed in farm land, pasture and woods; .5 tobacco. Stream and spring. The L. N. Davft Ce. Dial 6-3501. Jn 11-tf FOR SALE?Studio couch, leather covered arm chair. Vanity, night table. Carolina Galleries, Inc., 303 Main St. Waynesvllle, N. C. Jn 18-tf "Mobile Homes" Save $100 up to $900 on one and two story house trailers, also used and vacation trailers. Write, phone or come and see 'm. We finance, deliver-trade-dealer No. 1887. B. J. Trammell. Phone 1687. Garrett. Wench Si Garrett, Highway No. 70; Oteen, Asheville N. C. Jn II through Jy 30 FOR SALE: Lots, and small farms. County Home, Rat diffe Cove, and Health Center. Maggie, Hillside Terrace, Balsam Road. Chrest George, 6-5424. A 16 tf FOR SALE?24 acres land, large barn, plenty of water, 6/10 of tobacco allotment located in the Panther Creek section. Easy terms. See Herman Rathbone. Crabtree or call 4198 Canton. Jn 18-Jy 16 FOR SALE?Six room house on Assembly St. Large comer lot, full size basement. Plenty shade and big garden. For further In formation call GL 6-5340. J 18-tf WE BUY AND SELL Milk Cows? j We buy cattle for beef. Call Jones Market, GL 6-8371, GL 6-8503. F 13 tf ELSIE PALMER, Waynesville, has two tickets for the Strand The atre at the Mountaineer office. 831 ACRES, known as P. V. STRIP LING farm?5 miles from Craw ford. Ga , only 12 miles from Athens. Ga. 51v acres in crop land and pasture, remainder in young timber. Plenty of running water. Has three good six-room dwellings and six outbuildings. Completely fenced and cross fenced 120 miles of permanent fences). Will sell as a unit or sub-divide. Sultblae for 3 ex cellent tirade A Dairy Units. Road being paved by this farm now?2iv miles South U. S. 78. Complete S.C S. Plan on place. All crop and pasture land basic ally treated and terraced. J 18-21-25 I ! FOR SALE?Four room house, lo cated South Cruso community, on US 276 Jack Wilson, Rt. 2, Cantun. Jn 11-21-28 Jy 5 FOR SALE?1954 Four-door Cen tury Buick. Wil ltrade for '50 model car or truck, and take up payments on car. See Mrs. Char lie C. Brooks, Ferguson St.. Al iens Creek. J 18-21 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE ? Three bedroom split level ranch type house, 3V4 milds from Can ton in Pigeon Valley. Nice light kitchen, with plenty of built-in cabinets: breakfast nook, inlaid linoleum, wired for range. Din ing room, large liying room, with picture window, fireplace, and wall to wall carpet. Bath with linen closet. Basement garage. Automatic oil furnace. Electric hotwater heater. Outside barbe cue grill Nice level lot, approx imately one acre. Call Canton 7416 for appointment. Will con sider trading for less expensive house. J 21-25-28 BEN SLOAN-ffEfwaFiRsville. has two tickets for the Strand The atre at the Mountaineer office. FOR SINGING SCHOOLS See or Call H. A. WILLIAMS 158 Piscah Drive Canton. N. C. Dial 2941 KILPATRICK-FELMET AUTO INSURANCE ? The Best ? | DIAL GL 6-2821 ~S*?ei*lfr | tu? - \ln U ft VENTILATED AWNINGS l^llillilvW SOLID-TOP DOORHOODS""\ Permanent awnings you can install yourself, In minutes! Well-made by the largest exclusive awn ing manufacturer in the U.S.! And they're priced low .,. lower than ever before! - Made of finest aluminum, tough baked-on enamel finish. They shield against sun and ?i < - ? ' '?~ iwu, jcv ui igiiini uveriapping-riD de sign lets your rooms breathe! Nava cos add beauty and comfort to any room. Stop by and see them today! I VINTIIATID SOLID-TOP * I AWNINGS #13.70 DOOWOOO *S1*M/SS-wV AwFltt mttt doofi lulaak^hM ^ BUT By tho Invooton of tho vontllatoB #W#ln|^r [ UmmimfJ AUTOMATIC HEATING CO. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. BALSAM ROAD DIAL GL A-5291 CUCTOM^BUMJ ^ We Hare A WU? ?k Variety ?f Fabric* Inrludtnc ? FIBRE ? NYLON ? ? PLASTIC rv?:,x . $i8joo to $39.50 COMPLETE AUTO UPHOLSTERING Head liners ? Door Panels ? Floor Mats HUB'S TRIM SHOP THal fttj (MNNfr -HWMWFP - WayiwarWr ?"???????????????????"????????????????????????"?J t SERVICE Mill I I 1 I I < Just call on us (or fast action Yoar service call to us sets ac tion . . . fast! One of our train ed, experienced technicians will be at your home . . . quickly, to ret your TV set working right ... in k hurry. There Was Not a Lucky Winner of Last Week's Tt'BE NO. 6BN6 . . . So. We Will Add Still Another LUCKY TUBE NO. 6CB6 H Von- Hare Either Number. You Will Br A Lueky Winner! PICK-UP & DELIVERY NORRIS Radio & TV Service GL 6-6352 > Why worry about hospital bills! let BLUE CROSS DO YOUR WORRYING wwti oh call row ruu. orr?|t? Representative WAYNE ROGERS Lake Jnnalnska, N. C. Phone: GLendale 6-55M r ? KEEP THIS AD! Over 20.000 Arthritic * and Rheu matic Sufferers have taken this Medicine since it hat been on the market It is inexpensive, can be taken in the home For Free in formation. five name and address to P. O Box 820. Hot Sprinfs, Ark. SYLVANIA T. V. For SERVICE ft REPAIRS On Any TV Set CaU GL 6-5011 Haywood Electric Service OOOflfl For Top Quality Buy MAYO'S SEEDS AND BLUE RIDGE PLANT FOOD FROM Haywood County Fanners Co-op, Inc. H. M. Dulin, Mgr. Depot St. GL 6-8621 NEED PAINT? See Us For The Famous ? DUTCH BOY PAINTS We'll Be Happy To Supply Licensed Painters ? To Do Your Work. RICHLAND SUPPLY CO. Commerce W. Wayneovllle ? coNrun SERVICE ? SP3 FOR OFFICE , , MACHINES As Near As Yonr TELEPHONE GL 6-4630 SfeRVlCE DEFT. OF THE BOOK STORE FOR RENT I OFFICE SPACE On Main Street Now occupied by Drs. Nick and Phil Mrdford. Available about the 1st of August. Ideal location for Dentist. Insurance Agency. Attorney or Account ant. Will rent as a whole or divide as desired. SEE ROY PARKMAN at Parkman's Hardware Westinghous* Bold In Waynesvtllo Only At MASSIE FURNITURE CX). a CONCRETE BLOCKS Size Yd. Price 4" z 8M * Id" 12c 6" i I" i 16" _ 15e 8" z 8" z 16" 18o 12" z 8" z 16" 26c Flue Blocks ________ 75c Septic Tank Covers - |LH Tile All Sizes Jalousie Windows and Doors AH Sines CALL 6247 or VISIT PLEMMONS Concrete Products Co. Canton, N. C. T ^ - PLUMBING AND HEATING GUARANTEED WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Either Contract Or Br The Hoar DIAL GL 6-8169 FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. . 416 DEPOT STREET State Plnmbing A Heating Licenae No. 1542 READT MIXED CONCRETE SAW TIMS LABOK MONETt Oar Prices Are Reasonable And Service Prompt Ready Mix Concrete Co. Dial GL 6-5931 TOOLS FOR RENT 21 Dtffrrrit TooU For Home, Lawn or Garden l'?e. CLINE - BRADLEY CO. Joe Cllne - Dick Bradley PARKWAY MOTORS Sells Fords For Less. UNER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CO. GL <1331 . 131 Main St. ?Acents For ATIONWIDI Mutual Inturdmco Co. \H/ Mutual Fir* Jnturanco Co. Keep Yoar ^ Guard A Up! To be eligible for extra Income, promotions, retirement or to attend service schools, contact Tank Co.. 120th Inf. Regt. N.C. N.G. Richland St., Armory. GL 6-3312. FRIGID AIRS APPLIANCES MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. GL 6-3341 Mala St. ALLISON & DUNCAN BAZXLWOOD PFAFF and UNIVERSAL SEWING MACHINES Priced From S86.S6 Service - Parts - Supplies For All Makes YORK'S SEWING MACHINE SHOP l i 'i. ? Mr. Home Ownerl Let Us PAINT Your House Now (Inside or Out, or Both) . . . And Pay Later ? Take Up To 12 Months to Pay! ? Low Interest Rates ? Free Estimates -No Job Too Biar ? None Too Small" Cline-Bradley Co. DIAL GL 6-3111 TAKING A TRIP? BUY AMERICAN TRTPMASTOL 1 DAY TO 6 MONTHS. 9S.066 to $50,006 LONNIE L. LYDA 111 Mala St. GL 6-66SI KMV General InK^SW Electric nVlvjIf Applianceo GARRETT Fl RNITURE CO. INC. Main Street '1 YOU CAN . ,m I DEPEND ON "THE PERFECT FUEL* TAPPAN and HARDWICK GAS RANGES 1 Dial GL 6-5071 | MOODY RUUNE INC. Nt ft. Main -- " Way?illlo

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